Title: Science and Christian Apologetics
1Science and Christian Apologetics
2Chaos vs Cosmos God vs the gods
3Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274 )
4Roger Bacon
5William of Ockham
6Nikolai Copernicus
7Galileo Galilei
The Bible was written to tell us how to go to
heaven, not how the heavens go
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9Sir Isaac Newton
10Statue of Joseph Priestley Founder of the
Unitarian Church
11Voltaire Creater of Modern Religious Skepticism
12David Hume
Says the skeptic Extraordinary claims require
extraordinary proof.
About God I have no need of that hypothesis
14How Old is the Earth?
15It is mere rubbish to think at this point of
the origin of life. One might as well think of
the origin of matter.
Charles Darwin
16Science without religion is lame. Religion
without science is blind. A. Einstein
17Creationism Bad Science!
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20table 1 Gene sequence thatcodes for protein Random DNA segmentbetween genes
Chimpanzee 100 98
Dog 99 52
Mouse 99 40
Chicken 75 4
Fruitfly 60 0
Roundworm 35 0