Debating: Dos, Don - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Debating: Dos, Don


This session will give you a more detailed idea of how to debate and what to do in debates, and will finish with a proper 5 minute speech debate. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Debating: Dos, Don

Debating Dos, Donts and 5 Minute Speeches
  • This session will give you a more detailed idea
    of how to debate and what to do in debates, and
    will finish with a proper 5 minute speech

Social Tonight
NAMDA Novice
  • Sign up for NAMDA Novice in York. end of week 3
  • Its a good introduction to a debating
    competitions fun bits without the intensity and
    the world champions that beat everyone.
  • You will get great feedback not only from us but
    from other great debaters at the other NAMDA
  • Please talk to us if you are interested.
  • You must be a member of the society to go.

Recap of last session
  • 4 teams of 2 people
  • 5 minute speeches
  • 15 minutes preparation time
  • Points of Information can and should be offered
    in the middle 3 minutes of speeches on the
    opposite side
  • The aim is to persuade the judges that your
    sides view of the motion (what were debating)
    is the right one.

Table Diagram
1st Prop
1st Opp
2nd Prop
2nd Opp
Constructing a 5 minute Speech
  • Try to think of as many points in support of your
    argument as you can during prep time.
  • If you are in the first half of the debate, try
    to think of 6 points that you can split between
    yourself and your partner.
  • During your speech you should
  • Firstly, signpost what points you are going to
  • Rebuttal it is incredibly important that you
    attempt to engage with the arguments laid down by
    previous speakers on the opposite side.
  • Explain your points with as much justification as
    possible try to do 60 to 90 seconds for each
  • Once you have said your points, summarise your
    speech briefly to reinforce your points.

That is, in brief.
  • Think of stuff to say.
  • Say what youre going to say.
  • Rebut
  • Say what you said you were going to say.
  • Say what you just said.

In brief Special Roles on the Table
  • 1st Proposition, 1st Speaker Your job is to
    define the motion What were talking about, why
    were talking about it, and exactly HOW youre
    going to do it.
  • 2nd Proposition and Opposition, 1st Speaker You
    are the Extension Speakers. Your job is to
    discuss ideas that havent previously been
    discussed in first half
  • 2nd Proposition and Opposition, 2nd Speaker You
    are the Summary Speakers. Your job is to re-use
    the arguments (the best 3 maybe) already set down
    by your side to persuade the judges that your
    side has won.

1st Prop
Problem --- Mechanism ---Solution
  • Dont panic in 1st Prop, it may be the most
    feared position but its easy to do it well.
  • First, decide what problem the motion is trying
    to fix.
  • Explain the Mechanism that your motion uses to
    help solve the problem
  • Explain what sort of world youre going to create
    - your solution world. Explain why its
  • For you to win, you must prove that your
    mechanism will work, and will create a better
    world than before.

1st Opp
  • The Problem Mechanism Solution model is useful to
    remember for Opposition too.
  • To win, Opposition must prove that Props model
    doesnt work. They can do this by either
  • Denying that the problem exists or even if it
    does it isnt the states role to fix it.
  • Attacking the mechanism, either because it
    doesnt work or that it is unfair or
  • Attacking the solution world explaining what
    bad things will happen if this comes into place.
  • Or they can attack all 3, its up to them!

Example 1st half skirmish
This House Would Bring Back the Death Penalty.
  • Prop People who commit the most serious
    offences deserve the most serious punishment
  • Opp How can we teach society to value life when
    we execute criminals? And what if they didnt do
  • Prop Capital punishment is an effective
    deterrent people wont commit murder if they
    think they will die
  • Opp People who commit murder often dont think
    about the consequences of their actions so
    crime wont go down.
  • Prop These people are filling valuable prison
    space when there is no hope of them
    rehabilitating ever. Eventually they will be
    released and kill again.
  • Opp By killing people you deny potentially
    useful members of society the chance to repent
    and rehabilitate. Furthermore, capital punishment
    costs far more than life imprisonment on average
    just build more prisons!

Extending the debate
  • You and your partner should think of as many
    points as possible before the debate.
  • Keep a note of what your first half has already
    talked about. You will get no credit for
    repeating them
  • You will get credit for new points or old points
    better explained. Cross out points your first
    half has made well and use your remaining points.
    If all else fails, at least try to make it sound
  • Lets see what our extension speakers can talk
    about in this example debate.

Example 1st half skirmish
Can anyone think of an extension idea for either
  • Prop People who commit the most serious
    offences deserve the most serious punishment
  • Opp How can we teach society to value life when
    we execute criminals? This devalues the right to
  • Prop Capital punishment is an effective
    deterrent people wont commit murder if they
    think they will die
  • Opp People who commit murder often dont think
    about the consequences of their actions so
    crime wont go down.
  • Prop These people are filling valuable prison
    space when there is no hope of them
    rehabilitating ever. Eventually they will be
    released and kill again.
  • Opp By killing people you deny potentially
    useful members of society the chance to repent
    and rehabilitate. Furthermore, capital punishment
    costs far more than life imprisonment on
    average just build more prisons!

Example Prop Extension
  • Murderers forego their right to life as soon as
    they fail to recognise the right to life of
    another when they kill them. Society is affirming
    the right to life of the innocent person who
  • If the murderer is released from prison, often it
    is likely that he will recommit due to the
    inability of British prisons to rehabilitate
    effectively. By valuing the life of a criminal we
    put other innocent lives in danger.
  • Under the status quo, we impose sentences on a
    murderer who is terminally ill, knowing he will
    die before his release. Why is this different?

Example Opp Extension
  • It is inevitable that innocent people will end up
    being executed. All judges are fallible there
    are countless examples of miscarriages of justice
    leading to state sanctioned killing of innocent
  • The criminals innocent family and friends go
    through a hellish time up to and after the
    execution. It is difficult to come to terms with
    the fact that a loved one can commit such a crime
    indeed not being able to ever see them again is
    soul destroying.
  • Criminals are real people with capacity to feel
    pain and fear. If you were a judge or executioner
    how would you feel about the destruction of
    their humanity?

In Summary...
  • During prep time, the summary speaker helps his
    partner come up with ideas for the extension
  • During the debate, note down what people on both
    sides. Choose your sides best 3 points
  • Your 3 points should clash with the opposite
    sides case if they dont try to deal with it
    during your speech
  • Opposition summary shouldnt bother with
    rebuttal, the speech should cover everything.
    Proposition summary should offer some rebuttal to
    opposition extension but otherwise should also
    summarise the debate as a whole.
  • It is a biased summary, explaining why your side
    is right and the other side is wrong persuading
    the judge your side wins.

  • THW Give All Prisoners the Right to Vote.
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