Title: Chapter 3: the core model
1Chapter 3 the core model
- Krugman (1991)
- Two countries/regions/cities
- Here North (N) and South (S)
- Two industries agriculture (A) and manufacturing
(M) - named farmers and firms
- Location A exogenous, M endogenous
- Labour only production factor
- Firms/workers M mobile farms/workers A immobile
- No commuting workers live and spend their money
in the region where they work - M produces varieties/differentiated products
- M internal economies of scale/increasing returns
one firm produces one variety
- Key difference from New Trade Theory firms
decide where to produce - Geography becomes endogenous
- Assumption for world ( NS) size of M is 40
and size of A is 60, both in terms of production
and employment - 2/3 of farmers are located in N and 1/3 in S
geography of farmers is exogenously given - Consumers ( M-workers farmers) in N and S
spend 40 of their income on M-goods and 60 on
A-goods - Demand for every M-product is 10 units every
firm produces 10 units of its product/variety - Every firm in N and S sells 4 units to M-workers
and 6 units to farmers worldwide - Of the 6 units of M-products sold to farmers, 4
are sold to farmers in N and 2 to farmers in S - Transport costs 1 euro per unit from N to S
4Table 3.1 Geography of manufacturing sales of
the individual firm three non-exhaustive
Sales in North
Sales in South
Total Sales
All firms in North
4 4 8
0 2 2
All firms in South
0 4 4
4 2 6
25 firms in North
75 firms in South
1 4
3 2 5
- Note
- workers are where the firm is no commuting
- workers and farmers are the only consumers no
entrepreneur consumption
5Table 3.2 Transport costs for individual firm
- assume prices are given firms minimize transport
costs by choosing their location - a firm will locate in N if all other firms are
in N (situation A) - a firm will locate in S if all other firms are
in S (situation B) - situation C a firm is indifferent but one firm
moving will tip the balance
6Table 3.2 Transport costs for individual firm
- Cumulative causation once a region has more
firms others firms will also go there - Multiple equilibria A and B are both possible
and stable. In case A and B one firm changing its
location will not cause others to follow - C is unstable one firm moving will tip the
balance and others will follow - A stable equilibrium can be non-optimal total
transport costs in A will be 2, in B they are 4 - Interaction of agglomeration and trade full
agglomeration in A an B leads to pure
interindustry trade. Intermediate agglomeration C
leads to also intra-industry trade - Home market effect products with a large home
market are also exported
7Figure 3.1 Structure of the core model of
Geographical Economics
8The core model in writing
- U F1-d Md 0 lt d lt 1 dfraction of
income spent on M - F IM Y price F-good set to 1(numeraire)
- Maximization of U under Y (tn 3.1)
- F ( 1-d) Y IM dY
- (Nc?)1/? N1/? c
N(1/?)-1 Nc - (if ci c)
- if ? 1 no love of variety 100 pairs of the
same shoes same utility as 100 different pairs of
shoes products are perfect substitutes N100
and c1 same utility as N1 and c100 - if 0 lt ? lt 1 N100 and c1 more utility than
N1 and c100
9- maximize M subject to income budget (tn 3.2)
- Si picidY
- e 1/1-? demand elasticity
- gives cj (pj )-e (Ie-1 dY)
- and M dY/I
- with
10cj (pj )-e (Ie-1 dY) (pj )-e constant e is
the price elasticity of demand
11Figure 3.3 Relationship between ? and e
12- U F1-d Md
- M dY/I increasing N higher M lt-gt lower I
- I is exact price index
- real income y Y I d
- real wage w W I d
13Figure 3.4 Deviation between assumed demand and
cj (pj )-e (Ie-1 dY) (pj )-e constant but p1
is part of I ???
14Figure 3.4 continued
15Supply side
- F (1 ?) L ? fraction labour force in M
- M li a ß xi
- Profits p px W (a ß xi)
- Demand elasticity e leads to simple optimal
pricing rule known as mark-up pricing (tn 3.3) - p ßW/? ßW marginal cost and ?lt1
- So
- Every variety i has the same price pi because W
is the same for every firm/variety the labor
market is clearing
16Supply side (cont)
- tn 3.4
- x a(e-1)/ß (when p 0)
- l ae
- N ?L/l ? L/ ae
- So
- Output per firm/variety is fixed
- M only expands or contracts by producing more or
fewer variaties
17Economies of scale
- AC/MC gt 1 economies of scale
- AC l/x ae/ a(e-1)/ß ß e/ (e-1)
- MC ß
- AC/MC e/ (e-1) -gt e is also a measure of
economies of scale
18Figure 3.6 Division of labor over the regions
Total number of laborers L
Laborers in the
Laborers in the
manufacturing sector
food sector (1-
Laborers in the
Laborers in the
Laborers in the
Laborers in the
food sector in
food sector in
manufacturing sector
manufacturing sector
region 2
region 1
in region 1
in region 2
Mobility (section 3.9)
19Iceberg transport costs
- No transport sector
- Need to ship T units from N to S in order for 1
unit to arrive the rest melts away (send 107
flowers from Amsterdam to Paris for 100 to arrive
fresh) - Distance between N and S set to 1
- Price for N in N pN
- Price for N in S TpN
20Regional prices (1)
- price charged in region 1 by firm in region 1
p11 ßW1/? - price charged in region 2 by firm in region 1
p12 TßW1/? - symmetrically
- price charged in region 2 by firm in region 2
p22 ßW2/? - price charged in region 1 by firm in region 2
p21 TßW2/? - In general
- price charged in region s by firm in region r
prs Trs ßWr / ?
21Regional prices (2)
- Remember 3.6
- nr of firms in region 1 and 2 ?1?L / ae
resp. ?2?L / ae - the regional price index is a weighted average of
the prices of local goods and imported goods - I1 N1 p111-e N2 p211-e 1/(1-e)
- ?1 ?L / ae (ßW1/?) 1-e ?2 ?L / ae
(TßW2/?) 1-e 1/(1-e) - (ß/?)(?L/ae)1/(1-e) ?1 W11-e ?2
T1-eW21-e 1/(1-e) - In general
- Ir (ß/?)(?L/ae)1/(1-e) Ss ?s Trs1-e
Ws1-e 1/(1-e)
22Regional wages (1)
- Only unknown in I is wages
- Solved by demand supply
- From 3.6 cj (pj )-e (Ie-1 dY) and 3.12 p
ßW/? we get - demand product 1 in region 1 (dß-e?e )(Y1 W1 -e
I1 e-1 ) - demand product 1 in region 2 (dß-e?e )(Y2 W1 -e
T -e I1 e-1 ) - total demand x1 (dß-e?e ) (Y1 W1 -e I1 e-1
Y2 W1 -e T -e I1 e-1 ) - Supply x a (e -1)/ß (3.13)
23Regional wages (2)
- Supply x1 demand in region 1 demand in
region 2 -
extra production melted away - a (e -1)/ß (dß-e?e ) (Y1 W1 -e I1e-1 Y2 W1
-e T 1-e I1e-1 ) - leads to
- W1e ß1-e?e (d/(e-1)a) (Y1I1e-1 Y2 T1-e
I2e-1) - W1 ? ß-? (d/(e-1)a)1/e (Y1I1e-1 Y2 T1-e
I2e-1)1/e - In general
- Wr ? ß-? (d/((e-1)a))1/e ( Ss Ys Trs1-e
Ise-1 )1/e
Remember e1/(1-?) ?(e-1)/e
24Key equations 3.22 - 3.24 (p117) generalized
- Yr ?r Wr ? L fr ( 1 ?) L
- Ir (ß/?)(?L/ae)1/(1-e) ( Ss ?s Trs1-e
Ws1-e )1/(1-e) - Wr ? ß-? (d/((e-1)a))1/e ( Ss Ys Trs1-e
Ise-1 )1/e
Y Income L labour force W
wage T transport costs ? fraction M-
employment d fraction spending on
M-goods ?r regional share M-employment fr
regional share A-employment ?
substitution elasticity e 1/(1- ?)
demand elasticity a fixed costs ß
variable costs
25Real wage of farmers and M-workers the same
makes (ß/?)(?L/ae)1/(1-e) 1 Makes ? ß-?
(d/((e-1)a))1/e 1
26Makes life simple(4.1 - 4.3)
- Yr d ?r Wr fr ( 1 d)
- Ir ( Ss ?s Trs1-e Ws1-e )1/(1-e)
- Wr ( Ss Ys Trs1-e Ise-1 )1/e
1-3 determine the short-term equilibrium (solve
for Y, I and W
27One more thing
- One parameter T transport costs for 1 distance
unit. In a 2-region model North/South this
distance can always be set to 1 so Tns T - Distance Drs between region r and s
- Transport costs Trs TDrs
- Normally Drs Dsr
28Long term equilibrium
- N-workers react to regional wage differences
- wr Wr Ir-d
- d?1/?1 ?(w1 ?)
- ? national average real wage
- Long term equilibrium when wr ? in all regions
-gt no more migration
29When a worker moves to another region there are
three effects (p124-125)
- Price effect Ir falls with increasing Nr
- Home market effect Nr increases more than
proportionally with Yr - Extent of competition effect for an individual
firm in region r demand falls with falling Ir - The balance between these forces determine
whether, once a firm relocates, others will follow