Title: Performance Testing
1Performance Testing
2Who Am I?
3Who Am I?
4Who Are You?
5Who Are You?
6Who Are You?
- Performance testers
- Testers/QA?
7Who Are You?
- Performance testers
- Testers/QA
- Developers?
8Who Are You?
- Performance testers
- Testers/QA
- Developers
- CFR Cluj Supporters?
- 4 sessions about an hour each
- Some practical work in groups
- Any questions/comments speak up
- Please share your thoughts/experiences
10Conversation NOT lecture
11Performance Testing
12What is Performance Testing?
13What is Performance Testing?
- performance testing is in general testing
performed to determine how a system performs in
terms of responsiveness and stability under a
particular workload?
Wikipedia 2013
14What is Performance Testing?
- Load Testing
- Stress Testing
- Soak Testing
- Spike Testing
- Configuration Testing
- Isolation Testing
15Some History
16Traditional Performance Testing
- understand the volumes
- Model the business processes
- Run experiments (tests)
- Measure performance indicators (response time,
cpu etc.) - Tune if needed
- Sign off report
17Some History
18Some History
19Some History
20From This
21To This
22Applications have changed
- More complex functionality
- Minimal defined business processes
- Diverse Public Internet
- Use of services (homegrown and third party)
- Cacheing
- Increased Client functionality (javascript etc.)
23Applications have changed
- Cloud computing
- Multiple client platforms (tablet, mobile etc.)
- Push technology
24Traditional Performance Testing
- Focus on IT/IS requirements
- Too difficult to model the entire application
- Length of time it takes to run a performance test
- Models have too many variables to be reliable
25New Approaches to Performance
- As applications have increased in complexity and
application usage has become more diverse we have
developed new tools and approaches to help us
predict and manage the performance of
applications -
26New Approaches to Performance
- Synthetic testing (traditional perf testing)
- A/B testing
- Instrumentation/Analytics (RUM)
- React Fast
- Over_Provision
- Third Party tools
27Performance Testing
28Rank Sites by Performance
- News related websites
- www.nytimes.com
- news.bbc.co.uk
- www.huffingtonpost.co.uk
- tv.msnbc.com
- www.cnn.com
- www.dailymail.co.uk
29Rank Sites by Performance
- News related websites by response time
- news.bbc.co.uk (0.7)
- www.dailymail.co.uk (3.3)
- www.cnn.com (3.5)
- www.nytimes.com (3.9)
- tv.msnbc.com (5.5)
- www.huffingtonpost.co.uk (6.3)
Gomez April 2013
30Rank Sites by Performance
- News related websites by popularity
- www.cnn.com
- tv.msnbc.com
- www.nytimes.com
- www.huffingtonpost.co.uk
- www.dailymail.co.uk
- news.bbc.co.uk
31The Five W's
32The Five W's
33The Five W's
34The Five W's
35The Five W's
36The Five W's
- WHO?
- WHY?
37Who is interested in performance?
38Who is interested in performance?
- IS/IT Department
- Protection of production
- Stability
- Capacity
- Resource
39Who is interested in performance?
40Who is interested in performance?
- Customer
- Stability (of Browser)
- Freezing
- Consistency
- Ease of use (fewest steps to get job done)
41Who is interested in performance?
42Who is interested in performance?
- Business
- Revenue
- Unique monthly visitors
- Conversion rates
- Site Abandonment rate
43Who is interested in performance?
As Application complexity has increased so too
has the amount of performance related information
available As a performance tester it is
important to be able to interpret the data and be
able to present information that is useful and
relevant to people.
44Test models
- Choose 2 key business processes for each site
- www.amazon.com
- www.lastminute.com
- www.digitalspy.co.uk
45Test models
- Choose 2 key business processes for each site
- www.amazon.com
46Test models
- Choose 2 key business processes for each site
- www.lastminute.com
47Test models
- Choose 2 key business processes for each site
- www.digitalspy.co.uk
48What to Test?
- Information used to prioritize testing
49What to Test?
- Information used to prioritize testing
- New technology
- Heavy usage
- Spikes in usage
- Key revenue generators
- Customer goals (or hot buttons)
50What to Test?
As it has become harder to model and test an
entire application, being able to identify which
areas of an application are key for performance
is now more important than ever
51Test models
- Choose 2 key business processes for each site
- www.facebook.com
- www.youtube.com
52Why Do we Test?
53Why Do we Test?
- Prevent problems
- Validate improvements
- Reproduce problems
- Aid in decision making
54Why Do we Test?
- What Does a Successful Test look like?
- Setting goals
- Convert business goals into technical model
- Volumes (Average, Peak)
55Understanding business process
- Using Webpagetest
- Free tool to allow you to see underlying calls
made when you execute a business process - Identify Key calls for performance
56Understanding business process
- Using Webpagetest
- http//www.webperformancetoday.com/2010/07/09/wate
57Using Webpagetest
- News related websites
- www.nytimes.com
- news.bbc.co.uk
- www.huffingtonpost.co.uk
- tv.msnbc.com
- www.cnn.com
- www.dailymail.co.uk
58Understanding business process
- Identify Key calls for performance
- Based on who is Interested
- Based on what the key business processes are
- Based on why you are testing
59Why do we Test?
Integrate business goals with technical and
customer goals Be wary of using
design/developers as way of understanding what
the application really does
60When to Test?
- Traditionally performance testing was done just
prior to release. Reasons for this - Models take time to build
- Need for stable baseline to compare against
- Site must be functional before perf testing
61When to Test?
- Rise of Agile requires new approaches
- Split up into smaller component models to allow
testing during development - Clustering production allows testing in
production with incremental rollout - Test in design
62Web Sequence diagrams
- Example for Facebook Login
- http//www.uml-diagrams.org/sequence-diagrams-exam
63Where to Test?
- Dedicated Performance environment
- Prod
- Disaster recovery
- QA/Dev Environment
- Preprod
- Isolated components
64Where to Test?
- Dont forget the surrounding infrastructure
- Network
- Load Balancers
- Caches
- Third Party services
- Lots of Vendors promising magic. Get demos and
proof of concept for your site - Only once you have a good understanding of the
basics for your site.
- Dont forget the basic free tools available
- WebPageTest
- Browser developer tools
- Curl
- SoapUI/LoadUI
- Many others