Title: Pr
1CALICE, a frame for RD on calorimetry
Where do we stand today?
2Current developments in the CALICE collaboration,
the objectives
The RD effort
The CALICE collaboration
The aim
Prove the existence of a calorimeter
design hardware and software fulfilling the
requirements for a linear collider experiment
through specific technological developments up
to a physics prototype of the complete calorimeter
Be ready to build the calorimeter
3S.Chekanov, G.Drake, S.Kuhlmann, S.R.Magill,
B.Musgrave, J.Proudfoot, J.Repond, R.Stanek,
R.Yoshida Argonne National Laboratory
D.R.Ward, M.A.Thomson The Cavendish Laboratory,
Cambridge University S.Valkar, J.Zacek
Charles University - Prague P.D.Dauncey
Department of Physics,Imperial College London
H.Araujo, J.M.Butterworth, D.J.Miller,
M.Postranecky , M.Warren Department of Physics
and Astronomy,University College London
R.J.Barlow, I.P.Duerdoth,N.M.Malden ,
R.J.Thompson The Department of Physics and
Astronomy, The University of Manchester S.
Abraham, V.Djordjadze, V. Korbel, S.Reiche,
P.Steffen DESY - Hamburg V. Ammosov,
Yu.Arestov, B.Chuiko, V.Ermolaev,V.Gapienko,
A.Gerasimov, V.Koreshev, V.Lishin, V.Medvedev,
A.Semak, V.Shelekhov, Yu.Sviridov, E.Usenko,
V.Zaets, A.Zakharov Institute of High Energy
Physics - Protvino J.Cvach, M.Janata,
M.Lokajicek, S.Nemecek, J.Popule, M.Tomasek,
P.Sicho, V.Vrba, J.Weichert Institute of
Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic - Prague M.Danilov, Y.Gilitski,
V.Kochetkov, I.Matchikhilian, V.Morgunov,
S.Shuvalov Institute of Theoretical and
Experimental Physics - Moscow B.Bouquet, G.
Martin, J-P. Richer, Z.Zhang Laboratoire de
l'Acc?l?rateur Lin?aire - Orsay
4 F.Badaud, G.Bohner, F.Chandez, P.Gay, J. Lecoq,
S.Monteil Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire
- Clermont E.Devitsin, V.Kozlov, L.Popov,
S.Potashov, A.Terkulov Lebedev Physics
Institute - Moscow J-C.Brient, A.Busata,
A.Karar, P.Mora de Freitas, G.Morinaud,
D.Orlando,H.Videau LLR - Ecole Polytechnique -
Palaiseau A. Savoy-Navarro LPNHE - Universit?
Paris6/7 S.Apin, I.Bagdasarova,
V.Galkine,E.Gushin, A.Kaoucher, V. Saveliev,
K.Smirnov, M.Zaboudko Moscow Engineering and
Physics Institute P.Ermolov, D.Karmanov,
M.Merkin, A.Savin, A.Voronin, V.Volkov Moscow
State University P.Roca Physique des
Interfaces et Couches Minces - Ecole
Polytechnique - Palaiseau Ilgoo Kim, Taeyun
Lee, Jaehong Park, Jinho Sung School of Electric
Engineering and Computing Science, Seoul National
University, Korea C.M.Hawkes, S.J.Hillier,
R.J.Staley, N.K.Watson School of Physics and
Astronomy, University of Birmingham A.Brandin,
A.Ridiger State Research Center "INTERPHYSIKA" ,
Moscow M.Ashurov, I.Rustamov, E.Gasanov,
K.Khatamov, S.Ismoilov Tashkent University
5The elements of the study (up to now)
A Si-W electromagnetic calorimeter
- Two versions of hadronic calorimeter
- with scintillator tiles read analogically
- with RPC (or other detector) read digitally
An adequate reconstruction software based on
analytic energy flow
A prototype to be put in a beam in 2004
6The Si- W electromagnetic calorimeter
Current developments in the CALICE collaboration,
the objectives
The main design problems
Area of silicon, its price
Wafer design to reduce dead space
The number of channels, the space
Getting the signals out, coherent noise
Making the mechanical structure
What about dead zones
Behaviour of hadrons
7This is a cost prediction for microstrips!
DATA From H.F-W. Sadrozinski, UC-Santa Cruz
Moore's Law for Silicon Detectors
Wafer size
Number of masks Yield (good tolerance to dead
channels) Þ
cost/area (/cm²)
Used in the TDR
ltlt 2 /cm ²
TDR 96/130 ME
2 /cm²
Blank wafer price 6''
8from JC Brient St- Malo
- Re-calculate the estimation of cost,
- using the 2 /cm²for the silicon
- The cost of the ECAL is between 68 (20 layers)
to 99 (40layers) M - With the HCAL (i.e. version DHCAL) , the total
cost of the - calorimeter ranges from 129 (20 layers)
to 175 (40 layers) MCH - (CMS equivalent is 145 MCH)
- 1 - For the complete set ECAL HCAL Muon-CH
( MCH) -
- 2 - The change of the geometry can further
reduce the cost - (length of barrel, internal
Calice -FLC
9Vaclav Vrba
Wafers for the physics prototype
One guardring per wafer
AC coupling through resistor and
capacitance made by deposition of amorphous
10Getting the signals out,
where to put the FE electronics?
on the side of modules (accessible), easy to
cool number of lines, connections
inside the calorimeter more accessible?? easy to
connect cooling?
New study
11A design with electronics inside detector
AC coupling elements?
Thermal contact
1.3 mm
Cooling tube
Cooling tube
VFE chip
powerline command line signal out
1.0 mm
0.5 mm
Silicon wafer
Gluing for electrical contact
12Current design of prototypes
Thermal study
Pick up study
Front- end study (Opera)
for prototype for final design
Detector slab study
Mechanical structure study
Physics prototype
13Physics Prototype global presentation
from Marc Anduze, LLR CALICE Collaboration
14from JC Brient St- Malo
- Mid-march
- A first sample of tungsten plates arrives at
LLR gt metrology - The design of the front-end chip is fixed.
First batch for test. - End-march
- Production of the final set of masks for the
silicon wafers processing - Beginning-April
- Start the production of a sample of 40
tungsten plates - corresponding to the first technological
test and first stack of prototype - April-May
- Processing of the first 25 silicon wafers (DC
coupled) - May-September
- Processing and test of about 100 silicon
wafers - Final submission of the VFE chip for the
prototype -
15The hadron calorimeter, tile version
Slides by Volker Korbel
16Optimisation studies on the tile-WLS fibre system
at DESY, ITEP and LPI/Moscow and Prague.
V.Korbel, DESY, 24.6.2002
17TESLA Tile-HCAL, Best coupling shape for WLS
V.Korbel, DESY, 24.6.2002
18- Inside 4T magnetic field
- HPD?s, expensive ??
- APD?s, arrays possible, to study
- Si-photomultipliers (Si-PMs)
APD?s, Study at DESY and Prague 4x8
channel Si-APD array, Hamamatsu S8550,
1,6x1,6 mm2 pixels gtgt 3x3mm2 low
capacities 10-15 pF possible, gtgt low amplifier
noise at 360-380 V gain of 100-300 possible,
but excess noise? temperature
stability, gain shift of 1-2 /C, overcome by
monitoring gtgt work on
integration with monolithic preamps
(OPERA-type) Si-PM?s, Study at MEPHI/Moscow
silicon photodiodes with Geiger mode
amplification, pixels of 20 mm
diameter, 103 pixels/mm2, dynamic range?
30 V operation voltage, large gain of 105
-106 Q.E 20 at 500nm,
individual detectors only, 1.5x1.5 mm2 active
area see E. Lorenz,
?Evaluation of the new S8550 APD array...? and
Boris Dolgoshein, ?Silicon Photomultiplier and
ist Applications?, in 3. Beaune
Conf. On ?New Developments in Photoproduction,
June 2002
V.Korbel, DESY, 24.6.2002
19Tile-HCAL ?minical?-array
- Assembled with up to
- 27 scintillator layers
- 165 scintillator tiles of
- 5x5 cm2 gtgt 45 cells
- 10x10 cm2 gtgt 8 cells
- 20x20 cm2 gtgt 2 cells
- read out by
- 50 cm WLS fibres to
- photo-detectors
- 16 small PM?s
- 3x16 MA-PM?s,
- later (August)
- 1x32 M-APD array (Prague)
- Si-PM?s (MEPHI, Moscow)
Track chambers?
Cell structure
Stack and Tile structure
Aim of this device is study of light yield,
stability, ageing and calibration with MIP?s
V.Korbel, DESY, 24.6.2002
20The hadron calorimeter, the digital version
information from DHCAL subcollaboration IHEP,
Interphysica, LLR, MEPhI, Seoul U.
21by courtesy of Vladimir Ammossov
1x1 cm2
Pads outside
Gap 1.2 mm
Glass plates 1 mm
TFE/N2/IB 80/10/10
Pads inside
Efficiency to mip gt 98
Signal on 50 W 3 V
22Scheme for a digital HCAL signal detection
Thin PCB (1mm) combining pads and circuitry
Thin packaging, TQFP 1 mm
Power dissipation 1 mW/ch
Fe or ..
insulating layer
resistive layer
conductive layer
insulating layer
23Read out scheme for a 64 channel chip
64 million channels
Cost lt 0.2 Euros/ch
Reading the chips through a token ring
24Currently designing the RPC - FPGA interface
Current to voltage conversion Pulse
stretching Digital output (CMOS
compatible) Low input impedance Overvoltage
protection of FPGA Low power consumption
through current mirrors
25The impact of using gas detectors read
up to recently the simulation for the digital
solution was done with scintillator cells. we
moved to simulate RPC's
and that's different!
26by courtesy of Anatoli Sokolov
Not only it is digital but it could seem
almost compensating!
Almost a factor 3 between gas and scintillator
27by courtesy of Anatoli Sokolov
The sigma was estimated through a gaussian fit
28The sigma is estimated by quartiles take out
16 on the left on the right
No difference for hadrons between scint. and gas
NN seems to bring in both cases a 1.5 improvement
29The software side
Simulate more realistically RPC's, other
detectors (MOKKA)
Reconstruct photons, charged tracks, neutral
hadrons Identify leptons
Recent release of Simdet v4
Writing of a geometry tool kit based on Geant4
but reachable from different languages
Persistency interface
Study of a "human level" language for geometry
30What's new I RPCs in HCAL
31What's new I RPCs in HCAL
32What's new II the SET
34Simulation from MOKKA, an application of Geant4
Seeing a W dijet impact on the first 4 X0 of the
calorimeter in q f projection
The square is 100 mrad wide
X generated g's 8 charged 4
neutral had. 1 O reconstructed g's
35Some results at 800 GeV on photons
number of reconstructed g's versus number of
generated g's
Photon reconstructed energy versus true energy
Results from REPLIC
36Distribution of event photonic true
multiplicity and reconstructed
Distribution of event photonic true energy and
37Energy distribution for true photons and
reconstructed ones including fakes
38Energy distribution of generated true
photons and reconstructed true photons
A reconstructed photon is associated to a true
one if more than 75 of its energy comes from it.
39Difference between the true photon energy and
the reconstructed one per event.
The fit is done with 2 gaussians.
Norm1 101.88 Mean1 0.23
GeV s1 7.01 GeV Norm2
35.84 Mean2 - 0.02 GeV s2
18.49 GeV c2/dof 1.1
40Photon reconstruction efficiency at low energy
41Pattern recognition from mip identification and
P. Gay St-Malo
same for neutrons and K0
.145/ÖE .02
42Impact of the Neutral Hadrons
Neutral hadron reconstructed replaced by
MC truth
From P. Gay energy flow session St- Malo
43Few new results on particle identification in jets
Using the same technique as the ALEPH tau
analysis (HLM) MUONS (without using muon
chambers) -------
2ltPlt5 Pgt5
Eff. mu-gt
mu 24/31 54/54 Eff.
PI -gt mu 46/4698
56/3064 ELECTRONS (using dE/dx values and
errors from SIMDET v4) ----------
1ltPlt1.5 Pgt1.5
Eff. el-gt el 20/21
117/118 Eff. pi-gt el 7/2492
JC. Brient
44(No Transcript)
poursuivons le combat
la lotta continua
keep working
46by courtesy of Anatoli Sokolov
47by courtesy of Anatoli Sokolov
The sigma is estimated by quartiles take out
16 on the left on the right
No difference for hadrons between scint. and gas
NN seems to bring in both cases a 1.5 improvement