Political Socialization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Political Socialization


Political Socialization Unit 3 AP Government Political Ideology What we believe and why Political Ideology Definitions A comprehensive, integrated set of views ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Political Socialization

Political Socialization
  • Unit 3
  • AP Government

Many people Many opinions Many viewpoints
Political Ideology
  • What we believe and why
  • Political Ideology Definitions
  • A comprehensive, integrated set of views about
    government and politics
  • A coherent set of ideas of on how people should
    live together
  • A plan of action for applying these ideas

1. Our Ideology Comes from OurPolitical Culture
  • Political Culture is the widely shared beliefs,
    values and norms concerning the relationship of
    citizens to government and to one another.
  • Name some of the beliefs shared by most

Did you name these?
  • Liberty
  • Democracy
  • Political Equality
  • Individualism
  • Justice and the Rule of Law
  • Capitalism and Free Enterprise
  • Nationalism, optimism, and idealism
  • The American Dream

2. Our Ideology Comes from our Political
  • Political Socialization
  • The process by which we are taught and develop
    our individual and collective political beliefs
  • A lifelong process by which people form their
    ideas about politics and acquire political
    values. The family, educational system, peer
    groups, and the mass media all play a role. While
    family and school are important early in life,
    what our peers think and what we read in the
    newspaper and see on television have more
    influence on our political attitudes as adults.
  • Name some factors that influence our Political

Did you name these?
  • Family
  • Peers
  • Race and ethnic differences
  • Religious differences
  • Gender
  • Social and economic differences (SES)
  • Sectional/regional differences
  • Education Level
  • Age
  • Can be linked to Historical events (e.g., Pearl
    Harbor, Vietnam, Watergate, September 11 and War
    on Terror)
  • Media influences

Political ID Card
  • Place yourself on the classic spectrum!
  • Make an ID Card that represents YOU!
  • Youll need
  • 1-3 3x5 index card
  • Creativity!!

  • What do we mean???
  • How important??

  • Our first political ideas are shaped within the
  • Parents seldom talk politics with their young
    children directly, but casual remarks made around
    the dinner table or while helping with homework
    can have an impact.
  • Family tradition is particularly a factor in
    party identification, as indicated by the phrases
    lifelong Republican and lifelong Democrat.
  • The family may be losing its power as an agent of
    socialization, however, as institutions take over
    more of child care and parents perform less of it.

Compare the Childs Party with the Parents Party
Child's party Parent Democrat Parent Independent Parent Republican
Democrat 66 29 13
Independent 27 53 36
Republican 7 17 51
  • What do we mean???
  • How important??

  • Although peer pressure certainly affects
    teenagers' lifestyles, it is less evident in
    developing their political values.
  • Exceptions are issues that directly affect them,
    such as the Vietnam War during the 1960s.
  • Later, if peers are defined in terms of
    occupation, then the group does exert an
    influence on how its members think politically.
  • For example, professionals such as teachers or
    bankers often have similar political opinions,
    particularly on matters related to their careers.

  • What do we mean???
  • How important??

  • Children are introduced to elections and voting
    when they choose class officers, and the more
    sophisticated elections in high school and
    college teach the rudiments of campaigning.
  • Political facts are learned through courses in
    American history and government, and schools, at
    their best, encourage students to critically
    examine government institutions.
  • Schools themselves are involved in politics
    issues such as curriculum reform, funding, and
    government support for private schools often
    spark a debate that involves students, teachers,
    parents, and the larger community.

Race and Ethnic Differences
  • What do we mean???
  • How important??

Race and Ethnic Differences
  • Self-interest plays a significant role in
    attitudes on racial policies.
  • Racial and ethnic minorities tend to favor
    affirmative action programs, designed to equalize
    income, education, professional opportunity, and
    the receipt of government contracts.
  • Because such policies make it easier for members
    of minority groups, such as African Americans and
    Hispanics, to get good jobs and become affluent,
    group members naturally support them at a high
  • Polls taken before and after the verdict in the
    O.J. Simpson criminal trial showed that an
    overwhelming majority of African Americans
    believed that the former football star was
    innocent, while whites felt he was guilty by a
    similar majority.
  • These results reflect deep differences between
    the two groups in their perceptions of the
    judicial system and the role of the police in

Race and Ethnic Differences
  • Supporters defend affirmative action as a way to
    eliminate ongoing racial discrimination, make up
    for historical discrimination, and/or increase
    diversity in businesses and institutions.
  • Americans of European, Asian, or Middle Eastern
    descent, by contrast, are much more likely to see
    such programs as reverse discrimination that
    punishes them for their ethnic backgrounds.
  • A similar pattern is seen in political party
  • Beginning with the presidency of Franklin
    Roosevelt, African Americans switched their
    allegiance from the Republicans, the party of
    Lincoln, to the Democrats

  • What do we mean???
  • How important??

  • The concept of the separation of church and state
    does not prevent religion from acting as a force
    in American politics.
  • Strongly held beliefs affect the stand
    individuals take on issues such as public school
    prayer and state aid to private or parochial
  • Religion can also determine attitudes on abortion
    and gay and lesbian rights, irrespective of other
  • It is important to recognize, however, that the
    major religious groups in the United
    StatesProtestant, Catholic, and Jewish as well
    as the growing Islamichave their own liberal and
    conservative wings that frequently oppose each
    other on political issues.

  • What do we mean???
  • How important??

  • Gender gap, a term that refers to the varying
    political opinions men and women hold, is a
    recent addition to the American political
  • Unmarried women hold political views distinct
    from those of men and married women, views that
    lead them to support the Democratic party at a
    disproportionate rate.
  • Studies indicate that more women than men approve
    of gun control, want stronger environmental laws,
    oppose the death penalty, and support spending on
    social programs.
  • These compassion issues are usually identified
    with the Democratic party.

  • What do we mean???
  • How important??

Social/Economic Differences (SES) and Education
  • Americans generally favor a limited government
    and emphasize the ability of everyone to succeed
    through hard work.
  • Low-income Americans tend to endorse a stronger
    economic role for the federal government than do
    wealthier Americans, particularly by supporting
    programs such as welfare and increases in the
    minimum wage.

SES/Education Level
  • Wealthier Americans are the ones who mostly pay
    for social programs, and they naturally want to
    hold down their tax burden.
  • Nevertheless, even low-income Americans are less
    likely to consider redistribution of wealth a
    valid governmental task than are adults
    socialized in other industrialized countries
    (such as European nations).
  • This belief in individual responsibility may
    overcome a worker's self-interest in endorsing
    large social programs.

  • What do we mean???
  • How important??

  • The region of the country a person lives in can
    affect political attitudes.
  • The Southern states tend to support a strong
    defense policy, a preference reinforced by the
    presence of many military installations in the
  • The South's traditional conservatism was
    recognized in Richard Nixon's so-called Southern
    strategy, which began the process of
    strengthening the Republican party in the region.
  • Moreover, issues that are vital in one particular
    region generate little interest in
    othersagricultural price supports in the Midwest
    or water rights and access to public lands in the
    West, for example.
  • Questions about Social Security and Medicare have
    an added importance in the Sunbelt states with
    their high percentage of older adults.

  • What do we mean???
  • How important??

  • Think of the different views between a 25 year
    old father and a 70 year old grandfather!
  • Elderly tend to oppose increases in public school
    spending while supporting Social Security
    Medicare increases.
  • Strong political lobby in the AARP
  • While some younger people concerned that Social
    Security wont be around when they retire, favor
    changes, public school financing, etc. many are
    apathetic and disconnected

  • What do we mean???
  • How important??

  • Events like Watergate, the Vietnam War,
    Iran/Contra affair, Whitewater, and assorted
    corruption within Washington has led to a
    distrust of those in Washington among some age

  • What do we mean???
  • How important??

Media Influences
  • Much of our political information comes from the
    mass media newspapers, magazines, radio, and
  • The amount of time the average American family
    watches TV makes it the dominant information
  • TV not only helps shape public opinion by
    providing news and analysis, but also its
    entertainment programming addresses important
    contemporary issues that are in the political
    arena, such as drug use, abortion, and crime.

Much more to come in Unit 3!
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