Manage workplace Diversity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Manage workplace Diversity


Manage workplace Diversity Session 1 Diversity a valuable asset – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Adrian213


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Manage workplace Diversity

Manage workplace Diversity
  • Session 1
  • Diversity a valuable asset

Unit objective
  • To develop skills and knowledge required to
    provide effective leadership in a diverse
    workplace with customers and employees from a
    wide range of backgrounds.

Recommended Reading
  • K. Cole, 2005,Management theory practice,
    Chapter 18

Define diversity
  • The many and varied ways in which we are
    different from one another.
  • Obvious diversity vague variations
  • Cultures sub cultures

ACTIVITYHow diverse is your workplace?
  1. Colleagues name
  2. Age
  3. Gender
  4. Cultural background
  5. Religion
  6. Family/relationship
  7. One word to describe this person
  8. How often do you communicate?

Expose and open your
  • Values
  • Beliefs
  • Assumptions

A snapshot Renaissance Sydney Hotel1996
  • Australia Cook Islands Bosnia Croatia Ireland
    Germany Poland Serbia Vietnam a Sri Lanka Czech
    rep. Slovakia Turkey Bangladesh India Nepal
    Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Korea Malaysia
    Cambodia South Africa New Caledonia New Zealand
    Nuie Lebanon England Argentina Brazil Chile
    Columbia Mautirius Armenia El Salvador Peru
    Thailand Singapore Egypt Jordan Iraq Uruguay
    Canada Philippines Samoa Tonga

What is a group?
  • A group is a number of individuals who join
  • What is a team?

Mutual influence
  • A group is two or more persons who are
    interacting with one another in such a manner
    that each person influences and is influenced by
    each other person
  • Shaw, 1976

Pseudo team
  • Members who have been assigned to work together
    and have no interest in doing so

Ineffective Team (a group)
  • Assigned to work together and accept they have to
    do so
  • Members believe they will be evaluated and
    rewarded on individual merits
  • Work is structured so that joint work is very
  • Members interact to clarify how the work is done
  • Seek information from each other but not
    motivated to work together
  • Some members rely on hard workers to cover for
  • Conscientious workers feel exploited and do less

Building an effective team
  • Work together efficiently
  • Reach enterprise goals
  • Able to communicate effectively
  • Understand others beliefs and values
  • Able to solve problems
  • Minimal supervision

Effective team
  • Members commit to the common purpose
  • Members assigned to work together and are happy
    to do so
  • Believe success depends on effort of all members
  • Clear operational goals
  • two-way communication
  • distributed leadership
  • Decision making procedure
  • Able to challenge each others beliefs
  • Ability to resolve conflicts
  • All accountable for the work
  • Promote each others successes
  • Determine how effectively they worked together

High performance team
  • Meets all of the aspects of the effective team
  • Not only did we trust each other, not only did
    we respect each other, but we gave a damn about
    the rest of the people on this team. If we saw
    somebody vulnerable, we were there to help
  • Katzenbach Smith, 1993

Development, from a group to a team
  1. Defining
  2. Conforming
  3. Recognising
  4. Rebelling and differentiating
  5. Commitment
  6. Functioning
  7. Terminating

Defining and structuring procedures
  • Members concerned with what is expected of them
  • Members concerned with goals
  • Members want to know if they will be accepted
  • Members expect supervisor to explain functions
  • Members want to re-assured

Conforming to procedures and getting acquainted
  • Members follow prescribed procedures
  • Become acquainted with one and another
  • Become familiar with procedures
  • Learn strengths and weaknesses of each other
  • Depend on supervisor for direction and

Recognising mutuality and building trust
  • Members recognise interdependence and building
  • Sense of mutuality develops a sink of swim
  • Members take responsibility for each others
  • Trust is built through disclosing ones thoughts,
    ideas, conclusions and feelings
  • Members respond with acceptance, support,
    reciprocation of disclosure

Rebelling and differentiating
  • Rebelling against supervisor and procedures
  • Differentiating themselves from each other
    through disagreements and conflicts
  • Challenges authority
  • Some members become passive allowing active
    members to do most of the work
  • Some members become counter-dependent working
    against the group

Committing to the groups goals and procedures
  • Dependence moves form supervisor to group members
  • Becomes a members group. The word ours is used
  • Motivation and commitment to procedures and
    accept responsibilities
  • Group members become concerned with each others
  • Rely on trust and support of each other

Functioning maturely and productivity
  • Group identity emerges from maturity, autonomy
    and productivity
  • Members work together to achieve goals
  • Deal with conflict in a productive manner
  • Maintain relationships
  • All the criteria for an effective group are met

  • Group eventually endsMembers go their separate
    waysThe stronger the group the more emotional
    the departureMove on to new experiences

Share appropriate financial information with
colleagues in a timely manner
  • The Manager cannot do it all on his own no matter
    how committed he may be.
  • He must have the ability to communicate and
    consult with his department managers and to
    motivate each of them to take ownership of the
    activities of their department.
  • In order to succeed management should participate
    in problem solving whilst encouraging their staff
    to organise their resources to achieve the
    desired results.
  • In short, team building is a key to success and
    the use of interpersonal and negotiating skills
    is the main ingredient for developing an
    effective team

Team work
  • For the team to be effective there must be
  • Open discussion on all aspects of the business.
  • Current financial reports discussed during
    regular management meetings.
  • Problem solving sessions were necessary to arrive
    at a suggested participative management solution.
  • Implement corrective action as soon as possible.
  • Review the situation to see if the solution was
  • Inform the team of positive results as well as
    the negative ones.
  • Acknowledge individual achievements were

Alternative view The Elite
  • You cant create visionary ideas by consensus

The aim is to find the individualist with a
sense of self-discipline rather than the man who
is a good member of a team SAS Spokesman Sunday
Times 30/3/03 p 41
Alternative view (2)
  • Everybody dies when 2 people are in charge (Air
    Force saying)
  • I dont believe in consensus I consult widely,
    listen to everyone, then the guy at the top makes
    a decision and everyone gets on board. (Fortune
    500 CEO)

Case study
  • Form small diverse groups of 3-4 people, build a
    team that reflects the diversity of the larger
    class group. Plan your approach to the Case Study
    due Friday 5/12.
  • Develop an ideal team for the organisation in the
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