Title: Objectives
- Students will be able to apply perimeter, area,
and circumference formulas to solve problem.
2The perimeter P of a plane figure is the sum of
the side lengths of the figure.
The area A of a plane figure is the number of
non-overlapping square units of a given size that
exactly cover the figure.
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5The base b can be any side of a triangle. The
height h is a segment forms a right angle with
the base. The height may be a side of the
triangle or in the interior or the exterior of
the triangle.
6Whats my base and whats my height?
7Perimeter and Area with Algebra
Find the area and perimeter of each figure. 1.
x2 4x 4x 8
10x 4x 16
8The circumference of a circle is the distance
around the circle. perimeter of the circle
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10Find circumference and area of circles
Find the area and perimeter of each circle. 1.
11Find Circumference and Areas of Circles
12Find Circumference and Areas of Circles
131.5 HW answer 1. 12 ft 2. 6
ft2 3. 2.4 ft or ft 4. P ? 9.6 m A ? 5.76
m2 5. P ? 2x ? 20 A ? 7x ? 21 6. circumference
7. C ? 44 mi A ? 154 mi2 8.
2 in. 9. 19 m
10. 12.5 mm
14 Apply Formulas of Perimeter,
Circumference and Areas
15 Apply Formulas of Perimeter,
Circumference and Areas
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17Group wprk- Application in Real LIfe
A landscaper is installing a brick patio in the
backyard. He is building a rock wall around the
perimeter of the patio. 1. What is the area
needed for the brick patio? 2. What is the
perimeter needed for building the brick wall?