Title: School-Wide Applications Model: SAM in the DC Public Schools
1School-Wide Applications Model SAM in the DC
Public Schools
- Action Planning and Effective Implementation
- Sailor, Roger, McCart Wolf, 2008
2Survey of Barriers to Implementation and
Sustainability of SW-PBS in Urban Settings
(Putnam et al., 2008)
- 10. Cultural difference between teacher-student
- 9. History of failed initiatives
- 8. Competing initiatives that drain resources
- 7. High proportion of inexperienced, short term
teachers - 6. Disconnect between school and district
administration - 5. Administrative turnover
- 4. Continuous change in district leadership and
priorities - 3. High bureaucratic complexity
- 2. Inadequate prepared teaching force
- 1. Teacher turnover
3SAM Schoolwide Applications Model
Six Guiding Principles Fifteen Critical Features
4Six Guiding Principles of SAM
- All instruction is guided by General Education
- All school resources are configured to benefit
all students - School Proactively addresses social development
and citizenship - School is data-based learning organization
- School has open boundaries in relation to its
families and its community - School enjoys district support for undertaking
the extensive systems-change activities required
to implement SAM
5Critical Features of SAM (1-5)
- School serves all students.
- All students at school are considered general
education students. - General education teachers assume responsibility
for all students at the school. - School is inclusive of all students for all
classroom and school functions. - School is organized to provide all specialized
supports, adaptations and accommodations to
students in such a way as to maximize the number
of students who will benefit.
6Critical Features of SAM (6-10)
- All students are taught in accordance with the
general curriculum. - The school has an active, schoolwide Positive
Behavior Support (SWPBS) program operating at all
3 levels. - The school is a data-driven, collaborative
decision-making, learning organization with all
major functions guided by team process. - School effectively utilizes general education
students in instruction of students in need of
supports in all instructional environments. - All personnel at the school participate in the
teacher/learning processes and are valued for
their respective contributions to pupil academic
and social outcomes.
7Critical Features of SAM (11-15)
- School personnel use a uniform, non-categorical
lexicon to describe both personnel and
teaching/learning functions. - School has established a Site Leadership Team
(SLT) empowered by the school and the district to
implement SAM at the school. - School has working partnership with families of
students who attend the school. - School has working partnership with its community
businesses and service providers. - SAM implementation at the school site is fully
recognized and supported by the district.
8Schoolwide Applications Model Analysis SAMAN
9(No Transcript)
- RtI Response to Intervention Framework
- Effective District Level Systems and Structure
- District and School-Based Action Planning
- Coaching Model
- PBS Positive Behavioral Support
- Co-Teaching
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Data-based Action Plan
- Systems and Supports at the District Level
District and School Based Action Planning
16SAM Action Plan
Leadership Team Is there a SAM leadership team established?
Leadership Team Does the team meet at least semi-monthly?
Leadership Team Is there a team leader?
Leadership Team Does the leadership team have an action plan completed?
Leadership Team Does the team regularly review data?
Leadership Team Does the team understand the critical features of SAM?
Data Collection Are there established data collected?
Data Collection Is there a SAM data collection system in place?
Data Collection Are SAMAN assessments completed at least bi-annually?
Staffing Is there a school employee with established Full Time Equivalence committed to the SAM process?
Training Are there regularly established training times on SAM guiding principles?
Training How are new school personnel trained on SAM?
Training Is there general new teacher training in place?
Sustainability Is the team actively working on sustaining systems?
- Based on the work of Jim Knight
18What Is Instructional Coaching
- A collaborative process that aimed to improve
teaching. - An on-site professional developer who partners
with educators to identify and assist with
implementation of proven teaching strategies.
(Jim Knight, KU, Center for Research on Learning) - An instructional coach
- Is on site
- Is a professional developer
- Partners with teachers
- Identifies with teachers
- Uses proven strategies (research-based)
- Assists teachers
Jim Knight Journal of Staff Development, Spring
2004 (Vol. 25, No. 2)
- Based on the work of Marilyn Friend
20The Power of Two
- Co-Teaching is a model for successful
collaboration between special education and
general education teachers in order to meet the
needs of all students with diverse learning
abilities in the general education classroom.
21Co-teaching is a collaborative process. . .
- Two educators
- Delivering instruction together in the regular
classroom - To diverse groups of students
- Accomplished through joint planning and both
educators delivering instruction in large, small,
and individual groups.
Co-TeachingSouth Central RPDC 10-22-07
23What are the expectations for SAM schools in WDC
over a three-year period?
- SAM uses an RTI logic model to examine the
relationship of the implementation fidelity tool,
SAMAN, to repeated assessments of pupil progress
over time using a procedure called latent growth
modeling. - As schools learn to implement the critical
features of SAM, fifteen of which are sampled by
SAMAN, outcomes will be reflected in pupil
progress as measured by grade level and school
gains in curriculum based measures, benchmark
assessments and annual standardized assessments.
- It is expected that over a three year period SAM
schools will outperform demographically
comparable schools within the same district in
math and reading gains as estimated by
statistical probability assessments. Moreover, we
expect these gains to be reflected in all
subgroups including special education.
Sailor Choi, 2009
- We expect modest trends in a positive direction
and gains on the SAMAN from initiation to
implementation score ranges for the same
corresponding period.
Sailor Choi, 2009
- We expect statistically significant trends on
outcome data as SAMAN assessments move toward the
upper ranges of implementation.
Sailor Choi, 2009
- We expect significant differences between SAM
schools and a comparable match set of non-SAM
schools (SAM waitlisted), on math and reading,
and with statistically significant trends in a
positive direction within each SAM school.
Sailor Choi, 2009
27To Illustrate the Desired Trend
- SAMAN progress from Chavez Elementary,
Ravenswood School District, California. - Chavez took three years to reach SAMAN scale
score 2.5 and higher which is the phase of
enculturation. - Scores in that phase indicate that the SAM
process has become business as usual at the
school. - California State test (STAR) on math and reading
over the span from 2003-2004 AY to 2007-2008 AY
and the resultant statistical analysis.
Sailor Choi, 2009
28Significant on Tuckeys HSD Test
Significant on Tuckeys HSD Test
Significant on Tuckeys HSD Test
Repeated Measure ANOVA- Significant main effect
on year of measurement F(1.96, 522.13) 53.62, p
lt .01, ?p2 .17
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30DCPS Initial Data
- 2008-2009 AY DC-BAS
- Seven of the eight schools are trending upward
averaged across all grades - If the trend continues, cohort 1 schools as a
group should reflect gains in annual grade level
assessments by the end of year three. - In year two, we will create a matched sample of
schools with comparable demographics and do a
comparative analysis of SAM vs. non-SAM school
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34Next Year
- We add additional training on the core components
(RtI, coaching, co-teaching, PBS) - We look for additional gains in progress and
outcome data - As we introduce children back into the classroom
there will be additional needs to address. Not
sure of the impact on the data. - Additional focus on capacity building and school
35Thank You
- Amy McCart, Ph.D.
- Research Assistant Professor
- University of Kansas
- amymc_at_ku.edu
- 816-719-3393
- Pbis.org