Lecture 11General med_2nd semester - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 11General med_2nd semester


... second and fifth pairs are developmental inperspective and they soon disappear the 1st aortic arch ... (= a complex of 4 anomalies: stenosis of the pulmonary ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 11General med_2nd semester

Lecture 11 General med_2nd semester
  • Development of the heart and blood vessels
  • Blood islands and constitution of the primitive
    blood circulation in the embryo
  • Development of the heart and large arteries,
    especially aortic arches
  • Fetal blood circulation
  • Congenital malformations of the heart and major
    blood vessels

  • CVS is the first system to function in embryos
  • blood begins to circulate by the end of the 3rd
  • earliest blood vessels develop from cell
    aggregations called blood islands
  • (insulae sanguineae)
  • Cells of blood islands differentiate into 2 cell
  • - central cells - hematogoniae or hemoblasts -
    they give rise to primitive
  • red blood corpuscles (erythrocytes)
  • - outer or peripheral cells - angioblasts - they
    become flattened and give rise to endothelial
  • angioblasts then join up to form primitive blood

  • blood islands appear as red spots and gradually
  • develop in 3 locations /sites/
  • 1) in the extraembryonic mesoderm of the yolk sac
  • at about day 17 after fertilization - the
  • vasa
  • 2) in the extraembryonic mesoderm of the
  • connecting stalk - at about day 18 after
  • fertilization the umbilical vasa
  • 3) in the mesenchyme of the embryo -
  • between day 19 - 20
  • here they give rise to embryonic blood vessels
  • - ventral and dorsal aortae that are
  • by branchial or aortic arches of the branchial
  • (future neck region)
  • in total, are 6 pairs of aortic arches

Primitive blood circulation at each contraction
of the primitive heart, the blood is pumped
through ventral aortae in the aortic
arches aortic arches run within branchial arches
and open into the dorsal aortae (paired
cranially), from which the precursors of the
internal carotid artery run forwards to supply
the head on the left as well as on the right side
from the mid-cervical region, the dorsal aortae
fuse in one common trunk - unpaired dorsal aorta
The dorsal aorta sends off branches of 3
types - intersegmental arteries - run between
developing somites - vitelline arteries -
(several pairs) - run to the yolk sac -
umbilical arteries - one pair that run to the
villous chorion (chorion frondosum) and conduct
deoxygenated blood from the embryo to the placenta
to the heart the blood returns through superior
cardinal veins (left and right) from the cranial
portion of the embryonic body and through
inferior cardinal veins from the caudal part of
the embryo near the heart, both veins they join
at each side and form common cardinal vein from
the chorion frondosum, blood returns at first via
paired umbilical veins, from which the left vein
persists and brings oxygenated blood to the
embryo) from the yolk sac, blood returns to the
embryo through vitelline veins (several pairs)
  • Development of the heart
  • the first indications of the heart development
    are seen in embryos aged 18 -19 days
  • the anlage of the heart forms in the cephalic end
    of the embryonic disc and is paired
  • the splanchnic mesoderm ( mesoderm adjacent to
    the endoderm) becomes thicker and forms on the
    right and left side so called cardiogenic area
  • cells of the area migrate between mesoderm and
    endoderm and arrange as to longitudinal cellular
    strands called cardiogenic cords
  • cords become canalized to form two thin-walled
    endothelial tubes - called endocardial heart tubes

  • as the lateral folds develop, the endocardial
    heart tubes gradually approach each other and
    fuse from the cephalocaudal direction to form a
    single unpaired heart tube
  • fusion of endocardial heart tubes in one single
    is followed by a fusion of paired pericardial
    cavities so that finally
  • single (common) pericardial cavity arises

  • if fusion of both tubes is completed, the
  • heart tube lies within the pericardial
  • cavity and is attached to its dorsal
  • side by a fold of mesodermal tissue -
  • the dorsal mesocardium
  • the dorsal mesocardium is transitory
  • structure and soon degenerates
  • after disappearing of the mesocardium,
  • the heart tube is freely housed in the
  • pericardial cavity, being firmly fixed only
  • at two sites
  • at arterial (cranial) and
  • venous (caudal) ends
  • a single heart tube stage is
  • achieved during the 23 -24 day
  • when the heart begins regularly to

  • Formation of the heart wall
  • as the heart tubes fuse, the mesenchyme around
    them proliferates and forms a thick layer of
    cells - myoepicardial mantle
  • from the endothelium of the heart tube the
    myoepicardial mantle is separated by cardiac
    jelly - a gelatinous connective tissue
  • cells of the myoepicardial mantle differentiate
  • - mesothelial cells - outermost layer called
    epicardium (visceral pericardium)
  • ?- myoblasts - cardiomyocytes of myocardium
  • cells of cardiac jelly give rise to
    subendocardial layer of endocardium
  • the mentioned processes result in three-layered
    composition of the heart wall known from
    microscopic anatomy
  • the inner endocardium, the middle myocardium, and
    the outer epicardium

  • development of the heart tube then continues by
    its uneven growth in the width and in the
  • length
  • as a result of uneven growth of the heart tube in
    the width, it distinguishes in several portions
  • in caudocranial axis there are as follows
  • sinus venosus - venous end,
  • receiving blood from the umbilical,
  • vitelline and common cardiac
  • veins on each side
  • primitive atrium - separated
  • from the sinus by a terminal sulcus,
  • primitive ventricle - separated
  • from the atrium by the atrioventricular
  • sulcus,
  • both portions are connected each other
  • with an atrioventricular foramen
  • bulbus cordis - is continuous with ventricle
    through the primary interventricular foramen
    this portion will give rise to part the
    definitive right ventricle
  • truncus arteriosus - arterial end of the tube,
    which divides into paired ventral aortae
  • (in human embryos the situation is rather
    complicated - the truncus enlarges direct into
    aortic sac, blood from
  • the aortic sac enters the aortic arches)

  • Heart looping - formation of heart loop
  • heart tube then grows rapidly in length and forms
    a S-shaped loop in craniodaudal axis
  • heart looping is accompanied by changes in
    topography of individual portions of the heart
  • the cephalic portion of the tube bends in ventral
    and caudal directions and to the
  • right
  • the caudal atrial portion shifts in dorsocranial
    direction and to the left
  • after heart looping, portions of the heart become
    to lie their definitive places

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  • Septation of the heart (formation of cardiac
  • the septation process division of the heart
    into two halves down midline
  • the process begins in the 5th week and ends in a
    week later
  • 3 septae take part in division of the heart in
    the right and left chamber
  • there are as follows
  • interatrial septum
  • interventricular septum
  • aorticopulmonary septum
  • Development of the interatrial septum
  • the definitive interatrial septum shows a
    complicated development
  • septum originates from two septae that fuse each
    other after birth of the fetus
  • the septum primum and
  • the septum secundum

  • the septum primum is based upon the roof of the
    common atrium
  • it continues to grow towards the atrioventricular
  • the septum never divides the atrium in two parts
    because it does not reach to
  • atrioventricular foramen
  • a gap - called ostium primum - remains between
    border of the septum and
  • the atrioventricular foramen
  • when the ostium primum will close over, near the
    roof another opening called the
  • ostium secundum begins to form in the septum

the septum secundum (the second septum ) then
begins to grow down on the right hand side of the
septum primum from the beginning, the septum has
semilunar shape and its border delineates oval
foramen - the foramen ovale as the ostium
secundum and oval foramen lie in different
levels, the blood may pass from the right atrium
into the left atrium in the fetal period
through the oval foramen into the gap between
both septae and through the ostium secundum
  • after birth, the blood pressure on the left side
    of the heart rapidly rises as a result
  • of opening of pulmonary circulation and closing
    of the ductus arteriosus
  • the increased pressure forces cause fusion the
    septum primum with the septum
  • secundum and the fetal communication between the
    left and right atrium is closed

  • Development of the interventricular septum
  • the septum develops in the common ventricle
  • it begins to grow up the primitive heart apex to
    the atrioventricular
  • foramen

  • Development of the aorticopulmonary septum
  • this septum divides bulbus cordis into 2 main
    arterial trunks aorta and pulmonary artery
  • it has spiral path that results in final
    topographical relations of both vessels that are
    known from the anatomy

Development of the valves
  • Aortic arches
  • aortic arches are short vessels connecting
    ventral and dorsal aortae on each side
  • they run within branchial (pharyngeal) arches
  • are based gradually the 4th and 5th week, in six
    pairs in total
  • the first, second and fifth pairs are
    developmental inperspective and they soon

  • the 1st aortic arch disappears (a small portion
    persists and forms a piece of the maxillary
  • the 2nd aortic arch disappears (small portions
    of this arch contributes to the hyoid and
    stapedial arteries)
  • the 3rd aortic arch - has the same development on
    the right and left side
  • it gives rise to the initial portion of
  • the internal carotid artery,
  • the remainder of its trunk is
  • formed by the cranial portion of
  • the dorsal aorta primitive internal
  • carotid
  • the external carotid is deriving from
  • the cranial portion of the ventral aorta
  • the common carotid corresponds to a
  • portion of the ventral aorta between
  • exits of the third and fourth arches

  • the 4th aortic arch - has ultimate fate different
    on the right and left side
  • on the left - it forms a part of the arch of the
    aorta between left
  • common carotid and left subclavian artery
  • on the right - it forms the proximal segment of
    the right subclavian artery
  • the 5th aortic arch - is transient and soon

  • the 6th aortic arch - pulmonary arch - gives off
    a branch on each side that grows toward the
    developing lung bud
  • on the right side, the proximal part transforms
    into the right branch of the pulmonary artery and
    the distal part disappears
  • on the left side, the distal part persists as
    the ductus arteriosus during intrauterine life
  • the proximal part gives rise to the left branch
    of the pulmonary artery

The great arteries in the adult
  • Fetal blood circulation
  • from the placenta well-oxygenated blood is
    conducted to the fetus via umbilical vein (about
    80 saturated with oxygen)
  • about 1/3 of the blood passes through the liver
    (hepatic sinusoids), whereas the remainder
    bypasses the liver going through the ductus
    venosus direct into the inferior vena cava
  • the inferior vena cava enters the right atrium of
    the heart
  • the blood from the inferior vena cava is largely
    directed through the foramen ovale into the left
    atrium (mixing with blood of pulmonary veins),
    from which passes into the left ventricle and
    leaves it via the ascending aorta
  • blood continues through descending aorta and is
    conducted via branches of it to the individual
  • a small volume of oxygenated blood from inferior
    vena cava remains in the right atrium and mixes
    with deoxygenated blood from the superior vena
  • the blood from the right atrium passes into the
    right ventricle and leaves it via pulmonary trunk
  • because the lungs are collapsed and have the high
    pulmonary vascular resistance, most of blood in
    the pulmonary trunk passes through the ductus
    arteriosus into the aorta (through lungs 5
    blood only goes)

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  • in order of reoxygenation, the blood returns to
    the placenta via pair of umbilical arteries
  • 3 shunts are in the fetal blood
  • circulation
  • - ductus venosus - obliterates
  • in the ligamentum venosum,
  • - foramen ovale - normally
  • closes functionally at birth,
  • - ductus arteriosus - obliterates
  • in the ligamentum arteriosum

  • Congenital malformations of the heart and great
    blood vessels
  • are relatively frequent
  • they occur in 6 - 8 children from 1 000 at birth
  • their etiology is not clear and consists in
    rather complicated development of the heart and
    blood vessels
  • most of malformations are of multifactorial
  • Anatomical and functional classification of
  • 1) malformations with the left-right shunt (short
  • oxygenated blood flows from the left to the right
    part of the heart, respectively from the aorta to
    the pulmonary trunk
  • clinically absence of cyanosis
  • - atrial septal defect (s)
  • - ventricular septal defect
  • - persistent ductus arteriosus

  • ?2) malformations with the right-left shunt
    (short circuit)
  • complicated malformations characterized by
    passage of venous blood from the right
  • to the left side
  • clinically permanent hypoxia, cyanosis of the
    central type, polyglobulia and asthma
  • - tetralogy of Fallot or morbus coerulleus ( a
    complex of 4 anomalies stenosis of the pulmonary
  • ventricular septal defect, dextroposition of
  • the aorta, hypertrophy of the right ventricle)
  • - transposition of the great vessels
  • - tricuspid atresia

  • 3) malformations without shunts (short circuits)
    - the pulmonary and systemic circulations are
  • blood volumes on the right and the left sides
    are equal
  • the group includes
  • - aortic valvular stenosis or atresia
  • - coarctation of the aorta
  • - double aortic arch
  • - right aortic arch
  • - valvular stenosis of the pulmonary artery
  • 4) abnormalities in heart position
  • - dextrocardia - the heart lies on the right
  • - ectopia cordis - the heart is located on the
    surface of the chest
  • Sequency of CM of the heart and great vessels
  • - persistent ductus arteriosus
  • - ventricular septal defect
  • - tetralogy of Fallot
  • - atrial septal defect (s)

  • a spleen is entirely mesodermal in origin
    developmentally it has close relations to the
  • an anlage of the spleen occurs during weeks 4-5
    within the dorsal mesentery, just dorsal to the
    greater curvature of the stomach (at this time
    the stomach still lies in midline of the body).
    The spleen develops between the mesothelial layer
    covering the dorsal mesentery. Initially it forms
    as isolated spleen islands, which then coalesce
    (in some ungulates, the spleen remains as
  • adult position of the spleen As the stomach
    rotates the spleen is carried to the left with
    the dorsal mesentery. The mesentery fuses to the
    dorsal wall of the coelom where the left
    urogenital ridge is developing. A short stretch
    of mesentery joining the spleen to the ridge is
    known as the lienorenal ligament. The artery to
    the spleen is a branch of the coeliac artery and
    runs in the mesentery in a tortuous way.
  • an accessory spleen tissue arises (sometimes even
    in the pancreas) in as many as 10 of the
    population this anomalous situation in humans
    therefore corresponds to that found normally in
    some animals.
  • the spleen makes lymphocytes and produces, stores
    and destroys red blood cells both in the fetus
    and after birth

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