Spanish-American War - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Spanish-American War


Spanish-American War American Neo-Imperialism And American Foreign Policy – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Spanish-American War

Spanish-American War
  • American Neo-Imperialism
  • And American Foreign Policy

Platt Amendment (1901)
  • U.S.-Cuban Agreement
  • Never to sign a treaty with foreign power that
    impairs independence.
  • Never to build up an excessive public debt
  • To permit the U.S. to intervene in Cubas affairs
    to preserve its independence and maintain law and
  • To allow the U.S. to maintain naval bases in
    Cuba, including one at Guantanamo Bay.

Open Door Policy with China
  • John Hay spheres of influence
  • Boxer Rebellion
  • Hays Second Note
  • Preserve Chinas territorial integrity
  • Safeguard equal and impartial trade with all
    parts of the Chinese empire.

Panama Canal
  • Rationale for Canal
  • Revolution in Panama Columbian Influence
  • U.S. connection from Pacific to Atlantic
  • Military
  • Imperialism and trade / spheres of influence
  • Future income from use
  • Limit availability and control/persuade other
    nations for use agreements.

Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1901)
  • Great Britain agreed to abrogate an earlier 1850
    agreement in which a Central American canal would
    be U.S. and British. Abrogate cancel
  • U.S. can now build canal without British control.

Building the Canal
  • Started in 1904 completed in 1914
  • George Goethals and Dr.William Gorgas
  • Goethals Chief engineer and canal zone
  • Gorgas Minimizes yellow fever do to mosquitoes

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
  • Latin American financial debt to Europe.
  • 1902 British war ships dispatched to Venezuela
    for repayment of debt.
  • 1904 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
    European repayment of debt and land disputes.
  • Dec. 1904 U.S. will intervene instead.
    (Roosevelt Corollary) U.S. would occupy major
    ports collection of taxes to satisfy foreign
  • 1912 - Lodge Corollary

Roosevelt Corollary in Use
  • Over the next 20yrs
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Dominican Republic
  • Nicaragua
  • Long-term result is U.S. negative (resented)
    relationship with Latin America.

Presidency in Trouble
  • Latin America angered at T.R.s role in Panama
  • Teller Amendment U.S. limited imperialists
  • Philippine and Cuban Annexation are contended and
    quite different. The U.S. has an Interventionist
  • In 1921, U.S. will pay Columbia 25 million for
    its loss of Panama.

Tafts message to Congress
  • On December 3, 1912, President Taft looked back
    at the foreign policy followed by the United
    States during his administration and noted
  • "The diplomacy of the present administration has
    sought to respond to modern ideas of commercial
    intercourse. This policy has been characterized
    as substituting dollars for bullets. It is one
    that appeals alike to idealistic humanitarian
    sentiments, to the dictates of sound policy and
    strategy, and to legitimate commercial aims."

RootTakahira Agreement
  • An agreement between the United States and the
    Empire of Japan negotiated between U.S. Secretary
    of State Elihu Root and Japanese Ambassador to
    the United States Takahira.
  • Signed in November of 1908, the agreement
    consisted of an official recognition of the
    territorial status quo as of November 1908,
    affirmation of the independence and territorial
    integrity of China. (i.e. the "Open Door Policy"
    as proposed by John Hay), maintenance of free
    trade and equal commercial opportunities.

Wilsons Moral Diplomacy
  • Wilson abandoned the imperialist policy and
    brought to the White House a new way of looking
    at America's relations with the outside world.
  • The U.S. was the most politically enlightened
    nation under God, he felt that all peoples
    throughout the world had the right to
  • self-determination that the people in
    every country should have the right to
    choose their own governments.
  • Secretary of State Bryan, felt that it was
    America's duty to protect democracy and free
    peoples in other countries rather than to spread
    it throughout the globe.

Moral Diplomacy
  • Moral Diplomacy??
  • He persuaded Congress to repeal the 1912 Panama
    Canal Act which exempted many American ships from
    paying the required toll for passage through the
    canal. He signed a treaty with the South American
    country of Colombia to apologize for Roosevelt's
    acts of aggression during the American- driven
    Panama Revolution in 1903.
  • Wilson's attempt to help Nicaraguan rebels
    eventually required him to occupy the country by
    force in 1914. The same blunder occurred in Haiti
    in 1915 and the Dominican Republic in 1916, when
    Wilson eventually sent in American troops to
    occupy the islands. During Wilson's Presidency,
    the United States also purchased the Virgin
    Islands from Denmark. It is ironic that despite
    his loathing of imperialism and his deep belief
    in self-determination, Wilson resorted to
    military action in Latin America just as his
    predecessors had.

Progressive Imperialism
  • Big Stick Policy
  • speak softly and carry a big stick
  • Strong Military but use diplomacy
  • Dollar Diplomacy
  • Using foreign aid to () manipulate other
    nations. - Builds dependency
  • Moral Diplomacy
  • Right past wrongs.
  • US to expand the Constitution and Progressive

Wilson and Mexico
  • Although Wilson had problems in the Caribbean,
    his greatest challenge came from Mexico. In 1913,
    Mexico fell into a bloody revolution when Mexican
    general Victoriano Huerta overthrew the nation's
    government and declared himself its military
    dictator. Wilson immediately denounced Huerta,
    Wilson permitted Huerta's enemies, the
    Constitutionalists, to purchase military
    equipment and arms in the U.S. in order to stage
    a counterrevolution.
  • When the dictator's army seized a small group of
    American sailors on shore leave in Mexico, Wilson
    demanded an apology. He also demanded that Huerta
    publicly salute the American flag in Mexico,
    which Huerta naturally refused to do. Wilson
    responded with force in April 1914, he sent
    American Marines to take and occupy Veracruz,
    Mexico's primary seaport. Veracruz was taken, but
    eighteen Americans were killed in the battle. Not
    wanting to commit the U.S. to war, Wilson also
    requested the ABC powersArgentina, Brazil, and
    Chileto mediate the dispute. With their
    arbitration, the conflict was eventually
    resolved. Huerta fled the country, and a new
    government was established in 1915 under the
    leadership of Constitutionalist President
    Venustiano Carranza.
  • Despite the settlement, Wilson's Mexican troubles
    were not yet over. Soon after Carranza was
    instated as Mexico's new president, one of his
    chief generals, Pancho Villa, led a second
    revolution to depose Carranza. A second bloody
    civil war erupted in Mexico barely after the
    first had ended. To encourage the American
    military to enter the conflict, Villa sent his
    forces into the U.S., where they destroyed the
    town of Columbus, New Mexico, and killed nineteen
    Americans. This produced the reaction Villa
    sought within days of the raid on Columbus,
    Wilson sent the Punitive Expedition of 5,000 U.S.
    Army regulars, led by General John J. Pershing,
    into Mexico to find Villa.
  • Within a month, Pershing and his men had traveled
    over 300 miles south into the heart of Mexico in
    an unsuccessful pursuit of Villa. Wilson ignored
    President Carranza's threats of war, and the two
    armies eventually clashed on April 12, 1916, and
    again on June 21, 1916. Both countries prepared
    for war Wilson mustered 100,000 troops on the
    border in Texas. Fortunately, however, war was
    averted when Carranza petitioned for mediation.
    An agreement was reached in early January 1917
    when Wilson recalled Pershing and officially
    recognized Carranza's government.
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