Title: Come and See
1Come and See New Beginnings
David Schoen
Through New Beginnings Assessment Service, the
Presbyterian Church USA, the United Church of
Christ and HOPE Partnership (DOC) work together
to ensure that all our congregations and leaders
are well-equipped to make BOLD decisions for
ministry in this new era of mission.
Our church has more dreams than memories.
Our church has more memories than dreams.
Our worship service is innovative.
Our worship service is reverent.
We mostly know the neighbors around our church.
Neighbors around our church are strangers to us.
People over 50 outnumber people under 50.
People under 50 outnumber people over 50.
4Christianity in North America is experiencing a
major shift!
Every 500 years, the Church of God undergoes a
rummage sale.
5Congregations are experiencing this shift in
different ways
- Declining attendance membership
- New people who may not want to participate in
ways were used to - Changing demographics in the community
- Empty or under-used rooms in our church buildings
- Tried-and-true ministries dont work as well
6More and more churches are becoming unsustainable
- Using money from investments, endowments or
property sale to support the budget. - Renting space to various groups. Mission of the
church becomes that of landlord. - Annual budget cuts.
- Reducing pastoral staff from full-time to
part-time. - Concern about survival or keeping the doors
open. - Same people do the same jobs every year.
7A Simple Congregational Lifecycle
8A church develops different elements at different
9A church also loses elements in fairly
predictable pattern
Energy/Vision Loss
Intimacy Loss
Program Loss
? ? ? ?
10Dividing the lifecycle into quadrants
11Are we still sustainable?
Not Sustainable
12Without an intervention, the avg. congregation
lives 60-80 yrs
13When a church declines, anxiety goes up we
focus on survival
14But a completely new thing is required!
New Beginnings helps you see the new thing that
is emerging
15But a completely new thing is required!
16But a completely new thing is required!
17New Beginnings Assessment Service
- A tool to help congregations find new life and
reinvent themselves for Gods mission
18Where is New Beginnings best suited?
- Income is not covering expenses
- Empty spaces in the building and/or too many
empty pews - Neighborhood around the church has changed
- Members are growing tired and slowing down
- Church needs a jumpstart
- Church is in transition or interim
19What does New Beginnings observe and measure?
- Your facilitys visitor attractiveness
- Powerful up-to-date demographic and psychographic
info about your community - Gaps between the church and community
- Trends in attendance, giving expenses
- Online presence
- Strengths of the congregation
- Needs in the community
20An example of people groups near the church -
21What does New Beginnings do?
- Provides a clear process to follow
- Brings everyone on the same page about whats
really happening in the church and community - Helps the church understand the people of the
community and their ministry needs - Helps your congregation make a BOLD decision for
the future
22What are people saying?
- We were fortunate to get some truly invested
facilitators and we were all very impressed with
the training weekend. The trainers were great,
the pace was lively, the material dealt with real
issues, and the process was well thought out. The
added incentive was the promise of an assessment
of our church done by outsiders, Rev. Ruby
Easton, Andover MA. - "What this process does that is different is that
it doesnt leave any stone unturned. You have to
ask yourself some very difficult questions. Its
not some dandy new mission statement for the back
page of the bulletin. Its changing the attitude
and understanding of how we do church. The big
change for us is a willingness to experiment
with outreach, to connect with the community and
bringing the church into the community in ways
weve never done before." Rev. Jill Graham,
First Congregational Church of Sheffield, MA
23What kind of BOLD decision?
- To stay in the neighborhood and more effectively
reach the people of the community - OR, to move to a more financially-sustainable
facility - OR, to launch a new ministry that reaches people
in new ways - OR, . . .
24What kind of BOLD decision?
- Examples
- 1- Redefine mission inside out - Andover
- 2- Reach new population -- Sheffield
- 3- Relocate -- Naples, Akron (DOC)
- 4 - Sell and restart - West Medford
- 5- Start a new congregation - New Orleans
- 6- Create new community space - Westwood
- 7- Leave a legacy -- Springfield MA
25Elements of New Beginnings
- Assessment Visit (one day)
- Leader Training (Friday Saturday)
- House Meetings (six
weeks) - Bold Decision Made
26The Assessment Visit
- One hour property tour to view the building,
inside out - One hour windshield tour to observe your
ministry habitat - 45 min. meeting with financial officer(s)
- Discussion about church calendar
- No host dinner with pastor, 1-2 lay leaders and
Regional Minister - Appreciative Inquiry session with congregation
27The Leaders Retreat
- Weekend retreat with other New Beginnings
congregations in the area - For 8-12 of your lay leaders
- Review of the Assessment Report
- Training for small group meetings
- Network with other church leaders
28The House Meetings
- Involves 50 of the congregation in discernment
and decision-making - Led by lay people (who attend the Leader Retreat)
- Six week process
- Leads your church to make a bold decision
29New Beginnings Timeline
Whole process takes 4-6 months
- Complete Application by 10/31
- Assessment Visit (Dec 1-12)
- Leader Training (Jan 30-31, 2015)
- House Meetings (six weeks, led by trained church
leaders -Lent/Spring) - Bold Decision in 2015
30New Beginnings Cost
- Includes all assessment travel, reports, manuals
- Cost reduced by working in a cluster
For UCC congregations
- Cost is 2,800 per church
- Invoiced in 2015
31New Beginnings Application
Send by Oct. 31 to Rev. Dr. Raymond
Hargrove 6761 Calistoga Circle Port Orange, FL
32128 Office 386-761-3092 rhargrove_at_uccfla.org
33For More Information Contact
Karen Koza, Administrative Assistant 216-736-3837
kozak_at_ucc.org ucc.org/new-beginnings Whatisourfutu
34Thank You!
Thank you for your Leadership to make the bold
decision for a New Beginning in your
congregation! Thank you! Your financial support
is Changing Lives Thats Our Churches Wider