? ??????S??S OS ??G? ????O??O? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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? ??????S??S OS ??G? ????O??O?


Title: Author: XCF Last modified by: XCF Created Date: 11/9/2005 5:36:55 AM Document presentation format: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ? ??????S??S OS ??G? ????O??O?

? ??????S??S OS ??G? ????O??O?
  • ?.?.?????O???
  • ???S??????? ?G???S
  • ??S???????? ???G??? ????O??O?
  • ?. ?. ?. ?. ??????

(No Transcript)
??????S ???F???????S S? ??????? ??????S?? ???
????????? ?????? (2004-2005)
????S????? 20 PC HARDWARE (?????????G??, ???????) 4
?????. ????S??? 17 PC HARDWARE (?????????G??, ???????) 4
????S????S ??F?????????S 4 ???SO???? ??????????? ???T????? (organizers, ????t? t??., ß?µß?t??) 3
???G? ???????S?. ???????G. 3 ???SO???? ??????????? ???T????? (organizers, ????t? t??., ß?µß?t??) 3
???????S S?S????S 3 S??T?S????? 3
????ST?S??? ???. 2
????/??-??F???S 2
??????? ??T???S? 2
S?s?e?? ???µa?s?? as?, s?s?. a?µ?d????s??
???G??S S??????S ?? ??????? ??????S??G?????
  • ???????
  • Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in
    Health-Care Facilities Recommendations of CDC and
    the Healthcare Infection Control Practices
    Advisory Committee (HICPAC). MMWR 2003 52 (No.
    RR-10) 148.
  • Guideline For Prevention Of Surgical Site
    Infection, CDC, HICPAC AJIC vol.

  • WHO
  • Practical Guidelines For Infection Control ?n
    Health Care Facilities World Health Organization
    December 2003
  • Prevention Of Hospital-acquired Infections A
    Practical Guide 2nd Edition World Health
    Organization 2002
  • ?GG???
  • Good Practice In Infection Control Royal College
    of Nursing 2004 (www.rcn.org.uk)
  • Infection control Prevention of
    healthcare-associated infection in primary and
    community care National Institute for Clinical
    Excellence 2003 (www.nice.org.uk)
  • Evidence-based Guidelines For Preventing
    Healthcare-associated Infections In Primary And
    Community Care In England Department of Health

  • ??S??????
  • Infection Control Guidelines For The Prevention
    Of Transmission Of Infectious Diseases In The
    Health Care Setting Department of Health and
    Aging Australia, January 2004, (www.icg.health.gov
  • Infection Control In Victorian Public Health
    Services. Victorian Government Department of
    Human Services, Melbourne 2002 (www.infectioncontr

???G??S S??????S ?? ??????? ??????S?? (??????)
  • ???????
  • Multi-society Guideline For Reprocessing Flexible
    Gastrointestinal Endoscopes, SHEA Position Paper,
    Infection Control And Hospital Epidemiology
    200324 (7) 532-537
  • Guideline For The Use Of High-level Disinfectants
    and Sterilants For Reprocessing Of Flexible
    Gastrointestinal Endoscopes, Society of
    Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates 2003 (www.
  • Apic Guideline For Infection Prevention And
    Control In Flexible Endoscopy Am J Infect Control

  1. Enforcement Priorities For Single-use Devices
    Reprocessed By Third Parties And Hospitals
    Guidance for Industry and for FDA Staff. U.S.
    Department Of Health and Human Services Food and
    Drug Administration Center for Devices and
    Radiological Health, 2000 (www.
  2. Apic Guideline For Selection And Use Of
    Disinfectants, Rutala W, and 1994,1995,1996 APIC
    Guidelines Committee, Am J Infect Control
  3. Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline For
    The Prevention Of Ventilator Associated
    Pneumonia, 2004 American College of Physicians
  4. Guidelines For Preventing Health-care-associated
    Pneumonia, 2003 Recommendations of CDC and the
    Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory
    committee (www.cdc.gov)

  1. Guidelines For The Prevention Of Intravascular
    Catheter-related Infections Recommendations
    Relevant To Interventional Radiology, Donald L.
    Miller, MD, and Naomi P. OGrady, MD. J Vasc
    Interv Radiol 2003 14S355S358
  2. Guidelines For The Prevention Of Intravascular
    Catheter-related Infections 2002 CDC MMWR Morb
    Mortal Wkly Rep 51(RR-10)1-26
  3. CDC Guidelines For Infection Control In Dental
    Health-care Settings Morbidity and Mortality
    Weekly Report December 19, 2003 / Vol. 52 / No.
  4. Computer Equipment Used In Patient Care Within O
    Multihospital System Recommendations for
    cleaning and disinfection. Neely A. et al. Am J
    Infect Control 200533 (4) 233-237

???G??S S??????S ?? ??????? ??????S?? (??????)
  • ??????S
  • Classic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in Canada,
    Infection Control Guidelines, Health Canada.
    Canada Communicable Disease Report (CCDR) vol.
    28S5 2002 (www.phac-aspc.gc.ca)
  • Hand Washing, Cleaning, Disinfection And
    Sterilization In Health Care, CCDR Vol 24S8 1998
  • Reprocessing of Reusable and Single-Use Medical
    Devices. ?p????. ??e?a? ?????? 2004
  • ?.?.?.
  • WHO Infection Control Guidelines For
    Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies, World
    Health Organization Communicable Disease
    Surveillance and Control, Geneva, 1999

  • ?GG???
  • Sterilization, Disinfection And Cleaning Of
    Medical Equipment Guidance on Decontamination
    from the Microbiology Advisory Committee (MAC) to
    Department of Health Medical Devices Agency (MAC
    Manual) 2002
  • Single-use Medical Devices Implications And
    Consequences Of Reuse Medical Devices Agency
    (MDA) 2000

?????S??S ???S???????????? ??????S???
  1. ??pa?de?s? ???s?p????
  2. ?a?a??sµ?? p??ap???µa?s?
  3. ?p????? ?at??????? µe??d?? ap?ste???s??
  4. ?pa?a???s?µ?p???s? µ?a? ???s?? e??p??sµ??

??pa?de?s? s?et??? µe
  • ???d?a??af?? ??a t?? p??µ??e?a t?? s?s?e???
  • ?t?µ??? µ?t?a p??stas?a?
  • S?µas?a t?? p??s?µat?? t?? ?e????
  • ????d?? ?a?a??sµ?? ap???µa?s?? ap?ste???s??
  • ???s? t?? d?af???? s?s?e??? ?a? s?e?asµ?t??
    (a?a??s?, ?e?µ???as?a, d????e?a eµß?pt?s?? ??p.)
  • ??e???? ap?te?esµat???t?ta? t?? d?ad??as?a?
  • ?a?et???sµa - f??a??
  • ?????e?e? se pe??pt?s? at???µat??

  • ?a?a??sµ??
  • ? d?ad??as?a p?? ??e? s??p? t?? apa??a?? t??
    a?t??e?µ???? ap? ?p??e?µµata ?st??, ??p??, a?µa,
    e????se??, ape????se??, ??µ??? ?at????pa ??p.
  • ???ap???µa?s? (Decontamination)
  • ? d?ad??as?a p?? ??e? s??p? t?? e??tt?s? t??
    µ????ß?a??? f??t??? ap? t?? ep?f??e?a e???
    ???s?µ?p???µ???? ??????? ?ste ?a e??a? asfa???
    ??a t?? ?e???st?

??te ???eta?
  • ?e???sµ? e??p??sµ?? ?a?a?t???sµ???? ?? ?aµ????
    ???d???? (?p?p?a, stat?, t?????, d?peda, p?µ??a,
    p?eß???a, ???s??e? ??p.)
  • Sa? p??t? ß?µa st?? et??µas?a t?? ?at?????
    e??p??sµ?? ??a ap???µa?s? ? ap?ste???s?

??? de? p??????e? s???ast???? ?a?a??sµ?? t??
??????? ? ?p?ste???s? ? ? ?p???µa?s? de? ?a
e??a? ap?te?esµat???
??? ???eta?
  • ?e a?t?µata µ??a??µata
  • - ????t???a ?e?????????? e??a?e???
  • - ????t???a ?e?µ???? ? ??µ???? ap???µa?s??
  • - ????t???a ?pe?????
  • ?e????a?t???
  • - ????? p?? µp????? ?a ß???st??? se ????
  • - ????? p?? de? µp????? ?a ß???st??? se ????

???a????? ?a?a??sµ??
  • ? ???d???? µ????s?? t?? ?e???st? ?a? ???es?? t??
    se ??µ???? ??s?e?
  • ??p?p???µ??? d?ad??as?a p?? ?ata???feta?
  • ?µ??
  • ??pa?de?s? st? ???s? t?? s???e???µ????
  • ????s? ?d????? ?atas?e?ast??
  • ???a?a µe a????? p??pe? ?a p?????ta? ?a?
  • ????µ??? ??st??

?e????a?t???? ?a?a??sµ??
  • ?ta? de? ?p???e? d?a??s?µ?? e??p??sµ?? ??a
    a?t?µat? ?a?a??sµ? ?a?
  • G?a e?a?s??ta ?a? pe??p???a ???a?a
  • ???s??? Sta a??µ???, sta ???a?a µe a?????,
    a????se??, e???p??
  • ???s? at?µ???? µ?t??? p??stas?a? (ad??ß????
    p?d??, ???t?? ???t?a, µ?s?a, p??state?t???
    p??s?p?? ??p.)

?p????? t?? ?at??????? µe??d?? ???eta? µe ß?s?
  1. ??? ßa?µ? ep????d???t?ta? t?? ???????
  2. ??? ?d???e? t?? ?atas?e?ast? t?? ???????

?at?ta?? a?t??e?µ???? ?at? Spaulding
?????? ???d???? (???s?µa) ??s?????ta? se ?st???, ste??e? ?????t?te? ? st? a??e?a?? s?st?µa (?p?ste???s?) ?e??/???? e??a?e?a, ?a?et??e? (a??e?a-??? ??ste??), eµf?te?µata ??p.
??s?? ???d???? (?µ????s?-µa) ?????ta? se epaf? µe ß?e????????? ? µe d??µa p?? de? e??a? a???a?? (?p?ste???s? ? ?????? ?a?µ?? ap???µa?s?) Gast??s??p?a, ??????s??p?a, a?ap?e?st??? ?????µata, ??p.
?aµ???? ???d???? (µ? ???s?µa) Se epaf? µe ????? d??µa ? ?aµµ?? epaf? µe t?? as?e?? (??s?? ? ?aµ???? ßa?µ?? ap???µa?s? ? ap??? ?a?a??sµ??) Te?µ?µet?a, p?es?-µet?a, s???aµ?de?, ?µat?sµ??, p??ta, ??µ?d??a, pat?µata ??p.
?????????????S ???S? ?O? ??T??O?
Sp???? Sp???? ????ßa?t???d?a ?a?t???a ???
?p?ste???s? ?p?ste???s? ?p?ste???s? ?p?ste???s? ?p?ste???s? ?p?ste???s?
?tµ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
???? ?e?µ ? ? ? ? ?
???sµa ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
?p???µa?s? ?p???µa?s? ?p???µa?s? ?p???µa?s? ?p???µa?s? ?p???µa?s?
??t?µata µ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
?tµ?? ??e?µ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
??µ??? ap??
MAC Manual 2002 Medical Devices Agency
? ?aµ?? ? ????? ?? ??t??a ? ? ? ?a??
???S? ?????O? ???????????O?
Sp???? ?? ?a?t???a ???
??????e? ? ?? ? ? ? ??
G???ta?/d? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
????f?a?/d? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
????e?d ??????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
?pe?????? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
???se?? ?pe???\d??? ? ? ? ? ? ??
??ata tet/???? ?µµ????? ? ?? ?? ??
?pe???e?d?µ??? ?e?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
??????a µe t? d????e?a eµß?pt?s?? ??? ??t???
??p???? ?t?p?? µ???ßa?t???d??? ??????a µe t??
p????t?ta t?? d?a??µat??
MAC Manual 2002 Medical Devices Agency
?a?????te? p?? ep??e????? t?? ap?te?esµat???t?ta
t?? ap???µa?s?? - ap?ste???s??
  1. ?pa??? p??? st?? ep?f??e?a t?? ??????? ?e???,
    a??t?? ? ???a????? ??s???
  2. ? f?s? t?? a?t??e?µ???? (a????, a????se??,
  3. ? ?????? ???es?? t?? a?t??e?µ???? st? µ???d?
    ap?ste???s?? ap???µa?s??
  4. ? p????t?ta t?? ap???µa?t???? st? te???? d????µa
  5. ? ?e?µ???as?a, t? ?? ??p.
  6. ? t??p?? pa?eta??sµat?? ?a? f??a??? t?? ???????

????p?? ?a?a??sµ??
?p?s??a?µ?????s? ???????
??a ta s?µe?a t?? ??????? se epaf? µe t?
  • F??s?? d????µa ap???µa?t????
  • ??e???? ?????st?? ?p?te?esµat???? S?????t??s??
  • (Minimum Effective Concentration)

?pa?a???s?µ?p???s? µ?a? ???s?? a?t??e?µ????
  • ?a a?t??e?µe?a p?? ap? t?? ?atas?e?ast? t???
    p????????ta? ??a ?a ???s?µ?p??????? µ?a f??? de?
    p??pe? ?a ?a?a???s?µ?p??-???ta?

???ß??µata p?? ????? s??s? µe t??
epa?a???s?µ?p???s? t?? µ?a? ???s?? a?t??e?µ????
? ???µ??? t? s?µa?t???te?? p??ß??µa
  1. ????p?? ?a?a??sµ?? ?a? ap???µa?s?-ap?ste???s?
    ???? ?atas?e?ast???? ?d?a?te??t?t?? (??e?e?
    ????e?, spe??e?, a???? µe µe???? µ???? ? p???
    ste???, e?d???? ep?st??se?? ??p.)
  2. ??????? a?t?d??se?? ap? ??µ??? ?at????pa t??
  3. ??????s? t?? ?????? ?atas?e??? t?? a?t??e?µ????
  4. ???a???? p??ß??µata p?? ep??e????? t?? ?e?t?????a
    t?? ???????

S?S??S??S G?? ??T???S?? ??? ????????S? ??? ?C ???
?O? ?????????O? ??? (Neely A. et al. Am J Infect
Control 200533 (4) 233-237)
  1. ? s????t?ta t?? ?a?a???t?ta?-ap???µa?s?? ?a? ta
    s?e??sµata p?? ?a ???s?µ?p??????? e??a? ta ?d?a
    µe a?t? p?? ???s?µ?p?????ta? ??a t?? ????
    e??p??sµ? st?? s???e???µ??? ????.
  2. ?aµß????ta? ?p??? ?? ?d???e? t?? ?atas?e?ast??
    t?? s?s?e???

  1. ???s? p?ast???? ?a??µµ?t?? ? e?d???
    ?atas?e?asµ???? e?a?t?µ?t?? (ad??ß?????)

  1. ???s?µ? ?e???? (sap???? ? a?t?s?pt???) p??? ?a?
    µet? t?? epaf? µe e?a?t?µata t?? ?C
  2. ???s??? st?? ????e? LCD (?a?a??sµ?? µ??? µe
    µa?a?? ßaµßa?e?? pa?? ? pa?? eµp?t?sµ??? µe

  • All health care workers are under ethical and
    legal duties to protect the health and safety of
    their patients.
  • ???? ?? e??a??µe??? st? ???? t?? ??e?a? ?????
    ????? a??? ?a? ??µ??? ?a????? ?a p??state???? t??
    ??e?a ?a? asf??e?a t?? as?e??? t???

  • (Department Of Health - UK)

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