Specialty Engineered Yarns - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Specialty Engineered Yarns


Specialty Engineered Yarns There Is A Difference! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Specialty Engineered Yarns

Specialty Engineered Yarns
There Is A Difference!
Specialty Engineered Yarns
PRODUCTS Binders Braiders Fillers I.D.
Markers Lacing Cords Motor Tie Cords Ripcords Semi
-Conductive Serving Tubes Strength Members
MARKETS Telecommunication Fiber Optics Copper
Cable Power Cables Control Appliance Umbilical
Cables Mechanical Rubber Hoses Drive Belts
CONSTRUCTIONS Cable Twist Low Twist Flat
Yarn Twisting to Specs.
Specialty Engineered Yarns
FINISHES Low-Extractable Lube Non-Wick Nylon Pol
yurethane Water Swellable
COLORS Dyed to Match NEMA Specs. U.L.
Specs. Custom Specs
PACKAGES Straight Edge Beveled Edge Cones To
11.5 Lengths To 11.5 Diameters Multi-End
Winding Single End Winding Custom Specs.
2 - General SEY Markets
  • Wire Cable
  • Mechanical Rubber Goods

V Belts
Wire Cable
2 - Wire Cable Markets
  • Telecommunication
  • Power

Generally similar manufacturing processes are
used in both of these Wire Cable Markets.
  • 2 - Primary Types
  • Copper Cables
  • Fiber Optic Cables

Copper Cables - Power or telecommunication
cables that have a copper core or have a stranded
copper core inside. The copper is used to carry
the power or signal. Generally copper cables are
constructed using Binders, Ripcords and Marker
Yarns. Some also have Filler Yarns. All of the
textiles are sold either soft or non-wicking.
Fiber Optic Cables - Used for telecommunication
cables that have a glass core or is stranded. The
glass is used to carry the signal. Generally
glass cables are constructed using Binders,
Ripcords and Marker Yarns. Some also have Filler
Yarns. All of the textiles are sold with a water
swellable finish to prevent leaks if the outer
shell gets nicked. Most aerial cables have a
strength member to prevent elongation of the
glass and reduce signal strength.
Wire Cable Yarns
  • Specialty yarns that are used in the
    manufacturing of Wire or Cables to do one or more
    of the following
  • To help hold the bundles of components together
  • To add strength (strength member).
  • To fill void spaces in the construction (filler).
  • To help in identifying the cables origin
  • To assist in opening the jacket (ripcord).

Outer Jacket Inner Jacket Strength Member Binder
Yarn Central Strength Member Ripcord Water
Blocking Agent
Typical Wire Cable Process
The Binder Cob is rotating at a very high speed
around the Cable (over 2000 RPM) wrapping the
Binder Yarn around the Mylar Tape that is holding
the bundle of wires together prior to Jacketing.
Due to this high speed, a tremendous amount of
tension is applied to the yarn. The Binder Cob
slides on a spindle that is only slightly smaller
than the inside diameter of the Tube. Therefore,
the inside tube diameter is very critical.
1500dX1 Non-wick beveled edge package. Pkg Size
7 X 5 X 8 hard wind.
The Marker Packages are supplying yarn to the
cable as it is pulled through the machine. One
marker yarn indicates the year the cable is
manufactured, and the other marker yarn indicates
the Company Location where the cable was made.
Typical Wire Cable Process
Here a Planetary Set-up is used where the bombs
of Binder Yarn are rotating around the cable
holding the Copper tape (armour) and cable
together until it goes through the final
jacketing process
Wires used for Telecommunication Cables come in
only 10 colors. However, bundles of wires are
bound with a Polypropylene ID Tape that comes in
10 colors. Sometimes more than one ID Tape is
used on larger cable bundles.
Binder Yarns - Refers to yarns that are used to
wrap a bundle of stranded, insolated wires in the
manufacturing of Cables. The purpose of Binders
is to hold the bundle together until the
jacketing operation. Most Binder yarns are made
in either with a Low Twist or a Flat Yarn
Polyester construction. Other fibers are also
available. Binder yarns are also available in
Soft, with a Non-Wicking finish or with a Water
Swellable finish. AEs brand Anetec Binder
Photo of 19 strand medium voltage power
cable. Binder yarn soft and no twist.
Anetec Binder Yarns
Precision wound Binder Yarns that consistently
deliver more length per tube!
Telecommunication Wire Mfg. Process
We Hold It All Together!
Anetec Binder Yarns
  • Fibers
  • High Tenacity Polyester
  • Mid Tenacity Polyester
  • Other Fibers
  • Yarn Constructions
  • Low Twist
  • Flat Yarn
  • Finishes
  • Non-Wicking
  • Soft (Wicking)
  • Water Swellable
  • Yarn Packages
  • Diameters up to 11.5 Inches
  • Lengths up to 11 Inches
  • Multiple End Winding Available

All Sizes of Binder Packages
High Tenacity Polyester - Refers to FOY
polyester yarns that have a greater strength per
size. Using high tenacity Polyester yarns allows
you to down-size the yarn bundle but still meet
minimum strength requirements. Smaller yarn sizes
allows AE to wind more yarn on a package, which
means fewer work stoppages. Example Generally
high tenacity polyester will be 7.8 to 8.3 gpd.
Mid Tenacity Polyester - Refers to FOY polyester
yarns that have a lower strength per size than
High Tenacity Polyester yarns. Using mid tenacity
Polyester yarns means you will have to use a
larger yarn bundle to meet minimum strength
requirements. Larger yarn sizes means there will
be less yarn wound on a package, which means more
work stoppages. Generally, mid tenacity polyester
will be 5.5 to 6.3 gpd.
Low Twist Construction - Refers to any type of
yarn that has a low level of twist (single ply or
multi-ply). These yarns are oval shaped and their
primary usage is in Binder yarns and Ripcords for
unarmored cables. Flat Yarn Construction - Is a
non-twisted monocord construction to provide the
lowest profile so less jacketing material is
required. The primary use is for Binder Yarns.
Low Twist
Jacket Diameter
Flat Yarn
Cable Twist
Finishes for Wire Cable Industry
  • Copper Cables (gel filled flooded)
  • Soft (Wicking)
  • Nonwick
  • Fiber Optic Cables (dry filled)
  • Water Swellable
  • Nonwick

Non-Wicking Finish Refers to a finish applied
to SEY yarns that inhibits the passage of water
along the yarn providing a barrier against
moisture migration. This finish is topically
applied. Our in-line non-wick product has a
optical indicator (tan color) to show the
presence of non-wick solution. Soft (Wicking)
Finish Refers to an SEY yarn that will not
inhibit the passage of water along the yarn.
Usually this is a bright white color as compared
to the non-wick product. Water Swellable Finish
Refers to a finish that when it gets wet swells
to prevent the passage of moisture into the cable
or wire. This Finish swells to inhibit the
passage of moisture through the jacket that
keeps the cable dryer allowing for a better
Multiple End Winding Refers to the ability to
wind multiple ends together. The individual yarns
can be designed to run parallel to each other or
they can cross over each other. This product can
be unwound to either separate yarn paths or
through a single yarn path.
Anetec Binder Yarns
  • Features Benefits
  • Precision Wound Packages - Fewer Faults - More
    Consistent Quality Binding
  • - Increased Line Speed
  • - Capable of building larger package sizes
  • - Reduced Operator Intervention due to
  • Increased Yield Per Tube - Fewer Machine
  • - More Production Output - Higher Profits
  • Low Twist Yarn Constructions - Excellent Filament
    Integrity for Protection
  • Flat Binder Yarn - Lower Yarn Profile
  • Non-wick Finish - Reduces Moisture Migration
  • Water Swelled Finish - Better Protection against
  • - Dryer Cable - Better signal

Ripcord Yarns Refers to a yarn bundle that is
inside the inner and outer Jackets that is used
to slit open the Jackets for easier access to the
copper or fiber-optic strands. Ripcords can be
made from Aramids, Polyester and Nylon. They can
also be made with either a Cable Twist, Low Twist
or in a Flat Yarn construction. Generally a Cable
Twist is recommended on Cables with Armoured
Cable Twist Construction - Refers to a two end
construction used primarily for Ripcords used on
cables with armoured jackets. ONLY available in 2
ply. Cable Twisted yarns typically have 5 to 6
twist per inch producing a round cross-section.
Outer Jacket Inner Jacket Strength Member Binder
Yarn Central Strength Member Ripcord Water
Blocking Agent
Anetec Ripcords
Telecommunication Cable
High Performance Precision Wound Packages
We Rip It!
Anetec Ripcords
  • Fibers
  • Aramids
  • Polyester
  • Nylon
  • Yarn Constructions
  • Cable Twist
  • Low Twist
  • Flat Yarn
  • Finishes
  • Non-Wicking
  • Soft (Wicking)
  • Water Swellable
  • Yarn Packages
  • Diameters up to 11.5 Inches
  • Lengths up to 11 Inches

Anetec Ripcords
  • Features Benefits
  • Cable Twisted Ripcord - Improved Tearing Action
  • - Better Abrasion Resistance
  • - Fewer Ripcord Failures
  • - Ideal for Armored Cables
  • Low Twist Ripcord - Increased Yield Compared To
    Cable Twisted
  • - Not recommended For Armored Cables
  • Precision Wound Packages - Better Quality Ripcord
  • - Increased Line Speed
  • - Reduced Operator Intervention Due To Breaks

Anetec Ripcords
  • Features Benefits
  • Increased Yield Per Tube - Fewer Machine
    Stoppages due to more yarn
  • per package
  • - More Production Output - Higher Profits
  • Non-wick Finish - Helps prevent moisture
  • Water Swelled Finish - Better Protection Against
  • - Dryer Cable - Better signal

Marker Yarns Refers to textile yarns that are
introduced for identification purposes. The yarns
are used to identify the manufacturer, the
manufacturing location, date of manufacture, and
also identify NEMA requirements. AEs brand name
for this product is Anetec Marker Yarns.
Anetec Marker Yarns
Precision Wound Marker Yarns That Make Your
Products Easy To Identify
Got Your I.D.!
Anetec Marker Yarns
  • Finishes
  • Non-Wicking
  • Wicking
  • Yarn Constructions
  • Low Twist
  • Flat Yarn
  • Twisted
  • Textured
  • Yarn Packages
  • Diameters up to 11.5 Inches
  • Lengths up to 11 Inches
  • Cones or Straight Build
  • Fibers
  • Polyester
  • Nylon

Anetec Marker Yarns
  • Features Benefits
  • Consistent Colors - Your identification Standard
    Can Be Global
  • High Energy Dyes - Excellent Color Fastness
  • Precision Wound Packages - Reduced Operator
    Intervention Due To Breakage
  • Increased Yield Per Tube - Fewer Machine
  • - More Production Output - Higher Profits
  • Non-Wick Finishes Available.

Package Constructions
  • Bombs
  • Cones
  • Tubes
  • Spools
  • Cob

Braider Tubes
  • All Cobs are slit for easier removal of the
    package from customers equipment.
  • Most cob walls are .25 thickness.

Slit in Cob
Straight Build Package - Refers to any type of
package that has shoulders that are wound
perpendicular to the yarn carrier. These types of
packages offer the greatest cubic volume for yarn
space. Traditionally the corners of these
packages are weak points and they do not stand up
well to high levels of centrifugal force.
Beveled Shoulder Package - Refers to a package
that is tapered on both ends with sharp corners
allowing for more yardage than a bi-conical
package. This package will withstand higher
levels of centrifugal force than a straight build
Bi-conical Refers to a package that has a
gradual taper on both ends. Usually they are not
as hard as a straight or beveled edge package,
however they cannot hold as much yarn.
Ordering the right package size is very critical
on SEY Products for proper operation. Therefore,
the following dimensions must be obtained before
an order for SEY can be processed. Package
Dimensions - Length Inside Diameter
Outside dimeter 7 X 5
X 8
Outside Diameter
Inside Diameter of Cob
Beveled Edge Package Key Dimensions
7 inches
Inside Diameter
8 inches
Found on PO
Beginning Traverse
6 1/2 inches
Ending Traverse
5 inches
  • Control
  • Umbilical
  • Appliance

Appliance Cable
Control Cable
Umbilical Cable
Control Cables - Refers to power cables used to
carry either medium or high voltage current for
industrial applications or from curb to
residence. Generally, control cables are
constructed using Binders, Ripcords, and Fillers.
Textile yarns used in control cables are usually
soft finish.
Umbilical Cables - Generally, refers to sealed
cables that are used for running power cables and
other operational lines to Deep Well Drilling
Applications, Submersibles, or other Remote
Control devices. Generally, ripcords are not used
because when an umbilical cable is used for so
many pulls, it is replaced. Umbilical cables are
used to retrieve the powered unit. Products used
would include Binders, Strength Members, Fillers,
and Braiders.
Appliance Cables - Power cables used in
appliances to carry low to medium voltage. These
cables generally have a braided jacket that is
made from polyester. In some special
applications, appliance cables can also have
braided jackets made from special fibers like
glass, Nomex, nylon, etc. Also, many appliance
cables are hermetically sealed. These cables are
also used for instrumentation in the aviation
Power Cables also use Binders and Ripcords
similar to Telecommunication Cables.
Braider Yarns - Refers to yarns used in the
manufacturing of power cables. The Braider Yarns
act as an insulator when used in conjunction with
a Mylar tape. Braider Yarns can be made from
Polyester, Nylon, Nomex, Fiberglass, or Cotton.
They are usually produced in either a Low Twist
or Flat Yarn Construction.
Braider Yarns
Outer Braid
Inner Braid
Anetec Braider Yarns
Precision Wound Braider Yarns That Provide
Superior Coverage!
High Performance Precision Wound Packages
Anetec Braider Yarns
  • Fibers
  • Polyester
  • Nylon
  • Nomex
  • Fiberglass
  • Cotton
  • Finishes
  • Prepared for Hermetic Finish
  • Polyamide
  • Others
  • Yarn Packages
  • Diameters up to 3.5 Inches
  • Lengths up to 6.5 Inches
  • Biconical
  • Yarn Constructions
  • Low Twist
  • Flat Yarn

Polyester Braider Yarns most common braider
yarn used in most appliances produced
today. Nylon Braider Yarns used on some wiring
harnesses and railroad signal cables. Nomex
Braider Yarns used for the Department of
Defense work used in aviation products. Fiber
Glass Braider Yarns used for petrochemical
cables to withstand high temperature. Cotton
Braider Yarns used for appliances, umbilical
cables where the specs have not been updated.
Prepared for Hermetic Finish Hermetic Finish
Cables are sealed cables that have been purified.
Braider Yarns prepared for Hermetic processing
have been sterilized in an autoclave. Most
appliance cables being made today are
Hermetically processed. The most common size yarn
used for this application is a 250d polyester.
Anetec Braider Yarns
  • Features Benefits
  • High Fill Count Yarn - Better Spread - Better
  • Precision Wound Packages - Deliver Better Quality
    High Fill Count Yarn
  • - Reduced Filament Damage
  • - Reduced Operator Intervention due to Breaks
  • Custom Wind Angles - More consistent feed to the
    Braider Carrier
  • Increased Yield Per Tube - Fewer Machine
  • - More Production Output - Higher Profits
  • High Energy Dyes - Excellent Resistance to Heat
  • Hermetic Finish - Compliance to all Standards

Precision Wound Packages
Individual End Control . Can your current
Supplier Do This!
Increase Line Speeds Higher Yield Per Package (Up
To 26) Fewer Stoppages Consistent Yarn
Tensions Fewer Defects - Better Quality
Package Size Based on Specs
7 inches
Inside Diameter
8 inches
Found on PO
Beginning Traverse
6 1/2 inches
Ending Traverse
5 inches
Specialty Engineered Yarns
Rubber Goods
Major SEY Markets
  • Mechanical Rubber Yarns
  • Specialty yarns that are used in the
    manufacturing of Mechanical Rubber to do one or
    more of the following
  • Help in holding the bundles of components
  • Add strength.

Specialty Engineered Yarns
Check Out Our Web Site! www.amefird.com
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