Introduction to Marching Band - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Marching Band


Nick Brown Norton HS Marching Band What is Marching Band? A marching band is a group of instrumental musicians who incorporate movements with their musical performance. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Marching Band

Introduction to Marching Band
  • Nick Brown
  • Norton HS Marching Band

What is Marching Band?
  • A marching band is a group of instrumental
    musicians who incorporate movements with their
    musical performance.
  • Marching bands perform during football games, as
    well as local and national parades and

Important Commands
  • Attention This is a 4 count move with a hit on
    1. You will hear 4 claps than band tent hut
    There will be a pause on beat 4 and everyone will
    snap to the attention position on count 1.
  • BAND TENT HUT (pause) HIT
  • The attention position is
  • Feet together
  • The upper body and lower body should be aligned
    and the shoulders should be back.
  • There should be no curve in the back, the hips
    and spine should be aligned.
  • The head should be looking slightly up, and
    straight ahead.
  • The instruments should be in the carry position.

Important Commands
  • Parade Rest Parade rest is a slightly more
    relaxed substitute for attention.
  • This is also a 4 count move with a hit on count
    1. The band will hear 4 claps and then band
    parade rest. There is a pause on beat 4 and then
    a snap to parade rest on count 1. Band Parade
    Rest (pause) HIT
  • The parade rest position is as follows
  • Feet will be spread apart shoulder width, with
    the feet facing forward NOT naturally angled to
    the sides.
  • The upper body is the same as attention, except
    the instruments will be held in their parade rest
    carry position.

Important Commands
  • Horns Up/Down This command is used to bring the
    horns up(or down) together. This is a 4 count
    move with a hit on 1.
  • You will hear BAND HORNS UP. There is NO
    movement until beat 1. You will make a hissing
    sound with your tongue and snap your horns to
    playing position.
  • To get the horns down, you will hear BAND HORNS
    DOWN. There is no movement until beat 1. You
    will make a hissing sound with your tongue and
    snap your horns down to the carry position.

Marking Time
  • Marking time is used rarely during drill, but is
    used during rehearsals and sectionals in order to
    keep time.
  • The command to mark time is 4 counts. You will
    hear Mark Time Mark with a silence on beat 4.
  • On beat 4 you will lift your LEFT heal about 2
    inches off the ground so that your heal hits on
    beat 1. On the AND OF ONE you will lift your
    right heal off the ground and it will hit the
    ground on beat 2.
  • When done right it will look as follows
  • Mark time mark (lift) left hit and right hit and
    left hit and right hit and etc.

Basic Marching Fundamentals
  • The two most common marching techniques are
    corps-style marching and high-step marching.
  • Our band uses corps-style marching because it
    allows for a smooth musical sound.

Marching Fundamentals
  • Corps-style marching is characterized by
  • A very high, pointed toe.
  • Straight legs while moving backwards.
  • Weight centered when moving forwards, on the
    balls of the feet while moving backwards.
  • A very still upper-body.
  • You will learn how to march proficiently during
    preseason marching rehearsals.

How to Learn a Show
  • A competition marching band show is a complex
    work of art using drill to emphasize the music.
  • Music will be handed out the last week of school,
    drill charts will be handed out at band camp.

Basic Marching Information
  • A football field is 100 yards across, with yard
    lines that run perpendicular to the side lines
    every 5 yards.
  • 28 steps from the side line are the hash marks,
    which run parallel to the sidelines.
  • The most common step size that we use is a 22.5
    inch step, known as an 8 to 5 step size.
  • It is known as 8 to 5 because it takes 8 even
    size steps to cross 5 yards.
  • If a band lined up on the goal line, how many
    steps would it take to cross the field from goal
    line to goal line with an 8 to 5 step size?
  • Answer 160 steps

How to Read Your Drill Charts
  • Learning to read drill charts is imperative for a
    successful band camp.
  • Drill charts explain exactly where your
    individual position is on the field.
  • If you look at the chart on the left, you will
    notice a circle around the performer on the 30
    yard line on the right side of the field.
  • When you get your drill chart, you MUST CIRCLE

Drill Charts 101
  • The numbers on the chart are the yard line
  • The thick, dashed lines that run across the field
    are hash marks. They are at this position on the
    real field.
  • The smaller thick blue boxes on the chart are 4
    step boxes. These boxes show where all 4 step
    intervals are on the field.
  • The small, thin blue boxes are 1 step boxes. They
    show every step on the field.

Drill Charts 101
  • Drill charts lead you to your individual DOT
  • To find your dot, find your location on the chart
    and go to the nearest yard line and hash mark(or
    sideline). You take even size 8 to 5 steps until
    you find your spot. Then standing on the hash or
    sideline. You forward march using 8 to 5 steps
    until you find your EXACT location on the field.
    Once everyone has found their dot, we can adjust
    the form so that it looks perfect.
  • As the season goes on, we will begin to form
    march instead of dot march, but you will learn
    more about that as the season goes on.

Drill Charts 101
  • You will also get an instruction sheet attached
    to your drill chart.
  • The instruction sheep has several important
    pieces of information including
  • The amount of counts during the move
  • Any visuals that might be added to the move
  • Direction changes, hip switches, halts, park
    and barks, or marking time.

Drill Chart Quiz
  • Where is the circled player?
  • On the 30 yard line, 4 steps off the sideline.

  • We will meet every other Tuesday and every
    Thursday during the month of June
  • Tuesdays from 6 to 730 PM are sectional times.
    The first and third Tuesday of the month are
    brass. The second and forth Tuesday are
  • Percussion meets every Wednesday from 6 to 8PM in
    June and July.
  • We will have Full Band Rehearsals every Thursday
    in June from 6 to 9PM. We will spend the first 2
    hours on marching fundamentals and the last hour
    on music rehearsal.

Band Camp
  • Band Camp is schedules July 28th-August 1st 2008
    from 830AM-6PM and August 4th to August 9th from
    830AM to noon.
  • Band Camp is MANDITORY for all band students, as
    we will spend the time learning and cleaning
  • Band students are NOT allowed to leave the school
    during band camp hours. The band boosters will
    feed the kids lunch and dinner and will provide
    nutritious snacks during the day.
  • Please bring water and sunscreen and start
    hydrating early as we will spend the majority of
    the time outside and it WILL BE HOT!

Football Games and Parades
  • Remember, all performances are required.
  • The Norton Band will attend all Norton Panther
    football games for the 2008 season.
  • We will meet in full uniform at 530PM for all
    home games to rehearse and at 530PM for all away
    games in order to board the buses.
  • We travel to the games in full uniform.
  • We will play our pregame show at all home games
    and our competition show at all halftime
  • All pregame and stand tunes are to be memorized.
  • Band members are be on their best behavior while
    at any performance, as you are representing the
    Norton City Schools and the City of Norton!
  • No matter what the situation is, we are at the
    game to support the team. Please cheer
  • We will assign raincoats for when they are
    needed. The weather gets worse as the season goes
    along. Dress appropriately because we are going
    to be there rain or shine(or sleet, or snow, or

  • All competitions, including the Indianapolis trip
    are mandatory.
  • We will attend 4 OMEA competitions, 1 Bands of
    America regional, as well as OMEA State Finals
    and Bands of America Grand Nationals in 2008.
  • All band members are required to ride the bus to
    and from all competitions.
  • Band members are expected to show pride, class
    dignity while at the show.
  • We will wear band shirts under the uniform.
  • The Norton HS dress code will be enforced while
    on all trips.
  • Updates will be sent to parents by mail.

BOA Grand Nationals
  • We will travel to Indianapolis, IN on Thursday
    November 13th for the annual BOA Grand National
  • We will return Sunday the 16th.
  • Cost of the trip is 150. We will have many fund
    raising opportunities for the students to raise
    this cost.
  • Room and bus sign ups will be posted in November
    and updates will be sent to parents via mail
    before the trip.
  • Trip updates and pictures will be available on
    the band website

BOA Grand Nationals
  • The following is hotel information for the 2008
    Bands of America Grand Nationals in Indianapolis,
    IN.  The band will be staying at the following
  • Holiday Inn East, 6990 East 21st Street,
    Indianapolis, IN 46219
  • Phone 317-359-5341, Fax 317-351-1666
  • For more regarding the Indianapolis, IN, area
    (including dining, etc.), please visit

Norton Band Grading System
  • Your total band grade is taken from these areas
  • Marching/Music50
  • Rehearsal50
  • Marching/Music Grade taken from pass-offs, spot
    checks, taped playing quizzes, written quizzes,
    assignments, and faculty observations.
  • Rehearsal Grade Any missed rehearsal which is
    not excused will result in the loss of 5 points
    from a students rehearsal grade.
  • A students rehearsal grade is also negatively
    affected by his/her failure to have necessary
    equipment at rehearsals and sectionals.
  • Performance Policy Based upon attendance at all
    performances(games, contests, parades). A
    grade will be lowered one full letter grade for
    each missed performance.

Uniform Care
  • Each member of the marching band is assigned a
    complete uniform.
  • The uniform is under the care and control of the
    Norton Music Boosters.
  • Uniforms will be handed out prior to the
    performance and collected after the performance.
  • They will be stored in the uniform closet between
  • An annual fee will be charged to each band member
    in order to help defray care and cleaning charges
    accrued throughout the season.
  • At no time should uniforms be washed or ironed.
  • If it appears that your uniform has been abused
    while in your care, you will be charged for
    additional cleaning, repair, or replacement of
    that uniform.

  • The band uniform should always be worn with the
    following accessories not furnished by the school
    district or music boosters
  • Long black socks
  • Black Band Shoes(MTX)
  • Black dress gloves
  • Shorts, thin sweats and/or long johns.
  • Jeans and pants are prohibited under uniform
    pants. Band tee shirts or sweat shirts must be
    worn under uniform jackets unless told otherwise.

Additional Information
  • All band information and forms are inside the
    Norton Band Manual that was given out during the
    mandatory parent/student meetings in May.
  • Additional forms and information can be found on
    the band website
  • The band office number is 330-825-7277.

  • For additional information on the Norton Band
    program, go to the bands website
  • Grading scale and uniform care courtesy of the
    Norton Band Manual given to students and parents
    at the beginning of the season.
  • Other sources
  • Bands of America
  • Wikipedia
  • The drill image is courtesy of Superior
    Educational Solutions
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