Title: Artificial Intelligence in Games Week 8
1Artificial Intelligence in GamesWeek 8
- Steve Rabin
- steve.rabin_at_gmail.com
- www.aiwisdom.com/uw
2Project 3
- How did it go?
- Anyone have their agents use the terrain analysis?
3Project 4Finish Your Game
- Requirements
- It should be an interactive game
- The player can win or lose
- 5-10 minute presentation in front of class
- Nice things to have
- Title screen, win/lose screen, play again option
- Good camera, good player controls
- Interesting enemy behavior
- Debug modes to turn on (lines/text/quads)
- Grade (50 presentation, 50 game)
4Learning and Adaptation
5Learning and AdaptationAgenda
- Indirect vs direct adaptation
- Statistical techniques
- N-gram statistical prediction
- Moving averages
- Player modeling
- Weakness modification learning
- Next Week
- Neural networks
- Perceptrons
- Decision tree learning
- Genetic algorithms
6AIs that Learn
- Why is this desirable?
- What does it accomplish?
- What games feature AIs that learn?
7Fake Learning
- How would you fake learning?
- Specific games/ideas?
8Faking Learning
- Applicable in cases when
- You always know the correct answer
- You can calculate the answer perfectly
- Strategy
- Purposely dumb down the AI in this respect
- Gradually dial up the accuracy with time
- Examples
- FPS Aiming accuracy
- FPS Locating health/weapons
- Fighters Countering player's next move
- RTS Preparing for where the player will attack
9Indirect and Direct Adaptation
- Indirect Adaptation
- Game collects statistics that describe events in
the game world and uses them to adapt the AI in a
preprogrammed way - Example
- RTS If player's first assault comes early in a
game, AI should focus on military development
from the start - Direct Adaptation
- The AI is controlled by a set of parameters that
can be optimized directly - No model is constructed of the game world
- Example
- Neural network to control driving (steering/gas)
10Indirect Adaptation
- Models must be constructed in-game during
gameplay - Must be
- Fast to update
- Fast to query
- Stable and guaranteed to converge
- So the AI doesn't behave erratically
11Statistical Learning Techniques
- Discuss two main statistical techniques
- Player modeling
- N-Gram statistical prediction
12Moving Averages
13Moving AveragesEstimating Typical Values
- Game example
- RTS Estimate number of seconds from start of
game the player usually launches first assault - Two methods to compute moving average
- Single average that is modified each time
- Moving history window
14Moving AveragesMoving History Window
- Keep a list of n last values
- When a new value is observed
- Push it onto the list
- Pop the last value off the list
- (if history window full)
- When an average is needed, sum up the n values
and divide by n - How could this be optimized?
15Moving AveragesMoving History Window (optimized)
- Keep list of n last values (history window)
- Keep sum (S) of all values in window
- Average is S/n
- When a new value is recorded
- Fix up S
- Add newest value to S
- Subtract oldest value from S
- (only if history window is full)
- Fix up history window
- Add newest value to history window
- Remove oldest value from history window
- (only if history window is full)
16Moving AveragesEstimating Typical Values
- Moving Average Equation
- newAve a ? newObservation (1- a) ? ave
- a Step size parameter
- a usually equal to 1/n
- If 100 observations, a 1/100
- Keep larger than 1/25 if changes are common
- Keep larger than 1/100 if changes are rare
17Moving AveragesDetecting Changes
- The player might change behavior, so how do you
detect this? - Have two moving averages and compare
- For example
- One moving average of the last 25 values
- One moving average of the last 100 values
- Compare averages to see if behavior is changing
18Estimating Extreme Values
- Extreme values can be useful since they represent
extremes of risk - Game example
- RTS Estimate time before which the player is
likely to launch an assault with probability of
only 1 in 10 - AI can be fairly certain it won't be caught off
19Player Modeling
20Player ModelingOverview
- Statistical learning technique
- Strategy
- Model the players behavior
- Record frequency of actions
- Use info to make game harder or easier
- Alternative Manually set difficulty levels
21Player ModelingRecording
- Record the players
- Skills
- Weaknesses
- Preferences
- Player model contains
- Numeric attributes or traits
- In range 0,1
- Let's brainstorm some traits...
22Player ModelingTrait Examples
- RTS traits
- AvoidsMovingThroughEnemyChokepoints
- AttacksOnTwoFronts
- FortifiesOwnChokepoints
- FPS traits
- UsesSmokeGrenades
- AlwaysRuns
- CanDoTrickyJumps
23Player ModelingConsider Trait Meanings
- Trait UsesSmokeGrenades
- Two possible meanings
- Preference (player likes to use them)
- Proficiency (player is good at using them)
- Possible better names
- PrefersToUseSmokeGrenades
- GoodAtUsingSmokeGrenades
24Player ModelingFine Grained vs. Coarse
- Consider trait UsesSmokeGrenades
- Fine grained
- While retreating
- While entering building
- While covering teammate
- Fine grained is
- More costly to design and develop
- More costly to compute
25Player ModelingRules of Thumb
- 1. Every important aspect of gameplay should be
captured - 2. Design of player model should be tied closely
to design of game AI - 3. If game AI not designed yet, consider defining
player model and building strategies to exploit it
26Player ModelingImplementation
- Observe player
- Update record
- Use model for AI decisions
27Player ModelingStep 1 Observe Player
- Option 1 Hardcode observations with events
- Example CanDoTrickyJumps
- When jump made, detect if difficult and if it was
successful - Option 2 Build observation code (state machines)
to monitor gameplay - Decouples logic and keeps it separate and easy to
find - Consider sharing tough computations to avoid
extra work
28Player ModelingStep 2 Update Model
- Trait values in range 0,1
- Equation
- traitValue a ? observedValue (1- a) ?
traitValue - Based upon least mean squares (LMS) training rule
commonly used in machine learning - Recommendation a between 0.001 and 0.3
- Any one observation has limited effect
- More robust in case some observations are faulty
29Player ModelingStep 3 Use Model for AI
- Make game harder
- Use as predictive tool
- If AI wants to attack player with a wizard, and
player frequently kills wizards with a ranged
attack, wizard could preemptively cast spell to
protect against ranged attacks - Look for player deficiencies to exploit
- If player lousy at defending against roundhouse
kick, then pick that move more often - Look for player proficiencies to defend against
- If player always picks up health, try to starve
them of it - Make game easier
- Avoid exploiting player deficiencies
- If player never gets shield, don't get shield
30Player ModelingHierarchical Player Models
- Individual traits can be combined
- How would you make a stealthy trait?
- Stealthy trait (abstract) is combo of
- AvoidsCamera (concrete)
- AvoidsGuards (concrete)
- MovesSilently (concrete)
- If Stealthy trait high
- Make guards more watchful
31Player ModelingOther Uses
- Expose model to player
- Becomes part of gameplay (Fable)
- But might give AI tricks away
- Use to help the player by pointing out things
they arent doing/exploiting - Fancy AI help system!
33N-Gram Statistical PredictionYour chance to
Sequence Likely Possible
34N-Gram Statistical PredictionYour chance to
Sequence Likely Possible
18181818_ 1 99 1, 8
35N-Gram Statistical PredictionYour chance to
Sequence Likely Possible
18181818_ 1 99 1, 8
1811811818_ 1 99 1, 8
36N-Gram Statistical PredictionYour chance to
Sequence Likely Possible
18181818_ 1 99 1, 8
1811811818_ 1 99 1, 8
62562562162_ 5 1 66 33 5, 1, 6
37N-Gram Statistical PredictionYour chance to
Sequence Likely Possible
18181818_ 1 99 1, 8
1811811818_ 1 99 1, 8
62562562162_ 5 1 66 33 5, 1, 6
9876987_ 6 99 6, 7, 8, 9
38N-Gram Statistical PredictionYour chance to
Sequence Likely Possible
18181818_ 1 99 1, 8
1811811818_ 1 99 1, 8
62562562162_ 5 1 66 33 5, 1, 6
9876987_ 6 99 6, 7, 8, 9
12312341234512345_ 6 99 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
39N-Gram Statistical Prediction
- Used in speech recognition to increase accuracy
- Bi-Gram Model
- blue ____
- toy ____
- raspberry ____
- Tri-Gram Model
- go to _____
- dont know _____
- Quad-Gram Model
- what is the _____
40N-Gram Statistical Prediction
- N-Gram Technique
- Store history of player moves/actions
- To make a prediction, find instances of the last
two moves (Tri-Gram) in the history on-the-fly - How large should history be?
- Tally each following move
- The most common move is your prediction
- Or roll dice against frequency
41N-Gram Statistical PredictionPredict the next
- Kick, Punch, Uppercut, Punch, Uppercut, Kick,
Punch, - Uppercut, Kick, Kick, Punch, Punch, Kick,
- Uppercut, Uppercut, Kick, Punch, Punch, Kick,
Punch - Uni-gram, Bi-Gram, Tri-Gram, Quad-Gram
- Uni-gram Punch (7 kick, 8 punch, 5 uppercut)
- Bi-Gram Uppercut (2 kick, 2 punch, 3 uppercut)
- Tri-Gram Punch, Uppercut (2 punch, 2 uppercut)
- Quad-Gram No evidence
42N-Gram Statistical PredictionPredict chance of
- Kick, Punch, Uppercut, Punch, Uppercut, Kick,
Punch, - Uppercut, Kick, Kick, Punch, Punch, Kick,
- Uppercut, Uppercut, Kick, Punch, Punch, Kick,
Punch - Uni-gram, Bi-Gram, Tri-Gram, Quad-Gram
- Uni-gram 5/20
- Bi-Gram 3/7
- Tri-Gram 2/4
- Quad-Gram 0
43N-Gram Statistical PredictionPredict next move
- Punch, Kick, Punch, Kick, Punch, Kick, Punch,
Kick, - Punch, Kick, Punch, Kick, Uppercut, Punch, Kick,
- Uppercut, Punch, Kick, Uppercut, Punch, Kick,
Uppercut - Punch, Kick, Uppercut, Punch, Kick, Uppercut,
Punch, Kick - Bi-Gram for 1st two lines, 2nd two lines, all
four lines - 1st two lines Bi-gram 5 Punch, 1 Uppercut
- 2nd two lines Bi-Gram 0 Punch, 4 Uppercut
- All four lines Bi-Gram 5 Punch, 6 Uppercut
44N-Gram Statistical Prediction
- How should statistics be recorded?
- When does the computation occur?
- What about modeling fading memory?
- What about dealing with changing player behavior?
45Natural Language Learning
46Natural Language Learning
- MegaHAL
- User Who is the smartest person in the world?
47Naming in Spore
- Database of names
- Bi-gram statistics
- Start with first 2 letters, grow name
statistically - Used to create 1000s of names
48Play SNL Video
49Green Eggs and Ham
- Written in 1960
- 4th best selling children's book of all time
- 1991 SNL skit was when Dr. Seuss died
- Green Eggs and Ham uses only 50 words
- 49 of them are single syllable words (anywhere)
- 50 bet from publisher that Dr. Seuss couldn't
write a book with only 50 words - Averages 5.7 words per sentence and 1.02
syllables per word, giving it an exceptionally
low Flesch-Kincaid grade level of -1.3
50Dr. Seuss RecombinatorIn-Class Activity
51Recombinator Demo
52Quick and Dirty Intro to Neural Networks
53Neural Networks
- What are they?
- Based on biological neurons in the brain
- NNs are complex non-linear functions that relate
one or more input variables to an output variable - NNs are a series of identical non-linear
processing elements (analogous to neurons)
connected together in a network by weights
(analogous to synapses).
54Neural Networks
55Neural Networks
56Neural Networks
- Must be trained to produce a particular function
- Show it examples of inputs and outputs
- Weights adjusted to minimize error between output
and desired output (Backpropagation) - Can require hundreds or thousands of examples
- Computationally intensive
- For games, training must be done offline
- Not guaranteed to learn the right thing
- Requires too many examples
- Blazingly fast once it is trained and frozen
57Neural Networks
- What are neural networks really good at?
- Face and fingerprint recognition
- Handwriting recognition
- Gesture recognition
- NNs excel at taking noisy data and processing it
to produce a match - Game success stories
- Colin McRae Rally 2.0 Steering racing cars
- Forza Motorsport "Drivatar"
- Creatures Control and learning
- Bottom line
- Statistically, game developers are not using NNs
- Perceptron network is simpler version of a NN
- Single-layer neural network
- Easier to train than an NN or decision tree
- Each perceptron outputs a yes or no
- Either it gets stimulated enough to trigger, or
it does not - Can learn Boolean decisions such as attack or
dont attack - Drawback Can only learn simple (linearly
separable) functions
59PerceptronsBlack White Example
- Three inputs used to determine if Creature was
hungry - hunger, tasty food, unhappiness
- If Creature ate and received positive or negative
feedback, then weights were adjusted, thus
facilitating learning
60PerceptronsBlack White Example
- Inputs
- Hunger
- Tasty food
- Unhappiness
61PerceptronsBlack White Example
Desire Sources Desire Sources Desire Sources Desire Sources Desire Sources Desire Sources Actual Intended (Feedback)
Hunger Hunger Tastiness Tastiness Unhappiness Unhappiness Actual Intended (Feedback)
Value Weight Value Weight Value Weight Actual Intended (Feedback)
0.8 0.500 0.8 0.500 0 0.500 0.8 1.000
0.8 0.564 0.2 0.564 0 0.500 0.564 1.000
0.1 0.599 0.6 0.573 0 0.500 0.404 0.200
0 0.597 0 0.560 1 0.5 0.5 0.002
0.3 0.597 0.4 0.560 1 0.450 0.853 0.400
- 0.58341 - 0.542 - 0.4047 - -
62Decision Tree
- Relates inputs from game world to an output
representing something you want to predict - Series of rules arranged in a tree structure
- Example Will bot survive engagement with player?
- Is bots health low?
- Yes will not survive
- No check next question
- Is bots ammunition low?
- Yes will not survive
- No will survive
- Important for learning
- Algorithms exist to create decision trees in near
real-time (ID3)
Health Low?
Ammo Low?
63Decision Tree LearningBlack White Example
- What objects will satisfy a Creatures desire to
eat? - Scenario
- Creature eats something
- Creature gets either positive or negative
feedback - Player can stroke or slap Creature
- Certain objects are tastier than others
- Decision tree is created that reflects feedback
and past experience - Decision tree influences future decisions to eat
a particular object
64Decision Tree LearningBlack White Example
What Creature Ate Feedback (how tasty)
A big rock -1.0
A small rock -0.5
A small rock -0.4
A tree -0.2
A cow 0.6
65Decision Tree LearningMinimizing Entropy
- Pick decisions that minimize entropy
- Random outcomes result in entropy of 1
66Decision Tree LearningAnger Decision Tree
What Creature Attacked Feedback from Player
Friendly, weak, Celtic -1.0
Enemy, weak, Celtic 0.4
Friendly, strong, Norse -1.0
Enemy, strong, Norse -0.2
Friendly, weak, Greek -1.0
Enemy, medium, Greek 0.2
Enemy, strong, Greek -0.4
Enemy, medium, Aztec 0.0
Friendly, weak, Aztec -1.0
67Decision Tree LearningAnger Decision Tree
68Decision Tree LearningAnger Decision Tree
What Creature Attacked Feedback from Player
Friendly, weak, Celtic -1.0
Enemy, weak, Celtic 0.4
Friendly, strong, Norse -1.0
Enemy, strong, Norse -0.2
Friendly, weak, Greek -1.0
Enemy, medium, Greek 0.2
Enemy, strong, Greek -0.4
Enemy, medium, Aztec 0.0
Friendly, weak, Aztec -1.0
69Decision Tree LearningAnger Decision Tree
What Creature Attacked Feedback from Player
Friendly, weak, Celtic -1.0
Enemy, weak, Celtic 0.4
Friendly, strong, Norse -1.0
Enemy, strong, Norse -0.2
Friendly, weak, Greek -1.0
Enemy, medium, Greek 0.2
Enemy, strong, Greek -0.4
Enemy, medium, Aztec 0.0
Friendly, weak, Aztec -1.0