Beyond Lists: Other Data Structures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Beyond Lists: Other Data Structures


Beyond Lists: Other Data Structures Lisp would still be a pretty decent programming language if it only contained atoms and lists But we can go far beyond the list ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Beyond Lists: Other Data Structures

Beyond Lists Other Data Structures
  • Lisp would still be a pretty decent programming
    language if it only contained atoms and lists
  • But we can go far beyond the list with some of
    the other CL data structures
  • Sequences which include
  • Arrays
  • Strings (really arrays of characters)
  • Vectors (1-D arrays)
  • Bit-vectors
  • Characters
  • Association Lists
  • Property Lists
  • Hash Tables
  • Structures (structs)
  • Objects/classes (we cover this separately also,
    later in the semester)

  • We will start with characters because we will
    need to understand characters to understand
  • Do not confuse characters with symbols of one
  • Characters are denoted as \character where
    character is the single character (such as \a or
  • In the event that the character does not have a
    single character on the keyboard, we denote it by
  • \space \tab \control-a \bel (for the bell)
  • Note that case is immaterial when specifying a
    character by name but matters when specifying a
    single letter
  • So \SPACE \space \Space, but \a ! \A
  • Characters are ordered alphabetically and
    numerically, but not necessarily ordered by ASCII
  • A lt Z a lt z 0 lt 9 but in ordinary ASCII, A lt a
    and A lt 0, but not necessarily in CL, this is a
    machine dependent situation
  • However on the PCs, the characters do follow the
    ASCII table, 0 lt 9 lt A lt Z lt a lt z

Character Functions
  • char-code char returns chars code
  • ASCII value for PCs
  • Predicate functions
  • alpha-char-p, upper-case-p, lower-case-p,
  • both-case-p
  • t if the char is in one case and there is a
    character in the other case, therefore this is
    true if it is a letter
  • digit-char-p, alphanumericp
  • Comparison functions
  • charlt, chargt, charlt, chargt, char/, char
  • Note that these can accept multiple arguments and
    compares them in order such that (charlt \a \b
    \c) is t whereas (charlt \3 \5 \4) is nil
  • char-equal, char-not-equal, char-lessp,
    char-greaterp, char-not-greaterp, char-not-lessp
    case insensitive versions of the previous group
    of functions
  • (char \a \A) is nil whereas (char-equal \a
    \A) is t

Character Conversion Functions
  • char-upcase, char-downcase returns the
    character in a changed case if the character is a
    letter, otherwise the character is unchanged
  • character coerces the given argument into a
    character if possible, otherwise will signal an
  • digit-char coerce the given digit into a
    character digit
  • (character a) ? \a
  • (character ab) ? error
  • (character 5) ? error
  • (digit-char 5) ? \5
  • (digit-char 12) ? nil
  • (digit-char a) ? error
  • char-name returns the name of the character if
    you supply the characters abbreviation
  • (char-name \bel) ? bell
  • name-char returns the character of a given name
  • (name-char newline) ? \Newline

Hash Tables
  • Hash tables, sometimes also called dictionaries,
    are data structures that store values along with
    identification keys for easy access
  • supply the key, the structure returns the data
  • often, these use a hash function (covered in CSC
  • In CL, the hash table data structure is available
    for this task
  • there are three variants of hash tables based on
    whether keys are matched using eq, eql or equal
  • The two basic operations for a hash table are to
    insert a new item and to access an item given its
    key both are accomplished using gethash
  • (gethash key hashtable) ? returns the item
    referenced by key or nil
  • (setf (gethash george a) smith) ? places the
    datum smith in the table indexed by the key
  • (gethash george a) ? smith
  • You can delete an entry from a hash table using
  • (remhash key hashtable)

Hash Table Sizes
  • Hash Tables are often implemented as very large
  • for instance, a hash table that stores 10 items
    might be stored in an array of 100 elements
  • hash tables can therefore be very wasteful of
    memory space
  • in CL to get around this problem, hash tables can
    grow automatically and so you can specify an
    original size and a growth size when you create
    the hash table
  • (make-hash-table size x rehash-size y
    rehash-threshold z) the hash table will start
    off with size x, and when needed, will increase
    in size by increments of y, and z denotes at what
    point the hash table should change in size
  • (make-hash-table size 100 rehash-size 90
    rehash-threshold 80) when the table has 80
    elements added to it, it will become 90 greater
  • these values default to implementation-specific
    values if you do not specify them yourself

Successful and Failed Accesses
  • The gethash function actually returns two values
  • the value matching the key
  • and whether the access was successful or not (t
    or nil)
  • if the key is not in the hash table, the first
    response is usually nil and the second one is
    nil, however you can alter the first response by
    providing a default return value
  • (gethash key hashtable defaultvalue) as in
  • (gethash x a error) ? returns the symbol error
    if x is not found in a
  • If you use setf to place a new entry into the
    hash table, and an entry already exists for that
    key, the entry is replaced by the new one and no
    error is indicated
  • therefore, you must be careful when inserting
    elements into a hash table
  • you could test to see if an entry exists first
  • (if (gethash key hashtable) error (setf (gethash
    key hashtable) value))

Other Hash Table Functions
  • maphash a mapping function that maps every
    entry of the hash table onto the given function
  • each entry in the hash table is actually a pair,
    the key and the datum, so your function that you
    are applying must accept two arguments
  • Example (defun print-hash-items (x y) (print
    (list x y)))
  • (maphash print-hash-items a) ? prints all
    entries in the hash table a
  • clrhash clears all entries in the hash table
    and returns the table, now empty
  • hash-table-count returns the number of entries
    currently in the hash table (0 if empty)
  • because hash tables are opaque with respect to
    how they work, an alternative approach is to
    implement an association list, which we look at
    in a little while

  • Sequences are generic types in Common Lisp that
    have several subtypes
  • Lists
  • Arrays
  • Vectors (1-D arrays)
  • Strings (vectors of characters)
  • Bit-arrays (arrays of bits)
  • Association and Property Lists (not all sequence
    functions operate as you might expect on these
    types of lists)
  • While each of these has specific functions, there
    are also functions that can be applied to any
  • We start by looking at sequence functions keeping
    in mind that these are applicable to any of the
    above types of sequences
  • For many of these, the more specific function for
    that particular type of sequence will be more
  • for instance, using the sequence function to
    access the ith element is less efficient than
    using the specific access function such as nth
    for lists and aref for arrays
  • you are free to use whichever you prefer

Sequence Functions
  • elt return the requested element of the
  • (elt seq i) returns the ith value in seq where
    the first element is at i 0 (same as nth for
  • length return the size of the sequence
  • for lists, this is the number of top-level
    elements, for strings it is the number of
    characters but for arrays, it is the number of
    array cells, not the number of elements currently
    in the array
  • position return the location in the sequence of
    the first occurrence of the given item
  • (position item seq) like elt, the first item is
    at position 0, if the item does not appear,
    returns nil
  • remove remove all occurrences of the given item
    from the seq
  • (remove item seq)
  • delete is the destructive version of remove
  • substitute replace all occurrences of a given
    item with a new item in the sequence
  • (substitute new old seq)
  • nsubstitute is a destructive version of substitute

More Sequence Functions
  • count number of occurrences of an item in the
  • (count item seq)
  • reverse, nreverse same as with lists
  • find finds and returns an item in the sequence
  • (find item seq) this may not be useful, you
    already know the value of item, there are other
    versions of find that we will find more useful
  • remove-duplicates, delete-duplicates remove any
    duplicated items in the given sequence (delete is
    the destructive version)
  • (remove-duplicates (1 2 3 4 2 3 5 2 3 6)) ? (1
    4 5 2 3 6)
  • subseq return the subsequence starting at the
    index given and ending at the end of the sequence
    or at the location before an (optional) ending
  • (subseq (1 2 3 4 5) 2) ? (3 4 5)
  • (subseq (1 2 3 4 5) 2 4) ? (3 4)

And A Few More
  • copy-seq
  • return a copy of a sequence (not just a pointer)
  • copies are true when tested with equalp but not
    eq since the copy does not occupy the same memory
  • make-sequence create a sequence of a given type
    and size, optionally with a given initial value
  • (make-sequence vector 10 initial-element 0)
  • concatenate combines two or more sequences,
    must be supplied a return-type even if that type
    is equal to the sequences type
  • (concatenate vector abc (3 4 5)) ? the vector
    of a b c 3 4 5
  • search find the first occurrence of subsequence
    in the sequence
  • (search sub seq) such as (search abc
    abacabcdabac) ? 4
  • mismatch the opposite of search, returns the
    index of the first mismatch, nil if the two
    sequences match exactly

Functions That Apply Functions
  • We will hold off on covering these in detail
    until later in the semester when we look at how
    to apply functions
  • Each of these takes a function and one or more
    sequences, and applies the function to the
    sequence(s) returning either a new sequence or a
    single value
  • map a mapping function that returns a new
    sequence of a specified type after the given
    function has been applied to each element of the
  • (map vector - (1 2 3 4)) ? vector of -1 -2
    -3 -4
  • (map list char-upcase hello) ? (\H \E \L
    \L \O)
  • merge merge two into a new sequence of a
    specified type
  • (merge vector(1 3 5) (2 6) lt ) ? vector of 1
    2 3 5 6
  • notice that in map and merge, the new type can
    differ from the original type
  • reduce similar to map but reduces the result to
    a single item
  • (reduce (1 2 3 4)) ? 10
  • sort, some, every, notany, notevery to be
    covered later

Using Keywords
  • Most sequence functions permit optional
  • start provide a starting index
  • remember, sequences start at index 0
  • end provide an ending index
  • this is the index of the element after the last
    one you want involved, that is, end is an
    excluded element
  • from-end if set to t, then the sequence
    function works from the end of the sequence to
    the front
  • start2 and end2 where to start and end in a
    second sequence if the function calls for two
    sequences (such as in search)
  • test provide a function to test, used in some
    of the functions, we wont bother exploring it
  • key another function that can be applied to
    each sequence element
  • consider a list of lists as in ((a b) (c d) (a
    c) (d e) (a d)) and we want to count how many of
    the second items are equal to d
  • (count d seq key cadr) ? 2 (two of the cadrs
    are d)

  • Arrays are a specific type of sequence which have
    attributes that go beyond the sequence such as
  • able to store multiple types of elements
  • multi-dimensional
  • flexible in size if desired
  • this attribute might lead to less efficient array
  • To create an array, use make-array
  • it accepts an integer specifying the size of the
  • or a list of integers that represents the size of
    each array dimension
  • optionally you can include
  • initial-element followed by a value to
    initialize all array elements
  • element-type followed by a type to restrict the
    array to elements of the given type this makes
    the array more efficient to use
  • (setf a (make-array 10 initial-element 0))
  • (setf b (make-array (10 20 50))) 3-d array
  • (setf c (make-array 100 element-type ratio)

Arrays As Lists
  • Arrays are indicated in CL by (items) as in
  • (1 2 3 4 5)
  • so if you do (setf a (make-array 4)) then a is
    (nil nil nil nil)
  • We can directly manipulate arrays as if they were
    lists that start with a , so for instance, we
    can create and initialize an array
  • (setf a (1 2 3 4 5))
  • using initial-element only permits you to
    initialize to the same value
  • There are several ways to create multidimensional
  • (setf a (make-array (4 5)) a is a 2-D array
  • (setf a (make-array 4 initial-element
    (make-array 5 initial-element)))
  • (setf a 2A((nil nil nil nil nil) (nil nil nil
    nil nil) (nil nil nil nil nil) (nil nil nil nil
  • (setf a ((nil nil nil nil nil) (nil nil nil
    nil nil) (nil nil nil nil nil) (nil nil nil nil
  • in the latter three cases, the array is an array
    of arrays
  • we can use this last approach to create jagged

Accessing Array Elements
  • To access an element of the array, use aref
  • or elt
  • recall that arrays start at element 0
  • (aref x 0) ? 0th element or x0
  • (aref y 0 1 6) ? element y016
  • We can assign an array to equal a section of
    another array using displaced-to
  • (setf a (make-array (4 3)))
  • (setf b (make-array 8 displaced-to a
    displaced-index-offset 2))
  • (aref a 0 2) (aref b 0), (aref 2 1) (aref b
  • Aref is setf-able that is, you assign values
    into an array using (setf (aref array
    subscript(s)) value)
  • (setf (aref a 2 2) 10) for the 2D array above

Array Functions
  • array-rank returns the number of dimensions for
    an array
  • array-dimension, when given an array and a
    dimension number, returns the size of that
  • (setf a 3a((() () ()) (() () ())))
  • (array-rank a) ? 2 (2-dimensional)
  • (array-dimension a 1) ? 3 (dimension 1 has 3
  • array-dimensions returns a list of all of the
    dimensions number of elements
  • (array-dimensions a) ? (x 3) depending on how
    many elements make up
  • array-total-size the total number of elements
    in the array (which is calculated as a product of
    the dimensions from array-dimensions)
  • Note that these work only if the array is
    rectangular, not jagged
  • array-in-bounds-p given an array and
    subscripts, returns t if the subscripts are
    within legal bounds, nil otherwise
  • good for error checking prior to an aref operation

Adjustable Arrays
  • One unique aspect of Common Lisp arrays is that
    you can make them adjustable
  • If you declare an array to be of some size XxY
    and later find that you need to expand it to be
    (Xm)x(Yn), you can do that if the array is
  • notice that this is not like in Java where you
    create a new array, copy the old into the new,
    and then reassign your array pointer variable
  • you can similarly do array resizing in CL like
    you do in Java, but this can be inefficient
    takes time to copy the old array over
  • Instead, if you specify your array as adjustable
    t when you use make-array, then the array is
  • This means that you can arbitrarily change the
    size of the array without having to do array
  • Adjustable arrays might be less efficiently
    accessed than ordinary arrays especially if you
    are adjusting them often

How To Adjust An Array
  • Use the function adjust-array
  • (adjust-array array new-dimensions)
  • new-dimensions will be a single integer for a
    one-dimensional array, or a list of integers for
    multi-dimensional arrays
  • new dimensions must have the same rank as the
    array had originally (you can change size, but
    not dimensions)
  • the changed size can be smaller or larger than
    the original array
  • if smaller, obviously some elements are chopped
    out of the array
  • if larger, the original elements will remain
    where they were in the array (although not
    necessarily where they were in memory)
  • Adjust-array returns an array of the new size, if
    we want our array effected, we have to do (setf
    array (adjust-array array ))

  • (setf a 2a((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9) (10 11 12)))
  • (array-rank a) ? 2
  • (array-dimensions a) ? (4 3)
  • (setf a (adjust-array a (5 3))) ? a is now reset
    to be 2a((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9) (10 11 12) (nil
    nil nil))
  • (setf a (adjust-array a (5 4))) ? a is now reset
    to be 2a((1 2 3 nil) (4 5 6 nil) (7 8 9 nil) (10
    11 12 nil) (nil nil nil nil))
  • (setf a (adjust-array a (4 4))) ? a is now reset
    to be 2a((1 2 3 nil) (4 5 6 nil) (7 8 9 nil) (10
    11 12 nil))
  • (setf a (adjust-array a 4)) ? error, a is
  • (setf a (adjust-array a (4 4 2)) ? error, a is

  • Strings are vectors of characters
  • You could create a string using (make-array size
    element-type character) where size is the size
    of the string
  • Alternatively, you could create a string using
    as you do in Java as in (setf a hello)
  • And a third alternative is to specify the
    individual characters in an array such as (\a
    \b \c)
  • note that (abc) is not the same, this would be
    an array of strings where the array currently
    only has 1 string
  • A fourth alternative is to use (make-string size)
    which has an optional initial-element
  • The second and fourth mechanisms will provide the
    most efficient string and the second mechanism is
    probably the easiest

String Comparison Functions
  • string compares two strings to see if their
    corresponding characters are equal (i.e., equal
    instead of eq) and will always be false if the
    two strings are of different lengths
  • string-equal same except that it ignores case
    (equalp instead of equal)
  • stringlt, stringgt, stringlt, stringgt, string/
    again, case-sensitive
  • string-lessp, string-greaterp, string-not-greaterp
    , string-not-lessp case-insensitive
  • all of these permit start, end, start2, end2
    optional keyword parameters
  • (equallt s1 s2 start 5 end 9 start2 2 end2 6)

String Manipulation Functions
  • string-trim given a sequence of characters and
    a string, it returns the string with all of the
    characters in the sequence trimmed off of the
    beginning and the ending of the string
  • (string-trim '(\0 \1 \2 \3 \4 \5 \6 \7
    \8 \9) 853 Pine Street Apt. 34) ? Pine
    Street Apt.
  • (string-trim '(\0 \1 \2 \3 \4 \5 \6 \7
    \8 \9) 853 Pine Street Apt. 34A) ? Pine
    Street Apt. 34A
  • there are also functions to trim only the left or
    right side (string-trim-left, string-trim-right)
  • string-upcase, string-downcase, string-capitalize
    returns the string with all letters in
    uppercase, lowercase, or starting letters in
    uppercase, all other characters are unaffected
  • nstring-upcase, nstring-downcase,
    nstring-capitalize are destructive versions
  • All of these functions permit start and end
  • string returns a string unaffected if the
    parameter is a string, otherwise converts the
    argument to a string (if possible)
  • (string \a) ? a, (string 392) ? error

Association Lists
  • Recall that a cons cell whose cdr does not point
    to a list but instead to an item creates a dotted
  • The association list (a-list or assoc-list) uses
    this to store a key/value pair in the form (key .
  • the car of any cons cell is the key, the cdr is
    the value
  • A list of dotted pairs is an association list
  • We could create the a-list by hand, or use some
    of the association list built-in functions
  • The association list gives us the ability to see
    whats going on inside of the dictionary-style
    data structure, but if the association list
    becomes lengthy, searching it leads to poorer
    performance than using the hash table
  • So, for small sets of data, or for sets of data
    where you have no idea how big your hash table
    should be, you can use the association list
  • Or, for data where you want to do more than what
    is offered by the hash table, you can use the
    association list
  • Otherwise, it is best to use the hash table for
    both efficiency and simplicity

Adding to an A-List
  • To add a new dotted pair to an A-list, use acons
    (similar to cons)
  • (acons key datum alist)
  • this is equivalent to (cons (cons x y) a)
  • note for this to be a true a-list, neither x nor
    y should be a list
  • To create pairs, you can use pairlis
  • (pairlis lis1 lis2) ? this creates a group of
    dotted pairs with corresponding elements from
    both lists
  • (pairlis (a b) (1 2)) ? ((b . 2) (a . 1))
  • the two lists must be of the same length
  • you can optionally supply an a-list as a third
    argument, then the new pairs are consed to the
    original list
  • (setf alist (pairlis (newkeys) (newdata) alist))
    ? adds to alist the new pairs
  • Note a-lists should mimic the usage of hash
    tables, but there is nothing to prevent you from
    adding a duplicate key to an a-list!

Accessing Into an A-List
  • The access command is assoc followed by the key
    of the item desired, and the alist
  • (assoc fred students) ? returns the dotted pair
    whose car is fred (note this returns the
    entire cons cell, not just the cdr)
  • The function is basically doing this (defun
    assoc (a lis) (if (equal a (caar lis)) (car lis)
    (assoc a (cdr lis))))
  • If you know the item and want the key, use rassoc
  • (rassoc smith students) ? the dotted pair whose
    cdr is smith
  • This function is the same as the above function
    except that we have (equal a (cdar lis))
    notice, this is not (cadr!)
  • You can change entries using rplaca and rplacd
    with assoc or rassoc
  • (rplaca (assoc key lis) newkey) rplaca to
    replace the key
  • (rplacd (assoc key lis) newdatum) rplacd to
    replace the datum
  • (rplaca (rassoc datum lis) newkey) rplaca to
    replace the key
  • (replacd (rassoc datum lis) newdatum) rplacd to
    replace the datum

Property Lists
  • A hold-over from early lisp is the property list
  • The property list is a group of properties (or
    attributes) attached to a symbol (instead of a
    variable), and is used to describe that symbolic
  • the p-list, like an a-list, stores pairs of items
  • unlike the a-list, no key can be duplicated in
    the p-list
  • and there is no variable that points to the list,
    only a symbol
  • P-list operations are usually destructive
  • most often, a-list operations are non-destructive
    and require that you use setf to alter the a-list
  • The p-list does not use dotted pairs, but instead
    pairs of values in a list so that the first item
    is the key and the second is the property of the
  • therefore, p-lists will always have an even
    number of elements
  • Get is used to access the p-list (get plist key)
    and returns keys associated property (notice
    that we use the symbol, not a variable, to access
  • Example the property list Zappa contains (name
    Frank job musician status dead)
  • (get Zappa job) returns musician
  • (get Zappa salary) returns nil
  • (get Zappa salary unknown) returns unknown

P-list Functions
  • Aside from get, we use setf to add to a p-list
  • (setf (get zappa name) Frank)
  • (setf (get zappa job) musician)
  • (setf (get zappa status) dead)
  • notice unlike an A-list, we cannot just create
    the list as (setf zappa (name Frank job musician
    status dead)) because this would treat zappa as a
    variable pointing to a list, not a p-list
  • remprop removes a property pair from the p-list
  • (remprop zappa status) remember, this is
    destructive, so you dont have to reassign zappa
    to be the list that this returns
  • symbol-plist returns the plist for us to use in
    other functions rather than the symbol
  • it also returns the list in a somewhat readable
  • (symbol-plist zappa) would return

Using Plists
  • Since you are attaching a group of properties to
    a symbol, you cannot directly access the list
  • In the previous example, the symbol was Zappa
  • now Zappa is not a variable, so you cant get
    access to the p-list like you would with arrays,
    a-lists or others
  • To get ahold of the p-list, use symbol-plist as
    we saw on the previous slide
  • Operations getf and remf are like get and remprop
    but operate on the p-lists themselves
  • (getf plist key) (get name key) where
    (symbol-plist name) ? plist
  • Finally, get-properties can return all of the
    properties from a list of properties requested
  • (get-properties (symbol-plist zappa) (name job
    status)) ? (name Frank job musician status dead)

  • Structures allow you to create non-homogenous
    data structures
  • In C, these are called structs
  • In Java, there is no equivalent, although objects
    are like this
  • Unlike C and Java however, structures in CL have
    a lot of short-cut options and accessing
    functions which are automatically generated for
  • To define a structure
  • (defstruct name slots)
  • Slots are just names that you want to call each
    item/member of the structure
  • (defstruct person name sex age occupation)
  • You can supply your defstruct a variety of
    keyword arguments for any/every slot such as
  • type limit the slot to containing a specific
    type of datum
  • read-only restrict a slot to be a constant set
    to the initialization value
  • and/or provide default values (wrap the name and
    value in ( )s)

Generated Functions
  • Once you have defined your structure, you can now
    generate instances of the structure and access
    the slots
  • make-name generates an instance of a structure
    called name
  • If you named it person, then (make-person)
    creates the instance
  • You can specify initial values in your function
    call by using slot value
  • (make-person name Frank age 53) just returns
    the struct
  • (setf a (make-person name Frank age 53))
    stores the struct in a variable
  • Slots without default values, or without
    initialized values, will be nil
  • the make-name function is automatically generated
    when you do defstruct
  • Another function is of the form
    structname-slotname, which accesses that
    particular slot (also generated when you do
  • (person-name a) ? returns the value of as name
  • Slots are setf-able
  • (setf (person-age a) 50)
  • Structures also have type-checking predicate
    functions generated
  • (person-p a) ? t, alternatively you can do (typep
    a person)

Other Structure Comments
  • As with arrays, you can instantiate a structure
    on your own using the form s(type values) as in
  • (setf b s(person name jim age 44 sex m))
  • fields not listed in such a statement default to
    their default values or nil
  • You can also have other functions generated for
    you in your defstruct statement
  • define a constructor function
  • define a copier function (to make a copy of a
  • define a prediction function
  • the predicate function is automatically created
    for you, but this permits you to change the name
    of the function
  • To do any of these, you wrap the structure name
    and these commands in a layer of ( )s, we will
    see details on the next slides
  • Finally, you can specify include struct-type
    which builds upon struct-type, providing you a
    form of inheritance
  • Again, the syntax differs, see the next slide

  • Lets flesh out our person example
  • (defstruct person name (sex m) age (occupation
  • (setf p1 (make-person name Bob age 20))
  • (setf p2 (make-person name Sue sex f age 33
    occupation professor))
  • (print (list enter occupation for (person-name
  • (setf (person-occupation p1) (read))
  • (defstruct (doctor (include person))
    medical-school (done-interning t))
  • notice here that the name of this structure and
    its parent are placed inside of parens, and
    then we list the additional slots
  • (setf p3 (make-doctor name Fred age 49
    occupation doctor medical-school OSU))
  • we can similarly define a print-function to
    specify how the structure should be printed out,
    and conc-name if we want to alter the slot names
    to not have to include the structures name
  • for instance change (person-name p1) to be (p-n
  • details for both of these are given in

More on Structure Inheritance
  • Notice in the previous example we had to specify
    the occupation in p3 to give it an initial value
  • we would normally prefer to include (occupation
    doctor) in the defstruct for doctor so that all
    doctors have a default occupation of doctor, but
    unfortunately that would override part of
    persons definition
  • for structures, the form of inheritance that we
    see is not controllable, unlike in OOP, so we
    cant override what we inherit
  • we similarly cannot use any form of multiple
    inheritance for structures
  • we can get around both of these problems by using
    classes, something we will study later in the
  • If a variable points to a structure that inherits
    from another, which structure do you use to
    specify the slots?
  • Either
  • So p1s slots are accessed by (person-slot p1)
    but p3s slots can be accessed either by
    (person-slot p3) or (doctor-slot p3)
  • with the exception of those slots only defined by
    the doctor structure, they can only be accessed
    as doctor-slot
  • (person-p p1), (person-p p2) and (doctor-p p2)
    return t and (doctor-p p1) is nil as we might

Using the Constructor
  • The constructor slot allows you to specify the
    name of a default constructor along with the
    parameters that the constructor expects
  • You can only use this option if you have placed
    the structures name inside of parens
  • (defstruct (foobar (constructor construct-foobar
    ())) ) rather than (defstruct foobar
  • The parameters listed should be the same names as
    the slots
  • You can use key or optional as desired
  • So, we change our person as follows
  • (defstruct (person (constructor construct-person
    (name optional age sex occupation))) name age
    (sex m) (occupation unknown))
  • Now we can do (make-person) or (make-person
    name) or we can do (construct-person fred),
  • This prevents us from having to initialize slots
    by using the clunky slot-name value format
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