Title: Chapter 2 ARTHROLOGY (???)
1Chapter 2 ARTHROLOGY (???)
- A. Introduction
- B. The Joints of the Bones of the Trunk (?????)
- C. The Joints of the Upper Limb
- (?????)
- D. The Joints of the Lower Limb
- (?????)
2Section 1 Introduction
- A. Classifications of Arthrology (?????)
- B. The Essential Structures of a Synovial Joint
(?????????) - C. The Accessory Structures of a Synovial Joint
(?????????) - D. The Movements of Joints (????)
- E. The Classifications of Synovial Joints
3A. Classifications
- 1. Synarthrosis (????)
- 1) Fibrous joints
- (????)
- 2) Cartilaginous joints
- (????)
- 3) Synostosis (????)
- 2. Diarthrosis (???)
4? B. The Essential Structures of a Synovial Joint
- 1. Articular surface (???) articular
cartilage (????) - 2. Joint capsule (???)
fibrous membrane (???) synovial
membrane (???) - 3. Joint cavity (???) synovia (??), negative to
the atmosphere pressure (??)
5C. The Accessory Structures of the Synovial Joints
- Ligament (??)
- Articular disc (???)
- 3. Articular lip (???)
- 4. Synovial plica (???)
- 5. Synovial bursa (??)
6? D. The Movement of Joint
- 1. Gliding or slipping movement (??)
- 2. Flexion (?)and extension (?)
- 3. Adduction (?) and abduction (?)
- 4. Pronation (??) and supination(??)
- 5. Rotation (??)
- 6. Circumduction (??)
7E.Types of Synovial Joints
1.Uniaxial joints 1) Hinge (trochlear)
joints (?? ?? ??) 2)
Pivot joints (????)
8E.Types of Synovial Joints
- 2. Biaxial joints
- 1) Elliptic (condyloid) joints
- (?? ?? ??)
- 2) Saddle joints (????)
- 3. Polyaxial joints
- 1) Ball and socket (spheroidal) joints (????)
- 2) Plane (gliding) joints (???? ??)
9Section 2 The Joints of the Bones of the Trunk
- A. The Vertebral Column (??)
- B. The Thoracic Cage(??)
10A. The Vertebral Column
- 1. ? The Joints of the Vertebral Bodies
- 1) intervertebral discs (???)
- a. anulus fibrosus (???)
- b. nucleus pulposus (??)
- prolapse of intervertebral disc ?????
11prolapse of intervertebral disc ?????
12A. The Vertebral Column
2) ? anterior longitudinal ligament (????)
Location base of skull ?sacrum. Function
a. stabilize vertebral column b.
prevent hyperextension
13A. The Vertebral Column
3) ? posterior longitudinal ligament (????)
Location in vertebral canal. atlas ?sacrum.
Function a. stabilize vertebral column
b. prevent hyperflexion
14A. The Vertebral Column
- 2. The Joints of the Vertebral Arches
- 1) zygapophysial joints
- (?????)
- 2) ? ligamenta flava (yellow ligament) (???)
- hypertrophy of ligamentum flava ?????
15A. The Vertebral Column
3) interspinal ligaments (????) 4)
inter- transverse ligaments
(??? ??)
16A. The Vertebral Column
3) interspinal ligaments (????) 4)
intertransverse ligaments (?????) 5) supraspinal
ligament (????) Location C7?median crest of
sacrum. Function a. stabilize vertebral
column b. prevent hyperflexion
17A. The Vertebral Column
6) ligamentum nuchae (???) Location back of
neck. Extending C7 ? external occipital
protuberance. Function stabilize the skull.
18A. The Vertebral Column
- 3. The Vertebral Column as a Whole
- 1) ? Curvatures
- a. cervical curvature (??)
- b. thoracic curvature (??)
- c. lumbar curvature (??)
- d. sacral curvature (??)
19A. The Vertebral Column
- 2) Movements
- a. flexion (forward bending) (?)
- b. extension (backward bending) (?)
- c. lateral flexion (side bending)(??)
- d. rotation(??)
- e. spring(??)
20? B. The Thoracic Cage
- 1. Superior aperture of thorax (??) (inlet of
thorax) syndrome of superior aperture of
thorax - ???????
21? B. The Thoracic Cage
2. Inferior aperture of thorax (outlet of thorax)
(??) 1) costal arch (??) chicken breast
?? 2) infrasternal angle (????)
percussion ??
22? B. The Thoracic Cage
23? B. The Thoracic Cage
- 3. Thoracic Joints
- 1) costovertebral joints
- (????)
- 2) costotransverse joints
- (?????)
24? B. The Thoracic Cage
3) sternocostal joints (????) 2nd ?7th
25Section 3 The Joints of the Upper Limb
- A. Sternoclavicular joint (????)
- B. Shoulder joint (???)
- C. Elbow joint (???)
- D. The joints between radius and ulna
- (??????)
- E. The joints of hand
- (???)
26A.The Sternoclavicular Joint
- 1. Composition
- Sternum (??) Clavicle (??)
- 1st Costal cartilage (?1???)
- 2. Structures
- Capsule (???) Ligaments (??)
- Articular disc (???)
27A.The Sternoclavicular Joint
3. Movements 1) Anterior and posterior 20º ?
30º 2) Up and down 60º 3) Rotation
(??) 20 º 4) Circumduction (??)
28?B. The Shoulder Joint
- 1. Structures
- 1) glenoid labrum (??)
- 2) tendon of the long head of biceps brachii
(????????) - 2. Movements
- 1) flexion 90 º
- extension 35 º
- 2) abduction 90 º
- adduction 90 º
29? B. The Shoulder Joint
3) medial rotation 45 º 4) lateral
rotation 45 º 4) circumduction (??)
dislocation of shoulder joint ?????
30? C. The Elbow Joint
- 1. Composition
- 1) humeroulnar joint
- (????)
- 2) humeroradial joint
- (????)
- 3) proximal radioulnar joint (??????)
- dislocation of elbow joint
- ?????
31? C. The Elbow Joint
2. Structures 1) annular ligament (????)
2) radial collateral ligament (?????)
3) ulnar collateral ligament (?????)
32? C. The Elbow Joint
- 3. Movements
- flexion 135 º extension 135 º
15 º - pronation 90 º supination 90 º
33D. The Joints Between Radius and Ulna
- 1. Proximal radioulnar joint (??????)
- 2. Interosseous membrane of forearm (?????)
- 3. Distal radioulnar joint
(??????) - articular disc (???)
34D. The Joints Between Radius and Ulna
35E. The Joints of the Hand
- 1. ? Wrist (radiocarpal) joint (???)
- 2. Intercarpal joints
- (?????)
- 3. ? Carpometacarpal joints (????)
- 4. Intermetacarpal joints (?????)
36E. The Joints of the Hand
37E. The Joints of the Hand
5. Metacarpophalangeal joints (????)
6. Inter- phalangeal joints
(?????) rheumatoid arthritis ??????
38Section 4 Joints of the Lower Limb
- A. The Pelvis (??)
- B. The Hip Joint
- (???)
- C. The Knee Joint
- (???)
- D. The Tibiofibular Union (????)
- E. Joints of the Foot
- (???)
- F. Arches of the Foot (??)
39? A. The Pelvis
- 1. Dividing
- 1) greater pelvis (false pelvis)(???)
- 2) lesser pelvis (true pelvis)(???)
40? A. The Pelvis
2. Apertures 1) superior pelvic aperture
(pelvic inlet) (????) 2) inferior
pelvic aperture (pelvic outlet)(?? a.
pubic arch (???) ??)
b. subpubic angle (????)
41? A. The Pelvis
- 3. Structures
- 1) sacroiliac joint
- (????)
- 2) sacrotuberous ligt.
- (?????)
- 3) sacrospinous ligament
- (????)
42? A. The Pelvis
4) obturator membrane (???) 5)
pubic symphysis (????) a.
interpubic disc (????) b.
suprapubic ligament (?????) c.
arcuate pubic ligament (??????)
43? A. The Pelvis
44? B. The Hip Joint
- 1. Structures
- 1) acetabular labrum (???)
- 2) transverse acetabular ligt.
- (?????)
- 3) ligament of head of femur(?????)
45? B. The Hip Joint
4) iliofemoral ligament (????) 5)
pubofemoral ligament (????)
46? B. The Hip Joint
6) ischiofemoral ligament (????) 7)
zona orbicularis (???) dislocation of hip
joint ??
47? B. The Hip Joint
- 2. Movements
- 1) flexion 125 º extension 125 º 10º
- 2) abduction 45 º adduction 30 º
- 3) medial rotation 45 º
- lateral rotation 45 º
- 4) circumduction (??)
48? C. The Knee Joint
- 1. Structures
- 1) patellar ligament
- (???)
- 2) tibial collateral ligament (?????)
- 3) fibular collateral ligament (?????)
49? The Knee Joint
4) anterior cruciate ligament (?????) 5)
posterior cruciate ligament (?????) drawer
test ????
50? The Knee Joint
6) medial meniscus (?????) 7) lateral
meniscus (?????) meniscus injury
51? The Knee Joint
- 8) alar folds
- (???)
- 9) suprapatellar bursa (???)
- arthrocentesis of knee joint
- ??????
52? The Knee Joint
2. Movements 1) flexion 130 º extension 130 º
10º 2) medial rotation 10 º lateral
rotation 10 º
53D. The Tibiofibular Union
- 1. Tibiofibular joint (????)
- 2. Crural interosseous membrane
- (?????)
- 3. Tibiofibular syndesmosis
- (????)
54E. Joints of the Foot
- 1. ? Ankle joint (talocrural joint) (???)
- 1) medial (deltoid) ligament (????)
55E. Joints of the Foot
2) lateral ligaments sprained ankle ?? a.
anterior talofibular ligament (?????) b.
calcaneofibular ligament (????) c. posterior
talofibular ligament(?????)
56E. Joints of the Foot
- 2. Intertarsal joint (?????)
- 3. Transverse tarsal joint (Choparts joint)
57E. Joints of the Foot
4. Tarsometatarsal joints (Lisfrancs joint)
(????) 5. Intermetatarsal joints (?????) 6.
Metatarsophalangeal joints (????)
58E. Joints of the Foot
7. Interphalangeal joints (?????)
59? F. Arches of the Foot
- 1. Medial longitudinal arch (????)
- 2. Lateral longitudinal arch (????)
- 3. Transverse arch (??)
- flat foot ???
60Section 5 The Synovial Joint of the Skull
- ?Temporomandibular (Mandibular) Joint
- (?????)
- 1. Structures
- 1) lateral ligament
- (????)
61The Synovial Joint of the Skull
2) medial ligament (????) 3)
sphenomandibular ligament (?????) 4)
stylomandibular ligament (??????)
62The Synovial Joint of the Skull
5) articular disc (???) dislocation of
the mandibular joint ??
63The Synovial Joint of the Skull
- 2. Movements
- 1) opening (??) 40 º closing (??) the mouth
-- biting (?) chewing (??) - 2) protrusion (??) retraction (??)
- 3) lateral movement -- grinding (??)
- disturbance of mandibular joint ??
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