Title: Artificial Intelligence in Game Design
1Artificial Intelligence in Game Design
2AI vs. Gaming AI
- Standard Artificial Intelligence
- Expert Systems
- Probabilistic/Fuzzy Logic
- Robotics
- Machine Learning
- Goal Finding best solution to some problem
- Characteristics
- Expensive and time consuming to develop
- Large number of processing cycles to run
3AI vs. Gaming AI
- Example Chess (Deep Blue, IBM)
- MINMAX algorithm
- Heuristic knowledge
- Databases of opening moves, endgames
- Result
- Played at world champion level (best solution)
- Took several minutes per move (ok in chess)
- Not viable as commercial chess game!
4Goals of Gaming AI
- Challenging but beatable
- Intelligence level artificially limited
- AI not given all information
- Problem making AI intelligent enough!
- Players find and take advantage of limitations
- Cheats compensate for bad AI
5Example of Gaming AI
Soldier NPC setting up ambush
Player coming from unknown direction
What to hide behind?
6Example of Gaming AI
- Choose at random?
- Current location of player?
- Base on realistic criteria
- Terrain around soldier
- Past player actions, etc.
- This is most difficult approach!
7Believable NPCs
- Opponents that offer challenge
- Orc characters should move realistically
- Boss characters should appear as intelligent as
player - Minions that require little micromanaging
- Other characters interesting to interact with
8Believable NPCs
- Intelligent Action
- Good decision making
- Realistic movement
- Memory of previous actions (and possibly to
improve) - Achieving goals
9Believable NPCs
- Believable as Characters
- Acts like human (or orc, dog, etc.)
- Has appropriate emotional states
- Does not always behave predictably
- Can interact with player
- Major simplification from standard AI
NPCs restricted to limited domain - Example Shopkeeper
10Turing Test
11Turing Test for AI Gaming
- Does NPC act appropriately for its role in game?
- Does it act intelligently?
- Does it appear to have appropriate information?
- Does it behave with the personality we would
12Game AI Structure
What are my goals? Example Choosing room to
move to
World Interface/ Game State
How to accomplish that goal? Example Choosing
path to reach room
Tactics (Decision Making)
Animation/ Game Physics
Movement (Action Choice)
What actions are part of that plan? Example
current direction/ speed to reach next point in
AI Engine
13Constraints on Gaming AI
- Efficiency
- Must consume few processor cycles
- Must often act in real time
- Football, racing, etc.
- Simple approaches usually best
- Choose fast over optimal
- Tweak game to support AI
- Depend on player perceptions
- Optimal solutions require complex algorithms
- Shortest path ? O(n2)
- Optimal plan ? Exponential tree size
- Many games use greedy algorithms
- Choose action resulting in minimal distance to
goal - O(n) time
15Example of Simplification
- Pac-Man
- Algorithm Ghosts move towards player
- Problem ghosts stuck in cul-de-sacs
16Example of Simplification
17Black and White Game
- Creature trained by player by observing player
actions in different situations - Later in game creature takes same actions
- Based entirely on decision tree learning
Example Allegiance Defense Tribe Attack
1 friendly weak Celtic no
2 enemy weak Celtic yes
3 friendly strong Norse no
4 enemy strong Norse no
5 friendly weak Greek no
6 enemy medium Greek yes
7 enemy strong Greek no
8 enemy medium Aztec yes
9 friendly weak Aztec no
18Apparent Intelligence
- NPCs can appear intelligent to player even if
based on simple rules - Theory of mind
- We tend to ascribe motives/decision
- making skills similar to our own to
- other entities, whether this is actually
- happening or not!
if hitPoints lt 5 then run away from playerif
distance to player lt 2 units then attack
playerif player visible the run towards
playerelse move in random direction
19Swarm Intelligence
- Simple NPCs in groups can appear to cooperate
- Decision exampleif no other player shooting, I
shootif in open, run for cover and shoutif in
cover, reload and wait - Orc motion exampleif NPC blocking path to
player then run sidewayselse run towards
NPCs appear to be covering one another and
coordinating attack!
20Swarm Intelligence
- Give each NPC slightly different set of rules to
create illusion of personalities - Example Pac-Manif distance to player lt n
then move towards playerelse wander at random
n is different for each ghost!
Large n appeared aggressive
Small n appeared mellow
21Role of Traditional AI
- Good decision making
- Acts like human (or orc, dog, etc.)
- Avoids predictability
- Realistic movement
- Evasion/pursuit of player
- Choosing paths through complex terrain
- Cooperation among groups
- Memory of previous actions
- Achieving goals
Decision Trees Finite State Machines Random/Fuzzy
Swarm Intelligence
Simple Iterative Learning
Goal-based Planning