Key Points - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Key Points


Key Points Karl Lieberherr – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Key Points

Key Points
  • Karl Lieberherr

Challengeold high-level description
  • Price
  • Set of problems

Challengenew high-level description
  • Challenge(X)
  • Price
  • A constructive belief involving
  • algorithms in domain X and
  • a set of problems in X
  • A constructive belief (X)
  • A claim about algorithms in domain X
  • A constructive belief defines a protocol to
    demonstrate that the claim is not supported
  • Bryan A challenge represents a constructive

Algorithms in a domain
  • The algorithms are about
  • Solve problems in the domain
  • Hide secrets in problems of the domain
  • Find hard problems

Market Design
  • The market is about constructive beliefs and
    constructive support for those beliefs.
  • Constructive means that the objects that are
    claimed to exist must be constructed by an
    algorithm (constructive mathematics). Reference
    to Speckers Theorem.
  • Constructive support involves an interactive
    protocol (reference to interactive proofs).
  • If the constructive support of a belief fails,
    the belief is called unsupported.

Constructive support
  • Demonstrations for unsupported claims must be
    efficiently checkable.

Unsupported beliefs and counterexamples
  • An unsupported belief is not a counter example.
    When a belief is unsupported, it might still be a
    true fact. Alice might have failed to find the
    right f in F.
  • When Alice is perfect, she will always be able to
    support her belief if it is a true fact.
  • When Bob is perfect, he will always be able to
    show that the belief is unsupported if it is a
    wrong fact.

Why beliefs?
  • Beliefs are easier to work with than theorems.

Project Summary to Slides
  • Traditional benchmarks set standards for the
    evaluation of software innovation in many
    disciplines within computer science in both
    industry and academia. Although necessary,
    developing benchmarks is challenging and once
    developed, benchmarks are inflexible,
    representing only a sample of the application
    space, and are difficult to maintain as
    applications typically evolve quickly. The
    objective of this proposal is to address
    benchmark problems by creating a dynamic strategy
    based on \it artificial markets of
    computational challenges. Dynamic market
    evaluation fosters more innovation through
    effective feedback, aiding in the discovery of
    better algorithms and the production of high
    quality software --- ultimately increasing the
    overall algorithmic knowledge of a given domain.

  • Given a concise description of a computational
    problem domain, X, it will be possible to
    create an \it artificial market around X,
    \marketX. Software responsible for the creation
    of the market will generate a starting \it
    agent and a trust-worthy \it market
    administrator. Teams and individuals competing
    within the problem domain will improve their
    agent by participating in regular, administrator
    run competitions. Throughout the course of a
    competition, each agent offers and solves
    computational \it challenges, and is rewarded
    for both offering hard problems in X, and
    solving other agent's challenges effectively.
    Agents are ranked based on their performance
    within competitions and the corresponding teams
    can use the log of a competition to discover hard
    problems for their agent to offer, and gather
    ideas to improve their agent's algorithms.

  • Fundamental to the \market(X) design is the
    concept of a constructive belief and the concept
    of supported or unsupported constructive belief.
    We build on ideas from interactive proofs and
    program checking (a subarea of interactive
    proofs). Each challenge represents a constructive
    belief. Demonstrating that a constructive belief
    is unsupported does not imply that the belief is
    wrong. It only implies that the current holder of
    the belief cannot constructively support the
    belief. Another holder might be able to support

Additional 2
  • A constructive belief is specific to a holder. It
    is like I, Alice, believe, theorem z holds and
    then Alice must interact with a verifier (Bob,
    who does not believe theorem z holds) to support
    her belief.

Additional 3
  • Outcomes
  • Z holds
  • Supported Alice understands Z and she makes it
    impossible for Bob to attack the belief.
  • Unsupported Alice does not understand Z and she
    makes it possible for Bob to attack her belief.
    Alice is buggy.
  • Z does not hold
  • Supported Bob does not understand why Z does not
    hold and cannot find an attack. Bob is buggy.
  • Unsupported Bob understands why Z does not hold
    and he can find an attack.

Additional 4
  • True statements may be shown to not be supported.
    The holder of the true statement (Alice) is
    buggy. The holder is likely to offer the
    challenge at a price that is too low.
  • Wrong statements may be shown to be supported.
    The challenger of the wrong statement (Bob) is
    buggy. The challenger is likely to accept the
    challenge at a price that is too high.

Supporting is weaker than proving
  • Supporting a belief against a perfect challenger
    is like proving it.
  • To show that a belief is unsupported against a
    perfect holder is like finding a counterexample.
  • A perfect holder or challenger has unlimited
    resources and the perfect algorithm.
  • In reality, holders and challengers are not
  • They will become better by playing the game for a

  • Supporting a belief is like finding a positive
    witness. Replace for all by an object and show
    that prop holds.
  • To show that a belief is unsupported is like
    finding a negative witness.

From teaching to Research
  • Undergraduates need to deal with programming
    errors and conceptual problems.
  • Researchers need to deal with finding
    state-of-the-art techniques.

  • Mathematical
  • Must be of the form EAEA
  • Secret (time t)
  • You cannot find my secret
  • You cannot approximate my secret
  • Duel
  • I solve your problems better than you solve my

  • With beliefs we can express claims and show that
    they are supported or unsupported even if we
    dont have enough information or knowledge to
    formally prove the claim.
  • A belief, when challenged, is either supported
    or unsupported. When it is supported against a
    strong challenger the belief is more likely to
    hold. When it is unsupported against a strong
    holder, the belief is more likely to be wrong.

  • \bf Intellectual Merit The main objectives of
    this project are (1) to study the design of
    artificial markets of computational challenges
    with specific objectives (2) show that
    artificial markets of computational challenges
    are a useful dynamic benchmark tool for software
    and (3) show that they drive innovation, helping
    to both find better algorithms and improve
    understanding of their development. The overall
    goal is to help program officers, managers, and
    professors with the evaluation of research
    prototypes, competing software packages, and
    student programs, respectively, and to help
    designers improve their algorithms using feedback
    from the artificial market. The design of
    particular artificial markets will drive
    innovation in specific objective areas,
    ultimately providing targeted feedback. The
    development of complex agents, administrators,
    and game generators will be supported by a number
    of generic programming tools, libraries, and
    design patterns that push the state-of-the-art.
    The resulting languages and methodologies are
    independent of the problem domain and contribute
    to programmer productivity and software quality.

  • \bf Broader Impacts The impact of this project
    will be through advancing discovery and
    understanding of how to solve computational
    problems and providing an exciting platform for
    interdisciplinary teaching and learning. A
    generic artificial market supports the
    improvement of algorithmic techniques for a wide
    variety of problems through an experiential
    teaching curriculum. Students become engrossed in
    learning the art of software development,
    algorithmic analysis, and even modeling, through
    the refinement of their agent and frequent
    competitions. Distributed competitions will be
    run over the Internet allowing agents from
    different schools, companies, and even countries
    to compete within a common domain. The resulting
    algorithms, improved software, and useful tools,
    libraries and techniques will benefit software
    developers, scientific communities, and the
    general public as they make their way into
    various products and services.

Compare belief/theorem
  • Belief B
  • Theorem T
  • Supporting B is short.
  • Supporting !B is short.
  • Proof of T is long.
  • Proof for !T is short.

Definition Proof System
  • Proof system for a language L
  • P-proof x for y P(x,y) for y in L.
  • Soundness if y has a P-proof, y is in L.
  • Completeness If y in L, y has a P-proof.
  • Effectiveness P(x,y) is in P.
  • http//

  • Adversary (instead of verifier)
  • Supporter (instead of prover)
  • BSS questioner / supporter
  • Adversary Disprover Questioner Challenger
  • AM agents challenges
  • Challenging to disprove
  • Challenging beliefs that the challenge represents
  • Questioning challenge

  • All beliefs are constructive beliefs. The
    challenging of a belief is constructive.
  • The beliefs are about properties of algorithms
    but could be about other topics.

Definition Constructive Belief Support System
  • For statements y of the form (EA) in first-order
    predicate calculus.
  • Derive interactive protocol from y. x is the
    outcome of the protocol for y.
  • P-support x for y P(x,y) . x is the support for
  • P-unsupport x for y Pun(x,y). x shows that y
    has no support.
  • Soundness related
  • Weak soundness if y has P-support with
    challenger of strength q, y is more likely to
    hold with confidence q.
  • Completeness related
  • Contra-Weak completeness If y has P-unsupport
    with supporter of strength q, y is more likely to
    be false with confidence q.
  • Completeness if y holds, y has P-support x,
    P(x,y), for some x.
  • Effectiveness P(x,y) and Pun(x,y) are in P.

Properties Constructive Belief Support System
  • For statements y of the form (EA) in first-order
    predicate calculus.
  • Derive interactive protocol from y. x is the
    outcome of the protocol for y.
  • P-support x for y P(x,y) . x is the support for
  • P-unsupport x for y Pun(x,y). x shows that y
    has no support.
  • For all y there is an x so that either P(x,y) or
    Pun(x,y) and such an x can be found efficiently
    by following the protocol.
  • Soundness related
  • Weak soundness if y has P-support with
    challenger of strength q, y is more likely to
    hold with confidence q.
  • Perfect soundness If y has P-support with
    perfect challenger, y holds.
  • Completeness related
  • Contra-Weak completeness If y has P-unsupport
    with supporter of strength q, y is more likely to
    be false with confidence q.
  • Contra-Perfect completeness If y has P-unsupport
    with perfect supporter, y is false.
  • Completeness if y holds, y has P-support x,
    P(x,y), for some x.
  • Effectiveness P(x,y) and Pun(x,y) are in P.

Supporting a belief against a perfect challenger
is like proving it.
  • To show that a belief is unsupported against a
    perfect supporter is like finding a
  • Because the perfect supporter will find the
    hardest object. If the challenger can find an
    object that negates the predicate, we must have a
  • Supporting a belief against a perfect challenger
    is like proving it.
  • Because the perfect challenger will find the best
    object and if this object does not negate the
    predicate, the supporter must have found the
    object that the statement claims to exist.

Definition ConstructiveBelief Support System,
secret form
  • For statements y of the secret form You cannot
    recover my secret solution for objects satisfying
    predicate pred.
  • Derive interactive protocol from y. x is the
    outcome of the protocol for y.
  • P-support x for y P(x,y) . x is the support for
  • P-unsupport x for y Pun(x,y). x shows that y
    has no support.
  • Soundness related
  • Weak soundness if y has P-support with
    challenger of strength q, y is more likely to
    hold with confidence q.
  • Completeness related
  • Contra-Weak completeness If y has P-unsupport
    with supporter of strength q, y is more likely to
    be false with confidence q.
  • Completeness if y holds, y has P-support x,
    P(x,y), for some x.
  • Effectiveness P(x,y) and Pun(x,y) are in P.

Definition Constructive Belief Support System,
duel form
  • For statements y of the duel form If you give me
    k problems (satisfying pred) and I give you k
    problems satisfying pred, I will solve your
    problems better than you solve mine.
  • Derive interactive protocol from y. x is the
    outcome of the protocol for y.
  • P-support x for y P(x,y) . x is the support for
  • P-unsupport x for y Pun(x,y). x shows that y
    has no support.
  • Soundness related
  • Weak soundness if y has P-support with
    challenger of strength q, y is more likely to
    hold with confidence q.
  • Completeness related
  • Contra-Weak completeness If y has P-unsupport
    with supporter of strength q, y is more likely to
    be false with confidence q.
  • Completeness if y holds, y has P-support x,
    P(x,y), for some x.
  • Effectiveness P(x,y) and Pun(x,y) are in P.

  • Challenger supports y.
  • Challenger cannot find an object negating claim
  • Challenger unsupports y.
  • Challenger finds an object negating claim y.
  • Finding unsupport. Find an object which negates
    the claim.

Properties Constructive Belief Support System,
testing perspective
  • For statements y of the form (EA) in first-order
    predicate calculus.
  • Derive interactive protocol from y. x is the
    outcome of the protocol for y.
  • P-support x for y P(x,y) . x is the support for
  • P-unsupport x for y Pun(x,y). x shows that y
    has no support.
  • For all y there is an x so that either P(x,y) or
    Pun(x,y) and such an x can be found efficiently
    by following the protocol.
  • Soundness related
  • Weak soundness if y has P-support with
    challenger of strength q, y is more likely to
    hold with confidence q.
  • Perfect soundness If y has P-support with
    perfect challenger, y holds.
  • Completeness related
  • Contra-Weak completeness If y has P-unsupport
    with supporter of strength q, y is more likely to
    be false with confidence q.
  • Contra-Perfect completeness If y has P-unsupport
    with perfect supporter, y is false.
  • Completeness if y holds, y has P-support x,
    P(x,y), for some x.
  • Testing related
  • If y holds, and challenger unsupports y,
    supporter is buggy.
  • If y does not hold, and challenger supports y,
    challenger is buggy.
  • Effectiveness P(x,y) and Pun(x,y) are in P.

Supporting a belief against a perfect challenger
is like proving it.
Advantages of Belief Support System
  • Given a claim, we can quickly find support or
  • The Belief Support system feeds the game
  • Beliefs which cannot be supported by the
    supporter, cost money.
  • Beliefs must be made and put on the market.
  • Beliefs which are challenged must be challenged
    successfully, otherwise they cost money.
  • The stronger the agents become, the better the
    beliefs become unchallenged beliefs become
    truths and challenged beliefs turn into
  • The game acts as a truth or belief maintenance
    system for constructive beliefs about algorithms.
    Bad beliefs are eliminated because agents having
    bad beliefs lose money and drop out from the game.

Challenge / Belief
  • Mathematical challenge
  • Constructive mathematical belief
  • Implies protocol for support/unsupport
  • Price
  • Etc. for other challenges

About beliefs
  • http//
  • http//

Focus of proposal
  • algorithmic competitions for dynamic benchmarks
  • The dynamic benchmarks are created by
    mathematical beliefs, secret beliefs and duel
  • Mathematical beliefs, optimization problems, EA
  • Specific example CSP
  • Secret beliefs, optimization problems
  • Reproduce
  • Approximate within bound
  • Specific example CSP
  • Duel beliefs, optimization problems
  • Specific example CSP

Artificial Market and Constructive Belief Support
  • A constructive belief support system is the
    foundation for the artificial market.
  • Money is made when a belief is supported
    encourages agents to offer only beliefs they can
    support. Pushes them towards offering correct
  • Money is made when a belief is successfully
    challenged encourages agents to only challenge
    beliefs they can successfully challenge. Pushes
    them towards challenging only wrong beliefs.
  • Efficiency (administrator must be efficient)
  • It must be easy to express successful support and
    it must be easy to check successful support.
  • It must be easy to express successful challenge
    and must be easy to check successful support.

Difficult Problems for Dynamic Benchmarks
  • The beliefs are about what an algorithm can do.
  • To support the belief means to have a good
  • To challenge the belief means to give the
    algorithm difficult problems.

Explaining SCG(X)
No prices No game rules Supported
and Unsupported Beliefs
Add market rules
Beliefs about optimization problems
ArtificialMarket optimization (X)
SCG math (X)
SCG secret (X)
SCG duel (X)
Market Design
  • Belief Support Systems
  • Artificial Markets

  • Bryan
  • ? \not\exists x . !sup(x,y) gt valid(y)
  • ? \forall x . sup(x,y) gt valid(y)
  • \exists x . !sup(x,y) gt !valid(y) if
    confidence 1.0
  • Karl
  • \exists x.sup(x,y) there is support for y

For interesting y
  • Sup(x,y) x supports claim y
  • Even if y is true \exists x !sup(x,y)
  • Even if y is false \exists x sup(x,y)

  • There exists a y so that Even if y is true
    \exists x !sup(x,y)
  • There exists a y so that Even if y is false
    \exists x sup(x,y)

New terminology
  • Constructive Belief Support System
  • Belief
  • supporter
  • questioner adversary
  • Artificial Market
  • Challenge
  • supporter challenger
  • questioner adversary acceptor

Research on Constructive Belief Support Systems
  • Belief support systems for other claims than
    mathematical (EA), secret and duel.
  • Formally defining confidence.
  • Deriving the protocol from the claim form.
  • Further formal properties of belief support

Research on Constructive Belief Support Systems
and Artificial Markets
  • Different ways of embedding belief support
    systems into artificial markets.

Research on Applicability Range of SCGWhat is
needed for winning?
  • Programming Skills
  • Algorithmic Knowledge
  • Currently high, although a baby agent with basic
    communication skills is generated. Still solid
    programming skills needed.
  • Future would like to make it easier to transfer
    knowledge to agent.
  • Good knowledge about successfully supporting and
    questioning beliefs.
  • For appropriate beliefs turns into good
    knowledge about how pose hard problems and how to
    solve hard problems

Special case Belief form EA q
  • Beliefs
  • Problems
  • Alice supports belief
  • Bob questions belief
  • Alice poses hard problem
  • Bob solves hard problem

Interactive Proof SystemConstructive Belief
Support System
  • Interactive Proof System
  • Constructive Belief Support
  • Prover, all-powerful
  • Verifier, limited resources
  • True statement
  • False statement
  • Completeness
  • If true, verifier will be convinced
  • Soundness
  • If false, verifier will not be convinced (small
  • Supporter, limited resources
  • Questioner, limited resources
  • Supported statement
  • Unsupported statement
  • Completeness
  • If true, questioning will not succeed
  • Soundness
  • If false, questioner will succeed

How to influence the hearts ofcomputer science
  • When the students see their agent suffer when
    playing with the agents of their peers, they want
    to help their agent. While doing so they learn a
    lot of computer science skills while transferring
    their knowledge of the subject domain into their

Relevant reference
  • http//
  • Reasoning about Beliefs and Actions under
    Computational Resource Constraints (1987) by Eric
    J. Horvitz
  • In Proceedings of the 1987 Workshop on
    Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence

Questions based on Reasoning about Beliefs and
Actions under Computational Resource Constraints
  • What is the comprehensive value of computation?
  • Does more computation help me to create a belief
    that I can support?
  • Does more computation help me to successfully
    question this belief.
  • Cost/benefit tradeoffs.

Value of partial solution
  • The parameter p in belief B(p) must be above
    p_low and below p_high.
  • There is one right answer.
  • How can we refine this result with increasing
    amounts of computation?

Dempster-Shafer Theory ???
  • Epistemic or subjective uncertainty (lack of
    knowledge about a system)

Implications between beliefs
  • If x supports belief y1 then x supports belief y2
  • E.g. Ef AJ lt 0.6 implies Ef AJ lt 0.7
  • A claim that is never successfully questioned is

Measure confidenceAccumulate evidence
  • What can we learn from a long game history about
    the confidence in agents and statements?
  • How can we measure the confidence of an agent?
    Confidence in agents use something similar to
    the FIDE rating approach for Chess.

Difficult Problems for Dynamic Benchmarks
  • The beliefs are about what an algorithm can do.
  • To support the belief means to have a good
  • To challenge the belief means to give the
    algorithm difficult problems.

Difficult Problems for Dynamic Benchmarks
  • The beliefs are about what an algorithm can do.
    Belief is of the form Exists f in F For all J in
    fs(f) q(f,J) lt c
  • To support the belief means to find hard problems
  • To challenge the belief means to efficiently
    solve hard problems f.

Relation numbers
  • AND 128
  • NAND 127
  • OR 254
  • NOR 1

Alternative names
  • Hypothesis management system
  • Hypothesis support system

Artificial Markets of Computational Challenges
  • Constructive beliefs supported or unsupported
  • Challenge (belief(p), price p) I believe I can
    support belief belief(p) and you cannot
    successfully question belief(p). If you can, you
    win 2p, if you cannot you get 0. In both cases
    you had to pay p to accept the challenge.

Interesting Belief(price,predicate,quality)
  • Computational domain.
  • Predicate selects set of problems.
    Challenge(Belief(price,predicate,quality), price)
  • If I give you problem p satisfying predicate, you
    cannot find a solution of quality. If you can,
    you get 2price, otherwise 0. The cost of
    accepting the challenge is price.
  • Belief form Exists problem your algorithm
    cannot do a task

Belief support system
  • Does not need the notion of a computational
    domain. Just supported and unsupported beliefs.

Artificial Markets
  • Based on beliefs.
  • Creating challenges based on beliefs that you can
    support, makes money.
  • Accepting challenges based on beliefs that you
    can successfully question, makes money.
  • Supporter (prover) and questioner (verifier) have
    both limited resources.
  • If a belief is supported, there is evidence that
    the belief is a theorem. The stronger the
    questioner, the stronger the evidence.
  • If a belief is unsupported, there is evidence
    that the belief is not a theorem. The stronger
    the supporter, the stronger the evidence.

Constructive Belief math
  • Problem domain. Define feasible solutions fs(f)
    for a problem f. Define quality function q(f,J).
  • Predicate F defining a subset of problems in
  • Belief math(F, q(f,J) lt c, c) Alice believes
    that if she chooses f in F and Bob chooses J in
    fs(f), q(f,J) lt c (belief is supported by (f,J)).
  • If !(q(f,J)ltc), belief is not supported by (f,J).

  • Domain MAX CSP, relations of arity 3
  • Belief math(F,q(f,J)ltc,c)
  • F relation one in three
  • Second parameter fsat(f,J) lt c
  • c 0.4
  • Bob can show that this belief is not supported.
  • If c 0.5, Alice can prevent Bob from showing
    that belief is unsupported.
  • 0.444 break-even price

Constructive Belief secret
  • Problem domain. Define feasible solutions fs(f)
    for a problem f.
  • Predicate F defining a subset of problems in
  • secret(f) maps f to a secret feasible solution.
  • Belief secret(F,q(f,J,Js)) I believe if Alice
    chooses f in F and secret(f) and Bob chooses J in
    fs(f) in time t, q(f, J,secret(f)) (belief is
    supported by (f,J)).
  • If ! q(f, secret(f), J), belief is not supported.

Example secret Belief
  • Domain MAX CSP, relations of arity 3
  • Belief secret(F,q(f,J)ltc,c)
  • F relation one in three
  • Second parameter fsat(f,J) lt c
  • c 0.4
  • Bob can show that this belief is not supported.
  • If c 0.5, Alice can prevent Bob from showing
    that belief is unsupported.
  • 0.444 break-even price

Transition to Challenge
  • Belief math(F,q(f,J,c),c) is combined with
    profit Alice offers challenge math (belief math
    (F,q(f,J,c),c), price)
  • If Bob accepts challenge, he must show that
    belief is not supported.
  • If he succeeds, he gains g(price, quality(f,J))
  • If he fails, he looses price.

Proposed Research
  • 4 Design
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