Title: Washington Update
1Washington Update
- Anne C. Gross
- Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
3FY11 Continuing Resolutions
4Pell Grant Funding
- Source College Board, based on ED data
7Presidents FY12 Budget
8Presidents FY12 Budget
9Presidents FY12 Budget
10Recent Congressional Actions
- Post 9-11 Veterans Education Improvements Act
- Education Tax Benefits
- Red Flags Rule
11Regulatory Issues
12Post-9/11 Veterans Education Improvements Act
13Post-9/11 Veterans Education Improvements Act
14VA Processes and Payments
15FTC Red Flags
16IRS Information Reporting and Withholding
17Education Tax Benefits
18ED Program Integrity Rules
- Retaking coursework
- R2T4 term-based modules
- R2T4 taking attendance
- Satisfactory academic progress
- State authorization
- Timely disbursement
- Verification
- Ability to benefit
- Agreements between institutions
- Definition of credit hour
- Gainful employment
- High school diploma
- Incentive compensation
- Misrepresentation
19State Authorization
- In home state (or others where physical location)
- Authorized by name as educational inst
- May be exempt from approval or licensing
- Authorized to conduct business
- Must be approved or licensed by name
- Exemptions for religious, tribal, and federal
institutions - State institutions presumed authorized
- States must have complaint mechanism
20Distance Education
21WCET Analysis of Distance Education Licensure
Nearly all will need to apply It depends Few
will need to apply
22Fall Enrollment in For-Profits(Degree-granting
23Growth in For-Profit Education
Source Chronicle of Higher Education
24Enrollment and Share of Federal Student Aid
25Loan Usage and Debt
Source The Project on Student Debt
26Lobbying Blitz
27Gainful Employment Programs
28Gainful Employment
29Restrictions and Sanctions
Repayment Rate Debt Burden Debt Burden Debt Burden
Repayment Rate Above 12 of total income AND Above 30 of discretionary income In between Below 8 of total income OR Below 20 of discretionary income
Repayment Rate Above 45 Fully eligible Fully eligible Fully eligible
Repayment Rate 35 to 45 Restricted Restricted Fully eligible
Repayment Rate Below 35 Ineligible Restricted Fully eligible
30Incentive Compensation
31HHS Student Health Plans
32Current NACUBO Projects
- Contact Anne Gross
- 202-861-2544 anne.gross_at_nacubo.org