Pakistan: a failed state -AN OVERVIEW - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pakistan: a failed state -AN OVERVIEW


Pakistan: a failed state – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Pakistan: a failed state -AN OVERVIEW

Pakistan a failed state-AN OVERVIEW
Noam Chomskys paradigm example of a failed state
  • Noted philosopher and political activist Noam
    Chomsky has said Pakistan is a "paradigm example
    of a failed state" that has undergone an
    "extremely dangerous form of radical
  • The country is now in danger of "collapsing" as
    it grapples with rebellion, militancy and
    extremism that is "getting worse" and the
    assassination of former premier Benazir Bhutto
    might increase unrest in Sindh and FATA, Chomsky
    told the a newspaper in an interview

Gilanis counter-accusation
  • Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has strongly
    rejected the impression that Pakistan was a
    failed state, and said the country's all vital
    institutions were functioning properly.
  • Addressing a special session on Pakistan and its
    neighbours, Gilani termed it "unfair" on part of
    the international community to view Pakistan as a
    failed state and said country's Constitution,
    parliament, judiciary and the media were
    indicators of the fact that it was not a failed

  • Islamic Republic of Pakistan ?????? ???????
    ???????? Islami Jumhuri-ye Pakistan
  • Flag State Emblem 'Motto '?????? ?????? ????
    ?????Ittehad, Tanzeem, Yaqeen-e-Muhkam  (Urdu)"U
    nity, Discipline and Faith
  • Anthem  ???? ?????Qaumi Tarana
  • Capital IslamabadLargest city Karachi
  • Official language(s) Urdu (National) English
    Regional languages Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi,
    Seraiki and Balochi
  • Founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah  - 
  • President Asif Zardari (PPP)  -  Prime Minister
    Yousaf Gillani (PPP)  -  Chief Justice Iftikhar
    Chaudhry  -  Chair of Senate Farooq Naek (PPP)
  • Islamic republic 23 March 1956 

  • Provinces
  • Balochistan
  • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
  • Punjab
  • Sindh
  • Territories
  • Islamabad
  • Federally Administered Tribal Areas
  • Azad Jammu and Kashmir
  • Gilgit-Baltistan

Army-Centric development
  • With India having a population that is seven
    times as big as that of Pakistan, the Indian army
    should have been at least three or four times the
    size of the Pakistan army. But that is not the
    case the Indian army is less than one and a half
    times as big as the Pakistani army. That is
    because, since independence India has spent
    relatively more on development and less on
    defence while Pakistan has spent almost
    everything on arms and very little on

  • The Pakistani paper the Jang reported in
    September 2003
  • Pakistan's population will swell to 349 million
    by year 2050, making it the fourth most populated
    country in the world
  • The population growth has caused an eight-time
    increase in the unemployment...With almost one
    third of the population living in abject poverty,
    54 million people do not have access to safe
    drinking water ... 53.5 million are illiterates.
    The population explosion has led to the shortage
    of educational facilities, health services,
    housing units, food, living space, arable land
    and clean water

Social Structure
  • In an editorial in the Indian Express that
    appeared on January 28th 2002, VP Dutt wrote
  • Another fundamental flaw is the very narrow
    social base of the ruling elite. Pakistan is
    ruled by four interest groups or their coalition
    military, bureaucracy, the feudal lords and the
    industrial barons. Making up the nucleus of these
    four interest groups, it is believed, are a dozen
    corps commanders, nearly 2,000 landlords owning
    more than half the cultivable land, a cadre of
    nearly 1,000 officers and less than 50 industrial
    families. It is they who own Pakistan and rule in
    the name of the people.

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Middle class?
  • A curious anomaly of Pakistan is the almost
    complete absence of a "middle class". The middle
    class in Pakistan have been estimated as being
    about 10 to 12 million in total forming about 8
    of the population. The contrast with India now is
    stunning with estimates of the middle class in
    India forming about 25 to 30 of the population.
  • A large middle class is an indicator of the
    development of a society from the traditional
    feudal pattern into a more modern society.

  • The state of education in Pakistan was described
    by Raymond Bonner in the New York Times on 31st
    March 2002
  • Pakistan's literacy rate ranks below that of
    countries like Haiti, Rwanda and Sudan, according
    to the most recent United Nations Development
    Program report.
  • Pakistan's most recent budget sets aside 107
    million for education, compared with 2 billion
    for the military.

Madrassa Education
  • According to Dr. Tariq Rahman, Professor of
    Linguistics and South Asian Studies, Quaid-i-Azam
    University, Islamabad, Pakistan had only 137
    madrassas in 1947. Dr. Rahman writes of Pakistani
  • In 1950 there were 210 of them while in 1971 they
    increased to 563. Nowadays there are at least
    7000 of them. After the 1971 war of liberation of
    Bangladesh, the process of making Pakistanis more
    Islamic, the so called Islamization of Pakistan
    was given impetus. It was initiated by Prime
    Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, and the Pakistani
    General Zia ul Haq who removed Bhutto in a coup
    and later hanged him, accelerated the process.
    The exact number of madrassas cannot be known
    because of the lack of registration or census.
  • But during the Cold War, the number of madrassas
    burgeoned rapidly and tens of thousands were set
    up offering only a narrow interpretation of Islam
    in which young people were indoctrinated into the
    concept of a violent jihad against unbelievers,
    and taught to believe that death on the
    battlefield fighting against the enemies of Islam
    such as the Soviet Union would ensure eternal
    paradise for the Islamic fighters.

Curricula in schools
  • The following quotes are taken from an in depth
    study of what Pakistani school children are being
    taught in a compilation entitled The Subtle
    Subversion - The State of Curricula and Textbooks
    in Pakistan by A.H. Nayyar and Ahmed Salim
  • Madrassas are not the only institutions breeding
    hate, intolerance, a distorted world view, etc.
    The educational material in the government run
    schools do much more than madrassas. The
    textbooks tell lies, create hate, incite for
    jehad and shahadat, and much more. Children are
    now taught that the history of Pakistan starts
    from the day the first Muslim set foot in India.
    History and Pakistan studies textbooks rarely
    mention the ancient and non-controversial
    cultures of the Indus valley (Moenjodaro,
    Harrappa and Kot Diji), and completely bypass the
    entire Buddhist and Hindu periods of history.
  • A call for change was made by Pakistani Federal
    Minister for Education Ms Zobaida Jalal in a
    statement published in the Pakistan Tribune
    online in March 2004
  • a committee has been constituted to work out
    recommendations for deletion of material from
    curricula which is aimed at fomenting hatred
    against India adding that the committee will
    submit its recommendations within a month.
    Several social organizations have raised
    objection that hatred is fanned against India
    through the curricula of educational institutions
    in Pakistan. Government has set up a committee to
    look into the matter and send its recommendations
    within a month

Economy and exports
  • Pakistan remains primarily an agricultural
    economy. Not a single wrist-watch, scooter or
    motorcycle has appeared on the international
    market with a Made in Pakistan label on it
  • Diversified economies of Karachi and Punjab's
    urban centers, coexist with lesser developed
    areas in other parts of the country
  • The Economic crisis of 2008 led Pakistan to seek
    more than 100 billion in aid in order to avoid
    possible bankruptcy.This was never given to
    Pakistan and it had to depend on a more
    aggressive fiscal policy, backed by the IMF
  • Apparel and textiles accounts for nearly 60 of
  • Industry Food processing, chemicals
    manufacture, and the iron and steel industries
  • Karachi's Orangi Township has surpassed Dharavi
    as Asias largest slum.

Façade of Indigenous production
  • Pakistani spokespersons never tire of speaking of
    Pakistan's indigenous missiles - given names like
    Hatf, Ghauri and Shaheen. These brave names may
    perhaps be essential for national pride, but even
    a cursory search of authoritative sources shows
    that Pakistan's Hatf, Ghauri and Shaheen missiles
    are Chinese M-9 or M-11 missiles, or North Korean
    No-Dong missiles
  • Pakistani authorities have to maintain a facade
    of indigenous production for items that are
    widely known to be imported. The most likely
    reason for maintaining this charade of indigenous
    development of missiles is to obscure the fact
    that dangerous, nuclear capable missiles are
    being supplied by countries like China and North
    Korea to Pakistan ignoring international treaties
    that forbid such exports

Pakistans trouble belt
  • Pakistan's border region with Afghanistan serves
    as a safe haven for domestic and international
    terrorist groups. Since 9/11, it has caused
    tension with Kabul and sparked international
    security concerns. The region also poses one of
    the greatest challenges toward building a stable
    Afghanistan. The 1,600-mile border, known as the
    Durand Line, divides tribes of the Pashtun ethnic
    group on either side of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
    But the boundary drawn by the British in 1893 was
    never recognized by Afghanistan and has long been
    disregarded by tribal clans in the area.
  • The Pakistan side of the border includes the
    provinces of Balochistan, the North West Frontier
    Province, and the seven tribal agencies of the
    Federally Administered Tribal Areas. On the
    Afghan side, the frontier stretches from Nuristan
    province in the northeast to Nimruz in the

  • Islamabad has historically held limited power
    over this semiautonomous tribal region made up of
    seven agencies of various Pashtun tribes. It is
    the poorest and the least developed part of
    Pakistan, marked by harsh geography and scarce
    infrastructure. After 9/11, the area came under
    scrutiny over concern that terrorists, including
    al-Qaeda operatives, sought shelter and training
  • Under U.S. pressure, the Pakistani government has
    sought to control militancy by deploying
    thousands of Pakistani troops in the region, but
    it has achieved little success as militancy has
    grown and security across the country has
    deteriorated. So far, Pakistan's military
    strategy to deal with the insurgency has involved
    peace deals with militants interspersed with
    military offensives that employ heavy force to
    clear militant-held areas. In 2008, the United
    States started a covert program of air strikes
    using unmanned drone aircraft to target suspected
    terrorists in the tribal areas. These strikes
    have fueled anti-Americanism inside Pakistan.
    While officially the Pakistani government
    denounces these strikes, according to news
    reports these strikes have been quietly approved
    by the Pakistani army and the government.

North West Frontier Province
  • Pakistans military efforts to control extremism
    in the tribal areas following 9/11 had the
    unintended consequence of causing bloodshed in
    the bordering North West Frontier Province
    (NWFP). Suicide attacks are on the rise, and in
    2009, the Pakistani government launched an
    aggressive military campaign to regain districts
    of Swat and Buner from the Taliban.
  • Fiercely independent Pashtuns make up the largest
    ethnic group in the North West Frontier Province,
    as well as half the population of Afghanistan.
    The area is thought to harbor al-Qaeda and
    Taliban supporters.

  • The Baloch tribes of this resource-rich,
    poverty-stricken province have long been angered
    over what they say is Islamabads failure to
    develop the area, the influx of
    Pashtunsincluding Afghan refugeesand Punjabis
    into the area, and contamination linked to the
    1998 nuclear test. A large number of Balochs live
    in Iran as well, leading to border tensions
    between the two countries.
  • Balochistan has seen multiple, usually ethnically
    driven, insurgency movements since 1948, and the
    Pakistani state has often used brutal military
    force to suppress them. More recently, these
    insurgencies have been driven by political and
    economic marginalization, with Balochis demanding
    greater job opportunities at the newly
    constructed Gwadar port as well as a greater
    share of royalties for gas shipped to neighboring
  • The ethnic Pashtun-dominated Taliban is also
    active throughout Balochistan, particularly in
    the city of Quetta. Quetta is most likely the
    place Osama bin Laden and Afghan Taliban leader
    Mullah Mohammad Omar are hiding, according to
    some analysts. Several terrorist attacks,
    primarily of utilities and transportation
    targets, have been linked to the violent arm of
    the nationalist movement known as the Baloch
    Liberation Army.

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