The Erased People in Slovenia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Erased People in Slovenia


The Erased People in Slovenia The Discriminative Practices Accompanying the Creation of a Nation State Historical Context Yugoslavia a federation of 6 republics ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Erased People in Slovenia

The Erased People in Slovenia
  • The Discriminative Practices Accompanying the
    Creation of a Nation State

Historical Context
  • Yugoslavia a federation of 6 republics
  • Slovenias Independence - 25th June 1991
  • By creating a nation state a once ethnic
    community became a state-constituting nation
  • Emergence of a need to define the body of
    Slovenian nationals

  • Status of the Erased before 1991
  • Citizenship
  • 1) Yugoslavian
  • 2) Citizenship of one of the (republics) but
  • Permanent Residency In Slovenia (outside the
    republic of persons citizenship)
  • Rights They enjoyed the same rights as Slovenian

The right to acquire citizenship after the
  • Art. 40 of Citizenship Act the right of
    nationals of other republics with permanent
    residence in the Republic of Slovenia to acquire
    Slovenian citizenship
  • Strict Conditions citizenship was not granted
    to those who committed crimes and those who
    represented a threat to public order
  • Condition to apply for citizenship within 6
    months from entry into force of the Citizenship
  • Deadline 26th December 1991

Becoming Illegal
  • Those who did not apply for citizenship (or were
    refused it) fell under the jurisdiction of the
    Aliens Act
  • BUT Art. 81/2 of the Aliens Act said that the
    provision of this act shall apply two months
    after the expiry of the deadline from Citizenship
    Act 26 February 1992
  • No act regulated the transitory period between 26
    December 1991 and 26 February 1992
  • Therefore those who did not become citizens,
    became de facto foreigners illegally residing in
  • In some cases the already obtained Slovenian
    citizenship was subsequently revoked

  • 26th February 1992 the records of people who
    did not apply for citizenship (or were not
    granted it) were ex officio
  • transferred
  • from the register of permanent residents to a
    register of foreigners
  • With the transfer they lost their habitual
    residence statuses
  • They were never notified on this move in any way

  • 171.000 people acquired Slovenian citizenship ex
    lege, 2.500 were denied their applications
  • 29.000 permanent residents were transferred from
    one register to another
  • 9.500 people voluntary unregistered before the
    erasure had taken place
  • 1.200 people voluntarily unregistered after the
    erasure without knowing about it
  • Final number 18.300 unlawfully erased people (or
    almost 1 of the population)

Coincidence? Mistake?
  • The erasure was not an accident, it was a
    systematic state action
  • Some politicians were aware of the dangerousness
    of such measures
  • 1991 There was an initiative to temporarily
    regulate legal status of SFRJ nationals who did
    not apply for citizenship that was rejected
    (justification such matter must be regulated
    with inter-state agreement)
  • 1991 National Assembly rejected an amendment to
    Aliens Act that proposed issuing permanent
    residence permits to those who did not apply for

Grounds for Erasure
  • No legal basis, only an Internal decision of the
    Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • According to the 1999 Constitutional Court
    Decision, the erasure was unlawful and

Political Context
  • Favoring maximum restrictions in granting
    Slovenian citizenship to applicants of
    non-Slovenian ethnic origin
  • (e.g. initiative for referendum to revoke
    citizenship granted according to Art. 40 of
    Citizenship Act)
  • Right wing deputies demanded that the
    citizenships granted on the basis of Art. 40 of
    citizenship act be revoked.
  • Resentment towards former common federation,
    especially towards Yugoslav Peoples Army that
    carried out a 10-day aggression on Slovenia after
    the independence

1999 Settling of the Status of Other SFRY
Successor States in the Republic of Slovenia Act
  • Gave an option to apply for permanent residence
    permits (that were once already taken away from
  • The first opportunity to retrieve lost statuses
    ex nunc (not ex tunc as required by the
    Constitutional Court)
  • The deadline to apply was only 3 months from
    entry into force of the Act

2002 Amendments of Citizenship Act
  • After the campaign to reinstate the rights of the
    erased, the 2002 amendments to Citizenship Act
    were adopted giving the erased another
    opportunity to apply for citizenship.
  • The law was an attempt to eliminate injustice.
  • The conditions were less strict however, the
    citizenship would be granted ex nunc, NOT ex tunc.

Constitutional Court Decisions
  • February 1999 Unconstitutionality of Citizenship
    Act referring the erased under the jurisdiction
    of Aliens Act
  • July 1999 Complainants should be deemed
    permanent residents of Slovenia retroactively,
    from 26 February 1992
  • 2003 The entire Settling of the Status of Other
    SFRY Successor States Act is declared
    unconstitutional since it did not recognize
    permanent residence of citizens of other SFRY
    successor states from February 26, 1992
  • Const. Court advised the legislator to recognize
    permanent statuses retroactively from 26 February
    1992 (ergo, to regulate statuses ex tunc)

Implementation of the Constitutional Court
  • Disagreements on whether the Const. Court can
    create law according to Slovenian legal system.
  • A technical law for the implementation of the
    Const. Court decision was adopted, but also
    annulled with a referendum
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs began recognizing
    statuses retroactively directly on the grounds
    of the Const. Court decision.
  • Statistics 4.093 statuses recognized, 8.470
    cases still need to be considered (the remaining
    5.800 out of 18.300 managed to regulate their

Civil Society Developments
  • Association of the Erased Residents of Slovenia
    (since February 2002)
  • Mobilization of the civil society
  • Mixed impressions whether the increased
    discussion made firmer ground for dealing with
    the situation or increased intolerance

New Political Environment (2005)
  • In December 2004 a new center-right government
    was elected
  • Members of the government parties were
    historically against resolving the situation of
    the erased in accordance with the Constitutional
    Court decisions
  • Some of them were actively participating in it
  • Their plan is to adopt a constitutional law that
    would regulate their statuses
  • Pretext to overrule the Constitutional Court

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