Title: Roman World Takes Shape
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2I. Geography
- A. Rome began as a small city-state in Italy but
ended up ruling the entire Mediterranean world.
B. Its location allowed for good TRADE
3II. The Roman Republic
- A. Romans hated monarchy (rule by a king)
- B. In 509 BCE- the Roman Republic is established.
- Republic- govt leaders are
- elected
- C. Two main social classes
- 1. Patricians
- 2. Plebeians
4Post it Note Parking Lot
- On your post it note, write one thing that is
similar between Rome and a modern country (1
min). - Ex Polytheistic like Hinduism
- Find a big piece of paper on a classroom wall and
put your post it note there (1 min).
5- D. Powers are shared
- 1. Senate- Patricians only
- 2. Consuls- Every year, Senators elected two
consuls to supervise the government and command
the armies. - 3. Dictator- elected by the Senate for war
- - six month time limit
6- E. Plebeians demand equality
- 1. Tribunes could veto laws
- 2. Laws of the Twelve Tables (450BCE)
- allowed plebeians to appeal a judgment by
- a patrician judge
- all citizens are innocent until proven
guilty - all citizens are equal under the law -
helped shape Western legal systems
7Who are these two boys?
The Capitoline she-wolf. Museo Nuovo in the
Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome.
8Punic Wars Reading
- 1. Why is it called the Punic Wars?
- 2. Why was Rome in conflict with Carthage?
- 3.Describe Hamilcar Barca.
- 4. Describe the Punic Wars.
- 5. What was the result of the Punic Wars?
9III. The Punic Wars
- Rome vs. Carthage over TRADE.
- Three Punic Wars Rome wins all!
- Rome won islands
- Hannibal brought elephants over the Alps to
surprise the Romans. Rome still wins! - Romans poured salt on Carthage.
10IV. Roman Expansion
- A. Roman Military
- 1. Legion- basic unit of the army 5,000
men - 2. The army was strong, well-disciplined,
and loyal. - 3. Conquered people were required to
- be loyal
- supply soldiers for the army
- pay taxes
- 4. Conquered people were allowed to
- keep their own culture and officials
11Note Break
- Go find someone elses post it note.
- Stick it in your notebook and draw a picture in
your notes that represents the idea on your post
it note. - Ex
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13V. The Roman Empire
Rome wasnt built in a day! A. 270 BCE- Rome
conquered the Italian Peninsula B. 44BCE-
Carthage, Greece, Spain, Gaul, parts of
Asia Minor
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15Broath Clip
- https//www.youtube.com/watch?vgbpz_y0MIbY
16Do Now Caesar Reading- be able to answer these
- What happened when Caesar was captured by
pirates? - How did Caesar gain notariety early in his
career? - Why was Caesar assassinated?
- Did he really say, Et tu? Brute?
- 5. What did Gaius Octavian become?
17- C. Changes in govt
- In 48 BCE, Julius Caesar became dictator for
- life
- D. Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BCE on
the Ides of March (March 15)
18- E. Augustus Octavian became dictator. Took title
- of emperor.
- F. Augustus began the Pax Romana
- (Roman Peace) which lasted 200 years.
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20VI. Roman Economy
- Expansion of the empire promoted trade
- Mediterranean was a liquid highway
- Army built roads
- All roads lead to Rome.
- D. Goods were imported from all over the empire.
21Crash Course- terms to write down in your notes
to focus on
- Aristocracy-
- Monarchy-
- Democracy-
- Cincinnatus-
- Domestic vs. foreign policy-
- Characteristics of empire diversity- expansion-
, central power-
22VII. Decline of Rome
- A. Economic Problems
- 1. Cost of defending empire led to too high
taxes over expansion - 2. Inflation ( is not worth as much)
and unemployment
23- B. Political Weakness
- 1. Government became corrupt and ineffective.
- C. Military Decline
- 1. No citizen army.
- 2. Hired mercenaries- paid soldiers that were
less loyal than Roman citizens
24- D. Divided Empire
- 1. Emperor Diocletian divided the empire
- East- capital was Constantinople
- West- capital was Rome
25- E. Foreign Invasions
- 1. Rome under constant attack by nomadic
tribes - - Attila the Hun
- - Odoacer ousted the emperor (476 CE)
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27Solve Romes Problems
- For each problem
- 3 minutes role play
- 1 minute quiet think time
- 2 minutes discuss with group
- 4 minutes class discussion