Greening Desktop Power Protection - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Greening Desktop Power Protection


Greening Desktop Power Protection – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Jenny231


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Greening Desktop Power Protection

Greening Desktop Power Protection
Todays Agenda
  • The meaning of Green
  • Why we need to be concerned?
  • Impact the good news for solutions providers
  • Shades of green, dont be mislead
  • What does Green mean to APC?
  • How to help?
  • Responding with green solutions APC green
    product review
  • Taking advantage of the opportunity
  • Questions

Sowhat does Green mean?
  • To some it means
  • Go
  • A color
  • Luck
  • Money
  • Envy
  • Kermit the Frog
  • Eco-Friendly
  • Recycling
  • Conservation
  • Alternative energy sources

The Color
The Bottom Line It means a lot of different
things to different people
There are many reasons for paying attention to
  • Expanding population (75M yearly) poses more
    demand on our resources
  • Polar ice cap melting is contributing to 15 of
    the rise in sea level every year.
  • Every minute 69 acres of forest are cleared
  • Every day 137 species become extinct
  • Power plants are the largest source of key
  • 40 of the CO2 emissions, a key global warming
  • 1/3 of mercury emissions

One that is felt in every household
businessenergy prices keep increasing
x3 in the last 5 years and it wont stop!
Pressure on the environment is massive
The Fact
The Need
Energy demand by 2030, mostly based in fossil
CO2 emissions to avoid dramatic climate change
Information Technology cant be ignored
IT accounts for 2 of the world's CO2 emissions,
an impact as high as aviation Gartner Group
The Impact
  • Fortune 500 have initiatives in place to look at
    how to make their companies greener.
  • Directives for Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Investment in new technology
  • Rewards offered to companies considered green
  • SMB following suit
  • The expectation is that green is not only good
    for the environment, its good for business
  • Commitment to environment is an intangible asset
    being embraced today by consumers
  • Green initiatives offer opportunity to
    communicate goodwill to customers and public

The Good NewsOpportunity
  • Home Business Customers have renewed interest
    in products solutions
  • to save planet,
  • to save money,
  • to comply with companys green goals
  • Consumers Businesses do care, and theyre
    looking for guidance
  • Lots of opportunities for companies
  • to find ways to help save the environment
  • to save their customers money
  • to increase their sales by doing the right thing!
  • The bottom lineyou need to find the recipe to do
  • without costing your customer additional money
  • consumers have green guilt and want to do the
    right thing
  • BUT their cost consciousness often wins out

Why should you be knowledgeable about Green?
  • Your customers are
  • Expecting it
  • According to the BBMG Conscious Consumer Report,
    the vast majority of Americans expect business
    leaders and marketers to provide
    environmentally-conscious products
  • Wrestling with how to be green and looking to you
    to provide suggestions
  • Feeling a significant amount of pressure to be
    green green guilt
  • An internal conflict of the wallet vs. doing the
    right thing
  • A stronger sense of social responsibility

Greenits easy to be mislead
  • How do you know when something is truly Green?
  • Many companies have products that use some
    recycled content. -- This could be considered
    green, but should it be?
  • Greenwashing could also include labeling a
    product as organic or 100 natural, so to be
    described as green.

What actually makes a product Green?
  • Green products have limited/decreased
    environmental impact
  • Manufacturing, Packaging, Shipping
  • Uses less raw materials
  • Uses recycled materials
  • Less processing to create
  • Minimizes unnecessary packaging and materials
  • Less energy to get the raw materials and finished
    goods to your door
  • Usage
  • Less power consumption during use
  • Expends electricity only when needed
  • Expends electricity efficiently
  • Has a longer service life
  • Disposal
  • Renewable or recyclable components that are
    easily separated at end of life
  • Less hazardous material

APC is doing its part to be green
  • Conservation
  • Energy management
  • Passive reducing the amount of energy consumed
    in every day life
  • Active managing loads to optimize the use of
    utility and alternate energy to reduce cost and
    consumption of power while balancing the opposing
    need of system availability.
  • EPA Energy Star program
  • Establishing criteria for our UPSs
  • Limiting usage of raw materials
  • Environmental Impact
  • RoHS compliance (less hazardous materials)
  • Renewable resources
  • Coordinated battery recycling program
  • Renewable Energy
  • Solar, Wind, Fuel Cells, Bio Fuel, BioMass,
    Geothermal, Marine, etc.
  • Inverters where we began

Our Environmental Policy
Let your customers know how they can help
  • Greening the HOME
  • You know the obvious
  • Start with recycling paper, bottles, cans and
  • Begin to use compact fluorescent bulbs
  • Here are some less obvious
  • Use double rolls of toilet paper (unless you have
    young kids)
  • Use concentrated detergents in larger bottles
  • Use an energy efficient notebook which uses 90
    less energy than desktops
  • Stop drinking bottled water
  • Get a programmable thermostat
  • Save Electricity Turn off equipment when you
    leave (APC can help)

Let your customers know how they can help
  • Greening the OFFICE
  • The obvious
  • Start with recycling paper, bottles, cans and
  • Do not print everything hard habit to break
  • Print double sided when possible
  • Create wikis to share information and work on
    document drafts
  • Save Electricity Shut things off at the end of
    the day including equipment and all lights
  • Some less obvious
  • Designate one network printer for interoffice
    documents and one for official business. Load the
    interoffice printer with orphaned printouts (to
    print on the back), and the other printer with
    your clean paper. Then set each workstation to
    print to the interoffice machine by default.
  • Use scrap paper as default in printers and
  • Use video conferencing instead of traveling to
  • Encourage ride sharing or telecommuting

Spending on electricity (in trillion US)
Reducing Overall Electrical Usage is Key
  • Reduction translates to
  • Improved air quality and public health
  • More reliable grid (fewer blackouts)
  • Preservation of natural resources (oil, gas,
    coal, etc.)
  • Lower electricity bills/user costs

Reason enough to focus on reducing!
Source International Energy Agency
Why focus on reducing electricity usage at the
  • Computers and monitors account for 40 of global
    IT device carbon emissions nearly double that
    of data and server centers
  • Each year, enterprises waste 40 billion powering
    devices that are not in use
  • 2/3 of the typical energy used by an office
    computer is wasted because it is on when no one
    is there to use it
  • More than 80 of users disable computer power
    management settings within 90 days
  • A single office computer produces an average of
    440 pounds of carbon emissions per year

Sources Gartner Group Verdium
The message isnt hard to sell in IT world
  • When asked whether they (IT purchasing) consider
    the power consumed by computer equipment
    important enough to constitute a significant
    environmental issue,
  • 61 of all respondents said yes.
  • When asked to what extent environmental impact is
    part of their company's technology RFP or
    evaluation process
  • 74 of respondents said it was slightly important
    or not important at all.
  • IT pros recognize the environmental impact of IT
    activities but that the green bottom line for
    businesses is just that -- the bottom line.
  • Most businesses aren't about to spend more money
    than they have to for eco-friendly IT measures.
    They will do so only if the payback is there --
    if the green of dollar savings matches the green
    of environmental benefit."

eWeek Jan 21, 2008Cover story "How Green Is
Your IT Valley?"
Partners can differentiate themselves as a
resource to help support customers green efforts
One of the ways to reduce your carbon footprint
is to pull the plug
The Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook
  • Appliances still suck power
  • when turned off.
  • Electronics in standby mode use 5
  • of the U.S.s Energy (about 4 Billion
  • a year).

And now, APC offers products that can address
this for you!
Introducing Master Controlled outlets on APC
Back-UPS and SurgeArrest Products
This technology reduces power consumption by
automatically shutting off power to unused
peripherals (Phantom Loads) when the computer
is off or goes into sleep or hibernation
Other features on the new APC Back-UPS that save
electricity (and money)
  • High efficiency charger
  • Using a high efficiency battery charging system
    saves up to 80 of the power used during normal
    day-to-day operation
  • APC has the most efficient charging technology on
    the market, up to 500 more efficient than
    current competition

Comparisons APC Back-UPS vs. Competitors
  • Master and Controlled Outlets
  • Turns off non active loads when computer goes to
    sleep or is turned off.
  • Turns off 3 loads.
  • Average cost savings 35W per hour. All-in-one
    printer, external storage and speakers provides
    annual savings 26.83.
  • More Efficient Charger
  • 14W per hour means annual savings of 12.26 per
  • All calculations are based on average US cost of
    .10 cents per KWh

Power Dissipation in Watts Power Dissipation in Watts Power Dissipation in Watts
Competitor Part APC BE750G Brand A 750U Brand B 800 AVR Brand C UPS 700 Brand D 700U Brand E 900 UNV
Off mode 0 0.23 0.68 n/a 2.35 n/a
Standby Charger on 1.90 n/a n/a 3.5 n/a 15.47
On Line w/ no load 3.05 7.5 7.7 4.33 11.68 17.3
Estimated savings per year on your electric bill!
Back-UPS averages 40 per year
SurgeArrest averages 25 per year
  • Savings assume
  • 3 hours of computer use per day
  • at 0.10 per kw/hr
  • with the following equipment plugged into the
    controlled outlets
  • All-in-one printer, speakers and external storage

Business could SAVE even MORE
  • Using an APC unit at a business workstation can
    save 40 a year per computer
  • This can translate into six and seven figure
    savings for large enterprises
  • Plus, it is the right thing to do
  • If the typical computer/monitor combination sends
    440 lbs of CO2 into the atmosphere every year, 15
    workstations generate as much emissions as a
    mid-size car each year. More than 60 of
    enterprise PCs are left running after hours, on
    weekends and on holidays.
  • Average computer consumes 588 kilowatt-hours of
    electricity in a year and wastes almost 400 kWh
    of that by running at full power when not in use.
  • AND Its EASY to make an existing computer
    workstation equipment more energy-efficient and
    allow them to start seeing the pay-offs in only a
    few months.

Additional features that make the new APC
Back-UPS uniquely Green
  • High Frequency Design The electrical platforms
    high frequency design allows the transformer to
    be smaller, reducing the amount of copper used in
    production, and making the overall size of the
    unit smaller.
  • Smaller size reduces the amount of plastics
    needed for the enclosure and the volume of
    packaging required.
  • Reduced weight and size improve shipping
    efficiencies, minimizing fossil fuel consumption
    during transportation.
  • Smaller, lighter design lessens environmental
  • Awarding-winning design
  • CES 2008 Innovations Award

Other features that make both the APC SurgeArrest
and Back-UPS products Green
  • RoHS compliance Conformity to some of the
    strictest environmental regulations in the world
    makes them more environmentally friendly at end
    of life.
  • RoHS restricts the use of lead, mercury, cadmium,
    hexavalent chromium, PBB and PBDE.
  • The Power-Savings SurgeArrest is considered 5
    out of 6 compliant because it complies with the
    RoHS directive after application of the Pb solder
  • Recyclability The entire package is made from
    recycled materials.

Taking advantage of the opportunity
  • Attach power protection to desktop sales
  • Protection from hardware damage (surge/lightning)
  • Prevention of valuable data loss
  • Increased availability
  • Industry UPS attach rate to desktop computer is
  • Position APCs green products as an option to
    green the desktop
  • Potential that 90 of installed base isnt UPS
    protected at all
  • Its EASY to make existing desktop workstation
    equipment more energy-efficient and allow
    customers to start seeing the pay-offs in only a
    few months.

How to engage your customers?
  • Start the greening your desktop conversation
  • Does your company have a green initiative?
  • Do your employees leave their workstations on
    even when they are not there?
  • Do you know how your desktops are protected now?
  • Does your company use battery backup or surge
    protection at individual workstations?
  • What type of extended runtime does a typical
    workstation need?
  • Dont forget that during an outage, employees may
    need access to files on their hard drives instead
    of the shared network

Remember with APC, You Can BE A
HERO!Introduce ideas to your customers that
will help them by Protecting their
computers,Protecting their wallets,
ANDProtecting the environment!
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