Forms of Bullying - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Forms of Bullying


Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Brandy Last modified by: Bratcher, Sherlyn Created Date: 2/12/2006 4:39:25 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Forms of Bullying

Forms of Bullying
Forms of bullying
  • This form of bullying can be visually detected.
    This type of maltreatment involves physically
    contacting the student (kicking, hitting etc.).
    It can also entail stealing or hiding the
    belongings of the affected students.
  • This form of bullying is difficult to detect,
    unless the adult is in the presence of the
    participants. It involves name calling, insults,
    offensive and threatening language.
  • This aspect could include gestures or comments,
    spreading rumors or stories, graffiti and
    defacing property
  • This is the modern extension of bullying. This
    occurs via the Internet, mobile phones or other
    cyber technology. This can include (1) sending
    malicious text, e-mail, or instant messages (2)
    posting defamatory pictures or messages about
    others in blogs or on websites (3) using someone
    elses user name to spread rumors or lies about
  • More commonly, students are using sites such as
    Facebook and Myspace to carry out bullying

Being cruel to others by sending or posting
harmful material using technological means an
individual or group that uses information and
communication involving electronic technologies
to facilitate deliberate and repeated harassment
or threat to an individual or group. Also known
as Electronic Bullying Online Social
  • E-mail
  • Cell phones
  • Pager text messages
  • Instant messaging
  • Defamatory personal websites
  • Defamatory online personal polling websites
  • Chat rooms

  • Occurs on
  • school property
  • Poor relationships
  • with teachers
  • Fear retribution
  • Physical Hitting, Punching Shoving
  • Verbal Teasing, Name calling Gossip
  • Nonverbal Use of gestures Exclusion
  • Occurs off
  • school property
  • Good relationships with teachers
  • Fear loss of technology privileges
  • Further under the radar than bullying
  • Emotional reactions cannot be determined
  • McKenna Bargh, 2004 Ybarra Mitchell, 2004

  • Flaming Online fights using electronic
    messages with angry and vulgar language
  • Harassment Repeatedly sending offensive, rude,
    and insulting messages
  • Cyber stalking Repeatedly sending messages
    that include threats of harm or are highly
    intimidating. Engaging in other on-line
    activities that make a person afraid for his or
    her own safety
  • Denigration Dissing someone online. Sending
    or posting cruel gossip or rumors about a person
    to damage his or her reputation or friendships

  • Impersonation Pretending to be someone else
    and sending or posting material online that makes
    that person look bad, gets that person in trouble
    or danger, or damages that persons reputation or
  • Outing and Trickery Sharing someones secret
    or embarrassing information online. Tricking
    someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing
    information which is then shared online
  • Exclusion Intentionally excluding someone from
    an on-line group, like a buddy list
  • Nancy Willard, M.S., J.D., Director of the
    Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use

Can students get in trouble for cyberbullying?
Are You a Bully?
Bully Test
  • Do you pick on people who are smaller than you,
    or on animals? Y or N
  • Do you like to tease and taunt other people? Y
    or N
  • If you tease people, do you like to see them get
    upset? Y or N
  • Do you think its funny when other people make
    mistakes? Y or N
  • Do you like to take or destroy other peoples
    belongings? Y or N
  • Do you want other students to think youre the
    toughest kid in school? Y or N
  • Do you get angry a lot and stay angry for a long
    time? Y or N
  • Do you blame other people for things that go
    wrong in you life? Y or N
  • Do you like to get revenge on people who hurt
    you? Y or N
  • When you play a game or sport, do you always have
    to be the winner? Y or N
  • If you lost at something, do you worry about what
    other people will think of you? Y or N
  • Do you get angry or jealous when someone else
    succeeds? Y or No

From The Bully Free Classroom by Allan L. Beane,
Ph.D Free Spirit Publishing Inc. Minneapolis, MD
Survey Says
If you answered Yes to
One or more of these questions, you may be on
your way to becoming a bully.
Three or more, you probably are a bully, and
you need to find ways to change your behavior.
Good News Bullies can get help dealing with
their feelings, getting along with other people,
and making friends
From The Bully Free Classroom by Allan L. Beane,
Ph.D Free Spirit Publishing Inc. Minneapolis, MD
How can you STOP being a Bully?
If you are a bully, here are some ways to stop.
  • Apologize to people that you have bullied, and
    follow it up by being friendly.
  • They might not trust you right away, but
    eventually they will see that you have changed.

More ways to stop
  • If you are having a hard time feeling good about
    yourself, explore ways to boost your self-esteem.
  • If you feel like youre having trouble
    controlling your feelings, especially anger, talk
    to a teacher or administrator about it.

Case Study
  • Case Study 1 Source www.pathwayscourses.samhsa.g
  • Henry is 11 years old and attends a Middle
    School which is located a few blocks from his
    home. He is in the sixth grade and is an average
    student. Henry has always been a bit shy and
    somewhat anxious around his peers. He just moved
    to this city 3 months ago and has not yet made
    any friends at the new school, though he does
    have a "best friend" at his old school. Henry is
    quite tall and thin for his age and is very
    self-conscious about his appearance.
  • Over the past month, Henry has become
    increasingly withdrawn. Several weeks ago he came
    home with a tear in his favorite jacket. When his
    mother asked him what happened, he hurriedly said
    it was an accident. He goes straight to his room
    after school and shuts the door. His mother has
    noticed that he has become more irritable and is
    often tearful, but when she tries to talk to him
    about this, he tells her to go away. She is
    worried about him but, thinks this is a phase
    he's going through because they've just moved to
    a new city, etc. She also worries about making
    Henry too dependent on her if she gets too
    involved in his problems.
  • You hear through others that Henry is being
    teased by his classmates several times a week. In
    particular, two children, a girl and a boy, make
    fun of the way he looks and have convinced most
    of his classmates to avoid him at lunch.

Discussion Questions
  • Does a problem exist? If so, what is it?
  • How could you encourage Henry to talk about what
    is happening?
  • Who are the people you may want to talk to about
    this problem?
  • Who are the bullies? The victim? The witnesses?
  • What are some of the warning signs Henry

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