Title: Blank Jeopardy
A History Lesson!
Geography and more!
Government Society
1 pt
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2 pt
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3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
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5 pt
2A group of soldiers who stood in groups of 6,000
to fight
3What are legions?
4A unit of soldiers grouped into 100 to enhance
flexibility and movement
5What are centuries?
6To prohibit, or in Latin, "I forbid"
7What is veto?
8Methods to balance power or to ensure any one
part of the government from becoming stronger or
more influential than the others
9What are "checks and balances"?
10Roman language
11What is Latin?
12They are leaders with almost absolute power
13Who are dictators?
14One of Rome's most famous dictators after
serving faithfully he retired back to the farm
15Who is "Cincinnatus"?
16Romes first written code of law
17What is The Law of the Twelve Tables?
18Carthaginian general who almost defeated Rome and
is considered one of the greatest military minds
of the ancient world
19Who is Hannibal?
20Wrote the Aeneid to record the glorious story of
Rome's founding and to celebrate the "Rome" of
his days
21Who is Virgil?
22A council of wealthy and powerful Romans that
advised the city's leaders
23Who are the members of the Senate?
24Members of the Senate held office for _________
25What is for "life"?
26The 3rd part of the Roman government, the part
that protected the common people, was made up of
two branches . Name them.
27What are "Assemblies and Tribunes"?
28One part of the Roman government held the power
of the veto, or the ability to prohibit the
actions of other government officials. Name that
29Who are the "tribunes"?
30In order to keep the tribunes from abusing power,
their term of office was limited to
31What is "one year?
32Brothers who served as tribunes, were later
assassinated by the rich for trying to grant
farmland to the poor.
33Who are "Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus"?
34From the period after the assassination of the
"Gracchus" brothers, Romans began to see ______
as a political tool.
35What is "violence"?
36A counsel named, _____, encouraged poor people to
join the army. Because he was a good leader, the
army supported him more than the government of
37Who is "Gaius Marius"?
38Who won the Punic War?
39Who are the "Romans"?
40The Punic Wars were a series of wars fought by
Rome and _______.
41Who is "Carthage"?
42Rome was located on a geographical landform
called a ____________.
43What is a "peninsula"?
44Rome's warm, mostly dry climate assured the
people ______________________________.
45What is an adequate "supply of food"?
46Romans built their cities on hills, primarily for
reasons of ______________.
47What is "protection" or "defense"?
48Rome was frequently attacked because outsiders
felt threatened by its ___________.
49What is its "power"?
50It was considered the center of life for the
51What is the "forum"?