Title: Educational attainment of Muslim pupils in England and Scotland
1Educational attainment of Muslim pupils in
England and Scotland
2Outline of presentation
- Educational attainment of Muslim pupils
- Progression of pupils through school
- Exclusions
- Scottish and English data
- Summary and comparison
- Secondary analysis of large scale survey data
(Scottish pupils survey, year LSYPE, 2001
Census, Government statistics) - Difficulties to disentangle religion from
ethnicity - 99.16 of Pakistani girls and 97.46
of Pakistani boys, 97.27 of Bangladeshi girls
and 98.66 of Bangladeshi boys self-identifying
as Muslim (LSYPE). - In the Scottish analysis, ethnicity is used as
proxy for religion.
4KS4/GCSE results, by ethnicity, England (boys)
- Source Government Equality Office (2010)
5KS4/GCSE results, by ethnicity, England (girls)
Source Government Equality Office (2010)
6Differences from average assessments, boys aged
7-16, not FSM (LSYPE)
7Differences from average assessments, girls aged
7-16, not FSM (LSYPE)
8Exclusion by ethnic group and gender (, England,
2005-06) (DCSF, 2009)
9Secondary 4 results, by ethnicity, Scotland, 2008
10Secondary 4 results, by ethnicity, Scotland, 2008
11Three year tariff score of S4 pupils by ethnicity
and deprivation (SIMD 2006) (Scottish Government,
12Cases of fixed period exclusion by ethnic
background of pupils 2007/2008 (Scottish
Government, 2009c)
13Highest qualification, by ethnicity, men, UK,
2006-2008 () Working age population (Source
LFS, 2006-08)
14Highest qualification, by ethnicity, women, UK,
2006-08 () Working age population
- Attainment Overall Chinese and Indian pupils
were the best performing groups and Black
African, Caribbean and travellers the worst
performing groups. - Progress - Muslim pupils start off well below
national average but catch up in England - However, at the age of 16 Pakistani boys in
England still score well below national average
in Scotland the gap is generally smaller.
16Summary II
- Gender difference is marked and cut across
ethnicity. Notably, Pakistani girls make greater
progress than Pakistani boys and overtake white
girls. - Social deprivation matters but the difference
in educational attainment on the grounds of
social deprivation is not as great for minority
ethnic groups as for white pupils.