CS 405G: Introduction to Database Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS 405G: Introduction to Database Systems


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS 405G: Introduction to Database Systems

CS 405G Introduction to Database Systems
  • Lecture 4 Relational Model
  • Instructor Chen Qian

  • A data model is
  • a group of concepts for describing data.
  • What are the two terms used by ER model to
    describe a miniworld?
  • Entity
  • Relationship
  • What makes a good conceptual database design

Todays Outline
  • Relational Model
  • Relational Model and Relational Database Schemas
  • Informal definition, not so formal, and formal
  • Relational Model Constraints

Why Study the Relational Model?
  • Most widely used model.
  • Legacy systems in older models
  • e.g., IBMs IMS
  • Object-oriented concepts merged in
  • Object-Relational model
  • Early work done in POSTGRES research project at
  • XML features in most relational systems
  • Can export XML interfaces
  • Can embed XML inside relational fields

  • The model was first proposed by Dr. E.F. Codd of
    IBM in 1970 in the following paper"A Relational
    Model for Large Shared Data Banks,"
    Communications of the ACM, June 1970.
  • The above paper caused a major revolution in the
    field of Database management and earned Ted Codd
    the coveted ACM Turing Award.

The picture is from wikipedia
Database Design
Relational Model Concepts
  • Relational database a set of relations.
  • Relation made up of 2 parts
  • Schema specifies name of relation, plus the
    name and type of each attribute.
  • E.g. Students(sid string, name string, login
    string, age integer, gpa real)
  • Instance a table, with rows and columns.
  • rows cardinality
  • fields degree / arity

  • RELATION A table of values
  • A relation may be thought of as a set of rows
    (table view).
  • Each row represents a fact that corresponds to a
    real-world entity or relationship.
  • Each row has a value of an item or set of items
    that uniquely identifies that row in the table.

  • Sometimes row-ids or sequential numbers are
    assigned to identify the rows in the table.
  • A relation may alternately be thought of as a set
    of columns (schema view).
  • Each column typically is called by its column
    name or column header or attribute name.

A (Slightly) Formal Definition
  • A database is a collection of relations (or
  • Each relation is identified by a name and a list
    of attributes (or columns)
  • Each attribute has a name and a domain (or type)
  • Such as SIDstring
  • Set-valued attributes not allowed
  • Simplicity is a virtue!

  • Relation schema relation name attributes
    types of attributes
  • in order
  • Example Beers(name, manf) or Beers(name string,
    manf string)
  • Database collection of relations.
  • Database schema set of all relation schemas in
    the database.

Schema versus instance
  • Schema (metadata)
  • Students(sid string, name string, login
    string, age integer, gpa real)
  • Specification of how data is to be structured
  • Defined at set-up Rarely changes
  • Instance
  • Content
  • Changes rapidly, but always conforms to the
  • Compare to type and objects of type in a
    programming language
  • Entity and entity type?

  • Schema
  • Student (SID integer, name string, age integer,
    GPA float)
  • Course (CID string, title string)
  • Enroll (SID integer, CID integer)
  • Instance
  • 142, Amy, 20, 3.3, 123, Bob, 22, 3.1, ...
  • CS405G, Intro. to Database Systems, ...
  • 142, CS405G, 142, CS314, ...

Formal Definition (Set Theory)
  • Formally, given sets D1, D2, . Dn a relation r
    is a subset of D1 x D2 x x Dn
  • x Cartesian product
  • For sets A and B, the Cartesian product A B is
    the set of all ordered pairs (a, b) where a ? A
    and b ? B.
  • Thus, a relation is a set of n-tuples (a1, a2, ,
    an) where each ai ? Di

  • Example If
  • customer_name Jones, Smith, Curry, Lindsay,
  • customer_street Main, North, Park,
  • customer_city Harrison, Rye, Pittsfield,
  • Then r (Jones, Main, Harrison), (Smith,
    North, Rye), (Curry, North, Rye),
    (Lindsay, Park, Pittsfield) is a relation
  • customer_name customer_street customer_city

Attribute Types
  • Each attribute of a relation has a name,
    designating the role of the attribute
  • The set of allowed values for each attribute is
    called the domain of the attribute
  • Attribute values (domain members) are required to
    be atomic that is, indivisible
  • E.g. the value of an attribute can be an account
    number, but cannot be a set of account numbers
  • Domain is said to be atomic if all its members
    are atomic
  • The special value null is a member of every

Relation Schema
  • A1, A2, , An are attributes
  • R (A1, A2, , An ) is a relation schema
  • Example
  • Customer_schema (customer_name,
    customer_street, customer_city)
  • r(R) denotes a relation r on the relation schema
  • Example
  • customer (Customer_schema)

Relation Instance
  • The current values (relation instance) of a
    relation are specified by a table
  • An element t of r is a tuple, represented by a
    row in a table

attributes (or columns)
Jones Smith Curry Lindsay
Main North North Park
Harrison Rye Rye Pittsfield
tuples (or rows)
Definition Summary
Informal Terms Formal Terms
Table Relation
Column Attribute/Domain
Row Tuple
Values in a column Domain
Table Definition Schema of a Relation
Populated Table Extension
Characteristics of Relation
  • The tuples in a ration r(R) are not considered to
    be ordered, even though they appear to be in the
    tabular form.
  • We consider the attributes in R(A1, A2, ..., An)
    and the values in tltv1, v2, ..., vngt to be
    ordered .
  • All values are considered atomic (indivisible).
    A special null value is used to represent values
    that are unknown or inapplicable to certain

Characteristics of Relation
  • Notation we refer to component values of a tuple
    t by tAi vi (the value of attribute Ai for
    tuple t).
  • Similarly, tAu, Av, ..., Aw refers to the
    subtuple of t containing the values of attributes
    Au, Av, ..., Aw, respectively.

Relational Integrity Constraints
  • Integrity Constraints are conditions that must
    hold on all valid relation instances.
  • There are four main types of constraints
  • Domain constraints
  • The value of a attribute must come from its
  • Key constraints
  • Entity integrity constraints
  • Referential integrity constraints

Primary Key Constraints
  • A set of fields is a candidate key (abbreviated
    as key) for a relation if
  • 1. No two distinct tuples can have same values in
    all key fields, and
  • 2. Property 1 is not true for any subset of the
  • What if Part 2 is false? A super key a set of
    fields that contains a key.
  • If there are multiple keys for a relation, one of
    the keys is chosen (by DBA) to be the primary key.

Key Example
  • E.g., given a schema Student(sid string, name
    string, gpa float) we have
  • sid is a key for Students. (What about name?)
    The set sid, gpa is a superkey.
  • CAR (licence_num string, Engine_serial_num
    string, make string, model string, year
  • What is the candidate key(s)
  • Which one you may use as a primary key
  • What are the super keys

Entity Integrity
  • Entity Integrity The primary key attributes (PK)
    of each relation schema R cannot have null values
    in any tuple of r(R).
  • Other attributes of R may be similarly
    constrained to disallow null values, even though
    they are not members of the primary key.

Foreign Keys, Referential Integrity
  • Foreign key Set of fields in one relation that
    is used to refer to a tuple in another
    relation. (Must correspond to primary key of the
    second relation.) Like a logical pointer.
  • Foreign key constraint The foreign key in the
    referencing relation must match the primary key
    of the referenced relation.
  • E.g. sid is a foreign key referring to Students
  • Student(sid string, name string, gpa float)
  • Enrolled(sid string, cid string, grade string)
  • If all foreign key constraints are enforced,
    referential integrity is achieved, i.e., no
    dangling references.

Foreign Key constraints
  • Only students listed in the Students relation
    should be allowed to enroll for courses.

  • Possible violation Add lt50000, History105, Bgt to
  • Possible violation delete lt53650, Smith, gt from

Other Types of Constraints
  • Semantic Integrity Constraints
  • based on application semantics and cannot be
    expressed by the model per se
  • e.g., the max. no. of hours per employee for all
    projects he or she works on is 56 hrs per week
  • A constraint specification language may have to
    be used to express these
  • SQL-99 allows triggers and ASSERTIONS to allow
    for some of these

Next class
  • Logical design of databases using the relational

  • Home work 1, due 2/6
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