Lecture 9: Auxiliaries - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 9: Auxiliaries


Lecture 9: Auxiliaries – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 9: Auxiliaries

Lecture 9 Auxiliaries
1. Classification of Auxiliaries
  • As has been pointed out before, English verbs, in
    terms of their functions in forming verb phrases,
    fall into two major categories main verbs and
  • Auxiliaries can again be divided into primary
    auxiliaries, modal auxiliaries, and

  • It is generally acknowledged that English has 13
    modal auxiliaries (or "modals" for short). They
    are can, could, may, might, will, would, shall,
    should, must , ought to, dare, need, used to.

2. Modals and modal meanings
  • This section examines, in terms of semantics,
    modality and the English modals incorporating
    some related semi-auxiliaries.

1) Ability and possibility
  • The modals used in these senses arc cat, could,
    may, tight and be able to.
  • a) To talk about "ability", we can use can,
    could, and be able to.
  • He got so drunk that he couldn't / wasn't able to
    find the door.

  • b) To talk about "possibility", we can use may,
    might, can and could.
  • Where can he be?He may be in the office.
  • He may 'not go tomorrow. (prohibition)He 'may
    not go tomorrow. (impossibility)
  • If you don't have a guide, you could lose your
    way.Can / Could the news Ix true?It can't /
    couldn't be true.

2) Permission, and prohibition
  • The modals used in these senses are can, could
    may and might.

  • a) To ask for permission, we can use can g could
    g may, might. Compared with can / could , tray /
    might sounds more formal compared with can /
    may, the past forms sound more polite, implying
    no difference in time reference. In colloquial
    English, can is very frequently used to ask for
    permission, eg
  • Can I smoke in here? Could I use your phone?Yes,
    of course you can.In those days anyone might /
    could enroll for this course.

  • b) To refuse to give permission, we can use may
    not (with stress on not ) or cannot , eg
  • Can I go out for' a moment?No, you can't.May I
    use your car for a few days?No, you may not.

3) Obligation and necessity
  • The modals used in these senses arc should, ought
    to, must and have to / have got to.

  • a) To talk about "obligation", we can use should,
    ought to and must. Used in this sense, these
    three modals vary slightly in tone.
  • You should what your teachers tell you to.
  • You should / ought to have asked permission first.

  • Must is even stronger than should, Used in the
    sense of obligation, must usually implies that
    speaker is the person in authority , the one who
    gives the orders, binding both on the listener
    and on the speaker himself eg
  • You must be back by ten oclock.I really must
    stop smoking.

  • Obligation with future time reference is
    normally expressed by will / shall have to, eg
  • Well have to do it again.
  • As must has not a past form, obligation with
    past time reference is usually expressed by had
    to ,though in past time contexts, must can also
    be used to denote an obligation in the past , eg
  • I had to leave at 630 yesterday.I told him that
    he must mind his own business.

  • Need not / neednt denotes absence of obligation
    or necessity, Alternative forms of neednt are
    dont need to , dont have to ,and havent
    got to with corresponding past forms didnt
    need to , and didnt have to ,eg
  • A Must you leave so soon?B No, I neednt.He
    didnt need to do it at once.

  • b) Should and ought to can be used to denote
    assumptions arrived at by inference, not by
    direct experience, eg
  • That should not be a difficult problem for
    Mary.These young trees ought to provide shade in
    ten years.
  • Ought to in this sense is synonymous with must
    denoting necessity, while in questions and
    negative statements, can and cant should be used
    instead, eg
  • You must have difficulty getting the
    tickets.You oughtnt to have any difficulty
    getting the tickets.

4) Prediction and predictability
  • The modals used in these censes are will, shall,
    would, should, ought to and must.

  • a) The shall / will future can be used for
    predicting. Although shall and, particularly,
    will, are the closest approximations to a pure
    future, they do not form a future tense
    comparable to the present and past tenses. Shall
    in the sense of future is restricted to the first
    person in Standard BrE, whereas will can be used
    in the same sense in all persons throughout the
    English speaking world.

  • b) The modals relating to predictability or
    assumption are will and would apart from should
    ,ought to and must . Predictability denoted by
    will and would can be classified into specific
    predictability, habitual predictability and
    timeless predictability.
  • eg
  • A Whos that man over there?B That will be
    George, no doubt.B That would be George, I

5) Willingness, intention and determination
  • The modals used in these senses are will. Would
    and shall.

  • a. Will in the meaning of willingness or weak
    volition is found with subjects of all three
    persons. Will so used is normally unstressed and
    can be contracted to ll , eg
  • I will / Ill lend you the money if you need
    it.Who will / wholl go with me?

  • Another type of weak volition is intention that
    can be expressed by will in all persons. Will in
    this sense is unstressed and is generally
    contracted to ll, eg
  • Ill get some drinks. Whatll you have?He wont
    help me unless I accept his offer.
  • Past intention can be expressed with would, eg
  • He said he wouldnt have any cold drinks.

6) Other modal meanings
  • The modals dealt with here are should .would,
    dare, need and used to.

  • In specific contexts, should can denote emotional
    feelings of sorrow, joy displeasure, surprise,
    wonder, etc. Should in this sense is especially
    common in certain that-clauses, in rhetorical
    questions and in some idiomatic exclamations. eg
  • Its unbelievable that he should have finished
    the work so soon.How should I know?That he
    should dare to attack me!

  • b ) Would can be used to make a tactful statement
    ,a polite request, and a tentative suggestion, eg
  • It would be a shame to stop our work
    halfway.Would you like to stay here for the
    night?Wouldnt it be better for us to start off
    a little earlier tomorrow morning?

  • As a modal, dare (except in I dare say) is
    restricted to questions and negative statements.
    Modal dare commonly occurs in its present form.
    It may refer to present time as well as to past
    time. Likewise, darent, the negative form of
    dare, can also be used for both present and past
    time reference, eg
  • I dare not go there.How dare he say such rude
    things about me?My brother went alone, but I

  • Used to is commonly used to denote a past
    habitual action or an existence in the past. The
    use of this modal stresses the notion that the
    habit has been given up or the state no longer
  • He didnt use to smoke cigarettes. He usednt
    to smoke cigarettes.Didnt Maria use to be
    interested in the theatre?Usednt Maria to
    interested in the theatre?

2. Epistemic and non-epistemic use of modals
  • Epistemic modals
  • modals non-epistemic use epistemic
  • can / could ability, permission
  • may / might permission
  • will / would volition
  • should / ought to obligation
    logical necessity
  • must obligation
    logical necessity

  • 2) Syntactic features of epistemic modals
  • The following five syntactic features are common
    to all epistemic modals
  • a) All epistemic modals can combine with a
    perfective infinitive, eg
  • You must have beers disappointed.
  • b) All epistemic modals can combine with a
    progressive infinitive, eg
  • He must be working late at the office.He must
    haw been working late at the office.
  • c) All epistemic modals can be used in
    existential sentences, eg
  • There must be some mistake.

  • d) All epistemic modals can combine with stative
    verbs, eg
  • He must understand that we mean business.
  • e) All epistemic modals can be used with an
    inanimate subject, eg
  • It must be George.
  • Not all these features arc shared by
    non-epistemic modals.

  • 3) Time reference of epistemic modals
  • First, indirect speech, the modal statement is
    invariably made with present time reference,
    because judgments or deductions arc usually made
    at the moment of speaking, eg
  • He might haw lost his way.He couldn't be still
    working at the office.
  • Secondly, the time reference of the contents of
    the judgment or deduction is determined by the
    form of the infinitive that follows the modal.
  • He must be calling tonight. I'm sure he is
    calling tonight.
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