COP 3402 Systems Software - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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COP 3402 Systems Software


Compilers, assemblers, ... Leland L Beck, System Software: An Introduction to Systems Programming 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley, 1997. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: COP 3402 Systems Software

COP 3402 Systems Software
  • Euripides Montagne
  • University of Central Florida
  • (Spring 2008)

  • Course Organization
  • What is Systems software?

COP 3402 Systems Software
Who am I and where to find me?
Instructor Euripides Montagne Tele.
823-2684 email Office
hours MW from 1000 a.m. to 1200 a.m. (HEC
217) TR   from 200 p.m.  to 400 p.m. (HEC
COP 3402 Systems SoftwareCourse information
Lecture meetings TR 1200 p.m. 115 p.m.(HEC
118 ) Recitations F 830 a.m. 920 a.m.
(HEC 302) F 300 p.m. 350 p.m. (ENG
227) Web page http//
COP 3402 Systems SoftwareCourse outline
Course Outline This course is designed to
provide a fundamental understanding of real and
virtual machines as language processor. We will
study the processor as an instruction
interpreter. Compilers, assemblers, and virtual
machines will be presented as systems software
for program development. An introduction to
Operating system will be given. Course Topics
introduction to compilers and interpreters,
virtual machines, computer architecture and
assembler, loaders and linkers, macro-processors,
run time environment and operating
systems Prerequisites COP 3502 Computer
Science II
COP 3402 Systems SoftwareCourse outline
Material Lecture notes On website Textbook
Leland L Beck, System Software An Introduction
to Systems Programming 3rd Edition, Addison
Wesley, 1997. Grading Policy (20) Exam 1
(20) Exam 2 (20) Final Exam (30)
Programming project. (10) Labs. Late
assignments will not be accepted
COP 3402 Systems SoftwareWho are your TAs?
TA Vladimir Reilly Tele. (407) 823-4733
email Office hours
MW 500 p.m. - 550 p.m. (HEC 254) TA Hua
Zhang Tele. (407) 823-2524 email Office hours TR from 400
p.m. to 500 p.m. (HEC 313)
COP 3402 Systems Software
An Introduction to Systems Software
What is Systems Software? Systems Software
consists of a set of programs that support the
operation of a computer system and help, the
programmer, to simplify the programming process
and run application software efficiently.
Examples of systems software are Text
editors Compilers Loaders Linker
Debugger Assembler Operating system
Systems software can be classified in two
groups 1.- Software to create a program
development environment Text
editor Compiler Assembler Linker Debug
ger(low-level) 2.- Software to create a run-time
environment Operating system Loader Dyna
mic Linker Program libraries
Systems Software Program Development
Environment Text editor Software that permits
the creation and editing of text (i.e.
application programs). Compiler Translates
programs written in a high level language to
object code or machine code. Assembler Translate
s programs written in assembly language
to object code or machine code. Static
Linker Combines and resolves references between
object programs and creates the executable
code. Debugger It is used to debug executable
programs and their (low-level) related object
code and source program.
Systems Software Run-Time Environment Loader
Loads an executable code and starts its
execution Libraries Precompiled programs
the creates a set of functions for use by other
programs. Dynamic Linker Loads and links
shared libraries at run-time Operating system
An event driven program that make an
abstraction of the computer system. The
operating system handles all resources
efficiently, creates an environment for
application programs to run, and creates a
friendly interface between the user and the
computer system.
Compile time
Compiler/ assembler
Object Module
Source Program
Other Object Modules
Link Editor (Linker)
Executable File
Load time
System Library
Dynamically Loaded System Library
Running Program
Computer hardware OS
Execution time
COP 3402 Systems Software
  • Next class we will talk about
  • The processor
  • as an instruction interpreter
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