Title: Pr
Fabien BOITIER, Antoine GODARD, Emmanuel
ONERA Palaiseau Laboratoire Kastler Brossel Paris
2Measuring intensity correlations Hanbury-Brown
Twiss experiment
Photon Bunching effect
3Understanding Photon bunching
- simple explanation in terms of fluctuating
waves - more difficult to understand in terms of
photons as particles
1 for shot noise, even present when the intensity
is constant, 1 due to extreme fluctuations of the
mean intensity in chaotic light
Fanos explanation in terms of constructive
interference between undistinguishable paths
4Full quantum treatment given by Glauber
g(2)lt1 no classical explanation possible
g(2)gt1 classical explanation possible
but full quantum explanation still possible
and interesting
5Detectors response time limits observation of
narrow features in time or broad in frequency
6How to study broadband sources with ultra-short
correlation times ?
Use fast nonlinear effects
I. Abram et al 1986, Silberberg et al
Use Hong Ou Mandel interferometer
parametric fluorescence
Lame semi-réfléchissante
7Another possibility two-photon absorption in
transient state
- Broadband - No phase matching
8Two photon characterization of a GaAs phototube
N2 f(P)
b f(l)
Two photon absorption coefficient b 10 cm/GW
_at_1.55 µm
- Quadratic response between 0.1 and 100 µW
Low efficiency not yet a two-photon counter
9Photocount histograms and detection operator
What is the two-photon counter observable ?
classical approach
for perfect quantum efficiency
acceptable for photon numbers lt3
limited efficiency accounted by attenuator in
exact quantum theory of two photon counter
remains to be done
10Two-photon absorption Intensity correlation
Asph. Lens
Time delay
11Interferometric recorded signal
Intensity correlation function obtained by low
pass filtering
Source cw ASE _at_ 1.55µm , 4dBm Detector
Hamamatsu PMT GaAs
12TPA measurement of g(2)(?) (1) laser, amplified
spontaneous emission, blackbody
Boitier et al., Nature phys. 5, 267(2009)
- Summary table of the main properties
g(2)(0) ?c (fs) ?0 (nm) ?? (nm)
Laser 1.01 0.03 ? 1560 small
ASE 1.97 0.05 534 1530 6
Blackbody 1.8 0.1 37 1130 155
13TPA measurement of g(2)(?) (2) high gain
parametric fluorescence
with N. Dubreuil, P. Delaye
14Whole pulse two photon interferogram
CW source ?
15Second order correlation function g(2)(?)
without dispersion compensation
with dispersion compensation
far from degeneracy
near degeneracy
Evidence of an extrabunching effect
16Photon correlations in parametric
fluorescence(1) full quantum calculation
quantum state produced by parametric fluorescence
of gain G
quantum calculation of g(2)(0)
(in the experiment Ggt106)
nothing prevents g(2)(0) to be very large in weak
sources with large noise ( value of 28 observed
on squeezed vacuum (Ping Koy Lam)
17Photon correlations in parametric
fluorescence(2) fluctuating field approach
- The signal and idler fields are classical
fields taken as a sum of wavepackets with
random phases fs and fi. -the classical
equations of parametric mixing imply
fs fifpump
vacuum fluctuations are needed to trigger the
spontaneous parametric fluorescence
18Photon correlations in parametric
fluorescence(3) corpuscular approach
three kinds of photon coincidences
- accidental
- pairs due to the twin photon source
- linked to the chaotic distribution of pairs
19in a dispersive medium
- Ideal case without dispersion
- Increase of chromatic dispersion
dispersion compensation needed !
TPA efficient technique to measure g(2)(t) down
to femtosecond range
not yet a two-photon counter efficiency can be
no measurement so far in the full quantum regime
g(2)(t) lt1 in ideal tool for high flux isolated
photon sources
classical and/or quantum effects ? -many
competing physical pictures - even
classical pictures have some quantum flavour
- quantum approach often provides more
physical insight and simple
calculations than semi-classical ones