Teaching English is fun - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Teaching English is fun


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Teaching English is fun

Teaching English is fun
  • by Lupascu Mariana
  • Colegiul National Ion Minulescu

  • Experience of teaching English proved that
    motivated students are much more successful than
    non-motivated students.
  • Motivation is some kind of internal drive
    that encourages somebody to pursue a course of
  • If we perceive a goal-i.e. something we
    wish to achieve-and if that goal is sufficiently
    attractive,we well be strongly motivated to do
    whatever is necessary to reach that goal.
  • What is important in the method we choose to
    teach.The method by wich students are tought must
    have some effect on their motivation.
  • If they find deadly boring,they well
    probably becoe de-motivated,wheareas if they have
    confidence in the method they well find it
    motivating.A really motivated student well
    probably succed whatever method is used.
  • It is true that some students are more or
    less sympathetic to any particular method
    depending on their expectations.The students
    confidence in the method is largely in the hands
    of he most important factor affecting intrinsic
    motivation,the teacher.

The Banana Boat Song (Day-O) (Harry Belafonte)
Group A
Group B
Pick of the Bunch Top Banana Facts
(Observer 2002) The word
'banan' is Arabic for finger. Last year there
were more than 300 banana-related accidents in
Britain, most involving people slipping on skins.
Eating two bananas provides enough energy to see
you through a strenuous 90-minute gym workout.
In the West, only Germans eat more bananas than
British do. A total of 35,000 bananas will be
eaten by players, linesmen and ball boys and
girls at this year's Wimbledon. The phrase
'going bananas' was first recorded in the Oxford
English Dictionary, and is linked to the fruit's
'comic' connections with monkeys. Bananas don't
grow on trees but on the world's biggest herb,
Musa sapientium, which is directly related to the
orchid family. Wild bananas originated in Asia
and have been cultivated for more than 4,000
years. Bananas are believed to be the first fruit
farmed by man. Only 14 per cent are exported.
Locals eat the rest. Banana fans include Arnold
Schwarzenegger, Tim Henman, Julia Roberts and
Manchester United, who eat banana and jam
sandwiches before games.
The Amazing Banana (Mr. Breakfast) A banana
a day keeps the doctor away... and the
dermatologist...and the psychologist... and if
current research can be trusted... death. It
seems there's almost no ailment that the banana
can't help cure. According to a 2003 research
project bananas cure Anemia -- Because of their
high iron content
  • According to a 2003 research project bananas
  • Anemia -- Because of their high iron content
  • Bone Mass Decay In Salt Eaters - The potassium
    found in bananas counteracts the bad effects of
    high-salt diets.
  • Constipation - The high fiber content helps to
    restore normal bowel function.
  • Depression - Like turkey, bananas contain a
    protein that facilitates relaxation.
  • High Blood Pressure - bananas reduce the risk of
    blood pressure problems.
  • Nervousness - Bananas are high in the B-complex
    vitamins, having a calming effect on the nervous
  • Strokes -- adding banana to your regular diet can
    cut the risk of death by stoke
  • Ugliness - mashed bananas are used to relieve dry
  • Old wives, if not yet scientists, consider
    bananas relieve hangovers (blend with milk and
    honey), heartburn, morning sickness, mosquito
    bites and warts (apply the inside of peel to
    irritated skin).

2.Match the words with their definitions.
to tally
to stack
one foot
a bunch of
3.Listen to the song and underline non-literary
English words and phrases (Carribean dialect).
Day-o, Day-ay-ay-oDaylight come and me wan' go
homeDay, me say day, me say day, me say dayMe
say day, me say day-ay-ay-oDaylight come and me
wan' go home Work all night on a drink a'
rumDaylight come and me wan' go homeStack
banana till the mornin' comeDaylight come and me
wan' go home Come, Mister tally man, tally me
bananaDaylight come and me wan' go homeCome,
Mister tally man, tally me bananaDaylight come
and me wan' go home
It's six foot, seven foot, eight foot
bunch!Daylight come and me wan' go homeSix
foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch!Daylight come
and me wan' go home Day, me say
day-ay-ay-oDaylight come and me wan' go
homeDay, me say day, me say day, me say
day...Daylight come and me wan' go home
A beautiful bunch a' ripe bananaDaylight come
and me wan' go homeHide the deadly black
tarantulaDaylight come and me wan' go home
Chorus Come, Mister tally man, tally me
bananaDaylight come and me wan' go homeCome,
Mister tally man, tally me bananaDaylight come
and me wan' go home Day-o, day-ay-ay-oDaylight
come and me wan' go homeDay, me say day, me say
day, me say dayMe say day, me say
day-ay-ay-oDaylight come and me wan' go home.
4.PW. Rewrite the incorrect or non-literary
English words and phrases.
5.Read the following text and make a connection
with the message of the song. Banana production
is a highly labour intensive enterprise that does
not lend itself easily to mechanisation. Heavy
manual labour is involved in almost every aspect
of production. The work is repetitive and often
performed under difficult conditions.
  • 6.GW. For and against debate on the following

7.In the long run, nobody
can become rich by exploiting others.
8.Rich countries are rich
because they exploit the poor ones.
9."There are only two families in the world ()
the haves and the have-nots." (Miguel Cervantes
Sancho Panza
  • 10."A State divided into a small number of rich
    and a large number of poor will always develop a
    government manipulated by the rich to protect the
    amenities ( pleasures, comfort) represented by
    their property.(Harold Laski, 1930) Note Most
    often, the word exploitation is used to refer to
    economic exploitation that is, the act of using
    another person's labour without offering them an
    adequate compensation
  • 11.Read the recipe and put the steps into the
    correct order.
  • Baked Bananas (6 servings)  
  •   Ingredients
  • 6 firm and ripe bananas -- peeled and cut into 3
    inch chunks
  • 3 Tablespoons butter
  • 3 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 3 Tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • grated coconut
  • orange or lemon zest

  • Preparation steps
  • A.Bake 18-20 minutes or until bananas are heated
    through and butter just begins to bubble. Do not
  • B.In small bowl stir together brown sugar and
    cinnamon until blended. Sprinkle sugar mixture on
    top of bananas.
  • C.Place butter and lemon juice in shallow baking
    dish. Place in oven only until butter is melted.
  • D.Place bananas in small serving dishes. Sprinkle
    small amount of grated coconut and zest over
    each. Serve immediately.
  • E.Put banana chunks in baking dish and turn until
    bananas are well coated.
  • F.Stir butter and lemon juice together until

1 2 3 4 5 6

  • 12.GW. Write your own banana recipe.

Key to exercise 7
Correct order
1 2 3 4 5 6
c f e b a d
  • Activity My Aunties Monkey
  • Objectives
  • teaching vocabulary
  • demonstrating how words can be built
  • checking on listening comprehension
  • Description
  • preteaching vocabulary
  • groups of 7 (the rest are observers)
  • while reading the text, the T rings the bell each
    time there follows a word which has to be formed.
  • Ss form the words required
  • the group finishing first and/or correctly gets 1

  • My Aunties Monkey
  • My auntie Mony has felt so lonely lately. She
    probably yens for having a pet, maybe some cat.
    My cousin Ken, aunt Monys son, whom I call Moke,
    as he has got big ears, promises to take her to
    one of the pet shops. Instead, he takes my aunt
    to a monastery, where the monks have been raising
    some orphan monkeys for yonks.
  • Auntie gets angry and says No, no way, I wont
    buy any of these monkeys. They are too nosy and
    noisy. What will my neighbours say? But Ken can
    be very convincing and in the end Mony says OK,
    my son, youre right, monkeys are just like men,
    so Im going to have a good friend if I take a
    monkey. I like that one, with the white-spotted
  • Half a mo, says monk Yen to my aunt. I agree
    with ye, that monkey is smart and cute. However,
    I have to warn ye he is also quite nosy and
    naughty, he likes to monkey about all day, he
    pulls and pushes things around by the way, his
    name is Yoke. Auntie doesnt want any other
    monkey, so Yoke has become her new companion.
  • Next morning my aunt goes into the kitchen and
    Yoke greets her Yo, Mony! Auntie is so
    delighted that she immediately calls her son.
    When Ken arrives, Mony wants to open the door,
    but she cannot find her keys. Finally she asks
    Yoke Where are my keys? and the monkey takes
    her to the night table. Aunt Mony sees next to
    her money and glasses, the bunch of keys she was
    looking for. Both Ken and aunt Mony are amazed.
  • While my aunt and her son are chatting and eating
    monkey nuts, Yoke becomes nervous, jumping up and
    down and yelling. The monk was right, admits
    Ken. You are nosy and naughty. But all of a
    sudden, aunt Mony smells some smoke. Fire! she
    shouts and runs to the stairs. Thanks to aunt
    Monys monkey, Yoke, the fire can be put out in
  • At present, friendship yokes auntie Mony and her
    monkey and all neighbours are happy when Yoke
    greets them Yo, men.

  • Vocabulary
  • to yoke to connect
  • yonks (British informal) very long time
  • to yen for to long for
  • monkey nut peanut
  • moke long-eared, donkey
  • yo! hi!
  • ye (old English) you
  • Mony from Mona

The Rose (Bette Midler)
  • GW. What do you associate the rose with?

2.Fill in the poem with the right rhymes. What
A Rose Can Say (Margie Driver)
A rose can say I love you and want you to be
mine,A rose can say I thank you for being so
very kind,A rose can say congratulations,
whatever the occasion may be,A rose can say I
miss you and wish ,A rose can say I'm
sorry if ,A rose can say get well
soon, May God bless you today,A rose can say I
wish you happiness, and .A rose can
say farewell when . ,A rose can say
hello, I'm thinking of you today,There's just so
many wonderful things that a rose can say,A rose
can say goodbye when a loved one is laid to
rest,No matter what there is to say, .

I've hurt you in any way
the best for you each day
someone goes away
a rose can say it best
you were here with me
5.GW. Find at least 5 metaphors for love, except
for a rose. Motivate your choices.
4.Read the text and match the definitions.
Some say love it is a ..that drowns the
tender reed.Some say love it is a ..that
leaves your soul to bleed.Some say love it is a
.. , an endless aching need. I say love it
is a ..and you it's only seed.
It's the .. afraid of breaking that
never learns to dance It's the .. afraid
of waking
that never takes the chance It's the one
who won't be taken who cannot seem to give
and the .. afraid of dying that never
learns to live.
When the night has been too lonely and the road
has been too long and you think that love is
only for the lucky and the strong.Just remember
in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows lies the seed that
with the sun's love in the spring becomes the
5.GW. Write your own love poem. Complete the
lines. Some say love is a .....t
hat .....Some say love is
a ..that ..
...Some say love is a ..,
a(n) .. . I say love is
a ..and you
6.GW. For and against debate on love, starting
from the following quotations
Love a temporary insanity, curable by marriage.
(Ambrose Bierce) Life without love is like
a tree without blossom and fruit. (Khalil Gibran)
7.Writing. Choose one of the tasks
Relate about your first love.
Retell a love story you read/heard about.
Look at the pictures. Comment upon one of
the quotes.
(No Transcript)
When the night has been too lonely and the road
has been too long and you think that love is
only for the lucky and the strong Just remember
in the winter far beneath the bitter snows lies
the seed that with the sun's love in the spring
becomes the rose.
The Rose Bette Midler Some say love it is a
river that drowns the tender reed Some say love
it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love it is a hunger an endless aching
need I say love it is a flower and you it's
only seed
It's the heart afraid of breaking that never
learns to dance It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance It's the one who
won't be taken who cannot seem to give and the
soul afraid of dying that never learns to live
Wonderful Tonight (Eric Clapton)
  1. GW.

How do you prepare for a party? Do a
brain- storming and present it to your fellow
students. Present a recipe for -a successful
party. -an unsuccessful party. Design an
invitation to your party.
2.Fill in the gaps using the Present Simple of
the following verbs ask, be, brush, feel, give,
go, help, look, love, put, realize, say, see,
tell, turn. Notice Some verbs can be used
several times.
It . 1 late in the eveningShe's wondering
what clothes to wearShe . 2 on her make
upAnd . 3 her long blonde hairAnd then she
. 4 me I .5 alright?And I . 6
Yes, you 7 wonderful tonight.
We . 8 to a partyAnd everyone . 9 to
seeThis beautiful ladyThat's walking around
with meAnd then she . 10 me. you .
11 alright?And I . 12
Yes, I . 13 wonderful tonight.I . 14
wonderfulBecause I . 15 the love light in
your eyesAnd the wonder of it all. 16 that
you just (not) . 17How much I . 18
you.It. 19 time to go home nowAnd I've got
an aching headSo I . 20 her the car keysShe
. 21 me to bedAnd then I . 22 herAs I
. 23 out the lightI . 24 My
darling, you were wonderful tonight. Oh my
darling, you were wonderful tonight.
3.Listen to the song and check your answers
4.Find synonyms in the lyrics to
fair painful to switch
pretty OK sweetheart
5.PW. Speaking. Make up a dialogue as if you
were the two characters of the song.
6.Writing. Choose one task.
Retell the story from -her point of view.
-your point of view.
Retell the story using the Past Tense
Simple. Describe the two
characters. Describe the way they
What will happen in the next ten
years of their relationship?
Lyrics Wonderful Tonight (by Eric Clapton)
It's late in the eveningShe's wondering what
clothes to wearShe puts on her make upAnd
brushes her long blonde hairAnd then she asks
meDo I look alright?And I say Yes, you look
wonderful tonight.
I feel wonderfulBecause I see the love light in
your eyesAnd the wonder of it allIs that you
just don't realizeHow much I love you
We go to a partyAnd everyone turns to seeThis
beautiful ladyThat's walking around with meAnd
then she asks meDo you feel alright?And I say
Yes, I feel wonderful tonight.
It's time to go home nowAnd I've got an aching
headSo I give her the car keysShe helps me to
bedAnd then I tell herAs I turn out the lightI
say My darling, you were wonderful tonight.Oh
my darling, you were wonderful tonight.
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