Title: Show Me Some Muscles!
1Show Me Some Muscles!
Skeletal Muscle Cardiac Muscle Smooth Muscle
2Skeletal Muscle (cross section)
3Skeletal Muscle (cross section)
4Skeletal Muscle (longitudinal cross section)
5Cardiac Muscle
6Cardiac Muscle
7Cardiac Muscle
NOTE This is shown under a high magnification.
You may be able to see these structures in your
slides but they will be very small (look for them
on the edge of cardiac muscle under the
8Smooth Muscle
9Smooth Muscle
10Youve got some nerve!
- Spinal Cord - Cerebrum - Cerebellum -
Choroid Plexus - Astrocytes
- Peripheral Neurons - Ganglion
11CNS Spinal Cord
Your slides will look more like this
12CNS Cerebrum
13CNS Cerebellum
14CNS Cerebellum
15CNS Cerebellum
NOTE This is shown under a high magnification.
Look for smooth round purkinje cells in between
the molecular and granular layers.
16CNS Astrocytes
Fibroblast-like supportive cell Two Kinds 1)
Fibrous - unbranched processes 2) Protoplasmic -
branched processes
17CNS Choroid Plexus
18CNS Choroid Plexus
19PNS Peripheral Nerves (cross section)
20PNS Peripheral Nerve (cross section)
21PNS Ganglion
22PNS Ganglion
23PNS Ganglion