Download Poker, Life and Other Confusing Things Free - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Provided by: alecericelawrence
Category: Entertainment


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Download Poker, Life and Other Confusing Things Free

D o w n lo a d P o k e r , L if e a n d O t h e r
C o n f u s in g T h in g s F r e e , d o w n lo
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t h e r C o n f u s in g T h in g s F r e e , f u
ll e b o o k D o w n lo a d P o k e r , L if e a
n d O t h e r C o n f u s in g T h in g s F r e e
, e p u b D o w n lo a d P o k e r , L if e a n d
O t h e r C o n f u s in g T h in g s F r e e , d
o w n lo a d f r e e D o w n lo a d P o k e r , L
if e a n d O t h e r C o n f u s in g T h in g s
F r e e , r e a d f r e e D o w n lo a d P o k e
r , L if e a n d O t h e r C o n f u s in g T h
in g s F r e e , G e t a c c e s D o w n lo a d P
o k e r , L if e a n d O t h e r C o n f u s in g
T h in g s F r e e , E - b o o k D o w n lo a d P
o k e r , L if e a n d O t h e r C o n f u s in g
T h in g s F r e e d o w n lo a d , P D F E P U
B D o w n lo a d P o k e r , L if e a n d O t h e
r C o n f u s in g T h in g s F r e e , o n lin e
D o w n lo a d P o k e r , L if e a n d O t h e r
C o n f u s in g T h in g s F r e e r e a d d o
w n lo a d , f u ll D o w n lo a d P o k e r , L
if e a n d O t h e r C o n f u s in g T h in g s
F r e e r e a d d o w n lo a d , D o w n lo a d
P o k e r , L if e a n d O t h e r C o n f u s in
g T h in g s F r e e k in d le , D o w n lo a d P
o k e r , L if e a n d O t h e r C o n f u s in g
T h in g s F r e e f o r a u d io b o o k , D o w
n lo a d P o k e r , L if e a n d O t h e r C o n
f u s in g T h in g s F r e e f o r ip a d , D o
w n lo a d P o k e r , L if e a n d O t h e r C o
n f u s in g T h in g s F r e e f o r a n d r o
id , D o w n lo a d P o k e r , L if e a n d O t
h e r C o n f u s in g T h in g s F r e e p a p a
r b a c k , D o w n lo a d P o k e r , L if e a n
d O t h e r C o n f u s in g T h in g s F r e e f
u ll f r e e a c c e s , d o w n lo a d f r e e e
b o o k
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P o
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The average 8220guy on the street8221
misunderstands a lot of things and poker and
psychology are right up there with string theory
in physics and mathematical models of economics
But there8217s a curious twist here They know
they don8217t 8220get8221 string theory and
economics, but they often think they 8220get8221
poker and psychology They typically do not
Most people think that poker is gambling like
other casino games such as roulette, baccarat or
even the slots It isn8217t Those are games of
pure chance, dominated by random outcomes Poker
is a game of skill where the decisions players
make trump the random distributions of cards
Poker is a game played with cards for money The
cards are the least important part of the game It
is ridiculously complicated Going out on a limb
the author claims that it is the most complex
game people play regularly It is more complex
than chess or bridge or backgammon Poker is also
a microcosm of life If you play the
game seriously you know this Because the game
mirrors so much of life it shares many
psychological burdens We are the products of
evolution and, as anthropologists, evolutionary
psychologists and sociologists have shown,
our genetic history carries with it a set of
behavioral predispositions If threatened we are
prone to counterattack If stressed we often lose
our deliberative abilities When we are the
conquerors, certain neurohormonal changes occur
in our brains If conquered, different ones do and
they do very different things We pride ourselves
on rationality but the ascension of our species
works against it When things look bleak, we reach
for gods and angels, faces in the
clouds, mystical rustling in the bushes If hurt
comes to those close, we gather forces with like
against different When it happens to those
distant from us we are cavalier It is not easy to
overcome these tendencies They share a
common bond with the genetic roots that also make
democracy hard, discourage tolerance and
encourage us to embrace religion These trends are
found everywhere and penetrate all the even
mildly interesting things we do 8211 and that
includes playing complex and intensely
competitive games like poker They are also the
reason why is it such a devilishly hard game to
master Poker is a microcosm of life precisely
because it is the most intellectually
complex, emotionally rich, and social game
we8217ve ever invented In these essays Arthur S
Reber tries to take elements of the human
condition, those that social scientists have
learned a good deal about, and show how they
interlock with the game Some chapters start with
a psychological principle and look at what it can
tell us about poker Some begin with a particular
aspect of the game and seek to unpack the
psychological processes that underlie it Others
look at mathematical and statistical aspects with
an eye to the impact they have on our perceptions
and understanding of how to play the game Still
others examine individuals who play and write
about poker There is some poker
strategy buried in these essays but not directly
They weren8217t written to teach anyone how to
play poker Some of them may help you play better
but the real goal is understanding the game from
the psychologist8217s perspective As some wag
once said, 8220poker is a people game played
with cards and money 8221 They got that right
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Poker, Life and Other Confusing Things Free
The average 8220guy on the street8221
misunderstands a lot of things and poker and
psychology are right up there with string theory
in physics and mathematical models of economics
But there8217s a curious twist here They know
they don8217t 8220get8221 string theory and
economics, but they often think they 8220get8221
poker and psychology They typically do not Most
people think that poker is gambling like other
casino games such as roulette, baccarat or even
the slots It isn8217t Those are games of pure
chance, dominated by random outcomes Poker is a
game of skill where the decisions players make
trump the random distributions of cards Poker is
a game played with cards for money The cards are
the least important part of the game It is
ridiculously complicated Going out on a limb
the author claims that it is the most complex
game people play regularly It is more complex
than chess or bridge or backgammon Poker is also
a microcosm of life If you play the game
seriously you know this Because the game mirrors
so much of life it shares many psychological
burdens We are the products of evolution and, as
anthropologists, evolutionary psychologists and
sociologists have shown, our genetic history
carries with it a set of behavioral
predispositions If threatened we are prone to
counterattack If stressed we often lose our
deliberative abilities When we are the
conquerors, certain neurohormonal changes occur
in our brains If conquered, different ones do and
they do very different things We pride ourselves
on rationality but the ascension of our species
works against it When things look bleak, we reach
for gods and angels, faces in the clouds,
mystical rustling in the bushes If hurt comes to
those close, we gather forces with like against
different When it happens to those distant from
us we are cavalier It is not easy to overcome
these tendencies They share a common bond with
the genetic roots that also make democracy hard,
discourage tolerance and encourage us to embrace
religion These trends are found everywhere and
penetrate all the even mildly interesting things
we do 8211 and that includes playing complex and
intensely competitive games like poker They are
also the reason why is it such a devilishly hard
game to master Poker is a microcosm of life
precisely because it is the most intellectually
complex, emotionally rich, and social game
we8217ve ever invented In these essays Arthur S
Reber tries to take elements of the human
condition, those that social scientists have
learned a good deal about, and show how they
interlock with the game Some chapters start with
a psychological principle and look at what it can
tell us about poker Some begin with a particular
aspect of the game and seek to unpack the
psychological processes that underlie it Others
look at mathematical and statistical aspects with
an eye to the impact they have on our perceptions
and understanding of how to play the game Still
others examine individuals who play and write
about poker There is some poker strategy buried
in these essays but not directly They weren8217t
written to teach anyone how to play poker Some of
them may help you play better but the real goal
is understanding the game from the
psychologist8217s perspective As some wag once
said, 8220poker is a people game played with
cards and money 8221 They got that right
Download Poker, Life and Other Confusing Things
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