FACOG Assistant Prof., KAUH Chairman, Department
2- Discharge
- Itching
- Pain
- Bleeding
- Redness
3 Causes Vaginal Discharge
- Primary irritants
- poor hygiene
- Foreign body (recurrent smelly discharge) mostly
toilet tissue) . - Bacterial infection group A beta-hemolytic
Streptococcus and enteric pathogens, such as
Escherichia coli or Shigella organisms causes
vaginitis with genital erythema.
4Cont. - Vaginal Discharge
- STD can cause Vaginitis in prepubertal girls,
including Neisseria gonorrhea and Chlamydia
trachomatis ELISA a very high rate of
false-positive. - Child sexual abuse.
- Urethra prolaps.
- Genital warts.
5Physical Examination
- A careful genital inspection
- A clinician who has time, knowledge, and skill
with children and children behaviors. - A relaxed or distracted child (books read by the
mother). - A good light source
6Cont. - Physical Examination
- A careful genital inspection
- The best position for the patient is lying on
her back on the examination table in the supine
frog-leg position with her knees bent and the
soles of her feet touching. - The labia majora are then gently spread
laterally using separation or grasped and pulled
forward toward the examiner using labial
traction. - Prone knee-chest position.
7Physical Examination
- Vaginal discharge.
- Culture with uretheral swab. (Routine culture
culture for GC chlamydia). - Inspect the hymen. (Common type crescentic).
- In tears, mainly posteriorly
- Inspect skin of the top labia.
- Eczema, psoriasis and scaling
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11Cont. - Vaginal Discharge
- If a child has persistent vaginal discharge with
negative culture results, examination by with the
patient under anesthesia is indicated. - The vagina can be irrigated and examined with the
smallest Pedersen speculum or sometimes a
hysteroscope or cystoscope, and the vagina can be
thoroughly explored for the presence of a foreign
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15Vaginal Itching Causes
- Irritant vulvitis lichen sclerosis atrophicus
sharply demarcated area of hypopigmentation,
around the vulva and the perianal area . - Pinworms can hatch in the anus, travel to the
vagina, and cause genital itching. The child
scratch at either the genital or the anal area,
especially at night. - Chronic irritation.
- Allergies
- poor hygiene.
- Duration
- Site more attention to the anal area.
- Nature scratching or rubbing
- Associated symptoms
- Allergic rhinitis
- Upper R.T.I.
- Diarrhea or discharge blood
Cont. - History
- Urinary symptoms
- Dribbling
- Retention
18Is Child Toilet Trained? If Not.
Type of Diapers?
No. of Diapers Changed / day?
19If Yes
- Does the baby shower or bath?
- Bath
- Does she use bubble bath or shampoo?
- What kind of soap?
- After bathing
- Does the mother scrub the area?
20- Does the child wear cotton or nylon
- Underwear?
- Tight clothing or not
- Child toilet train
- Does the mother find sticky of stool on the
underwear? - Does she noticed bad odor or discharge on the
panties? -
21Physical Examination
- A careful genital inspection
- A clinician who has time, knowledge, and skill
with children and children behaviors. - A relaxed or distracted child (books read by the
mother). - A good light source
22Cont. - Physical Examination
- A careful genital inspection
- The best position for the patient is lying on
her back on the examination table in the supine
frog-leg position with her knees bent and the
soles of her feet touching. - The labia majora are then gently spread
laterally using separation or grasped and pulled
forward toward the examiner using labial
traction. - Prone knee-chest position.
23The standard recommendations for treatment of
presumed irritant vulvitis are as follows
- Have the child take a sits bath in plain warm
water with no soap of any kind for 20 minutes
daily. - Use only white cotton underwear and white
unscented toilet tissue. - Stop all bubble baths.
- Proper hygiene after the child has a bowel
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26Repeated Vulvitis
- Most cause labial adhesion.
27- Adhesion of the labia is a common disorder in the
female pediatric population. - Asymptotic and is first noticed during a routine
physical examination.
28- Etiology of labial adhesions relates to vaginal
inflammation or irritation.
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- In the US 1 2 of females aged 3 months to 6
- Labial adhesions occasionally cause outflow
obstruction, leading to vaginal reflux of urine
and subsequent vaginal leaking when the child
stands after voiding.
- Thin, pale, semitranslucent membranes cover the
vaginal os between the labia minora.
- Labial adhesions probably are caused by vaginal
inflammation or irritation, which, in some cases,
could be the result of sexual abuse.
34Medical Treatment
- Observe
- if treatment is necessary or requested, prescribe
estrogen cream application. Once the labia
separate, apply lubricant or antibiotic ointment
for several more weeks to allow complete healing.
- Dienestrol 0.01 cream .
35Cont. - Medical Treatment
- Once the labial adhesions separate, either
treatment, apply antibiotic ointment for several
weeks to allow the labial edges to heal without
repeat adhesion formation.
- Estrogen cream application often causes temporary
hyperpigmentation of the skin in the area of
- The prognosis for girls with labial adhesions is
excellent. If left untreated, the condition
usually resolves spontaneously at puberty.
38Vaginal Bleeding
- Foreign bodies
- Bacterial vaginitis
- Lichen scleroses
- Child sexual abuse
- Urethral prolapse.
- Condyloma acuminatum, or genital warts, often
present with bleeding. - Application of topical estrogen cream.
39Cont. - Vaginal Bleeding
- Endocrine disorders.
- Malignancy (Sarcoma Botryoides)
- Bleeding disorders.
- Acute lacerations of the posterior fourchette,
hymen, or anus seen by even the inexperienced
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43Genital Pain
- Urinary tract infections, vaginal infections,
vaginal irritation - Herpes simplex lesions
- Primary varicella or varicella zoster lesions
- Syphilis
- Ulcerative vulvitis of bacterial origin
- Aphthous ulcers
- Behcet disease
- Crohn disease
- Bacterial infection (especially Streptococcus)
44Cont. - Genital Pain
- Culture the lesions for virus and draw serum for
syphilis serology before any routine bacterial
culture. - Improved hygiene and oral antibiotics.
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47- The neonate with imperforate hymen typically
presents with a bulging membrane between the
labia. -
- In severe cases, lower abdominal midline mass may
be evident on physical examination.
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51Thank You
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