The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century: 1660-1800 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century: 1660-1800


(HOLT Lit Book pg. 559) The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century: 1660-1800 England in 1660 Exhausted by 20 years of civil war, the Black Plague, and the Great Fire ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century: 1660-1800

The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century
  • (HOLT Lit Book pg. 559)

  • England in 1660
  • Exhausted by 20 years of civil war, the Black
    Plague, and the Great Fire of London, which left
    2/3 of citizens homeless.
  • Other labels of this time period include
  • Age of Reason
  • Age of Enlightenment
  • Augustan Age
  • Neoclassical Period

Age of Reason and Enlightenment vs Renaissance
  • In the Renaissance
  • During the Enlightenment
  • People had superstitious beliefs about unnatural
    events believed nature gave warnings about
    social disaster.
  • People looked for supernatural intervention in
    trying to explain WHY certain events transpired.
  • The focus shifted from WHY did this happen? to
    HOW did this happen?
  • It became acceptable and popular to question old
    explanations scientific observation.

Why is this period also know as the Neoclassical
and Augustan Period? Both the ruler of Rome
(Octavian/Augustus) and the ruler of England
(Charles II, Stuart King) restored peace and
order after a leaders death and civil war. The
people of both Rome and England were war weary,
suspicious of radicals and revolutionaries,
wanted peace/order to work and enjoy life. To
warn future revolutionaries, the people of
England dug up Oliver Cromwell (who led during
the civil wars) and cut off his corpses head to
strike fear in any dissenters. (Cromwell had
become a military dictator with Puritanical
values.) Writers during this time modeled their
works after Latin works, classics of Rome
(probably Greek works, too) because they were
deemed to have permanence and represented
universal values in human experience.
(No Transcript)
Restoration/18th Century Monarchs
Restoration/18th Century Monarchs
  • Changes in Religion
  • Deism Religious belief based upon reason and
    observation of nature watchmaker analogy says
    God built complex universe, then let it run by
  • Christianity (in its various forms) still held
    power over almost all Europeans during this time
  • Religion and Politics
  • Charles II reinstituted the Anglican Church as
    official church of England.
  • He attempted to outlaw Puritan and independent
    sects. This resulted in the popularity of British
    colonies in America. Also, it made the public
    scared to voice opposing views on any subject.
  • The Bloodless Revolution
  • When Charles II died he had no legal (legitimate)
    heir. The problem? His brother James II was a
    Roman Catholic.
  • Unpopular James II eventually fled to France in
    1688 his Protestant daughter Mary took over.
  • Since then, all English monarchs have been
    Anglicans (at least in name).

  • The Birth of Modern English Prose
  • Members of the Royal Society of London call for
    more precise, plain and exact writing (such as
    shortening long sentences). There was a new form
    of English prose popularity of journals,
    pamphlets, and travel writing.
  • John Dryden - founder and first true master of
    modern English prose. In poetry, he popularized
    regularized meter, made diction precise.

  • Addicted to Theater
  • When Charles II came to power, one of his first
    acts was to reopen the theaters Cromwell had
  • Charles and brother James supported play
    companies financially this era saw the first
    real female actresses!
  • Plays were produced during this time period
    Witty comedies, included emphasis on sexual
    relationships these plays were another outlet
    for satire of the age.

  • The Age of Satire
  • The most accomplished writers of the eighteenth
    century were Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift.
  • Criticized contemporary society
  • Believed in order and discipline
  • Appalled by the squalor and shoddiness (in art,
    manners, morals) that underlay the polished
    surfaces of Augustan lifeits violent and filthy
  • Deplored corrupt politics, materialism, and
  • Pope attacked immorality and bad taste, usually
    of the upper class.

I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often
wonder to see them not ashamed.Jonathan Swift
For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Alexander Pope
  • Journalism
  • Daniel Defoe stood for middle class values
    thrift, prudence, industry, respectability
  • Journalists of the eighteenth century were
    reporters and reformers of public manners and
  • Public Poetry
  • Poets of this time had no desire to write about
    the soul/feelings believed poetry was a public
  • An Augustan poet would craft a poem by deciding
    in advance the kind of poem they wanted, with its
    exact meter and rhyme
  • Augustan elegy celebrated the dead by recalling
    the best about a person, even if it was not true
  • Poetic satire says the worst thing about someone
    or something to expose them/it to ridicule
  • Ode Expression of public emotion, often
  • Poetry of this time period was highly crafted
    according to proper format

  • The First English Novels
  • Early novels were long, fictional, broad stories
    often comical
  • Novels had a lasting importance
  • Fiction is a reflection of the time in which it
    was written.
  • They help us understand humor and human insights
    of human experiences.
  • They helped expand literacy and had a wider
    public audience (written in a simpler, more
    common form of English to be read and
  • The Commanding Figure of Johnson
  • Samuel Johnson criticized optimism, the idea of
    progress (that human society was always improving
    for the better) and the idea that humans are
    fundamentally moral (if we reformed society,
    everyone would just do the right thing).
  • Searching for a Simpler Life
  • By the end of the eighteenth century, the world
    was changing Industrial Revolution changed
    manufacturing, cities were booming, pollution,
    the French (and American) Revolutions.
  • New writers disgusted by pollution and mass
    expansion. They turned to writing about nature
    and the effects of mass industrialization on the
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