Discrete Structures Chapter 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Discrete Structures Chapter 5


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Discrete Structures Chapter 5

Discrete StructuresChapter 5 Relations and
Nurul Amelina Nasharuddin Multimedia Department
  • On completion of this chapter, student should be
    able to
  • Define a relation and function
  • Determine the type of function (one-to-one, onto,
    one-to-one correspondence)
  • Find a composite function
  • Find an inverse function

  • Cartesian products and relations
  • Functions Plain, one-to-one, onto
  • Function composition and inverse functions
  • Functions for computer science
  • Properties of relations
  • Computer recognition Zero-one matrices and
    directed graphs
  • Use in database example

Identity Function (pg 394)
  • The function 1A A ? A, defined by 1A (a) a for
    all a ? A, is called the identity function for A
  • It is a function that always returns the same
    value that was used as its argument. In terms of
    equations, the function is given by f(x)  x
  • 1X(x) x for all x in X

Function Equality
  • When are f and g equal?
  • If f, g A ? B, we say that f and g are equal and
    write f g, if f (a) g (a) for all a ? A
  • Eg Define f R ? R and g R ? R by the
    following formulas
  • f(x) x for all x ? R
  • g(x) vx2 for all x ? R
  • Does f g? Yes, x vx2 for all x ? R

Composite Function
  • Function composition is an operation for
    combining two functions
  • If f A ? B and g B ? C, we define the composite
    function, which is denoted g o f A ? C,
  • by (g o f )(a) g (f(a)), for each a ? A

Example (1)
Let A 1, 2, 3, 4, B a, b, c, and C w,
x, y, z with f A ? B and g B ? C given by f
(1, a), (2, a), (3, b), (4, c) and g (a, x),
(b, y), (c, z). For each element of A we
find (g o f) (1) g (f (1)) g (a) x (g o f)
(2) g (f (2)) g (a) x (g o f) (3) g (f
(3)) g (b) y (g o f) (4) g (f (4)) g (c)
z So g o f (1, x), (2, x), (3, y), (4, z)
Example (2)
  • Are f o g and g o f equal?
  • Let f R ? R, g R ? R be defined by f (x) x2,
  • g(x) x 5. Then
  • (g o f)(x) g (f(x)) g(x2) x2 5, whereas
  • (f o g)(x) f (g(x)) f(x 5) (x 5)2 x2
    10x 25
  • Here g o f R ? R and f o g R ? R, but
  • (g o f)(1) 6 ? 36 (f o g)(1), so even though
    both composites f o g and g o f can be formed, we
    do not have f o g g o f

Example (3)
  • Let f, g, h R ? R, where f(x) x2, g(x) x 5
    and h(x)
  • Then, ((h o g) o f)(x) (h o g)(f(x)) (h o
  • h(g(x2)) h(x2 5)

Example (4)
  • Let f, g, h R ? R, where f(x) x2, g(x) x 5
    and h(x)
  • Find (h o (g o f))(x).
  • Is (h o (g o f)) ((h o g) o f)?
  • Yes. Using the definition of the composite
    function, we find that
  • ((h o g) o f) (x) (h o g) (f (x)) h ( g
    (f (x))), whereas
  • (h o (g o f )) (x) h ((g o f ) (x)) h (g
    (f (x))).

Associative Property
Since ((h o g) o f)(x) h (g(f(x))) (h o (g o
f))(x), for each x in A, it now follows that (h o
g) o f h o (g o f)
Composition with an Identity Function
  • If f is a function from a set A to a set B, and
    1A is the identity function on A and 1B is the
    identity function on B, then
  • f o 1A f 1B o f

Example (1)
  • Let X a,b,c,d and Y u,v,w and f (a,
    u), (b, v), (c, v), (d, u). Find f o 1X and 1Y o
  • (f o 1x)(a) f(1x(a)) f(a) u
  • (f o 1x)(b) f(1x(b)) f(b) v
  • (f o 1x)(c) f(1x(c)) f(c) v
  • (f o 1x)(d) f(1x(d)) f(d) u
  • So, (f o 1x)(x) f(x)
  • Find (1Y o f ) and show that for (1Y o f)(x)

Properties of Composite Function
Let f A ? B and g B ? C a) If f and g are
one-to-one, then g o f is one-to-one b) If f and
g are onto, then g o f is onto
Converse of a Function
  • Since a function is also a relation, first let us
    see the converse of a relation
  • For sets A, B, if R is a relation from A to B,
    then the converse of R, denoted Rc, is the
    relation from B to A defined by R (b, a)(a,
    b) ? R
  • Eg A 1, 2, 3, 4, B w, x, y, and R (1,
    w), (2, w), (3, x) then Rc (w, 1), (w, 2),
    (x, 3), a relation from B to A

Example (1)
  • For A 1, 2, 3 and B w, x, y, let f A ? B
    be given by f (1, w), (2, x), (3, y)
  • Then f c (w, 1), (x, 2), (y, 3) is a
    function from B to A, and we observe that
  • f c o f 1A and f o f c 1B
  • f c o f(1) f c(w) 1
  • f c o f(2) f c(x) 2
  • f c o f(3) f c(y) 3
  • f c o f (1,1), (2,2), (3,3) 1A

Invertibility of a Function
  • If f A ? B, then f is said to be invertible if
    there is a function g B ? A such that
  • g o f 1A and f o g 1B
  • A function f A ? B is invertible iff it is
    one-to-one and onto

Example (1)
  • Let f, g R ? R be defined by
  • f(x) 2x 5,
  • g(x) (1/2)(x 5). Then
  • (g o f)(x) g(f(x)) g(2x 5)
  • (1/2)(2x 5) 5 x, and
  • (f o g )(x) f(g (x)) f((1/2)(x 5))
  • 2(1/2)(x 5) 5 x
  • So f o g 1R and g o f 1R. Consequently, f and
    g are both invertible functions

Inverse Functions
Suppose f X ? Y is a one-to-one correspondence.
Then inverse function, f-1 Y ? X that is defined
as follows Given any element in Y, f-1(y) that
unique element x in X such that f(x) equals y In
other words, f-1(y) x ? y f(x)
Finding an Inverse Function
  • Find the inverse function for f(x) 4x 1for
    all real numbers x
  • By definition of f-1(y) that unique real number
    x such that f(x) y
  • f(x) y
  • 4x - 1 y
  • x (y 1)/4
  • f -1(y) x, hence f -1(y) (y 1)/4
  • Rename y by x, f -1(x) (x 1)/4

(No Transcript)
Quiz 4A
  1. Let f Z?Z be the successor function and let g
    Z?Z be the squaring function. Then f(n) n 1
    for all n ? Z and g(n) n2 for all n ? Z. (a)
    Find the compositions g o f and f o g. (b) Is g o
    f f o g? Explain.
  2. Let X a,b,c,d and Y u,v,w, and suppose f
    X ? Y is given by (a, u), (b, v), (c, v), (d,
    u). Find f o 1X and 1Y o f.
  3. f R ? R is defined by f(x) 3x 5. Find its
    inverse function.

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