Do we have a problem with freshwater Kd values? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Do we have a problem with freshwater Kd values?


Analysis for discussion only do not quote Do we have a problem with freshwater Kd values? B. Howard and E. Tipping CEH, UK ERICA ERICA uses Kd values to predict ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Do we have a problem with freshwater Kd values?

Do we have a problem with freshwater Kd values?
Analysis for discussion only do not quote
  • B. Howard and E. Tipping
  • CEH, UK

  • ERICA uses Kd values to predict unknown water or
    sediment concentrations
  • Water conc is used with CR to predict wholebody
    conc and internal dose
  • Sediment conc is used for estimation of external
  • Some ERICA values are based on sea water
  • -does this introduce larger error than for the
    other values used?

ERICA values from Ciffroy are AM from the
reported GM
Comparison with TRS 364 (Onishi 81)
Oxidising conditions
But KD depends on
Modelling tries to explain variability in KD
Key assumption binding to organic matter
dominates for metal ions
Model VI Specific non-specific proton metal
The most abundant macromolecules on the planet!
Humic substances
  • Partial decomposition products of plants etc
  • Principally composed of C, H and O, N S
  • Heterogeneous, recalcitrant, yellow-to-brown
  • Possess weak acid groups - COOH, phenolic-OH
  • Fulvic acid MWt 1000 dominant in waters
  • Humic acid MWt 10 000 dominant in soils

Database for WHAM / Model VI
  • Laboratory studies with isolated HA and FA
  • 20 data sets for protons
  • 100 data sets for metals

Esp actinides
  • Average proton binding for FA and HA
  • Average binding for 23 metals (MgCuEu...Cm)

Model VI and cation binding summary
  • Proton and metal binding as function of H,
  • Proton-metal competition (pH dependence)
  • Metal-metal competition (esp at high M)
  • Ionic (eg Na, Cl, )strength dependence of H and
    M binding due to interference with binding

Ion-binding models and their combinations
simple solution chemistry
Humic Ion-Binding Models V VI
Na, Cl, OH, CO3, SO4
Oxide model AlOx SiOx MnOx FeOx
Clay cation exchanger
Wham 6 set up

assumed ph8 for fw values also assumed ph8 for fw values also assumed ph8 for fw values also assumed ph8 for fw values also
  • Freshwaters are for 3 different DOC - 1, 3 and
    10 mg/L
  • A range of pH's is generated by titrating an
    initially acid solution with Ca, to take us from
    pH 4 to pH 8.5
  • Seawater is assumed to be at pH 8, and with 2
    mg/l DOC

  • Calculations assume that
  • DOC can be represented by average isolated fulvic
  • OM in particulate matter (SPM) can be
    represented by average isolated humic acid
  • Only organic matter in the SPM has any binding
    properties (oxides, clay etc ignored)
  • Calculations take into account
  • competition between the element of interest and
    major ions (H, Mg, Ca, Al, Fe etc),
  • complexation by inorganic ligands and natural
    organic matter (dissolved and particulate)

Kd estimates
  • The Kd's are calculated for suspended particulate
    matter containing 10 organic matter
  • results give some idea of
  • how Kd can vary with pH and DOC,
  • comparisons between FW and SW

Health warning
  • Elements which form hydrolysis reactions in
    solution at low pH may not be represented well as
    the model assumes organic complexation (eg Pu)
  • The element concentrations are set to low levels
    and will be sensitive to the model's assumptions
    about small numbers of strong binding sites
  • The model default database has differences in the
    binding strengths of fulvic and humic acid
    towards most metals,
  • these difference may not be real. (e.g. UO2 and
  • Some elements affected by redox, models assumes
    specifi oxidation state
  • Cr, Mn, Fe, Tc, Np

No Erica value (just WHAM)
Onishi Fe 5000 Cr low Zn - 500
sw value similar to fw predictions at relevant pH
Erica - Ciffroy
Am ERICA high over most pH range Sw
lower Onishi 100x lower than ERICA
Th ERICA much higher Sw lower, similar to fw
model TRS much lower Onishi (c.20000)
ERICA - Ciffroy
Onishi 100x lower
Erica - Ciffroy
Onishi Mn 100 x lower Co 20 x lower Sr - same
ERICA - Onishi
ERICA - Onishi
Erica sw value
Changes with pH increase in Wham
  • rises Cr, Zn, Eu, Cm, Pb (Fe III, Am)
  • rise and fall Mn, Co, Sr, UO2, Ni, Cd
  • decrease U IV (Th, Pu IV , PuO2)

Not possible to attribute differences
systematically to only one causal factor this
would be misleading
Effect of DOC conc on Kd in FW in Wham IV
High values are all metal ions with have the
strongest binding to OM So more DOC more metal
in solution less DOC less metal in soluton
SW vs FW Erica vs model
  • FW much higher than Wham SW
  • Am, Co, Mn, Sr, Th, PuIV, PuO2 (Ciffroy)
  • Ni, Cd (sw values)
  • UIV (Onishi)
  • Similar Pb (ERICA is sw)
  • FW much lower than Wham SW
  • UO2, Eu, Cm (Onishi)

FW vs SW model
  • Wham FW higher than Wham SW
  • Cd, Mn, Sr, PuIV, PuO2 UIV (Co, Eu, Ni,)
  • Similar
  • Am, Cr, Cm, Fe III, Pb, Th, Zn
  • FW lower than Wham SW
  • UO2

Erica vs FW model
  • Erica always higher than Wham
  • Co, Mn, Th, PuIV, PuO2 (Ciffroy)
  • Erica higher than Wham at low pH
  • Am, Sr, Ni, Cd, Pb (sw values)
  • Erica lower than Wham
  • UO2, Eu, Cm (Onishi) except at pH 4
  • Similar at low pH, higher at high pH
  • UIV (Onishi)

  • ERICA AM values often high
  • Model rarely predicts SW gt FW, often FW higher
  • pH has large effect for many elements
  • DOC important for Cr, Fe III, Pb, Am, Cm, Eu

Does it matter
  • Too High Kd values
  • Will give low water conc low whole body conc
    therefore NOT conservative but more sensitive to
  • Will give high sediment conc higher external
    exposure - as gt90 of most metals in sediment
    less sensitive to error
  • Can we do something in ERICA to assist user?
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