India and Great Britain - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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India and Great Britain


India and Great Britain p. 406-407 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: India and Great Britain

India and Great Britain
  • p. 406-407

Warm Up Questions
  • What two groups were formed before the people of
    India began to think about independence?
  • What do you know about Mohandas Gandhi? What do
    you want to know?

Colonization of India
  • Great Britain colonized India
  • Send settlers to an area and gain political
    control (settlers more than often are part of
    your military)
  • Then you use that country for its natural
    resources--hence you are making profit from that
    country and using the people as laborers
  • Took over Sri Lanka, Maldives, and India
  • Could not take over Nepal, Bhutan, and

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Colonizing cont..
  • British army and navy brought with them
  • Merchants, Christian missionaries, new ways to
    irrigate and new technology
  • Railroads, steamships, factories, and telegraph
  • Introduced the British legal system
  • New laws to follow, especially landowning laws
  • Made English the official language
  • Why are the British doing this?
  • Making the Indians easier to control
  • Trying to force assimilation
  • Blending of cultures into the dominant culture

Indians Reaction
  • Some chose to live the way they always had
  • Kind of tried to ignore the British
  • Some chose to interact with the British
  • Working for the British
  • Some studied British traditions and assimilated
  • People sent their children to British schools to
    learn English and become successful
  • Some chose to work towards an independent
    India--free from any foreign rule

Indian National Congress
  • Indian political party, founded in 1885
  • Its founding members proposed economic reforms
    and wanted a larger role in the making of British
    policy for India
  • Eventually split into two groups
  • 1.Wanted to remain British, but have some
    authority over their laws
  • 2. Wanted to become totally free from British
  • 1920 The Congress began a series of passive, or
    nonviolent, resistance led by Mohandas Gandhi

Mohandas Gandhi
  • B 10/2/1869. D 1/30/1948
  • Father of Indian Independence Movement
  • Was shy as a youth, and an average student
  • At 18 went off to London to become a barrister
  • Lawyer
  • At first tried to assimilate to English culture
  • Bought suits, learned English and French, took
    dance and violin lessons

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Gandhi cont..
  • Soon realized that assimilation was a waste of
    his time
  • Spent the next 3 years of his study living a
    simple lifestyle
  • Went back to India to practice law, but couldnt
    get a job
  • Learned English law not Indian
  • Age 23 Took a job as a lawyer in South Africa
  • It was here that changed Gandhi forever

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Gandhi in South Africa
  • On a train trip to the Capital, Gandhi was thrown
    off the train
  • Held a 1st class ticket, told to go to 3rd class
    because of his skin color
  • Refused, and police threw him off the train
  • Found out this type of treatment of the Indians
    was common
  • They were mocked and called coolies
  • Gandhi decided enough was enough, and spent the
    next 20 years of his life working for Indians
    rights in S.A.

  • Gandhi developed this concept in 1906
  • Literally translated it means truth force
  • It is the concept of passive resistance or
    non-violent approach to protesting

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Back to India
  • Gandhi returned to India in 1915
  • He was a national hero for his work in S.A.
  • Adopted a more simple way of dressing to
    represent the poor people of his country
  • Wore a dhoti and sandals
  • Simple loin cloth
  • It was here he was given the title Mahatma
  • Great soul

Gandhi in India cont..
  • Used the Satyagraha to influence landowners to
    treat their tenants fairly
  • Landowners did not want to be responsible for
    Gandhis death
  • The Satyagraha would take a huge physical toll on
    Gandhi because he would fast to get equality
  • Gandhi now turned his sights on the British

Gandhi and the British
  • In 1919 the British passed the Rowlatt Act
  • A law passed by the British that allowed them to
    arrest any Indian they felt was a rebel or up to
    rebellious actions
  • No arrest warrant
  • No trial
  • No release date
  • Gandhi organized a mass hartal
  • A strike
  • This hartal turned ugly

Amritsar Massacre
  • March 30 1919 Gandhi called for a hartal to
    protest the Rowlatt Act
  • In the city of Amritsar, the people protested
  • Butthey did not fully embrace satyagraha
  • The protest got out of hand and turned violent
  • 300 Indians died and over 1,100 were hurt
  • The Amritsar Massacre heated Indian opinions
    about the British

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Gandhis Reaction
  • He spent most of the 1920s trying to teach his
    people to believe in the power of the satyagraha
  • He also spread the idea of self-reliance
  • We, as Indians, do not need the British
  • Started making his own clothes and urged people
    to do the same
  • A means of protesting the British
  • The charka, or spinning wheel became a symbol of
    Indian independence

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Salt March
  • A designed protest to hurt British revenue from
    the taxation of salt
  • The British would not allow any Indian to buy or
    own salt that was not produced or sold by the
    British government
  • Gandhi believed this protest would hurt the
    British the most, since everyone used salt

Salt March cont..
  • This was the beginning of a nationwide campaign
    to boycott salt
  • March 12, 1930 Gandhi and about 75 people set
    out for the sea
  • About a 200-240 mile journey
  • By the way.they walked!!!
  • Throughout the journey, more people joined
  • By the time they got to the sea, the group grew
    to about 2 or 3 thousand!!!

Salt March cont..
  • On April 6, they arrived at the sea
  • Gandhi picked up some sea salt and presented it
    to the people
  • Totally illegal!!! Not British salt
  • Thousands began going to the beaches for salt
  • Salt, made by Indians, was now being sold
  • This led to peaceful protests and marches all
    over India

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  • Gandhi announced plans to March on a salt factory
  • British responded by arresting Gandhi, and
    imprisoned him without a trial
  • The march went on, and 2500 peaceful protestors
    were beaten by British police officers
  • The news of this event shocked the world!!
  • Led to Lord Irwin, the viceroy of India, to meet
    with Gandhi

Independence cont..
  • The viceroy demanded Gandhi to call off the
  • Gandhi agreed, but he wanted certain concessions
  • 1. limited salt production by the British
  • 2. All peaceful protestors released from jail
  • This became known as the Delhi Pact
  • Some felt India did not get enough
  • Gandhi felt it was a step towards independence

Independence cont..
  • In 1934, Gandhi retired from politics
  • Did not like all of the individual attention he
    was getting
  • BUT.his retirement was short lived
  • 1939 the British stated that India would fight
    with them in WWII
  • They never asked any Indian leaders
  • This arrogance brought Gandhi back
  • Winston Churchill announced, in 1941, that India
    would become Independent after the war
  • He was the Prime Minister of Great Britain

Independence cont..
  • This was not enough for Gandhi
  • Wanted Independence sooner
  • Organized the Quit India movement
  • A movement designed for the Indians to quit
    involvement in the war
  • Gandhis fear was that Japan would target India
    if they got involved
  • "The presence of the British in India is an
    invitation to Japan to invade India. Their
    withdrawal removes that bait
  • Gandhi was jailed in 1942 for this action

Independence cont..
  • Released from jail in 1944, Gandhi felt
    independence was in sight
  • Only one problem
  • Muslims and Hindus were fighting each
  • Muslims feared having no say in an independent
    India because they were the minority
  • Wanted land in NW India to become a separate
  • Gandhi tried but could not fix the problems
    between these two cultures

Independence cont..
  • The British, witnessing a violent civil war,
    decided it was time to leave India
  • August 15, 1947 Britain granted independence to
    India and a newly formed Muslim country
  • Pakistan
  • The violence continued, and Gandhi acted
  • At age 78, he vowed to fast until the violence
  • Began this on Jan 13, 1948

Independence cont..
  • Realizing that the old and frail Gandhi would die
    from this fast, the two sides made peace
  • January 18, 1948 representatives from both sides
    approached Gandhi with plans for peace
  • His fast ended--peace ensued
  • A dream of an independent India was realized
  • BUT.some felt India should never be separated
  • Blamed Gandhi for this

His Final Day
  • January 30, 1948
  • Gandhi was walking to the prayer house
  • It was a little past 5pm
  • His grandnieces were supporting him while he
  • A crowd surrounded and a young Hindu named
    Nathuram Godse emerged and bowed to Gandhi
  • Gandhi bowed back
  • Godse pulled out a semi-automatic pistol, and
    killed Gandhi

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