Title: Open%20charm%20detection%20in%20the%20ALICE%20central%20barrel
1Open charm detection in the ALICE central barrel
- Francesco Prino
- INFN Sezione di Torino
credits Elena Bruna, Andrea Dainese, Carlos
Alessandria, Dimuon Net, March 29th 2006
2Physics motivation
3Charm production pp collisions
- Hard partonic processes (q-qbar annihilation,
gluon fusion) - pQCD phenomenon taking place on short time-scale
(1/mQ) - Factorized pQCD approach
Parton Distribution Functions xa , xb momentum
fraction of partons a, b in hadrons
fragmentation z pD /pc
cross-section at hadron level
cross-section at parton level
4Charm production AA collisions
- Hard primary production in parton processes
(pQCD) - Binary scaling for hard process yield
- long lifetime of charm quarks allows them to live
through the thermalization phase of the QGP and
be affected by its presence - Secondary (thermal) c-cbar production in the QGP
- mc (1.2 GeV) only 10-50 higher than predicted
temperature of QGP at the LHC (500-800 MeV) - Thermal yield expected much smaller than hard
primary production - can be observed if the pQCD production in A-A is
precisely understood
5Binary scaling break-up
- Initial state effects
- PDFs in nucleus different from PDFs in nucleon
- Anti-shadowing and shadowing
- kT broadening (Cronin effect)
- Parton saturation (Color Glass Condensate)
- Final state effects (due to the medium)
- Energy loss
- Mainly by gluon radiation
- In medium hadronization
- Recombination vs. fragmentation
Present also in pA (dA) collisions Concentrated
at lower pT
Only in AA collisions Dominant at higher pT
6Final state effects energy loss
- BDMPS formalism for radiative energy loss
- ? Baier et al., Nucl. Phys. B483 (1997) 291)
- Energy loss for heavy flavours is expected to be
reduced by - Casimir factor
- light hadrons originate predominantly from gluon
jets, heavy flavoured hadrons originate from
heavy quark jets - CR is 4/3 for quark-gluon coupling, 3 for
gluon-gluon coupling - Dead-cone effect
- gluon radiation expected to be suppressed for q lt
MQ/EQ - Dokshitzer Karzeev, Phys. Lett. B519 (2001) 199
- Armesto et al., Phys. Rev. D69 (2004) 114003
average energy loss
distance travelled in the medium
Casimir coupling factor
transport coefficient of the medium
7Another medium effect flow
- Flow collective motion of particles (due to
high pressure arising from compression and
heating of nuclear matter) superimposed on top of
the thermal motion - Flow is natural in hydrodynamic language, but
flow as intended in heavy ion collisions does not
necessarily imply (ideal) hydrodynamic behaviour - Isotropic expansion of the fireball
- Radial transverse flow
- Only type of flow for b0
- Relevant observables pT (mT) spectra
- Anisotropic patterns
- Directed flow
- Generated very early when the nuclei penetrate
each other - Expected weaker with increasing collision energy
- Dominated by early non-equilibrium processes
- Elliptic flow (and hexadecupole)
- Caused by initial geometrical anisotropy for b ?
0 - Larger pressure gradient along X than along Y
- Develops early in the collision ( first 5 fm/c )
8Experimental observables
9Observables RAA
- Nuclear modification factor
- RAA?1 ?binary scaling violation
- Low pT ? main effect nuclear shadowing
- High pT ? main effect energy loss
10Observables RDh
- Heavy-to-light ratio
- sensitive to color charge and mass dependence of
parton energy loss - compare gluon (? light hadrons) and charm quark
(?D) energy loss
Charm mass effect ? only for pTlt10 GeV where also
other effects are present
Colour charge effect ? RDh gt 1 due to DEq lt DEg
? Armesto, Dainese, Salgado, Wiedemann, PRD71
(2005) 054027
11Observables v2
- Anisotropy in the observed particle azimuthal
distribution due to correlations between
azimuthal angle of outgoing particles and the
direction of the impact parameter
12Sources of charmed meson v2
- Elliptic flow
- Requires strong interaction among constituents to
convert the initial spatial anisotropy into an
observable momentum anisotropy - Probes charm thermalization
- Parton energy loss
- Smaller in-medium length L in-plane (parallel to
reaction plane) than out-of-plane (perpendicular
to the reaction plane) - Drees, Feng, Jia, Phys. Rev. C71, 034909
- Dainese, Loizides, Paic, EPJ C38, 461
- Scattering on pions
- Due to elliptic flow, azimuthal distribution of
pions is anisotropic
13Charm flow - 1st idea
- Batsouli at al., Phys. Lett. B 557 (2003) 26
- Both pQCD charm production without final state
effects (infinite mean free path) and hydro with
complete thermal equilibrium for charm (zero mean
free path) are consistent with single-electron
spectra from PHENIX - Charm v2 as a smoking gun for hydrodynamic flow
of charm
14Charm flow and coalescence
- Hadronization via coalescence of constituent
quarks successfully explains observed v2 of light
mesons and baryons at intermediate pT - hint for partonic degrees of freedom
- Lin Molnar, Phys. Rev. C68 (2003) 044901
- Coalescence of quarks with similar velocities
- Charm quark carry most of the D momentum
- v2(pT) rises slower for asymmetric hadrons (D,
Ds) - non-zero v2 for D mesons even for zero charm v2
(no charm thermalization) - Greco Ko Rapp, Phys. Lett. B595 (2004) 202
- Prediction for v2 of electrons from D decay
15What to learn from v2 of D mesons?
- Low/interediate pT (lt 2-5 GeV/c)
- recombination scenario
- estimate v2 of c quarks
- degree of thermalization of charm in the medium
- Large pT (gt 5-10 GeV/c)
- path-length dependence of in-medium energy loss
- energy loss in an almond-shaped partonic system
? Armesto, Cacciari, Dainese, Salgado, Wiedemann,
hep-ph/0511257, PLB to appear
16Parenthesis J/Y v2
- SOURCES of charmonium v2
- Charm elliptic flow
- for J/Y formed by c-cbar recombination at
hadronization - if charm quarks are early-thermalized
- zero J/Y v2 if charm v2 is zero
- unlike D mesons which have the contribution from
light quark v2 - J/Y nuclear absorption
- L (length in nuclear matter) depends on f
- L larger out-of-plane than in-plane
- J/Y break-up on co-moving hadrons
- J/Y break-up by QGP hard gluons
- parton density is azimuthally anisotropic
- Heiselberg Mattiello, Phys. Rev. C60 (1999)
44902 - Wang Yuan, Phys. Lett. B540 (2002) 62
17RHIC results non-photonic electrons
Nuclear modification factor
Azimuthal anisotropy
The medium is so dense that c quarks lose energy
(by gluon radiation)
The medium is so strongly interacting that c
quarks suffer significant rescattering and
develop azimuthal anisotropy
18Charm in ALICE central barrel
19Charm at the LHC (I)
?s (GeV) 17.2 200 5500
Ncc 0.2 10 100-200
x (at y0) 10-1 10-2 10-4
- Large cross-section
- Much more abundant production with respect to SPS
and RHIC
- Small x
- unexplored small-x region can be probed with
charm at low pT and/or forward rapidity - down to x10-4 at y0 and x10-6 in the muon arm
20Charm at the LHC (II)
- p-p collisions
- Test of pQCD in a new energy and x regime
- Test for saturation models
- Enhancement of charm production at low pT due to
non-linear gluon evolution ? - Reference for Pb-Pb (necessary for RAA)
- p-Pb collisions
- Probe nuclear PDFs at LHC energy
- Disentangle initial and final state effects
- Pb-Pb collisions
- Probe the medium formed in the collision
- WARNING pp, pPb and PbPb will have different ?s
values - Need to extrapolate from 14 TeV to 5.5 TeV to
compute RAA - Small ( 10) theoretical uncertainty on the
ratio of results at 14 and 5.5 TeV
21Charmed mesons and baryons
- Weakly decaying charm states
- Mean proper length 100 mm
- Main selection tool displaced-vertex
- Tracks from open charm decays are typically
displaced from primary vertex by 100 mm - Need for high precision vertex detector
(resolution on track impact parameter tens of
22ALICE at the LHC
Time Of Flight (TOF)
Transition Radiation Detector (TRD)
Muon arm
Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
Inner Tracking System (ITS)
L3 magnet
23Heavy-flavours in ALICE
- ALICE channels
- electronic (hlt0.9)
- muonic (-4lthlt-2.5)
- hadronic (hlt0.9)
- ALICE coverage
- low-pT region
- central and forward rapidity regions
- Precise vertexing in the central region to
identify D (ct 100-300 mm) and B (ct 500 mm)
24D mesons hadronic decays
- Most promising channels for exclusive charmed
meson reconstruction
Meson Final state charged bodies Branching Ratio Branching Ratio
D0 ?K-p 2 3.8 3.8
D0 ?K-ppp- 4 Total 7.48
D0 ?K-ppp- 4 Non resonant 1.74
D0 ?K-ppp- 4 D0 ?K-pr0 ? K-ppp- 6.2
D ?K-pp 3 Total 9.2
D ?K-pp 3 Non resonant 8.8
D ?K-pp 3 D ?Kbar0(892)p ? K-pp 1.29
D ?K-pp 3 D ?Kbar0(1430)p ? K-pp 2.33
Ds ?KK-p 3 Total 4.3
Ds ?KK-p 3 Ds ?KKbar0?KK-p 2.0
Ds ?KK-p 3 Ds ?fp?KK-p 1.8
25D mesons in central barrel
- No dedicated trigger in the central barrel ?
extract the signal from Minimum Bias events - Large combinatorial background (benchmark study
with dNch/dy 6000 in central Pb-Pb!) - SELECTION STRATEGY invariant-mass analysis of
fully-reconstructed topologies originating from
displaced vertices - build pairs/triplets/quadruplets of tracks with
correct combination of charge signs and large
impact parameters - particle identification to tag the decay products
- calculate the vertex (DCA point) of the tracks
- good pointing of reconstructed D momentum to the
primary vertex
26Inner Tracking System
- 6 cylindical layers of silicon detectors
Layer Technology Radius (cm) z (cm) Spatial resolution (mm) Spatial resolution (mm)
Layer Technology Radius (cm) z (cm) rf z
1 Pixel 4.0 14.1 12 100
2 Pixel 7.2 14.1 12 100
3 Drift 15.0 22.2 38 28
4 Drift 23.9 29.7 38 28
5 Strip 38.5 43.2 20 830
6 Strip 43.6 48.9 20 830
provide also dE/dx for particle idetification
27Time Projection Chamber
- Main tracking detector
- Characteristics
- Rin 90 cm
- Rext 250 cm
- Length (active volume) 500 cm
- Pseudorapidity coverage -0.9 lt h lt 0.9
- Azimuthal coverage 2p
- readout channels 560k
- Maximum drift time 88 ms
- Gas mixture 90 Ne 10 CO2
- Provides
- Many 3D points per track
- Tracking efficiency gt 90
- Particle identification by dE/dx
- in the low-momentum region
- in the relativistic rise
28Time Of Flight
- Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers
- for pion, kaon and proton PID
- Characteristics
- Rin 370 cm
- Rext 399 cm
- Length (active volume) 745 cm
- readout channels 160k
- Pseudorapidity coverage -0.9 lt h lt 0.9
- Azimuthal coverage 2p
- Provides
- pion, Kaon identification (with contamination
lt10) in the momentum range 0.2-2.5 GeV/c - proton identification (with contamination lt10)
in the momentum range 0.4-4.5 GeV/c
Pb-Pb, dNch/dy6000
29Tracking momentum resolution
without vertex constrain
with vertex constrain (s50 mm)
30Track impact parameter in Pb-Pb
- Resolution on track impact parameter mainly
provided by the 2 layers of Silicon Pixel
Detectors - Interaction point (primary vertex)
- x and y coordinates known with high precision
from beam position given by LHC (sbeam15 mm) - z coordinate measured from cluster correlation on
the two layers of SPD
31Track impact parameter in p-p
- Interaction point (x and y) known from LHC with
less precision - Due to the need of reduce the luminosity by beam
defocusing (sbeam150 mm instead of 15 mm) - 3D reconstruction of primary vertex with
(primary) tracks - Contribution to track impact parameter resolution
from primary vertex uncertainty not negligible
(especially for low multiplicity events)
32Particle Identification
- Hadron identification in ALICE barrel based on
- Momentum from track parameters
- Velocity related information (dE/dx, time of
flight, Cerenkov light...) specific for each
detector - Different systems are efficient in different
momentum ranges and for different particles
33D meson simulation and reconstruction
34Charm production at the LHC
- ALICE baseline for charm cross-section and pT
spectra - NLO pQCD calculations (Mangano, Nason, Ridolfi,
NPB373 (1992) 295.) - Theoretical uncertainty factor 2-3
- Average between cross-sections obtained with
MRSTHO and CTEQ5M sets of PDF - 20 difference in scc between MRST HO and
CTEQ5M - Binary scaling shadowing (EKS98) to extrapolate
to p-Pb and Pb-Pb
System Pb-Pb (0-5 centr.) p-Pb (min. bias) pp
?sNN 5.5 TeV 8.8 TeV 14 TeV
sccNN w/o shadowing 6.64 mb 8.80 mb 11.2 mb
Cshadowing (EKS98) 0.65 0.80 1.
sccNN with shadowing 4.32 mb 7.16 mb 11.2 mb
Ncctot 115 0.78 0.16
D0D0bar 141 0.93 0.19
DD- 45 0.29 0.06
DsDs- 27 0.18 0.04
LcLc- 18 0.12 0.02
35D0? K-p selection of candidates
36D0? K-p Results (I)
S/B initial (M?3s) S/B final (M?1s) Significance S/?SB (M?1s)
Pb-Pb Central (dNch/dy 6000) 5 ? 10-6 10 35 (for 107 evts, 1 month)
pPb min. bias 2 ? 10-3 5 30 (for 108 evts, 1 month)
pp 2 ? 10-3 10 40 (for 109 evts, 7 months)
central Pb-Pb
With dNch/dy 3000 in Pb-Pb, S/B larger by ? 4
and significance larger by ? 2
37D0? K-p Results (II)
inner bars stat. errors outer bars stat. ?
pt-dep. syst. not shown 9 (Pb-Pb), 5 (pp,
p-Pb) normalization errors
1 year at nominal luminosity (107 central Pb-Pb
events, 109 pp events) 1 year with 1month of
p-Pb running (108 p-Pb events)
- Down to pt 0 in pp and p-Pb (1 GeV/c in Pb-Pb)
- important to go to low pT for charm cross-section
38D? K-pp motivation
- Determination of charm cross section
- D0/D ratio puzzle
- Expected value 3.08 (from spin degeneracy of D
and D and decay B.R.) - Measured value 2.32 (ALEPH at LEP)
- Different systematics
- Different selection strategies due to
- D has a longer mean proper length (ct 312mm
compared to 123 mm of the D0) - D fully reconstructable from a 3-charged body
decay instead of the 2 (or 4) body decay of D0
39D ? K-pp vs. D0 ? K-p
- D has a longer mean proper length (ct 312 mm
compared to 123 mm of the D0) - D ? K-pp has a larger branching ratio (9.2
compared to 3.8 for D0 ? K-p) - Possibility to exploit the resonant decay through
Kbar0 to enhance S/B
- Larger combinatorial background (3 decay products
instead of the 2 of the D0 ? K-p) - Smaller ltpTgt of the decay products ( 0.7 GeV/c
compared to 1 GeV/c of the D0 decay products) - D less abundant than D0 (factor 2-3)
40D ? K-pp selection of candidates
- Single track cuts (pT and d0)
- Build Kp pairs
- cut on the distance between the DCA point of the
2 tracks and the primary vertex - Build Kpp triplets from accepted Kp pairs
d0K x d0p2
d0K x d0p2
Cut on d0
d0K x d0p1
d0K x d0p1
41D?K-pp decay vertex reconstruction
- Calculate the point of minimum distance from the
3 tracks - Tracks approximated as straight lines (analytical
method) - Minimize the quantity D2d12d22d32 with
42D ? K-pp decay vertex resolution
bending plane
43D ? K-pp selection of vertices
BLACK signal vertices RED BKG Kpp vertices
BLACK signal vertices RED BKG Kpp vertices
Track dispersion around decay vertex Distance
primary - secondary vertex Cosine of pointing
BLACK signal vertices RED BKG Kpp vertices
The histograms are normalized to the same area
44D ? K-pp preliminary results
- Preliminary because
- Limited statistics of simulated events
- Perfect PID assumed
- Cuts tuned using all BKG triplets and not only
the ones with invariant mass within 1 (or 3) s
from D mass
Selection Kept signal S/event Kept BKG triplets B/event (MD1s) S/B
No cut 100 0.1 100 3 106 3 10-8
Single track cuts 9.2 9.2 10-3 0.2 6 103 10-6
Kp pairs vertex 63 6 10-3 5 3 102 2 10-5
Products of impact parameters 100 6 10-3 75 2 102 3 10-5
3-track vertex dispersion 50 2 10-3 1.5 3 7 10-4
Distance primary-secondary vertex 60 1 10-3 2.5 0.08 10-2
Pointing angle 100 1 10-3 12 0.01 0.1
45Ds? KK-p motivation
I. Kuznetsova and J. Rafelski
- Ds probe of hadronization
- String fragmentation
- Ds (cs) / D (cd) 1/3
- Recombination
- Ds (cs) / D (cd) N(s)/N(d) ( 1 at LHC?)
- Chemical non-equilibrium may cause a shift in
relative yields of charmed hadrons - Strangeness oversaturation (gsgt1) is a signature
of deconfinement - Ds v2 important test for coalescence models
- Molnar, J. Phys. G31 (2005) S421.
46Ds? KK-p vs. D ? K-pp
- Smaller combinatorial background if particle
identification is efficient (kaons are less
abundant than pions) - Larger fraction of Ds ? KK-p from resonant
decays (through Kbar0 or f) with respect to D
- Ds has a smaller mean proper length (ct 147 mm
compared to 312 mm of the D) - Ds ? KK-p has a smaller Branching Ratio (4.3)
with respect to D ? K-pp (BR9.2)
Analysis in progress by Rosetta Silvestri
47Perspective for D0 energy loss
48D0? K-p RAA
- 1 year at nominal luminosity
- 1 month ? 107 central Pb-Pb events
- 10 months ? 109 pp events
49D0? K-p heavy-to-light ratios
- 1 year at nominal luminosity
- 1 month ? 107 central Pb-Pb events
- 10 months ? 109 pp events
50Perspective for D v2
51Motivation and method
- GOAL Evaluate the statistical error bars for
measurements of v2 for D mesons decaying in Kpp - v2 vs. centrality (pT integrated)
- v2 vs. pT in different centrality bins
- TOOL fast simulation (ROOT 3 classes 1
macro) - Assume to have only signal
- Generate ND(Db, DpT) events with 1 D per event
- For each event
- Generate a random reaction plane
- Get an event plane (with correct event plane
resolution) - Generate the D azimuthal angle (fD) according to
the probability distribution p(f) ? 1 2v2 cos
2(f-YRP) - Smear fD with the experimental resolution on D
azimuthal angle - Calculate v'2(D), event plane resolution and
52D statistics
- Nevents for 2107 MB triggers
- Ncc number of c-cbar pairs
- MNR EKS98 shadowing
- Shadowing centrality dependence from Emelyakov et
al., PRC 61, 044904 - D yield calculated from Ncc
- Fraction ND/Ncc (0.38) from tab. 6.7 in chapt.
6.5 of PPR - Geometrical acceptance and reconstruction
efficiency - Extracted from 1 event with 20000 D in full
phase space - B. R. D? Kpp 9.2
- Selection efficiency
- No final analysis yet
- Assume e1.5 (same as D0)
bmin-bmax (fm) s () Nevents (106) Ncc / ev. D yield/ev.
0-3 3.6 0.72 118 45.8
3-6 11 2.2 82 31.8
6-9 18 3.6 42 16.3
9-12 25.4 5.1 12.5 4.85
12-18 42 8.4 1.2 0.47
53Event plane resolution scenario
- Event plane resolution depends on v2 and
bmin-bmax ltbgt Ntrack v2
0-3 1.9 7000 0.02
3-6 4.7 5400 0.04
6-9 7.6 3200 0.06
9-12 10.6 1300 0.08
12-18 14.1 100 0.10
54Results v2 vs. centrality
2107 MB events
bmin-bmax N(D)selected s(v2)
0-3 1070 0.024
3-6 2270 0.015
6-9 1900 0.016
9-12 800 0.026
12-18 125 0.09
- Error bars quite large
- Would be larger in a scenario with worse event
plane resolution - May prevent to draw conclusions in case of small
anisotropy of D mesons
55Results v2 vs. pT
2107 MB events
pT limits N(D)sel s(v2)
0-0.5 120 0.06
0.5-1 230 0.05
1-1.5 330 0.04
1.5-2 300 0.04
2-3 450 0.03
3-4 210 0.05
4-8 220 0.05
8-15 40 0.11
pT limits N(D)sel s(v2)
0-0.5 140 0.06
0.5-1 280 0.04
1-1.5 390 0.04
1.5-2 360 0.04
2-3 535 0.03
3-4 250 0.05
4-8 265 0.05
8-15 50 0.11
pT limits N(D)sel s(v2)
0-0.5 50 0.10
0.5-1 100 0.07
1-1.5 140 0.06
1.5-2 125 0.06
2-3 190 0.05
3-4 90 0.07
4-8 95 0.07
8-15 20 0.15
56Worse resolution scenario
- Low multiplicity and low v2
Large contribution to error bar on v2 from event
plane resolution
57Combinatorial background
- Huge number (1010) of combinatorial Kpp triplets
in a central event - 108 triplets in invariant mass range 1.84ltMlt1.90
GeV/c2 (D peak 3s ) - Final selection cuts not yet ready
- Signal almost free from background only for
pTgt5-6 GeV/c - Need to separate signal from background in v2
calculation - FIRST IDEA sample candidate Kpp triplets in bins
of azimuthal angle relative to the event plane
(Df f-Y2) - Build invariant mass spectra in bins of Df and
centrality / pT
58Analysis in bins of Df (I)
- Extract number of D in 90º cones
- in-plane (-45ltDflt45 U 135ltDflt225)
- out-of-plane (45ltDflt135 U 225ltDflt315)
59Analysis in bins of Df (II)
- Fit number of D vs. Df with A1 2v2cos(2Df)
60Other ideas for background
- Different analysis methods to provide
- Cross checks
- Evaluation of systematics
- Apply the analysis method devised for Ls by
Borghini and Ollitrault PRC 70 (2004) 064905 - To be extended from pairs (2 decay products) to
triplets (3 decay products) - Extract the cos2(f-YRP) distribution of
combinatorial Kpp triplets from - Invariant mass side-bands
- Different sign combinations (e.g. Kpp and
61Conclusions on v2
- Large stat. errors on v2 of D ? Kpp in 2107 MB
events - How to increase the statistics?
- Sum D0?Kp and D?Kpp
- Number of events roughly ?2 ? error bars on v2
roughly /v2 - Sufficient for v2 vs. centrality (pT integrated)
- Semi-peripheral trigger
- v2 vs. pT that would be obtained from 2107
semi-peripheral events ( 6ltblt9 )
pT limits N(D)sel s(v2)
0-0.5 645 0.03
0.5-1 1290 0.02
1-1.5 1800 0.017
1.5-2 1650 0.018
2-3 2470 0.015
3-4 1160 0.02
4-8 1225 0.02
8-15 220 0.05
63Glauber calculations (I)
- N-N c.s.
- scc from HVQMNR
- shadowing
- Pb Woods-Saxon
64Glauber calculations (II)
- N-N c.s.
- scc from HVQMNR
- shadowing
- Pb Woods-Saxon
65Shadowing parametrization
Rg(x10-4,Q25 GeV2) 65 from EKS98
- Eskola et al., Eur. Phys. J C 9 (1999) 61.
- Emelyanov et al., Phys. Rev. C 61 (2000) 044904.
66Effect of charm mass at the LHC
mass effect visible only for pTlt10 GeV where
other competing processes are in
67Directed flow
68Why elliptic flow ?
- At t0 geometrical anisotropy (almond shape),
momentum distribution isotropic - Interaction among consituents generate a pressure
gradient which transform the initial spatial
anisotropy into a momentum anisotropy - Multiple interactions lead to thermalization ?
limiting behaviour ideal hydrodynamic flow - The mechanism is self quenching
- The driving force dominate at early times
- Probe Equation Of State at early times
69In-plane vs. out-of-plane
V2 - 10
70Glauber calculations
- Optical approximation
- ? Czyz and Maximon, Annals Phys. 52 (1969) 59.
Nucleus thickness functions
Nucleus-nucleus thickness function
Nucleon-nucleon collision probability
71Event plane simulation
- Simple generation of particle azimuthal angles
(?) according to a probability distribution - Faster than complete AliRoot generation and
reconstruction - Results compatible with the ones in PPR chapter
72D azimuthal angle resolution
- From 63364 recontructed D
- 200 events made of 9100 D generated with PYTHIA
in -2ltylt2 - Average ? resolution 8 mrad 0.47 degrees