Title: "Iterative Learning Control": From Academia to Industry
1"Iterative Learning Control" From Academia to
- YangQuan Chen
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Utah State University
- A Seminar at The University of Windsor
- June 14, 2001
- What is Iterative Learning Control (ILC)
- Historical Comments
- From Analysis to Design
- Industrial Application I (ABB robots)
- Industrial Application II (Seagate HDD)
- To Probe Further and My Recent Results
- Concluding Remarks
- What can we human beings get from doing
- the same thing over and over? Yes, skill".
- When a machine is operated to perform the
- same task repeatedly, can it do the job better
- and better?
- This is "iterative learning control (ILC)".
4Control Design Problem
5Systems that Execute the Same Trajectory Over
and Over
6Errors Are Repeated WhenTrajectories are Repeated
- A typical joint angle trajectory for the example
might look like this - Each time the system is operated it will see the
same overshoot, settling - time and steady-state error. They did NOT make
use the repetitiveness! - Iterative learning control attempts to improve
the transient response by - adjusting the input to the plant during future
system operation based on - the errors observed during past operation.
7Memory based
- Iterative Learning Control Scheme is memory-based.
Learning Controller
8ILC vs. FBC
- A typical ILC algorithm has the form
Whereas a feedback control (FBC) has the form
- The subscript k indicates the trial or the
repetition number. - The subscript t indicates the time.
- All signals shown are assumed to be defined on a
finite interval t ,and t ?0,
is the input applied to the system during the k
-th trial.
is the output of the system during the k -th
is the desired output of the system.
, is the error observed between the
actual output and the desired output during the k
-th trial.
9Trial (k-1)
Trial k
Trial (k1)
(a) ILC
(b) Conventional feedback
10Feedback-Feedforward Configuration
11Arimotos 6 Postulations on ILC
- P1. Every cycle (pass, trial, batch, iteration,
repetition) ends in a fixed time of duration Tgt0. - P2. A desired output yd(t) is given a priori over
0,T. - P3. Repetition of the initial setting is
satisfied. - P4. Invariance of the system dynamics is ensured
throughout these repeated iterations. - P5. Output can be measured and the tracking error
can be utilized in the construction of the next
input. - P6. The system dynamics are invertible, that is,
for a given desired output yd(t) with a piecewise
continuous derivative, there exists a unique
input ud(t) that drives the system to produce
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- What is Iterative Learning Control (ILC)
- Historical Comments
- From Analysis to Design
- Industrial Application I (ABB robots)
- Industrial Application II (Seagate HDD)
- To Probe Further and My Recent Results
- Concluding Remarks
22ILC historical review (1)
- Historical Roots of ILC go back about 25 years.
- Idea of a multipass system studied by Owens and
Rogers in mid- to late-1970's, with several
resulting monographs. - Learning control concept introduced (in Japanese)
by Uchiyama in 1978. - Pioneering work of Arimoto, et al. 1984-present.
- Related research in repetitive and periodic
control. - 1993 Springer monograph had about 90 ILC
references. (Kevin L. Moore)
23ILC historical review (2)
- 1997 Asian Control Conference had 30 papers on
ILC (out of 600 papers presented at the meeting)
and the first panel session on this topic. - 1998 survey paper has about 250 ILC references.
- Web-based online, searchable bibliographic
database maintained by Yangquan Chen has about
500 references (see http//cicserver.ee.nus.edu.sg
/ilc). - ILC Workshop and Roundtable and three devoted
sessions at 1998 CDC. - Edited book by Bien and Xu resulting from 1997
ASCC - Springer-Verlag monograph by Chen and Wen, 1999.
24ILC historical review (3)
- 4 invited sessions at 2000 ASCC (Shanghai) with
an Invited Panel Discussion on ILC. - 3 invited sessions at ICARCV 2000 (Singapore),
- The 2nd Int. Conference on nD Systems. (Poland)
- Tutorial at ICARCV 2000 and first IEEE CDC
Tutorial Workshop 2000, Sydney. - Special Issues in Int. J. of Control (2000),
Asian J. of Control (2001) and J. of Intelligent
Automation and Soft Computing (2001). - Industrial use, e.g., Seagate and ABB (Sweden)
25ILC historical review (4)
- Murray Garden (1967). Learning control of
actuators in control systems. United States
Patent 3,555,252. - Chen, YangQuan and Kevin L. Moore. Comments on
IN CONTROL SYSTEMS. ILC Invited Sessions. In
Proc. of the ICARCV'2000 (The Sixth
International Conference on Control, Automation,
Robotics and Vision). (archeological
26Past efforts
- Past work in the field demonstrated the
usefulness and applicability of the concept of
ILC - Linear systems.
- Classes of nonlinear systems.
- Applications to robotic systems.
27Current efforts
- Present status of the field reflects the
continuing efforts of researchers to - Develop design tools.
- Extend earlier results to broader classes of
systems. - Realize a wider range of applications.
- Understand and interpret ILC in terms of other
control paradigms and in the larger context of
learning in general.
28A Partial Classification of ILC Research
- Systems
- Open-loop vs. closed-loop.
- Discrete-time vs. continuous-time.
- Linear vs. nonlinear.
- Time-invariant or time-varying.
- Relative degree 1 vs. higher relative degree.
- Same initial state vs. variable initial state.
- Presence of disturbances.
- Update algorithm
- Linear ILC vs. nonlinear ILC.
29A Partial Classification of ILC Research
- First-order ILC vs. higher-order.
- Current cycle vs. past cycle.
- Fixed ILC or adaptive ILC.
- Time-domain vs. frequency analysis.
- Analysis vs. design.
- Assumptions on plant knowledge.
- Applications
- Robotics.
- Chemical processing.
- Mechatronic systems (HDD, CD/DVD).
30Trial (k-1)
Trial k
Trial (k1)
(a) ILC with Current Cycle Feedback
(b) Higher-Order ILC
- What is Iterative Learning Control (ILC)
- Historical Comments
- From Analysis to Design
- Industrial Application I (ABB robots)
- Industrial Application II (Seagate HDD)
- To Probe Further and My Recent Results
- Concluding Remarks
32ILC Panel Discussion at ASCC2000
- General Trend from Analysis to Design
- Analysis
- Attack the Arimotos classical 6 Postulates for
ILC. - Structurally known uncertain nonlinear systems.
System class Combined Feedforward-Feedback
analysis! - Add practical constraints in analysis changing
delay, anti-windup - Spatial ILC (state-dependent repetitiveness),
distributed parameter system, redundancy in
control authorities... - Design
- How to explicitly use the available (assumed)
prior knowledge? - Systematic design method - e.g. via noncausal
filtering, Local Symmetrical Integration (LSI)
etc. - Supervisory Iterative Learning Control (e.g.
planning while tracking via ILC)
33ILC Design as easy as PID?
- Yamamoto, S. and Hashimoto, I. (1991). Recent
status and future needs The view from Japanese
industry. In Arkun and Ray, editors, Proceedings
of the fourth International Conference on
Chemical Process Control, Texas. Chemical Process
Control -CPCIV. - Survey by Japan Electric Measuring Instrument
Manufacturer's Association, more than 90 of the
control loops were of the PID type. - Bialkowski, W. L. (1993). Dreams versus reality
A view from both sides of the gap. Pulp and Paper
Canada, 94(11). - A typical paper mill in Canada has more than
2000 control loops and that 97 use PI control.
34Tuning knobs of ILC
- Only two tuning knobs
- learning gain
- bandwidth of the learning filter
- an example my ASCC2000 paper
- Chen, YangQuan and Kevin L. Moore, Improved
Path Following for an Omni-Directional Vehicle
Via Practical Iterative Learning Control Using
Local Symmetrical Double-Integration,'' Asian
Control Conference 2000, July 5-7, 2000,
Shanghai, China. pp. 1878-1883. - Note Full version of this paper will appear in
the Special Issue of ILC in Asian Journal of
Control, 2001
35LSI2-ILC Scheme
LSI2 -ILC Block Diagram
Overall control signal
LSI2 -ILC Speical Case TL2 0
LSI2 -ILC Speical Case TL 0
ILC feedforward updating law
In the sequel, TL1TL2 TL
36LSI2-ILC Analysis Design
37LSI2-ILC Design Procedures
For given TL , the optimal choice of
38Performance Limit Rule Based Learning
- Performance limit and heuristics
- Best achievable convergence rate
- Heuristics for better ILC performance (Rule
Based Learning)
1. re-evaluate TL at the end of every iteration.
2. start ILC with a smaller and increase
when the tracking error keeps decreasing and
decrease while the tracking error keeps
increasing. 3. use a cautious (larger) TL at the
beginning of ILC iteration and then decrease TL
when the ILC scheme converges to a stage with
little improvement. ...
39USU-ODV Simulation for LSI2-ILC
Three parts to the control problem Outer-Loop
Control Compute the center-of-gravity motion
required to follow the desired path. Wheel
Coordination Determine appropriate commands for
each individual wheel to produce the desired
overall vehicle motion. Smart Drive Control
Generate input signals for the actuators in each
wheel (steering motor, speed motor).
6 smart wheels
40USU-ODV Simulation for LSI2-ILC
41Standard deviation of tracking errors
It. 0 0.1852 0.1436 0.1057 1 0.1086 0.0573
0.0810 2 0.0878 0.0508 0.0629 3 0.0768 0.0378
0.0535 4 0.0679 0.0323 0.0471 5 0.0596 0.0314
1. Simple ILC scheme 2. Simple design steps 3.
Stable monotone convergence 4. Less modeling
efforts 5. Add-on to existing controller 6.
Effective in ODV path-following 7. Rule-based ILC
possible 8. Practically applicable.
- What is Iterative Learning Control (ILC)
- Historical Comments
- From Analysis to Design
- Industrial Application I (ABB robots)
- Industrial Application II (Seagate HDD)
- To Probe Further and My Recent Results
- Concluding Remarks
43ABB Robotics
- Swiss - Swedish company (part of the ABB Group)
- Production and most of the RD in Västerås,
Sweden - 600 employees (at ABB Robotics)
- Produces 10,000 robots/year
- Installed a total of 90,000 robots in the world
- Leading producer of industrial robots
44Motivation for ILC in ABB robots
- Highly repetitive dynamics
- In production (laser cutting) the same procedure
is repeated by the robot many times - Easy to implement in an already existing control
structure - Can easily co-exist with other improvements of
the control system
45Previous solution in ABB robots
- Traditional feedback and feedforward control
- Model based feedforward control (non adaptive but
user configurable) - Resulting absolute accuracy (approx) 0.5 - 5 mm
46ILC implementation for ABB Laser Cutting Robots
1. Measure the position
2. Compensate in cartesian coordinates
3. Run the program again
47After using ILC (in laser cutting)
- After the second ILC Path Errors 0.10mm
- NOTE previous error range 0.5 to 5 mm
- Tuned in approximately one minute
- Minor improvements after 2 iterations
- Improvements in the example
- No ILC
- ILC 1st Iteration 50
- ILC 2nd Iteration 61
- What is Iterative Learning Control (ILC)
- Historical Comments
- From Analysis to Design
- Industrial Application I (ABB robots)
- Industrial Application II (Seagate HDD)
- To Probe Further and My Recent Results
- Concluding Remarks
49Typical Hard Disk Drive
50Typical Hard Disk Drive
51TPI how high now?
- TPI track density (tracks per inch) in radial
direction. - High capacity high TPI.
- 80Gb HDD at 60,000 TPI
- track pitch 25.4 mm/60,000 423 nano
- tracking accuracy /- 10 425 lt 50 nano.
- Note
- no position sensor
- no velocity sensor
- no acceleration sensor
HDD servo control is a magic.
52Embedded Servo
53Why ZAP (Zero-Acceleration-Path)?
54ILC Industrial Application II My patent on ZAP
- Seagates solutions to written-in repeatable
- runout due to STW (Servo track-writer)
- J. Mooris et al. Compensations of written-in
errors in servo. US Patent 6,069,764 (2000) - B. Qiang, K. Gomez, Y. Chen, K. Ooi, Repeatable
runout compensation using iterative learning
control in a disc storage system. US Patent
Pending Serial No. 60/132,992. (1999) - Y. Chen et al. Repeatable runout compensation
using a learning algorithm with scheduled
parameters. US Patent Pending Serial No.
60/145,499. (1999)
55My Pending Patents
- 16 patent disclosures. All evaluated as pursue.
- Under processing of patent lawyers in USA
- US patent takes 3 years, first one in 2002?
- All implemented on actual hard disk drives in
assembly language (Siemens C166, 16
bits/fixed-point) in Seagate Singapore Design
Centre. - Some used in Seagate products like U8/U10
(15/30Gb) and U6 (40/80G). - Some taken as trade secret or technological
inventory. - Received 10,000 patent awards in 2000.
56Before and After ZAP
57Before and After ZAPSpectrum
58Summary of My Patent on ZAP
- Benefits
- Increase TPI and double the HDD capacity. Or, for
the same TPI, increase the reliability - Purely algorithm/code change
- Reduce STW cost
- Show the power of advanced control ideas
- Price to pay
- Extra time to learn the compensation table during
factory process - Better servo demodulator chip to embed the
learned compensation table
Used now in U6 (40/80Gb) 60KTPI product line
- What is Iterative Learning Control (ILC)
- Historical Comments
- From Analysis to Design
- Industrial Application I (ABB robots)
- Industrial Application II (Seagate HDD)
- To Probe Further and My Recent Results
- Concluding Remarks
60To probe further
- ILC web server http//cicserver.ee.nus.edu.sg/ilc
http//www.crosswinds.net/yqchen (updates,
reference library, links to other researchers
etc) - Another site http//www.ilcworld.net
61My ILC results01 (1)
- YangQuan Chen and Kevin L. Moore. On
-type Iterative Learning Control''. Submitted to
IEEE CDC'2001. - In between P-type
- and D-type.
62My ILC results01 (2)
- YangQuan Chen and Kevin L. Moore. Frequency
Domain Adaptive Learning Feedforward Control''.
The 2001 IEEE International Symposium on
Computational Intelligence in Robotics and
Automation (IEEE CIRA 2001), July 29 - August 1,
2001, Banff, Alberta, Canada. (contributed)
63My ILC results01 (3)
- YangQuan Chen, Kevin L. Moore and Vikas Bahl.
Improved Path Following of USU ODIS By
Learning Feedforward Controller Using Dilated
B-Spline Network". The 2001 IEEE International
Symposium on Computational Intelligence in
Robotics and Automation (IEEE CIRA 2001), July
29 - August 1, 2001, Banff, Alberta, Canada
(invited) - Ping Jiang and YangQuan Chen. Repetitive Robot
Visual Servoing Via Segmented Trained Neural
Network Controller''. The 2001 IEEE International
Symposium on Computational Intelligence in
Robotics and Automation (IEEE CIRA 2001), July
29 - August 1, 2001, Banff, Alberta, Canada
64My ILC results01 (4)
- YangQuan Chen and Kevin L. Moore. Frequency
Domain Analysis and Design of Learning
Feedforward Controller Using The Second Order
B-Spline Network". Automatica, 9 Feb 2001.
(Brief paper under review) - YangQuan Chen, Kevin L. Moore and Vikas Bahl,
"Learning Feedforward Controller Using Dilated
B-Spline Network Analysis and Design in
Frequency Domain". IEEE Trans. on Neural
Networks. (full paper under review May 4, 2001)
65My ILC results01 (5)
- Y. Chen and K. L. Moore, A Practical Iterative
Learning Path-Following Control of an
Omni-Directional Vehicle''. Special Issue on
Iterative Learning Control, Asian Journal of
Control. (accepted, to appear) 2001. (full paper) - Y. Q. Chen, H. F. Dou and K. K. Tan, Iterative
Learning Control Via Weighted Local-Symmetrical-I
ntegration'', Asian Journal of Control, Accepted
and scheduled in vol. 3, no. 4, 2001. (short
paper) - K. K. Tan, H. F. Dou, Y. Q. Chen and T. H. Lee,
High Precision Linear Motor Control Via
Relay-Tuned Iterative Learning Based On
Zero-Phase Filtering'', IEEE Transactions of
Control Systems Technology, vol. 9, no. 2 pp.
244-253, 2001. (full paper)
66My ILC results02
- IFAC02 (Spain), ILC Invited Session.
- High-order in time ILC design.
- ASCC02 (Singapore), ILC Invited Session.
- Monotonic (H_2 ) ILC design via feedback.
- ACC02 (Alaska), Contributed.
- Spatial ILC for autonomous ground vehicle
- an Automatica paper under preparation ...
- What is Iterative Learning Control (ILC)
- Historical Comments
- From Analysis to Design
- Industrial Application I (ABB robots)
- Industrial Application II (Seagate HDD)
- To Probe Further and My Recent Results
- Concluding Remarks
68Concluding Remarks
- Repetition improves skill, for both man and
--- Chen,Yangquan and Wen,Changyun.
Iterative Learning Control Convergence,
Robustness and Applications', Springer-
Verlag, 1999. Lecture Notes series on Control and
Information Science. Vol. LNCIS-248. (199
pages. ISBN1-85233-190-9)
- Will be as popular and effective as PID.
69Concluding Remarks
- Academia
- fusion with other existing feedback controls
- time-frequency domain
- 2-D systems etc.
- real time SPC?
- Industry
- more applications
- auto industry, mechatronic systems etc.
- chemical reactors, semiconductor processes etc.
- more design schemes
70Second-order crime
71Arts a professor wants
- Balancing between science and engineering
- Balancing between research and development
- Balancing between academia and industry
- Balancing between teaching and research and
service - etc. etc.
72Thank you! Q/A Session Please visit ILC website
http//cicserver.ee.nus.edu.sg/ilc or, http//ww
- Dr Kevin L. Moore for his leadership in ILC
research, especially, for his organization of the
First ILC Roundtable Discussion in IEEE CDC98
and IEEE CDC00 Tutorial Workshop. Some slides
are from his CDC00 presentation. - Dr Mikael Norrlöf of Linköping University for
providing some slides on the successful story on
ILC applications in ABB Robots. - My ex-colleagues and co-inventors in Seagate
Singapore Science Park, especially, Mr. K K Ooi
and Mr. M Z Ding for unforgettable creative OTs. - The University of Windsor for inviting me to
deliver this talk.