Investigation and Arrest - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Investigation and Arrest


Investigation and Arrest Chapter 8 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Investigation and Arrest

Investigation and Arrest
  • Chapter 8

In this chapter we will look at.
  • The Police
  • The Investigation
  • The Evidence
  • The Arrest and Detention
  • https//

The Police
  • Canadas Federal police force is the Royal
    Canadian Mounted Police or RCMP.

  • The RCMP was formed in 1873 as the North-West
    Mounted Police. They provide
  • Investigative and protective services for the
    federal government.
  • Provincial police, and municipal in some cases,
    for all provinces and territories except Quebec
    and Ontario.

The RCMPs Work Focuses On.
  1. Customs and Excise cases of international
    smuggling, taxes and tariffs.
  2. Drug Enforcement Controlled Drugs and Substance
    Act smuggling.
  3. Economic Crime fraud, organized crime
  4. Federal Policing public safety and consumer
  5. Immigration illegal aliens
  6. Proceeds of Crime confiscation of money or
    property derived from crime
  7. Criminal Intelligence gathering intelligence,
    organized crime, terrorist groups.
  8. International Liaison and Protective Services
    security for federal officials and visiting heads
    of state.

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Christopher John Wardon, 30 years old
Douglass Allen Scott, 20 years old
Provincial Police
  • Jurisdiction in rural areas and unincorporated
    areas around cities.
  • The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), the Surete
    du Quebec and the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary
    are the three largest.

Municipal Police
  • Police towns and cities.
  • Funded by the municipality.
  • Duties include any or all of the following
  • ?preserving the peace
  • ?preventing crime
  • ?assisting victims of crime
  • ?apprehending criminals
  • ?Laying charges and participating in prosecutions
  • ?executing warrants
  • ?enforcing municipal bylaws

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Other Facts
  • Canada has about 62,500 police men and women.
  • Cost to the taxpayer, 6.5 billion.
  • 192 officers per 100,000 people (USA,262)
  • Lowest is NL and PEI
  • 11,200 are female (18)
  • 1,667 police members in Nova Scotia

The Investigation
  • The crime scene, the site where the offence took
    place, is key to the investigation.
  • Police must get emergency crews on the scene,
    eliminate any hazards and search the scene for
    the perpetrators.
  • The success of any prosecution rests on the
    physical evidence taken from the scene, so
    officers establish two boundaries the center and
    the perimeter.
  • The center is the area in which the offence was
    actually committed the perimeter is the area
    surrounding the center, where the offender may
    have been present or may have left some evidence.

  • Crime scenes are preserved for three reasons..
  • To allow for a thorough search of the scene
  • To seize and collect physical evidence
  • Ensure the evidence seized is admissible in court
  • Contaminated evidence may be inadmissible or lead
    police to the wrong conclusions.

Four Officers at the Scene
  • Patrol officers are usually first at the scene,
    they make arrests if necessary or secure the
    scene, usually using yellow police tape.
  • The scenes of crime officer is trained in
    evidence collection and preservation.
  • A criminal identification officer is responsible
    for searching the crime scene, gathering evidence
    and sending it to the lab.
  • A criminal investigations officer, a plainclothes
    detective, supervises the investigation.

Physical Evidence
  • Includes any object, impression or body element
    that can be used to prove or disprove facts
    relating to an offence.
  • Usually carries more weight than witness
  • Forensic science refers to the use of biochemical
    and other scientific techniques to analyze
    evidence in a criminal investigation. Scientists
    examine and analyze the physical evidence found
    at a crime scene.

Forensic scientists
  • Give expert evidence at trials
  • Perform autopsies
  • Analyze firearms and bullets
  • Have some expertise such as analyzing paint to
    tell what model car is involved.
  • Entomologists are insect specialists who can
    determine the time of death by examining life
    stages of insects.
  • Some are experts at examining tool marks
    (hammers, crowbars, screwdrivers), as they are
    the most frequently used tools in crime.

  • Some examine impressions, patterns or marks found
    on surfaces and caused by various objects. They
    photograph, scan or take a mould of the
    impression, then try to match with an object.
  • Impressions can have class characteristics, the
    general attributes of an object, or individual
    characteristics, the specific and unique features
    of an object.

  • A fingerprint is a patterned mark left on a
    surface by a fingertip.
  • Prints can also come from hands, feet and toes.
  • A print is unique to each individual and useful
    in identifying offenders and unfortunately, in
    some cases, victims.
  • There are two types of prints ..

  • A visible fingerprint means the print formed when
    a fingertip coated in blood, grease or some other
    substance touched a surface and left a print
    visible to the naked eye.
  • A latent fingerprint is formed by natural oils
    and perspiration on the fingertip. It is
    invisible to the naked eye. To see this print
    three methods are used.
  • Dusted using a graphite powder. The print is
    lifted from the surface using tape and then
  • Iodine fuming, which involves exposing areas of
    cloth or paper with iodine fumes which attached
    to the print and make it visible.
  • A laser is used to illuminate the print. Sweat
    compounds on the surface absorb the laser and
    turn yellow so they can be photographed.

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DNA Evidence
  • Blood, semen, hair, mucus and skin are often left
    at a crime scene. Any of these can be used to
    test for DNA and then match the results to a
    particular suspect.
  • Blood is the most common body substance found.
  • DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is found in every
    cell of the human body and is unique to every
    individual with the exception of identical twins.
  • DNA testing can therefore link or exclude anyone
    from a crime.

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  • Hair and clothing fibers can also be used to
    connect a suspect to a crime scene.
  • Once the physical evidence has been collected it
    must be carefully labeled and stored.
  • A chain of custody is established, a witnessed
    written record of all the people who had control
    over the evidence. It must show..
  • Who had contact with the evidence
  • The date and time the evidence was handled
  • The circumstances under which the evidence was
  • What changes if any were made

Arrest and Detention
  • Procedures dealing with arrested suspects are
    outlined in the Criminal code and the Charter of
    Rights and Freedoms. If the proper procedures are
    not followed it may lead to charges being dropped
    because of inadmissible evidence.
  • Canada, R. v. Macooh
  • A detained or arrested person has the right to
    remain silent, know the reason for their arrest
    and the right to a lawyer.
  • Once an arrested person has been informed of
    their rights, anything they say or put in writing
    can be used against them.

  • Police use a four stage approach in the
    interrogation of suspects
  • Ask the suspect to describe the entire incident.
  • Describe the period just before the incident.
  • Describe the details of the actual offence.
  • Describe what happened during the period after
    the incident.
  • The primary goal is to arrive at the TRUTH!

  • An Arrest involves legally depriving someone of
    liberty by seizing or touching the person to
    indicate that he or she is in custody.
  • In order for the arrest to be lawful the
    arresting officer must follow these steps
  • Identify him or herself as a police officer
  • Advise the accused that he or she is under arrest
  • Inform the accused promptly of the charge and
    show the arrest warrant if one has been obtained.
  • Touch the accused to indicate that he or she is
  • Once the accused is in custody the police must
    inform the person of their right to counsel.
  • Rodney King Reflects on His 1992 Beating By
    Racist White Cops Ensuing Riots YouTube
  • Rodney King Reflects, 20 years After Brutal,
    Racist Police Beating L.A. Riots YouTube
  • Donahue Rodney King Verdict 1992 Pt 1 YouTube
    (11min al sharpton
  • Rodney King Dead at 47 Cause of Death From
    Accidental Drowning? - YouTube

  • Another option is detention. This is legally
    depriving a person of liberty by seizing or
    touching the person to indicate that he or she is
    in custody. It is mainly done to get the person
    to answer a few questions or determine if the
    person is a suspect in a crime. If you refuse to
    accompany the police you may be placed under
  • Police must have reasonable grounds to arrest
    someone. This is information that would lead a
    reasonable person to conclude that the suspect
    had committed a criminal offence.

The police have three methods of apprehending an
  • Appearance notice a legal document usually
    issued for less serious offences, compelling a
    person to appear in court.
  • (summary convictions, less serious
  • If the accused fails to appear in court on the
    specific date and time, a bench warrant may be
    issued. This is an arrest warrant issued directly
    by a judge when an accused person fails to appear
    in court.

  • 2. Arrest with a warrant If police believe that
    a suspect will appear in court voluntarily, a
    summons can be issued. This is a legal document
    issued for an indictable offence, ordering an
    accused person to appear in court.
  • Otherwise, police will obtain an arrest warrant.
    An information, a statement given under oath
    telling the court the details of an offence, is
    given by police before a judge. Once the police
    lay an information the judge will decide if it
    is in the public interest to issue an arrest
  • An arrest warrant is a written court order
    directing the police to arrest a suspect. It
    contains the name of the accused, the charge and
    the reason for the warrant.

  • 3. Arrest without a warrant There are three
    circumstances under which the police can arrest a
    person without a warrant.
  • They have reasonable grounds to believe that a
    person has committed an indictable offence or is
    about to commit one.
  • They find a person in the act of committing a
    criminal offence.
  • They find a person who they believed is named on
    an arrest warrant.
  • All peace officers, including mayors, prison
    guards, customs officials, aircraft pilots and
    fisheries officers, can arrest under these

A Citizens Arrest
  • This is an arrest without a warrant by any person
    other than a peace officer.
  • Immediately following such an arrest the suspect
    must be turned over to a peace officer.
  • A citizens arrest can be made under these
  • A person whom he finds committing an indictable
  • A person who on reasonable grounds he believes
    has committed a criminal offence or is escaping
    from and freshly pursued by persons who have
    lawful authority to arrest that person.
  • An owner of property or a person authorized by
    the owner, can arrest a person whom he finds
    committing a criminal offence on or in relation
    to that property.
  • http//
  • Chinatown's David Chen, The Lucky Moose, and
    redefining the Canadian term for Citizen's
    Arrest. - YouTube
  • PM Harper speaks on Citizen's Arrest law
  • PM Harper meets David Chen - Toronto Chinatown
    store keeper - YouTube

  • The charter protects people from illegal search
    and seizure. Here are some of the rules regarding
  • Searching a person The police do not have to
    obtain a warrant to search anyone they have
    arrested, as long as three conditions are met.
  • The arrest is lawful
  • The search must be connected to the lawful arrest
  • The manner in which the search is carried out is

  • An impaired driver must submit a breath or blood
    sample but otherwise you can only be compelled to
    give such a sample with a warrant.
  • Searching a place usually must have a search
    warrant, a court document that gives the police
    the right to search a specific location.
  • In order to get a warrant the police must deliver
    a sworn information to a judge, which specifies
    the crime, the items police are looking for and
    the reasonable grounds they have for believing
    the items will be found at the location.

  • The warrant will list all of these details as
    well as the date and time the police are allowed
    to conduct their search.
  • Unless specified, the search must take place
    within daylight hours, usually 6 am to 9pm.
  • The police must identify themselves and show the
    warrant before conducting the search. Other items
    not listed in the warrant can be confiscated if
    they are related to the crime and in plain view.
  • Objects obtained are kept in police custody until
    the trial.
  • Sometimes a telewarrant, a search warrant
    obtained by phone or fax, can be used if the
    police need to act quickly.
  • To search a private home a warrant is almost
    always required. Two exceptions are imminent
    injury or death to any person or the destruction
    of evidence related to an indictable offence.

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Procedures After Arrest
  • After being arrested for an indictable offence, a
    person may expect to be fingerprinted,
    photographed and sometimes, participate in a line
  • famous mugshots - Google Search
  • If the person is not charged or is acquitted in
    court, the arrest record is kept for 10 years
    before being destroyed.
  • A line up, a grouping of people shown to a victim
    or witness for the purpose of identifying the
    perpetrator, can not be forced upon an arrested

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  • After the arrest procedures a person is often
    released until the trial.
  • Police may ask you to sign a promise to appear, a
    signed agreement that an accused person will
    appear in court at the time of trial. If the
    person doesnt show, a warrant for arrest is
  • Some may sign a recognizance, a guarantee that
    the accused will appear in court when required,
    under penalty of a fine of up to 500.
  • Police may also request a surety, a person who
    agrees to make a payment if the accused does not
    appear at trial.

  • Bail is the temporary release of an accused who
    posts money or some other security. Application
    is made before a judge.
  • If the crown does not want an accused person
    released before trial, a show-cause hearing is
    held, a judicial hearing in which the Crown or
    the accused has to convince the judge either to
    detain or release the accused before trial.
  • Cause can be that the accused may flee or that
    they may be a threat to society.
  • In some cases there is a reverse onus, where the
    accused has to show why bail should be granted.

  • Reverse onus may apply when
  • The accused is charged with committing an
    indictable offence while already out on bail.
  • The offence is indictable and the defendant is
    not a Canadian citizen.
  • The charge involves failure to appear or breach
    of a bail condition.
  • The accused is charged with importing,
    trafficking or possession for the purpose of
    trafficking, narcotics.
  • Of course, there is always the writ of Habeas
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