Title: Vectors, Lists, and Sequences
1Vectors, Lists, and Sequences
2Vectors Outline and Reading
- The Vector ADT (6.1.1)
- Array-based implementation (6.1.2)
3The Vector ADT
- The Vector ADT extends the notion of array by
storing a sequence of arbitrary objects - An element can be accessed, inserted or removed
by specifying its rank (number of elements
preceding it) - An exception is thrown if an incorrect rank is
specified (e.g., a negative rank)
- Main vector operations
- elemAtRank(int r) returns the element at rank r
without removing it - replaceAtRank(int r, Object o) replace the
element at rank r with o - insertAtRank(int r, Object o) insert a new
element o to have rank r - removeAtRank(int r) removes the element at rank
r - Additional operations size() and isEmpty()
4Applications of Vectors
- Direct applications
- Sorted collection of objects (simple database)
- Indirect applications
- Auxiliary data structure for algorithms
- Component of other data structures
5Array-based Vector
- Use an array V of size N
- A variable n keeps track of the size of the
vector (number of elements stored) - Operation elemAtRank(r) is implemented in O(1)
time by returning Vr
6Array based Vector Insertion
- In operation insertAtRank(r,o) we need to make
room for the new element by shifting forward the
n - r elements Vr, , Vn - 1 - In the worst case (r 0), this takes O(n) time
- In operation removeAtRank(r) we need to fill the
hole left by the removed element by shifting
backward the n - r - 1 elements Vr 1, , Vn
- 1 - In the worst case (r 0), this takes O(n) time
- In the array based implementation of a Vector
- The space used by the data structure is O(n)
- Size(), isEmpty(), elemAtRank(r) and
replaceAtRank(r,o) run in O(1) time - insertAtRank(r,o) and removeAtRank(r) run in O(n)
time - If we use the array in a circular fashion,
insertAtRank(0,o) and removeAtRank(0) run in O(1)
time - In an insertAtRank(r,o) operation, when the array
is full, instead of throwing an exception, we can
replace the array with a larger one
- Implement the Deque ADT using Vector functions
- Deque functions
- first(), last(), insertFirst(e), insertLast(e),
removeFirst(), removeLast(), size(), isEmpty() - Vector functions
- elemAtRank( r), replaceAtRank(r,e),
insertAtRank(r,e), removeAtRank(r ), size(),
10Exercise Solution
- Implement the Deque ADT using Vector functions
- Deque functions first(), last(), insertFirst(e),
insertLast(e), removeFirst(), removeLast(),
size(), isEmpty() - Vector functions elemAtRank( r),
replaceAtRank(r,e), insertAtRank(r,e),
removeAtRank(r ), size(), isEmpty() - Deque function Realization using Vector
Functions - size() and isEmpty() fcns can simply call Vector
fcns directly - first() gt elemAtRank(0)
- last() gt elemAtRank(size()-1)
- insertFirst(e) gt insertAtRank(0,e)
- insertLast(e) gt insertAtRank(size(), e)
- removeFirst() gt removeAtRank(0)
- removeLast() gt removeAtRank(size()-1)
11STL vector class
- Functions in the STL vector class (incomplete)
- Size(), capacity() - return elts in vector,
elts vector can hold - empty() - boolean
- Operatorr - returns reference to elt at rank r
(no index check) - At( r) - returns reference to elt at rank r
(index checked) - Front(), back() - return references to first/last
elts - push_back(e) - insert e at end of vector
- pop_back() - remove last elt
- vector(n) - creates a vector of size n
- Similarities Differences with books Vector ADT
- STL assignment vre is equivalent to
v.replaceAtRank(r,e) - No direct STL counterparts of insertAtRank( r)
removeAtRank( r) - STL also provides more general fcns for inserting
removing from arbitrary positions in the vector
- these use iterators
- An iterator abstracts the process of scanning
through a collection of elements - Methods of the ObjectIterator ADT
- boolean hasNext()
- object next()
- reset()
- Extends the concept of position by adding a
traversal capability
- An iterator is typically associated with an
another data structure - We can augment the Stack, Queue, Vector, and
other container ADTs with method - ObjectIterator elements()
- Two notions of iterator
- snapshot freezes the contents of the data
structure at a given time - dynamic follows changes to the data structure
- Some functions supported by STL containers
- begin(), end() - return iterators to beginning or
end of container - insert(I,e) - insert e just before the position
indicated by iterator I (analogous to our
insertBefore(p)) - erase(I) - removes the element at the position
indicated by I (analogous to our remove(p)) - The functions can be used to insert/remove
elements from arbitrary positions in the STL
vector and list
14Vector Summary
- Vector Operation Complexity for Different
Array Fixed-Size or Expandable List Singly or Doubly Linked
RemoveAtRank(r), InsertAtRank(r,o) O(1) Best Case (r0,n) O(n) Worst Case O(n) Average Case ?
elemAtRank(r), ReplaceAtRank(r,o) O(1) ?
Size(), isEmpty() O(1) ?
15Lists and Sequences
16Outline and Reading
- Singly linked list
- Position ADT (6.2.1)
- List ADT (6.2.2)
- Sequence ADT (6.3.1)
- Implementations of the sequence ADT (6.3.2-3)
- Iterators (6.2.5)
17Position ADT
- The Position ADT models the notion of place
within a data structure where a single object is
stored - A special null position refers to no object.
- Positions provide a unified view of diverse ways
of storing data, such as - a cell of an array
- a node of a linked list
- Member functions
- Object element() returns the element stored at
this position - bool isNull() returns true if this is a null
18List ADT (6.2.2)
- The List ADT models a sequence of positions
storing arbitrary objects - establishes a before/after relation between
positions - It allows for insertion and removal in the
middle - Query methods
- isFirst(p), isLast(p)
- Generic methods
- size(), isEmpty()
- Accessor methods
- first(), last()
- before(p), after(p)
- Update methods
- replaceElement(p, o), swapElements(p, q)
- insertBefore(p, o), insertAfter(p, o),
- insertFirst(o), insertLast(o)
- remove(p)
19List ADT
- Query methods
- isFirst(p), isLast(p)
- return boolean indicating if the given position
is the first or last, resp. - Accessor methods
- first(), last()
- return the position of the first or last, resp.,
element of S - an error occurs if S is empty
- before(p), after(p)
- return the position of the element of S preceding
or following, resp, the one at position p - an error occurs if S is empty, or p is the first
or last, resp., position
20List ADT
- Update Methods
- replaceElement(p, o)
- Replace the element at position p with e
- swapElements(p, q)
- Swap the elements stored at positions p q
- insertBefore(p, o), insertAfter(p, o),
- Insert a new element o into S before or after,
resp., position p - Output position of the newly inserted element
- insertFirst(o), insertLast(o)
- Insert a new element o into S as the first or
last, resp., element - Output position of the newly inserted element
- remove(p)
- Remove the element at position p from S
- Describe how to implement the following list ADT
operations using a singly-linked list - list ADT operations first(), last(), before(p),
after(p) - For each operation, explain how it is implemented
and provide the running time
- A singly linked list consists of a sequence of
nodes - Each node stores
- element
- link to the next node
- Describe how to implement the following list ADT
operations using a doubly-linked list - list ADT operations first(), last(), before(p),
after(p) - For each operation, explain how it is implemented
and provide the running time
- Doubly-Linked List Nodes implement Position and
store - element
- link to previous node
- link to next node
- Special head/tail nodes
- In the implementation of the List ADT by means of
a doubly linked list - The space used by a list with n elements is O(n)
- The space used by each position of the list is
O(1) - All the operations of the List ADT run in O(1)
time - Operation element() of the Position ADT runs in
O(1) time
24STL list class
- Functions in the STL list class
- size() - return elements in list, empty() -
boolean - front(), back() - return references to first/last
elements - push_front(e), push_back(e) - insert e at
front/end - pop_front(), pop_back() - remove first/last
element - List() - creates an empty list
- Similarities Differences with books List ADT
- STL front() back() correspond to first()
last() except the STL functions return the
element not its position - STL push() pop() are equiv to List ADT insert
and remove when applied to the beginning end of
the list - STL also provides functions for inserting
removing from arbitrary positions in the list -
these use iterators
25List Summary
- List Operation Complexity for different
List Singly-Linked List Doubly- Linked
first(), last(), after(p) insertAfter(p,o), replaceElement(p,o), swapElements(p,q) O(1) O(1)
before(p), insertBefore(p,o), remove(p) O(n) O(1)
Size(), isEmpty() O(1) O(1)
26Sequence ADT
- The Sequence ADT is the union of the Vector and
List ADTs - Elements accessed by
- Rank, or
- Position
- Generic methods
- size(), isEmpty()
- Vector-based methods
- elemAtRank(r), replaceAtRank(r, o),
insertAtRank(r, o), removeAtRank(r)
- List-based methods
- first(), last(), before(p), after(p),
replaceElement(p, o), swapElements(p, q),
insertBefore(p, o), insertAfter(p, o),
insertFirst(o), insertLast(o), remove(p) - Bridge methods
- atRank(r), rankOf(p)
27Applications of Sequences
- The Sequence ADT is a basic, general-purpose,
data structure for storing an ordered collection
of elements - Direct applications
- Generic replacement for stack, queue, vector, or
list - small database (e.g., address book)
- Indirect applications
- Building block of more complex data structures
28Sequence Implementations
Operation Array List
size, isEmpty 1 1
atRank, rankOf, elemAtRank 1 n
first, last, before, after 1 1
replaceElement, swapElements 1 1
replaceAtRank 1 n
insertAtRank, removeAtRank n n
insertFirst, insertLast 1 1
insertAfter, insertBefore n 1
remove n 1