We will provide a summary of the text. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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We will provide a summary of the text.


Learning Objective We will provide a summary of the text. Activate Prior Knowledge The central idea is the most important idea about a topic. Identify the sentence ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: We will provide a summary of the text.

Learning Objective
We will provide a summary of the text.
Activate Prior Knowledge
The central idea is the most important idea about
a topic. Identify the sentence that is the
central idea of the passage.
Passage A Topic Sun 1. The sun is a dangerous
thing. 2. Every second that you spend outside
under the suns rays is harmful to you. 3.
Exposure to the sun has been known to cause
premature aging, wrinkles, and even skin cancer.
Passage B Topic Chicken Eggs 1. Chicken eggs
need much care in order to hatch. 2. The eggs
must be kept at a temperature of about 99
degrees. 3. Every 8-12 hours the eggs must be
Concept Development
A summary is a short restatement1 of the meaning
of a text.
A summary includes Central idea the most important idea about the topic. Key details important sentences or phrases that explain2 the central idea
A summary leaves out Minor details that are not important. Personal opinions.
Writing a Summary
Original Text
Summary Hurricanes are large storms with strong
winds. They cause damage from flooding due to the
storm surge, yet they do an important job of
moving heat to cooler places.
Not an example of a good summary
Hurricanes are the largest storms on earth!
People should not live in areas that have a lot
of hurricanes.
Skill Development/Guided Practice
A summary is a short restatement of the meaning
of a text.
A summary includes Central idea the most important idea about the topic. Key details important sentences or phrases that explain the central idea
A summary leaves out Minor details that are not important. Personal opinions.
Original Text
Summary _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Summary Checklist q Central ideas in? q Key details in? q Minor details out? q Opinions out?
Explain what is wrong with this summary
A toothache means you have a cavity. It means you
were bad and ate too much sugar and the bacteria
are feasting on it, causing your teeth to decay.
Now as punishment, you will have to have your
teeth drilled and filled.
Skill Development/Guided Practice
A student wrote the summary below about the text
Amelia Earhart. Read the text, and cross out any
sentences in the summary that do not
belong. Explain why the sentence(s) do not belong
in the summary.
Original Text
Amelia Earhart 1. In 1928, Amelia Earhart
became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic
Ocean as a passenger. 2. Then, in 1932, she
became the first woman to pilot a plane across
that ocean. 3. Earhart became famous
after the trip and inspired many women to follow
their dreams. 4. She was honored at receptions
and with a parade in New York City. 5. President
Coolidge called to congratulate her on crossing
the Atlantic. 6. She wrote a book about her
first flight across the Atlantic. 7. She
continued to break records. 8. At age 40,
she wanted to be the first woman to fly around
the world, a trip of 29,000 miles. 9. She and
navigator Fred Noonan had completed all but 7,000
miles of the trip when the plane disappeared over
the Pacific Ocean. 10. No one knows what
happened, but Earhart has become a beacon1 of
courage for women and aviators ever since.

Summary Amelia Earhart was the first woman to
fly across the Atlantic Ocean. Her fame grew in
many ways and inspired other women. She was
honored at receptions. President Coolidge called
to congratulate her. Her goal to be the first
woman to fly around the world ended when her
plane disappeared over the ocean. Earhart has
become a beacon of courage.
A summary is a short restatement of the meaning
of a text.
Providing a summary of text will help you become
a better reader and share information quickly.
You read a long article about new clothes styles
in an e-reader. By summarizing, you are able to
understand the central ideas and key details,
and tell others about it quickly.
Providing a summary of text will help you in many
Summary writing is important for journalists,
police officers, scientists, teachers, business
owners and all college students.
Providing a summary of text will help you do well
on tests.
A summary is a short restatement of the meaning
of a text.
A summary includes Central idea the most important idea about the topic. Key details important sentences or phrases that explain the central idea
A summary leaves out Minor details that are not important. Personal opinions.
Skill Closure
Original Text
Clocks 1. People started making
clocks when they needed to organize their time
better. 2. They had calendars for months and
years. 3. But they needed to track time during
the day. 4. Early examples of clocks
included sundials that measured the movement of
the sun across the sky. 5. Then came the idea of
burning objects at a certain rate, such as when
candles, oil lamps, or incense would burn past
marked lines or knotted cords. 6. Modern
clocks meet the same need with advanced
technology. 7. In the 1600s clocks were made with
a mechanical balance wheel, and progressed to a
pendulum, like you see in grandfather clocks. 8.
Today most clocks use vibrating quartz crystals,
or atomic waves.
112 words
Summary _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Summary Checklist q Central ideas in? q Key details in? q Minor details out? q Opinions out?
Access Common Core
Ellen said the summary above should have said
Clocks are the most important invention of our
world. Explain why she is incorrect.
Summary Closure
What did you learn today about providing a
summary of text? (Pair-Share) Use words from the
word bank. Day 1 _________________________________
__________ Day 2 _________________________________
Independent Practice
A summary is a short restatement of the meaning
of a text.
A summary includes Central idea the most important idea about the topic. Key details important sentences or phrases that explain the central idea
A summary leaves out Minor details that are not important. Personal opinions.
Original Text
The Phonograph 1. The invention of the
phonograph by Thomas Alva Edison had a huge
influence on our everyday life. 2. For the first
time, we could capture sound and replay it.
3. Edison figured out a way to record sound on
tinfoil-coated cylinders1. 4. In 1877, he created
a machine with two needles one for recording and
one for playback. 5. When Edison spoke into the
mouthpiece, the sound vibrations of his voice
would be indented onto the cylinder by the
recording needle. 6. "Mary had a little lamb"
were the first words that Edison recorded on the
phonograph and he was amazed when he heard the
machine play them back to him. 7. Edison
suggested other uses for the phonograph, such as
letter writing and dictation2, books for blind
people, a family record by recording family
members in their own voices, music boxes and
toys, clocks that announce the time, and a
connection with the telephone so communications
could be recorded. 8. Many of these uses have
become a reality today!

163 words
Summary _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Summary Checklist q Central ideas in? q Key details in? q Minor details out? q Opinions out?
Periodic Review 1
Original Text Harry Houdini 1. Harry
Houdini was a master of illusion1. 2. He was
known worldwide as an escape artist who
dramatically freed himself from ropes, shackles,
and handcuffs. 3. In 1899, Houdini advanced his
career by deciding to concentrate on escapes
instead of magic tricks. 4. He created
seemingly impossible life-or-death escapes. 5.
His first popular escape in 1908 was getting out
of a giant milk can filled with water. 6. In
1913, Houdini performed the Upside Down Water
Torture Cell escape. 7. Houdini's ankles were
secured in a brace and he was put under water,
upside down and locked in place in full view of
the audience. 8. From this position, he freed
himself and escaped from the water cell.
9. In 1918, in the middle of a brightly lit stage
in New York City, Houdini made a 10,000-pound
elephant disappear. 10. When Houdini fired a
pistol, the elephant vanished from view. 11.
Houdini had created a sensation. 12. This
incredible trick made Houdini famous around the
world. 155 words
Summary _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Summary Checklist q Central ideas in? q Key details in? q Minor details out? q Opinions out?
Access Common Core
Summary 1. Langston Hughes was a writer of the
Harlem Renaissance,1 an African American artistic
movement of the 1920s. 2. Hughes was raised by
his grandmother until he was 12. 3. He wrote
about what he knew, but especially the low-down
folks whom he praised for accepting their own
beauty. 4. He also wrote about the music of his
people, especially the blues. 5. These were
songs about people determined to overcome
hardships2. 68 words
1. Which sentence does not belong in this
summary? (underline)Explain why.
_____________ ____________________________________
Periodic Review 2
Original Text Buffalo Bill 1.
William Frederick Cody, known as Buffalo Bill,
was a buffalo hunter, U.S. army scout, and an
Indian fighter. 2. But he is probably best known
as the man who gave the Wild West its name. 3. He
produced a colorful show called Buffalo Bill's
Wild West Show, which helped create a lasting
image of the American West, as seen in Hollywood
movies and television. 4. William Cody
became famous through the writings of Ned
Buntline. 5. The writer made "Buffalo Bill" the
hero in a number of his books. 6. These stories
made Buffalo Bill famous in the East. 7. Cody
actually saw his story performed on stage in New
York. 8. Then, Buffalo Bill decided to try
his hand at show business. 9. In 1883, he came up
with the idea for the Wild West Show. 10. It was
an outdoor spectacle1 designed to educate and
entertain. 11. In 1887, the show performed in
New York City with 100 Indians, Annie Oakley,
trick riders, ropers, and shooters, as well as
many different wild animals. 12. The show was
four hours long and included Indian war dances
and an "attack" on a stagecoach. 13. The show
even went on tour to England and Europe.

192 words
Summary _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Summary Checklist q Central ideas in? q Key details in? q Minor details out? q Opinions out?
Access Common Core
Original Text Langston Hughes 1. Langston
Hughes was one of the most important writers and
thinkers of the Harlem Renaissance, which was the
African American artistic movement in the 1920s
that celebrated black life and culture. 2. While
working as a busboy in Washington, D.C., he gave
three of his poems to Vachel Lindsay, a famous
critic. 3. Lindsay's praise won Hughes some
early recognition. 4. Like so many writers,
he wrote about what he knew -- the people, places
and events around him. 5. Although Hughes was
friendly with people from all walks of life, the
rich, the middle class and the poor, it was the
people he called the "low-down folks" who had the
greatest influence on his poetry. 6. Hughes used
this expression as a form of praise. 7. He
admired these people because "they accept what
beauty is their own without question." 8.
Hughes also wrote about the music of his people,
especially the blues, songs that express sad
themes. 9. He heard this music in clubs in
Chicago, New York, Kansas City and Washington,
D.C. 10. The songs he heard were about people
who were determined to overcome hardships.
180 words
Here are two summaries of this passage. Explain
which is the better one and why.
Summary 1 1. Langston Hughes was a writer of
the Harlem Renaissance, an African American
artistic movement of the 1920s. 2. He wrote about
what he knew, but especially the low-down folks
whom he praised for accepting their own beauty.
3. He also wrote about the music of his people,
especially the blues. 4. These were songs about
people trying to overcome hardships.
Summary 2 1. Langston Hughes was the finest
writer of the Harlem Renaissance, an African
American artistic movement of the 1920s that had
an enormous influence on American life. 2.
Hughes success was due to his friendliness. 3.
He also wrote great poems about the great music
that he heard in the clubs he visited.
Explain _________________________________________
________________ _________________________________
_______________________________ __________________
______________________________________________ ___
Periodic Review 3
Original Text Manjiro 1. A 14-year-old
boy named Manjiro was the first Japanese citizen
to come to America, and was the key to the
opening of the closed Japanese society in the
mid-1800s. 2. Japan was ruled by Shoguns1 who cut
off the country from any contact with the outside
world. 3. On a fishing trip, Manjiros
crew was shipwrecked in a storm. 4. After five
months on a desert island, an American whaling
ship from Massachusetts rescued them. 5. Due to
his intelligence, young Manjiro was adopted by
William Whitfield, the ships captain. 6. Manjiro
was invited to continue on the voyage, eventually
returning to America where he was educated in
English and navigation. 7. After many
adventures on land and sea, Manjiro at age 24
decided to go back to Japan. 8. Although he was
charged for leaving the country, Manjiro was
eventually elevated2 to the status of samurai3.
9. He went on to serve as a translator and
ambassador between Japan and the West, as well
as a professor of English and navigation. 10. By
his teaching of the leaders and students of Japan
about America, he helped open Japan to the West
and the modern world.
187 words
Summary _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Summary Checklist q Central ideas in? q Key details in? q Minor details out? q Opinions out?
Access Common Core
Take a recent book youve read, or a movie youve
seen, and write a summary of it to read to the
class. Be sure to include the central ideas and
key details so your class understands what
happened and why. Before revealing the title, see
if your classmates can guess what book or movie
you summarized. It should be limited to 3-4
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