Title: Building Community Partnerships
1Building Community Partnerships
- Barbara Crowe, MA, MT-BC
- Robin Rio, MA, MT-BC
- Frank Thompson, Founder AZ Rhythm Connection
With The Right Partnerships, You Can Build Your
Dream Team
2ASU Music Therapy
- Long History of Community Outreach
- Established Relationships In Diverse Communities
- Active Community Involvement is Part of the
Cultural Fabric of ASU Music Therapy - Music Therapy Clinic
- Community Music and Wellness Program (CMWP)
3University and Neighborhood
- College community developed through music
experiences - Interaction with neighbors in the college
community through music - People with disabilities working with MTs in the
ASU program
ASU Music Therapy Is A Vibrant Part Of The Local
4MT Providers and Organizations
- Unique opportunities because MTs can collaborate
with - Educators
- Therapists
- For Profit
- Not-for-profit groups
A Multi-Discipline Community Is A Community Rich
With Potential
5ASU MT Clinic Community Music And Wellness
Program Vision
- Strategic Objectives
- Seeking Partners who want to serve Others
- Bring community to US, MTs at the ASU Music
Therapy Clinic - Fill newset of rooms with expanded community
based programming
Understand The Type Of Community You Are
6By Bringing Community To Us
- We offer opportunities for people to interact
that would not have - We set the environment for peaceful, open-ended,
non-sectarian interaction - Open forum for people to engage
- Organizations are finding us to see how we can
support those programs
7Building Community Partnerships
As MTs You have a unique opportunity to work
with individuals and organization
- You Already Do It All The Time
- Define Terms
- Community
- Partnerships
- Community Building Models
- Time is on our Side
- One Step Beyond
- Will it Go 'Round in Circles
- Both Sides Now
Lets Have a Group Discussion on how the ASU MT
Community Music and Wellness Program Has Evolved
via Strategic Partnerships
8Please Ask Lots of
9Lets Define The Terms
Develop Your Community By Partnering With The
Right Partners
10What is Community?
As MTs we have a unique opportunity to work with
individuals and organizations
- Group
- Society
- Neighborhood
- Kinship
- What is your definition?...
Developing Community Partnerships is a Strategic
and Planned Process
11What Is A Partnership ?
As MTs we have a unique opportunity to work with
individuals and organization
- Affiliation
- Collaboration
- Alliance
- Cooperation
- What is Your Definition?
Strategic Community Partnerships Provide Mutually
Benefitable Results
12Partnership Opportunities
- For-Profit
- Non-profit
- Local Public Education
- Education Service Poviders
- Health Care
Many People Share Your VisionGo Find Them and
Let Them Know !
13Partnership Opportunities
- For-Profit
- Music Retailers
- Large Local Companies
- Niche Companies with Community Focus
- Small LLCs with Community Networking Needs
- Chambers of Commerce
- Marketing Associations
- HR Departments
For Profit Companies Make Money and Markets By
Being Connected To Their Community
14Partnership Opportunities
- Non-profit
- Large Traditional Community Service Organizations
- National/Regional/Local
- Religious Affiliations
- City/County/State Departments
- Niche NPs With local Service Mandates/Missions
- Trade Associations
- Military
Some Partners Are Mandated to Serve the Community
15Partnership Opportunities
- Local Public Education
- Standard K-12
- Private Institutions
- University/College
- Student Associations
- Continuing Ed. and Supplemental Education
Providers - Trainers From Private Firms (For and Non/Profit)
Educators and Trainers Are Often Community
LeadersThey Interface With Many People
16Partnership Opportunities
- Health Care
- Hospitals
- Clinics
- Private Physicians
- Senior Care Facilities
- Assisted Living (Profit and Non Profit)
- Long Term Care Support
- Wellness Industry
Care Giving Institutions Are Often The First To
Help New Organizations
17Good Partners
- Bring in partners that have a shared
understanding of what community means - Is it my community ?
- Is it your community ?
- Choose each other out of common interests and/or
complimentary needs - Provide a solution that matches the Partners
Strategic Community Partnerships Provide A true
win-win for All Partners
18Model 1 Time is on our Side
- There will always be patients/clients that need
care - Long Term Partnerships for stable environments
- No pricing, competitive, technological or market
Better to be Netflix today than Blockbuster
Tomorrow Choose partners that will get you to
where you are going Not where you are or were
19Model 2 One Step Beyond
- Can I adjust fast enough?
- Analog to digital
- The future is coming we dont know exactly what
it will be - We gotta do something, but what?
- I have to pay bills today
Better to be iTunes than Netflix Find partners
that are creating the new tomorrow, today.
20Model 3 Will it Go Round in Circles
- How do I meet the right partners with influence?
- Choosing the right partner at the right time
- If I meet this person, perhaps I can meet that
person, who can intro me to those people who can
. . .
Find Partners that connect with you at YOUR right
place and YOUR right time Timing-Temperament-Tena
21Model 3 Will it Go Round in Circles
Find Partners that connect with you at YOUR right
place and YOUR right time Getting to the Right
Partner is Difficult and Takes Time
22Model 4 Both Sides Now The Adjacent Possible
- Partnering through mutual needs creating true
win-wins - The more complimentary relationship sides you
have in your community the better. - Be a line instead of a single point
- Be a triangle instead of a line
- Be a pentagon instead of a triangle
Create as many adjacent side/touch points as
possible to Engage your community
23Model 4 Both Sides Now The Adjacent Possible
Your Community
Your Community
Be a Line instead of a Point
Create as many adjacent side/touch points as
possible to Engage your community
24Model 4 Both Sides Now The Adjacent Possible
Your Community
Your Community
Be a Triangle instead of A Line
Create as many adjacent side/touch points as
possible to Engage your community
25Model 4 Both Sides Now The Adjacent Possible
Your Community
Your Community
Be a Hexagon Instead of a Triangle
Create as many adjacent side/touch points as
possible to Engage your community
26Model 4 Both Sides Now The Adjacent Possible
Your Community
Your Community
Be a Line instead of Point
Create as many adjacent side/touch points as
possible to Engage your community
27Building Community Partnerships
As MTs You have a unique opportunity to work
with individuals and organization
- You Already Do It All The Time
- Define Terms
- Community
- Partnerships
- Community Building Models
- Time is on our Side
- One Step Beyond
- Will it Go 'Round in Circles
- Both Sides Now
We had a discussion on how the ASU MT Community
Music and Wellness Program has evolved via
Strategic Partnerships. Hope you found it useful
28Building Community Partnerships
- Barbara Crowe, MA, MT-BC
- Robin Rio, MA, MT-BC
- Frank Thompson, Founder AZ Rhythm Connection
With The Right Partnerships, You Can Build Your
Dream Team