Title: Sentence Structure How do I build a better sentence?
1Sentence StructureHow do I build a better
2Simple Sentence
- A simple sentence must contain a subject and a
verb however, it must also make sense!
3Simple Sentence
Observe how a simple sentence is constructed
We went to Disney World.
4Simple Sentence
Prepositional phrase
We went to Disney World.
Simple subject
Complete predicate
5Compound Sentence
- A compound sentence is 2 independent clauses
joined together. - Independent clauses can be connected by a comma
and a coordinating conjunction, a conjunctive
adverb, or a semi-colon.
6Compound Sentence
We went to Disney World, and
we rode Space Mountain.
7Compound Sentence
Prepositional phrase
We went to Disney World,
Coordinating Conjunction
and we rode Space Mountain.
8 Compound Sentences
- My parents caught a severe cold consequently,
they had to cancel their vacation. - Some people like basketball others prefer
Conjunctive Adverb
9Complex Sentence
- A complex sentence has at least two parts one
that can stand alone (independent clause) and
another one that cannot stand alone
(dependent/subordinate clause) - The part that cannot stand alone is linked to the
rest of the sentence by a subordinating
10Complex Sentence
Since my husband and I wanted to have fun,
we went to El Rio yesterday.
11Complex Sentence
Since we wanted to have fun,
Part that cannot stand alone
Subordinating Conjunction
we went to El Rio yesterday.
12Common Subordinating Conjunctions
- Before
- Even though
- If
- Since
- Though
- Unless
- Until
- When
- Where
- After
- Although
- Because
- As
- As if
- As long as
- As soon as
- As though
13More words that introduce dependent clauses
(These are sneaky! They like to interrupt!)
- Who
- Whom/Whomever
- That
- Which/ Whichever
- How
- Why
- What/Whatever
14Sneaky Dependent Clauses
- The great American author Edgar Allen Poe who
wrote The Raven is still celebrated today.
15Sneaky Dependent Clauses
Relative Pronoun
- The great American author Edgar Allen Poe ltwho
- Independent Clause
- wrote The Ravengt is still celebrated today.
- Independent Clause Continued
Dependent Clause
Dependent Clause Continued
16Compound-Complex Sentence
- This type of sentence has at least 2 independent
clauses (can stand alone) and 1 or more dependent
clauses (cannot stand alone). - In the next example, notice how the different
conjunctions link the different parts of this
17Compound-Complex Sentence
Since we wanted to have fun,
my husband and I went to El Rio yesterday,
and we ate burritos.
18Compound-Complex Sentence
Subordinating Conjunction
Since we wanted to have fun,
Dependent clause
my husband and I went to El Rio,
Independent clause
Coordinating Conjunction
and we ate burritos.
Independent Clause
19Thank You
- Center for Language Development Across the
Disciplines - Prepared by Thalia N. Nazario-Santiago
- Coordinator for the Center for Languages
and Cultures - April-June 2003
- Revised by Patricia Kidd
- August 2004
- Revised by Prof. Delia Serrano
- January 2005
- Revised by Brandy Phillips
- November 8, 2010