Chemicals, Apparatus, and Unit Operations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chemicals, Apparatus, and Unit Operations


Chapter 2: Chemicals, Apparatus, and Unit Operations of Analytical Chemistry – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chemicals, Apparatus, and Unit Operations

  • Chapter 2
  • Chemicals, Apparatus, and Unit Operations
  • of Analytical Chemistry

  • At the heart of analytical chemistry is a core
    set of operations and equipment.
  • The technology of analytical chemistry has
    improved with the advent of electronic analytical
    balances, automated titrators, and other
    computer-controlled instruments.
  • The speed, convenience, accuracy, and precision
    of analytical methods have improved as well.

  • 2A Selecting and handling reagents and other
  • The purity of reagents influences the accuracy of
  • Classifying Chemicals
  • Regent grade conform to the minimum standards
    set forth by the Reagent Chemical Committee of
    the American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • Primary-standard carefully analyzed by the
    supplier. The National Institute of Standards and
    Technology (NIST) is an excellent source.
  • Special-purpose reagent chemicals are prepared
    for a specific application such as solvents for
    spectrophotometry and high-performance liquid

  • Rules for Handling Reagents and Solutions
  • Select the best grade of chemical available. Pick
    the smallest bottle that is sufficient to do the
  • Replace the top of every container immediately
    after removing reagent.
  • Hold the stoppers of reagent bottles between your
    fingers. Never set a stopper on a desk top.
  • Unless specifically directed otherwise, never
    return any excess reagent to a bottle.

  • Rules for Handling Reagents and Solutions (contd)
  • 5. Never insert spatulas, spoons, or knives into
    a bottle that contains a solid chemical. Instead,
    shake the capped bottle vigorously or tap it
    gently against a wooden table to break up an
    encrustation. Then pour out the desired quantity.
  • 6. Keep the reagent shelf and the laboratory
    balance clean and neat. Clean up any spills
  • 7. Follow local regulations concerning the
    disposal of surplus reagents and solutions.

  • 2B Cleaning and marking of laboratory ware
  • Each vessel that holds a sample must be marked.
    Special marking inks are available for porcelain
    surfaces. A saturated solution of iron(III)
    chloride can also be used for marking.
  • Every apparatus must be thoroughly washed with a
    hot detergent solution and then rinsed, initially
    with large amounts of tap water and finally with
    several small portions of deionized water.
  • Properly cleaned glassware will be coated with a
    uniform and unbroken film of water. Do not dry
    the interior surfaces of glassware.
  • An organic solvent, such as methyl ethyl ketone
    or acetone, may be effective in removing grease

  • 2C Evaporating liquids
  • Evaporation is difficult to control because of
  • tendency of some solutions to overheat locally.
  • Bumping can cause partial loss of the solution.
  • Careful and gentle heating or use of glass beads
  • will minimize such loss.
  • Some unwanted substances can be eliminated
  • during evaporation.
  • Wet ashing is the oxidation of the organic
    constituents of a sample with oxidizing reagents
    such as nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrogen
    peroxide, aqueous bromine, or a combination of
    these reagents.

  • 2D Measuring mass
  • An analytical balance must be used to measure
    masses with high accuracy.
  • An analytical balance is used for determining
    mass with a maximum capacity that ranges from 1 g
    to a few kgs with a precision of at least 1 part
    in 105
  • A macrobalance has a maximum load of 160-200 g
    and a precision of 0.1 mg.
  • A semimicroanalytical balance has a maximum load
    of 10-30 g and a precision of 0.01 mg.
  • A microanalytical balance has a maximum load of
    1-3 g and a precision of 0.001 mg, or 1 µg.
  • The traditional analytical balance had two pans
    and is considered an equal-arm balance.
  • The single-pan analytical balance was far
    superior and replaced the traditional balance.
  • The electronic analytical balance is the current
    balance that is widely used.

  • Fig. 2-2 Electronic analytical balance. (a) Block
    diagram. (b) Photo of electronic
  • balance.
  • Placing an object on the pan causes the pan and
    indicator arm to move downward, thus increasing
    the amount of light striking the photocell of the
    null detector.
  • The increased current from the photocell is
    amplified and fed into the coil, creating a
    larger magnetic field, which returns the pan to
    its original null position.

  • Figure 2-3 Electronic analytical balances. (a)
    Classical configuration with pan beneath the
    cell. (b) A top-loading design.

  • In each electronic balance, the pan is tethered
    to a system of constraints known collectively as
    a cell.
  • The cell has several flexures that permit limited
    movement of the pan.
  • At null, the beam is parallel to the
    gravitational horizon.
  • Electronic balances feature an automatic taring
    control that causes the display to read zero with
    a container (such as a boat or weighing bottle)
    on the pan.
  • Some electronic balances have dual capacities and
    dual precisions.
  • These features permit the capacity to be
    decreased from that of a macrobalance to that of
    a semimicrobalance (30 g) with a corresponding
    gain in precision to 0.01 mg.

  • Figure 2-4 Single-pan mechanical analytical
  • Components
  • A light-weight beam is supported on
  • a planar surface by a prism-shaped
  • knife edge (A).
  • A second knife edge (B) is located
  • near the left end of the beam and
  • support as a second planar surface.
  • The two knife edges are prism-shaped
  • agate or sapphire devices that form
  • low-friction bearings with two planar surfaces
  • contained in stirrups also of agate or sapphire.

  • Weighing with a Single-Pan Balance
  • The beam of an adjusted balance is in horizontal
  • Placing an object on the pan causes the left end
    of the beam to move downward.
  • Masses are then removed systematically until the
    imbalance is less than 100 mg.
  • The angle of deflection of the beam is directly
    proportional to the additional mass that must be
    removed to restore the beam to its horizontal
  • The optical system measures this angle of
  • A reticle is scribed with a scale that reads 0 to
    100 mg.
  • A vernier makes it possible to read this scale to
    the nearest 0.1 mg.

  • Precautions in using an analytical balance
  • 1. Center the load on the pan as well as
  • 2. Protect the balance from corrosion.
  • 3. Observe special precautions for the weighing
    of liquids.
  • 4. Consult your instructor if the balance appears
    to need adjustment.
  • 5. Keep the balance and its case scrupulously
    clean. A camels hair brush is useful for
    removing spilled material or dust.
  • 6. Always allow an object that has been heated to
    return to room temperature before weighing it.
  • 7. Use tongs, finger pads, or a glassine paper
    strip to handle dried objects to prevent
    transferring moisture to them.

  • Sources of error in weighing
  • Correction for Buoyancy
  • A buoyancy error is an error that develops when
    the object being weighed has a significantly
    different density than the masses.
  • Buoyancy corrections may be accomplished with
    the equation
  • W1 is the corrected mass of the object,
  • W2 is the mass of the standard masses,
  • dobj is the density of the object,
  • dwts is the density of the masses, and
  • dair is the density of the air displaced by
    masses and object.
  • The value of dair is 0.0012 g/cm3.

  • Figure 2-5. Effect of buoyancy on weighing data
    (density of weights 8 g/cm3). Plot of relative
    error as a function of the density of the object

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  • Temperature Effects
  • Allow heated objects to return to room
    temperature before you attempt to weigh them.
  • Convection currents within the balance case exert
    a buoyant effect.
  • Warm air trapped in a closed container weighs
    less than the same volume at a lower temperature.
    Both effects cause the apparent mass of the
    object to be low.
  • Figure 2-6. Absolute error as a function of time
    after an
  • object was removed from a 110C drying
  • oven.
  • A porcelain filtering crucible.
  • B weighing bottle containing about
  • 7.5 g of KCl.

  • Other Sources of Error
  • A porcelain or glass object will occasionally
    acquire a static charge causing a balance to
    perform erratically, especially when the relative
    humidity is low.
  • Spontaneous discharge frequently occurs after a
    short period.
  • A low level source of radioactivity in the
    balance case will ionize enough ions to
    neutralize the charge.
  • The optical scale of a single-pan mechanical
    balance should be checked regularly for accuracy,
    particularly under loading conditions that
    require the full-scale range.
  • A standard 100-mg mass is used for this check.

  • Auxiliary Balances
  • Less precise than analytical balances.
  • Offer the advantages of speed, ruggedness, large
    capacity, and convenience.
  • A sensitive top-loading balance will accommodate
    150-200 g with a precision of about 1 mg.
  • Most are equipped with a taring device.
  • Some are fully automatic, require no manual
    dialing or mass handling, and provide a digital
    readout of the mass.
  • Modern top-loading balances are electronic.
  • A triple-beam balance that is less sensitive than
    a typical top-loading auxiliary balance is also
  • This is a single-pan balance with three decades
    of masses that slide along individual calibrated
  • The precision may be one or two orders of
    magnitude less.

  • 2E Equipment and manipulations associated with
  • Drying or ignition to constant mass is a process
    in which a solid is cycled through heating,
    cooling, and weighing steps until its mass
    becomes constant to within 0.2 to 0.3 mg.
  • Constant mass ensures that the chemical or
    physical processes that occur during the heating
    (or ignition) are complete.
  • Figure 2-7. Weighing Bottles are convenient for
  • drying and storing solids.
  • Plastic bottles are rugged but abrade easily
  • and not easily cleaned
  • as compared to glass.

  • Desiccators and Desiccants
  • Oven drying is the most common way of removing
    moisture from solids.
  • Dried materials are stored in desiccators while
    they cool.
  • Figure 2-8. A typical dessciator. The base
    section of a dessicator contains a chemical
    drying agent, such as anhydrous calcium chloride
    or calcium sulfate (Drierite).
  • Very hygroscopic materials should be
  • stored in containers equipped with
  • snug covers, such as weighing bottles.
  • The bottles remain covered while in
  • the desiccator.

  • Manipulating Weighing Bottles
  • Heating at 105C to 110C for 1 hour is
    sufficient to
  • remove the moisture.
  • Figure 2-9. The recommended way to dry a sample.
  • Figure 2-10. Avoid touching dried objects with
  • fingers. Instead, use tongs, chamois finger cots,
  • clean cotton gloves, or strips of paper to handle
  • objects for weighing.

  • Weighing by Difference
  • The bottle and its contents are weighed.
  • One sample is then transferred from the bottle to
    a container.
  • The bottle and its residual contents are then
  • The mass of the sample is the difference between
    the two masses.
  • Weighing Hygroscopic Solids
  • Place the approximate amount of sample needed in
    the individual bottle and heat for an appropriate
  • Then, quickly cap the bottles and cool in a
  • Weigh one of the bottles after opening it
    momentarily to relieve any vacuum.
  • Quickly empty the contents of the bottle into its
    receiving vessel, cap immediately, and weigh the
    bottle again along with any solid that did not
    get transferred.
  • Repeat for each sample and determine the sample
    masses by difference.

  • Weighing Liquids
  • The mass of a liquid is always obtained by
  • Liquids that are noncorrosive and relatively
    nonvolatile can be transferred to previously
    weighed containers.
  • The mass of the container is subtracted from the
    total mass.
  • A volatile or corrosive liquid should be sealed
    in a weighed glass ampoule. The ampoule is
    heated, and the neck is then immersed in the
  • As cooling occurs, the liquid is drawn into the
  • The ampoule is then inverted and the neck sealed
    off with a small flame. The ampoule and its
    contents, along with any glass removed during
    sealing, are cooled to room temperature and
  • The ampoule is then transferred to an appropriate
    container and broken.
  • A volume correction for the glass of the ampoule
    may be needed if the receiving vessel is a
    volumetric flask.

  • 2F Filtration and ignition of solids
  • Apparatus
  • Simple crucibles serve only as containers.
    Porcelain, aluminum oxide, silica, and platinum
    crucibles maintain constant mass.
  • The solid is first collected on a filter paper.
    The filter and contents are then transferred to a
    weighed crucible, and the paper is ignited.
  • Filtering crucibles serve not only as containers
  • but also as filters. A vacuum is used to hasten
  • filtration.
  • Figure 2-11 Adaptors for filtering crucibles.

  • Sintered-glass crucibles are manufactured in
    fine, medium, and coarse porosities.
  • The upper temperature limit is usually 200C.
  • Made of quartz and can tolerate substantially
    higher temperatures without damage.
  • A Gooch crucible has a perforated bottom that
    supports a fibrous mat.
  • Small circles of glass matting are used in pairs
    to protect against breaking during the
  • Glass mats can tolerate temperatures in excess of
    500C and are substantially less hygroscopic.

  • Filter paper
  • Paper is an important filtering medium.
  • Ashless paper is manufactured from cellulose
    fibers that have been treated with hydrochloric
    and hydrofluoric acids.
  • 9- or 11-cm circles of ashless paper leave a
    residue that weighs less than 0.1 mg, which is
    negligible under most circumstances.
  • Ashless paper can be obtained in several
  • A coarse-porosity ashless paper is most effective
    for filtering solids, but even with such paper,
    clogging occurs. This problem can be minimized by
    mixing a dispersion of ashless filter paper with
    the precipitate prior to filtration.

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  • Heating Equipment
  • Many precipitates can be weighed directly after
    being brought to constant mass in a
    low-temperature drying oven.
  • The maximum attainable temperature ranges from
    140C to 260C.
  • Microwave laboratory ovens greatly shorten drying
  • An ordinary heat lamp can be used to dry a
    precipitate that has been collected on ashless
    paper and to char the paper as well.
  • Burners are convenient sources of intense heat.
    The maximum attainable temperature depends on the
    design of the burner and the fuel combustion
  • The Meker burner provides the highest
    temperatures, followed by the Tirrill and Bunsen
  • A heavy-duty electric furnace (muffle furnace) is
    capable of maintaining controlled temperatures of
    1100C or higher.

  • Filtering and Igniting Precipitates
  • Preparation of Crucibles
  • A crucible used to convert a precipitate to a
    form suitable for weighing must maintain a
    constant mass throughout drying or ignition.
  • Backwashing a filtering crucible is done by
    turning the crucible upside down in the adaptor
    and sucking water through the inverted crucible.
  • Figure 2-12
  • (a) Washing by decantation.
  • (b) Transferring the precipitate.
  • The steps in filtering an analytical
  • precipitate are decantation, washing,
  • and transfer.

  • The last traces of precipitate on the inside of
    the beaker are dislodged with a rubber policeman.
  • Many precipitates possess the property of
    creeping, or spreading over a wetted surface
    against the force of gravity.
  • Filters are never filled to more than three
    quarters of capacity to prevent the possible loss
    of precipitate through creeping.
  • The addition of a small amount of nonionic
    detergent, such as Triton X-100, to the
    supernatant liquid or wash liquid can help
    minimize creeping.
  • A gelatinous precipitate must be completely
    washed before it is allowed to dry.

  • Figure 2-13. Preparation of a Filter Paper

  • Figure 2-14 Transferring Paper and Precipitate
    to a Crucible

  • Ashing Filter Papers
  • If a heat lamp is used, the crucible is placed on
    a clean, nonreactive surface, such as a wire
    screen covered with aluminum foil.
  • The lamp is positioned above the rim of the
  • Charring is accelerated if the paper is moistened
    with a drop of concentrated ammonium nitrate
  • A burner produces much higher temperatures than a
    heat lamp.
  • Partial reduction of some precipitates can occur
  • through reaction with the hot carbon
  • of the charring paper.
  • Figure 2-15 Ignition of a precipitate.

  • Using Filtering Crucibles
  • A vacuum filtration train is used when a
    filtering crucible can be used
  • instead of paper.
  • Figure 2-16 Train for vacuum filtration. The trap
    isolates the filter flask from the source of

  • Rules for Manipulating Heated Objects
  • Practice unfamiliar manipulations before putting
    them to use.
  • 2. Never place a heated object on the benchtop.
    Instead, place it on a wire gauze or a
    heat-resistant ceramic plate.
  • 3. Allow a crucible that has been subjected to
    the full flame of a burner or to a muffle furnace
    to cool momentarily.
  • 4. Keep the tongs and forceps used to handle
    heated objects scrupulously clean. In particular,
    do not allow the tips to touch the benchtop.

  • 2G Measuring volume
  • The precise measurement of volume is as important
    to many analytical methods as the precise
    measurement of mass.
  • Units of Volume
  • The unit of volume is the liter (L), defined as
    one cubic decimeter. The milliliter(mL) is one
    one-thousandth of a liter (0.001 L) and the
    microliter (µL) is 1026 L or 10-3 mL.
  • The Effect of Temperature on Volume Measurements
  • Most volumetric measuring devices are made of
    glass, which has a small coefficient of

  • The coefficient of expansion for dilute aqueous
    solutions (approximately 0.025/C) is such that
    a 5C change has a measurable effect on the
    reliability of ordinary volumetric measurements.

  • Apparatus for Precisely Measuring Volume
  • Volume may be measured with a pipet, a buret, or
    a volumetric flask.
  • Volumetric equipment is marked TD for to
    deliver or TC for to contain and also marked
    for the temperature at which the calibration
    strictly applies.
  • Pipets and burets are usually calibrated to
    deliver specified volumes. Volumetric flasks are
    calibrated to contain a specific volume.
  • Pipets
  • Pipets permit the transfer of accurately known
  • A volumetric pipet delivers a single fixed volume
    between 0.5 and 200 mL.
  • Measuring pipets are calibrated in convenient
    units to permit delivery of any volume up to a
    maximum capacity ranging from 0.1 to 25 mL.

Figure 2-17 Typical pipets (a) volumetric pipet,
(b) Mohr pipet, (c) serological pipet, (d)
Eppendorf micropipet, (e) OstwaldFolin pipet,
(f ) lambda pipet.
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  • All volumetric and measuring pipets are first
    filled to a calibration mark.
  • A small amount of liquid tends to remain in the
    tip after the pipet is emptied.
  • This residual liquid is never blown out of a
    volumetric pipet or from some measuring pipets.
  • Handheld Eppendorf micropipets deliver adjustable
    microliter volumes of liquid.

Figure 2-18 Variable-volume automatic pipet,
1001000 µL.
  • Burets
  • The precision attainable with a buret is
    substantially greater than the precision with a
  • A buret consists of a calibrated tube to hold
    titrant plus a valve arrangement by which the
    flow of titrant is controlled.
  • Figure 2-19 Burets
  • (a) glass-bead valve,
  • (b) Teflon valve.

  • Volumetric Flasks
  • Figure 2-20 Typical volumetric
  • flasks are manufactured with
  • capacities ranging from 5 mL to 5 L.
  • They are used for the preparation of standard
  • solutions and for the dilution of samples to a
  • fixed volume prior to taking aliquots with a pi-
  • pet.
  • Some are also calibrated on a to-deliver
  • (TD) basis, and they are distinguished by
  • two reference lines on the neck.

  • Using Volumetric Equipment
  • Volume markings are blazed on clean volumetric
    equipment by the manufacturer.
  • Only clean glass surfaces support a uniform film
    of liquid.
  • Dirt or oil causes breaks in this film.
  • Cleaning
  • Brief soaking in a warm detergent solution is
    usually sufficient.
  • The apparatus must be thoroughly rinsed with tap
    water and then with three or four portions of
    distilled water.
  • It is seldom necessary to dry volumetric ware.
  • Prolonged soaking will cause the formation of a
    ring at a detergent/air interface.
  • This ring cannot be removed and causes a film

  • Avoiding Parallax
  • It is common practice to use the bottom of the
    meniscus as the point of reference in calibrating
    and using volumetric equipment.
  • Parallax is the apparent displacement of a liquid
    level or of a pointer as an observer changes
  • Parallax is a condition that causes the volume to
    appear smaller than its actual value if the
    meniscus is viewed from above and larger if the
    meniscus is viewed from below.
  • Figure 2-21 Reading a buret.

  • Directions for Using a Pipet
  • Liquid is drawn into a pipet through the
    application of a slight vacuum. Never pipet by
    mouth because there is risk of accidentally
    ingesting the liquid being pipetted instead, use
    a rubber suction bulb.

Propipette consists of a rubber bulb (B)
attached to three short sections of tubing. Each
section of tubing contains a small chemically
inert ball (A, C, and D) that functions as a
valve to permit air to flow normally in the
directions indicated by the arrows. The valves
are opened by pinching with thumb and forefinger.
  • Cleaning
  • Draw detergent solution to a level 2 to 3 cm
    above the calibration mark of the pipet.
  • Drain this solution and then rinse the pipet with
    several portions of tap water.
  • Inspect for film breaks, and repeat this portion
    of the cleaning cycle if necessary.
  • Finally, fill the pipet with distilled water to
    perhaps one third of its capacity and carefully
    rotate it so that the entire interior surface is
  • Repeat this rinsing step at least twice.

  • Measuring an Aliquot
  • Draw a small volume of the sample liquid into the
    pipet and thoroughly wet the entire interior
    surface. Repeat twice.
  • Carefully fill the pipet to a level above the
    graduation mark. Be sure that there are no
  • Touch the pipet tip to the wall of a glass vessel
    and slowly allow the liquid level to drop.
  • When the bottom of the meniscus coincides exactly
    with the graduation mark, stop the flow.
  • Remove the pipet from the volumetric flask, tilt
    it until liquid is drawn slightly up into the
    pipet, and wipe the tip with a lintless tissue.
  • Place the pipet tip well within the receiving
    vessel, and allow the liquid to drain.
  • Finally, withdraw the pipet with a rotating
    motion to remove any liquid adhering to the tip.
  • Rinse the pipet thoroughly after use.

Figure 2-22 Dispensing an aliquot.
  • Directions for Using a Buret
  • Cleaning
  • Clean the tube with detergent and a long brush.
    Rinse thoroughly with tap water and then with
    distilled water. Inspect for water breaks. Repeat
    if necessary.
  • Lubricating a Glass Stopcock
  • Carefully remove all old grease from a glass
    stopcock and its barrel with a paper towel and
    dry both parts completely. Lightly grease the
    stopcock. Insert the stopcock into the barrel and
    rotate it vigorously with slight inward pressure.
  • A proper amount of lubricant has been used when
  • (1) the area of contact between stopcock and
    barrel appears nearly transparent,
  • (2) the seal is liquid-tight, and (3) no grease
    has worked its way into the tip.
  • Buret readings should be estimated to the nearest
    0.01 mL.

  • Filling
  • Ensure that the stopcock is closed.
  • Add 5 to 10 mL of the titrant, and carefully
    rotate the buret to wet the interior completely.
  • Allow the liquid to drain through the tip. Repeat
  • Then fill the buret well above the zero mark.
  • Free the tip of air bubbles by rapidly rotating
    the stopcock and permitting small quantities of
    the titrant to pass.
  • Lower the level of the liquid just to or somewhat
    below the zero mark.
  • Allow for drainage (lt1 min), and then record the
    initial volume reading, estimating to the nearest
    0.01 mL.

  • Titration
  • Figure 2-23 Recommended method
  • for manipulating a buret stopcock.
  • Be sure the tip of the buret is well within the
  • titration flask, and introduce the titrant in
  • increments of about 1 mL.
  • Swirl (or stir) constantly.
  • Decrease the volume of the
  • increments progresseively toward the end point.
  • When only a few more drops are needed to reach
    the end point, rinse
  • the walls of the container.
  • Allow the titrant to drain from the inner wall of
    the buret (at least 30 seconds) at the completion
    of the titration. Then, record the final volume,
    again to the nearest 0.01 mL.

  • Directions for Using a Volumetric Flask
  • Volumetric flasks should be washed with detergent
    and thoroughly rinsed.
  • Only rarely do they need to be dried.
  • Drying is best accomplished by clamping the flask
    in an inverted position.
  • Direct Weighing into a Volumetric Flask
  • The direct preparation of a standard solution
    requires the introduction of a known mass of
    solute to a volumetric flask.
  • Use of a powder funnel minimizes the possibility
    of losing solid during the transfer.
  • Rinse the funnel thoroughly, and collect the
    washings in the flask.

  • Quantitative Transfer of Liquid to a Volumetric
  • The solute should be completely dissolved before
    diluting to the mark.
  • Insert a funnel into the neck of the volumetric
    flask, and use a stirring rod to direct the flow
    of liquid from the beaker into the funnel.
  • With the stirring rod, tip off the last drop of
    liquid on the spout of the beaker.
  • Rinse both the stirring rod and the interior of
    the beaker with distilled water and transfer the
    washings to the volumetric flask as before.
    Repeat the rinsing process.

  • Diluting to the Mark
  • After the solute has been transferred, fill the
    flask about half full and swirl the contents to
    hasten solution.
  • Add more solvent and again mix well.
  • Bring the liquid level almost to the mark, and
    allow time for drainage (1 min). Then, use a
    medicine dropper to make any necessary final
    additions of solvent.
  • Firmly stopper the flask, and invert it
    repeatedly to ensure thorough mixing.
  • Transfer the contents to a storage bottle that
    either is dry or has been thoroughly rinsed with
    several small portions of the solution from the

  • 2H Calibrating volumetric glassware
  • Measure the mass of a liquid of known density and
    temperature that is contained in (or delivered
    by) the volumetric ware.
  • A buoyancy correction must be made since the
    density of water is quite different from that of
    the masses.
  • The volume of the apparatus at the temperature of
    calibration (T) is obtained by dividing the
    density of the liquid at that temperature into
    the corrected mass.
  • Finally, this volume is corrected to the standard
    temperature of 20C.

  • General Directions for Calibration
  • All volumetric ware should be freed of water
    breaks before being calibrated.
  • Burets and pipets need not be
  • dry, but volumetric flasks should
  • be thoroughly drained and dried
  • at room temperature.

  • Calibrating a Volumetric Pipet
  • Determine the empty mass of the stoppered
    receiver to the nearest milligram.
  • Transfer a portion of temperature-equilibrated
    water to the receiver with the pipet, weigh the
    receiver and its contents (to the nearest
    milligram), and calculate the mass of water
    delivered from the difference in these masses.
  • Calculate the volume delivered.
  • Repeat the calibration several times, and
    calculate the mean volume delivered and its
    standard deviation.

  • Calibrating a Buret
  • Fill the buret with temperature-equilibrated
  • Lower the liquid level to bring the bottom of the
    meniscus to the 0.00-mL mark.
  • Touch the tip to the wall of a beaker to remove
    any adhering drop. Wait 10 minutes and recheck
    the volume.
  • Weigh (to the nearest milligram) a 125-mL
    conical flask fitted with a rubber stopper.
  • Slowly transfer (at about 10 mL/min)
    approximately 10 mL of water to the flask. Touch
    the tip to the wall of the flask.
  • Wait 1 minute, record the volume that was
    apparently delivered, and refill the buret.

  • Weigh the flask and its contents to the nearest
    milligram. The difference between this mass and
    the initial value is the mass of water delivered.
    Convert this mass to the true volume. Subtract
    the apparent volume from the true volume.
  • This difference is the correction that should be
    applied to the apparent volume to give the true
  • Repeat the calibration until agreement within
    60.02 mL is achieved.
  • Calibrating a Volumetric Flask
  • Weigh the clean, dry flask to the nearest
  • Then fill to the mark with equilibrated water and
  • With the aid of the table, calculate the volume

  • 2I The laboratory notebook
  • It is needed to record measurements and
    observations concerning an analysis. It should be
    permanently bound with consecutively numbered
  • Maintaining a Laboratory Notebook
  • Record all data and observations directly into
    the notebook in ink.
  • Supply each entry or series of entries with a
    heading or label.
  • Date each page of the notebook as it is used.
  • Never attempt to erase or obliterate an incorrect
  • Never remove a page from the notebook. Draw
    diagonal lines across any page that is to be
    disregarded. Provide a brief rationale for
    disregarding the page.

  • Notebook Format
  • In one convention, data and observations are
    recorded on consecutive pages as they occur.
  • The completed analysis is then summarized on the
    next available page spread.
  • The first of these two facing pages should
    contain the following entries
  • 1. The title of the experiment.
  • 2. A brief statement of the principles on which
    the analysis is based.
  • 3. A complete summary of the weighing,
    volumetric, and/or instrument response data
    needed to calculate the results.
  • 4. A report of the best value for the set and a
    statement of its precision.
  • The second page should contain the following
  • 1. Equations for the principal reactions in the
  • 2. An equation showing how the results were
  • 3. A summary of observations that appear to bear
    on the validity.

Figure 2-24 Laboratory notebook data page.
  • 2J Safety in the laboratory
  • 1. Learn the location of the nearest eye
    fountain, fire blanket, shower, and fire
    extinguisher. Do not hesitate to use this
    equipment if the need arises.
  • 2. Wear eye protection at all times.
  • 3. Most of the chemicals in a laboratory are
    toxic. Avoid contact with these liquids. In the
    event of such contact, immediately flood the
    affected area with large quantities of water.
  • 4. NEVER perform an unauthorized experiment.
    Unauthorized experiments are
  • grounds for disqualification at many
  • 5. Never work alone in the laboratory. Always be
    certain that someone is within earshot.
  • 6. Never bring food or beverages into the
    laboratory. NEVER drink from laboratory
    glassware. NEVER smoke in the laboratory.

  • Always use a bulb or other device to draw liquids
    into a pipet. NEVER pipet by mouth.
  • 8. Wear adequate foot covering (no sandals).
    Confine long hair with a net. A laboratory coat
    or apron will provide some protection and may be
  • 9. Be extremely tentative in touching objects
    that have been heated because hot glass looks
    exactly like cold glass.
  • Always fire-polish the ends of freshly cut glass
    tubing. NEVER attempt to force glass tubing
    through the hole of a stopper.
  • ?11. Use fume hoods whenever toxic or noxious
    gases are likely to be evolved. Be cautious in
    testing for odors.
  • ?12. Notify your instructor immediately in the
    event of an injury.
  • ?13. Dispose off solutions and chemicals as
    instructed. It is illegal to flush solutions
  • containing heavy metal ions or organic liquids
    down the drain in most localities.
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