Waverley 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Waverley 1


Waverley 1 Outline Scott, Austen, and Edgeworth Waverley as a historical novel Scott and the middle-of-the-road hero Scott and the question of empire ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Waverley 1

Waverley 1
  • Scott, Austen, and Edgeworth
  • Waverley as a historical novel
  • Scott and the middle-of-the-road hero
  • Scott and the question of empire

Scott, Austen, and Edgeworth
  • Walter Scott a poet turned novelist
  • Waverley, first novel, 1814
  • Success of the Waverley Novels (Scotts business
    interest in James Ballantyne Co., printers)
  • Scott uses his fame to promote the career of JA
    and, more generally, a style of novel which
    has arisen, within the last fifteen or twenty

Scott, Austen, and Edgeworth
  • This new novel presents to the reader instead
    of the splendid scenes of an imaginary world, a
    correct and striking representation of that which
    is daily taking place around him
  • The exceptionally fluid (Eagleton) literary
    situ-ation in the era of the Romantic novel grows
    more stabilized as the newly crystallized mature
    realism becomes the dominant mode of fiction

Scott, Austen, and Edgeworth
  • Waverley a remarkably well read novel gathers
    up into itself previous modes of prose fiction
  • ME amongst those who are gathered up in this
  • See W, vol. 3, ch. 25 A Postscript, which
    should have been a Preface

Scott, Austen, and Edgeworth
  • WS It has been my object to describe these
    persons his novels Scottish char-acters, not
    by a caricatured and exagg-erated use of the
    national dialect, but by their habits, manners,
    and feelings so as, in some distant degree, to
    emulate the admirable Irish portraits drawn by
    Miss Edgeworth

Scott, Austen, and Edgeworth
  • WS influenced by MEs regional novel an
    interest in regionalism makes for a realist
    emphasis in fiction
  • MEs Irish regionalism replicated in terms of
    JAs English regionalism (North-amptonshire and
    the enclosures) in MP and WSs Scottish
    regionalism in W the novel emerges as a history
    of nation

Scott, Austen, and Edgeworth
  • With W, WS develops MEs regional novel into a
    full-blown historical novel
  • ME a general interest in Irish affairs before
  • WS a general interest in Scottish affairs
    specifically with reference to the Jacobite
    Rebellion of 1745 W as a historical novel

Waverley as a historical novel
  • W the first historical novel
  • Georg Lukács What is lacking in the so-called
    historical novel before Sir Walter Scott is
    precisely the specifically historical, that is,
    derivation of the individuality of characters
    from the peculiarity of their age (The
    Historical Novel (1937), p. 15)
  • History in so-called historical novels treat-ed
    as mere costumery (ibid., p. 15)

Waverley as a historical novel
  • What is it about the history of the Roman-tic era
    that determines the rise of the his-torical novel
    proper in the shape of W in 1814?
  • GL It was the French Revolution, the
    revolutionary wars and the rise and fall of
    Napoleon, which for the first time made history a
    mass experience, and moreover on a European
    scale (p. 20)

Waverley as a historical novel
  • History post 1789 accelerated pace of change
    felt on the pulses
  • History post 1789 creation of mass armies
    (contrast with the professionalized armies of
    preceding periods)
  • History post 1789 Napoleon single-handedly
    redraws the map of Europe (hence correlatively a
    concern with bor-ders and regions)

Waverley as a historical novel
  • History post 1814 the Napoleonic end-game
    (Britain gains ascendancy in Europe and on the
    world stage)
  • History post 1814 sense of 1814 itself as a
    watershed in European history (what course has
    history been following up to this point? what
    course is it likely to follow in the immediate

Waverley as a historical novel
  • Questions about the history of the past, present,
    and future are precisely those which inspire WS
    in the work he carries out for W
  • Waverley or, Tis Sixty Years Since begun in
    1805 (laid aside), resumed in 1810 (laid aside),
    completed in 1814

Waverley as a historical novel
  • Jacobite Rebellion, 1745-46 Jacobites vs.
    Hanoverians uprising led by (the Catholic)
    Charles Edward Stuart (the Young Pretender),
    ends with the Battle of Culloden (1746)
  • Scottish civil war Highlands (romance) vs.
    Lowlands (realism)
  • Romantic old Scotland defeated by its
    modernizing, pragmatic counterpart

Waverley as a historical novel
  • The lesson of 1745 (Sixty Years Since)
    realism the order of the day, both in pol-itics
    and in novel-writing
  • Romance and realism in Scott admiring attachment
    to the ways and passions of Highland clan
    society, but he is enough of a realist to realize
    that the future lies along the path of
    modernization and moderation

Scott and the middle-of-the-road hero
  • Edward Waverley Waverley by name and by
  • See Fiona Robertson, Waverley, in Dun-can Wu,
    ed., A Companion to Romantic-ism (1998), pp.

Scott and the middle-of-the-road hero
  • FR The technical innovation of Waverley is to
    tell a story of national history through the
    Bildungsroman (a novel tracing an individuals
    growth into adulthood). In order to investigate
    the events of 1745 Scott invents a hero who, as
    his name indicates, is inclined to waver in his
    political loyalities (p. 213, emphasis add-ed)

Scott and the middle-of-the-road hero
  • Waverleys wavering brought up in part by his
    father (a Hanoverian) and in part by his uncle
    (Jacobite leanings)
  • In Scotland, develops an attachment to the
    Jacobite cause via his relationship with Flora
  • Rejected by Flora, he eventually marries Rose
    Bradwardine (following his rehab-ilitation
    amongst the English forces)

Scott and the middle-of-the-road hero
  • Marriage to Rose rather than Flora the triumph
    of realism over romance the romance of his
    Ws life was ended . . . its real history had
    now commenced (Vol. III, Ch. xiii)
  • Telling a national story through a Bildungsro-man
    WS relates the history of the Scottish civil
    war from a popular viewpoint rather than from
  • Thus the idea that history has become a mass
    experience is affirmed by W

Scott and the middle-of-the-road hero
  • Note WSs repeated deployment of the
    middle-of-the-road hero in his fiction see
    Ivanhoes relationship to the Saxons and the
    Normans in Ivanhoe, for example
  • Typically, the fanaticism of extremes is
    rejected in favour of the conservatism of the
    middle way

Scott and the middle-of-the-road hero
  • The ideological programme of WSs fiction
    history is a series of crises, the way out of
    which in each case lies along the gold-en mean
    between opposing parties
  • WS sees it that the nation needs to be or-ganized
    not unlike a realist novel in terms of an
    accommodation of the local within a larger

Scott and the question of empire
  • On the idea of organizing nations as though they
    were forms of realist fiction (preserving what is
    local within a greater whole), see Eagleton, The
    English Novel
  • TE The empire must be like this too, as Britain
    seeks to govern its colonial peo-ples, not
    despite their customs and beliefs, but through
    them (p. 101)

Scott and the question of empire
  • TE A nation thus fortified by accommodation of
    the local, by adopting the middle way is then
    all the better furnished for its imperial role in
    the wider world (p. 101)
  • W raises the question of Scotland as colonial
    in relation to England as a metropolitan centre
  • See further Michael Simpson, Wavering on Europe
    Walter Scott and the Equilibrium of Empires,
    Romanticism, 11/2 (2005), 127-42

Scott and the question of empire
  • MS Having sympathized in turn with the
    Low-landers, the Highlanders and now even with
    the French, Waverley finally projects his
    sympathy into the perspective of the English and
    looks at the Scots and the French as an
    Englishman would (p. 140)
  • . . . Scotland seen as existing in a strategic
    al-ignment with England in WSs imagination

Scott and the question of empire
  • At the same time W seems like MP re-markable
    for how little, in respect of its strategic
    imagination, it stands in the way of the
    accelerating imperial process (Said) post 1814
  • A concern about slavery appears now rep-licated
    in terms of a concern with region-alism . . .

Scott and the question of empire
  • The material dependency of the centre on the
    margins (colonies, regions) a marked feature of
    the organization of the British empire in the
    nineteenth century (see also Jane Eyre)
  • The degree of this dependency means that
    interrogation of colonialist practices is left
    off the political agenda

Scott and the question of empire
  • The realist novel emerges as a literary form with
    which to ratify a silence about the imperial
    process in this period
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