Title: Conservation Programs and Agricultural Policy The New Landscape
1Conservation Programs and Agricultural PolicyThe
New Landscape
- Bradley D. Lubben
- Extension Agricultural Economist
- Kansas State University
Policy and ag econ information from K-State
www.agmanager.info USDA program information
2Evolution of Conservation Programs
- From public support for agriculture
- Focus on farm income support
- Conservation benefits as a side-effect
3Evolution of Conservation Programs
- To public support for the environment
- Focus on specific environmental/social goals
- Debate over incentives versus regulations
4Conservation Programs
- Conservation Reserve Program
- Wetlands Reserve Program
- Environmental Quality Incentives Program
- Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program
- Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program
- Forest Land Enhancement Program
- Grassland Reserve Program
- Conservation Security Program
- Other Programs
5Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
- Enrollment cap increased from 36.4 to 39.2
million acres - Regular and continuous enrollment
6Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP)
- Enrollment cap increased from 1.075 to 2.275
million acres
7Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
- Funding increased from 200 million per year to
1.3 billion per year by 2007
8Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP)
- Funding increased from 50 million for 1996-2002
to 597 million for 2002 through 2007
9Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP)
- Funding increased from 50 million for 1996-2002
to 85 million per year by 2005
10Forest Land Enhancement Program (FLEP)
- Replaces FIP and SIP with funding of 100 million
through 2007
11Grasslands Reserve Program (GRP)
- Enrollment of up to 2 million acres of working
12Conservation Security Program (CSP)
- Payments to producers for wide range of
conservation practices - Spending and enrollment not limited by legislation
13Conservation Security ProgramPractices
- nutrient management
- integrated pest management
- water conservation
- grazing, pasture, range management
- soil conservation, residue management
- invasive species management
- fish wildlife habitat management
- air quality management
- energy conservation measures
- biological resource conservation
- contour farming
- strip and cover cropping
- controlled rotational grazing
- resource conserving crop rotation
- conversion of portion of cropland from soil
depleting to soil conserving use - partial field conservation practices
- native grass prairie protection
- any other practices the Secretary determines
appropriate and comparable to the other practices
14Conservation Security ProgramFunding Projections
- 2002 Farm Bill
- Spending estimated at 2 billion through 2011
- 2003 Budget Resolution
- Spending re-estimated at 6.9 billion through
2012 - 2003 Ag Appropriations and Ag Aid
- Spending limited to 3.8 billion through 2012
- 2004 Ag Appropriations (if passed)
- Spending limit removed, returning to 6.9 billion
estimate through 2013 - Spending in FY2004 limited to 41 million
15Conservation Programs Summary
- Substantial expansion of most existing programs
- CRP and WRP enrollment caps increased
- EQIP, FRPP, and WHIP funding increased
- FIP and SIP consolidated into FLEP
- Promise of significant new programs
- GRP implemented in FY 2003
- CSP still on the way